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The Address Of The Centennial Commission

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Ceilkl]Í8anrgus To tho peoplo of tho United States : Tho Óongress of tho United States ba enactod that the couipletiou of tho on hundredth ye;ir of American Iudupend onco shull bo celebratod by an Interna tional exhibition ot' tho arts, tnanufac turos and prodneta of tbc soil and mine to bo hold at Philadolphia, in 1876, anc has appointcd a commission, consistinj of representativos frotu cach Stato ant Territory, to cenduct tho celobration. Origiuating undcr the auspices of th National Legislatura, controlled by a Na tional Oommission, and designed as it i to ' Coni memórate the h'rst century o our existence, by an exhibition of the na tumi resources of the country and thei developmeut, and of our progresa in thos arts which benefit mankind, in compar iaon with thoso of older uations," it is to tho people at largo that tlio Commission look for the aid whioh is necessary to mako the Ceutennial Colebration tho grandest anniversary tho world bas eve seen. That the completion of the first een tury of our existeneo should bo inarkec by sorao imposinj; demonstration is, we toe-lieve, the patriotic wish of tho peoplo of tho whole country. Tho Congrees o: tho United States bas wiscly decided tha tho birth-day of the great republio can be most fittingly celebrated by the uni vorsal collectiou and display of all tho trophios of its progress. It is designec to bring together, within a building covering iifty acres, not only tho varied productions of our mines and of tho soil, but types of all tho intellectual triumphs of our citizens, specimens of everything that A mi'ricu can furnish, whether frorn the br.iine or the bands of her children, and thus make evident to tho world the advancement of which a self-governed peoplo is capiible. In this " celebration " all nations will bc invited to particípate, its cbaracier bemg international. Europe will display ber art and manufactures, India hor curious fubrics, while newly opened China and Japan will lay bare the treaswe which for centuries their ingenious people have been pyrfecting. Each land will compete in generous rivalry for the palm of superior excellence. To this grand gathering every zono will contribute its fruits and cercáis. No JhTTls sball bo wanting, for what tho Kvst lacks the West will supply. Under one roof shall the .South display in rich luxuriance her growing co-Won, and the North in nuniature the ceaselcss inachinory oFher milis converting that cotton into cloth. Each section of tho globo will send its beat offerings to to the exbibition, and each State of tho Union, as a mumber of ono uuited body politie, will show to her sister States and to the world how niuch she can add to tho greatnessof fchu nation of which she is a harmonious part. To mako tho Centonnial Colebration guch a success as the patriotism and tho pride of every Amcrieaa demands will uoquiro tho co operatióa of the whole people of tho country. The Uniied States Centennial Commission has received no government aid, such as ind extended to hor world's fair, and Branco t her Universal Exposition, yet the lBor and responsibility imposed upon the Commission is as great as in either of tliese andert&kiugs. It is estimated that ten millions of dollars will bo required, and this suin Congress hasprovided shall bo raised by stock subscription, and that the nuoplo shall have the opportuuity of subseribing in pruportion to the population of thelr. respective States and Territories. The Commission looks to the unftiiliïig' patriotitm of the people of every section, to see that each oontributes ita share to f.hp expenses, and receives its s'nare of the benefits of an enterpriee in which all are so deeply frrteicsteá. It would farther eirnestly urge the foimation in eaeh State and Territory of a centennial organization, which shall in time see that oounty associations are formed, bo that when tho nations are gathered togetüer in 1876 oaeh commonwealth can view with prido the contributionsshe has made to the national glory. Confidently relying on tho zcal and patriotism ever displayed by our psople in every national undertaking, we pledge and prophesy that the Centennial Celebration will worthily show how greatness, wealth and intelligence can bo fosterod by such iustitutions as tliose which have for one hundred years blessed the people of the United States. JOSEPH I?. HAWf.EY, President. Lewis-Walx Smith, Teniporary Secy.


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