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The Boston Fire--effects On Trade

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New Yokk, Nov. 17. - A Boston special says it ia roughly estitnated that .'50,000 sidus of uppur and rough leather and oalf skins were dustroyed. Already prices iii upper leather have advanced from ten to twenty per cent., and it is quite likely that a corner will be mado in this staple. Of solo leather it is known that 300,000 gidea, .at. least, wero burned, but the quantity of, hódss destreyed was very sinall, and there is no reason lor an advaucu in this material. A rise in boots and shoes is inevitable, and peoplo who come to buy must be proporei-. to pay inuch higher pricos tlian iornier]y.,.aiid select f'rom much smaller stocks.. The boot and shoe trade is regarded s in a good condition. The dealers burued out had, a general, thing, lighter stocks than niany supposed. Xhe most exact statement ot' the wool d-isiruyed, just made, gives a total of 10,225,000 pounds, distiibuted as follows : Domestie fleeee, 4,250,000 pounds; Cali.foruia, Oregon, etc. 2,000,000 ; tub, 50,000 ; sooured,. 150,000 ; pulled, 1,320,000; Australian, 1,500,000; Cape, 150,000; South America, 200,000 ; sundries, 000,000. These figures veré obtained yesterday ctireotfroui individual losers. The amount now irtbondod warefaouaes in this city, as teported at the Cutlom House yesterday. afternoon, is 147,00(),OUO-pounds; in Blriladelphia, 200,000 pounds, and in New T&orit 1.7,000,000 pounds. Most of tho small jobbers here are probably all right, but it is feared that two or three of the largest jobbers, between whom there was a_good deal of rivalry, uiay fall. There htts-been a brisk inquiry trom mauufacturers, and the sales since the fire, up to last night, have been 800,000 pounds. Cottou goods are not likely to be mucli affected. It was tho closo. of the soason ■wiien .the lire caint', and tho amount of stock in store was small. Thore was quite a larga dostruotion of earpets, some setting it as high as two huudred thousaud rolls. The Lowoll eoiupany had a largo stock destroyed. The stock from the carput milis wasraostly. sturtcL in. the eity, and within the burnt district. The market for wholesale clothing will nst be seriously att'yeted. It is njtioeabl tliat outsiders owing bilis hero are to a great extont auticipating thoir pavments. Several instances of the paymeiit of bilis duo on the lirst of December, and some as late as the first of January, have boen reported to-day and yesterday. This is the besfpossiblo aid or relief that cun bi,given to the sufforers by tho lire. The paper held by tho banka is lurgely that of outsiders,, iudorsed liy burned out liousO6, is , fcrtiir.ute tliat thu general átate of business abosad in otlier eouimnreial centers ia so satisfactory that calis are not to be made for theiv sottlemcnt. With.the t&lk about town regardiug the course oí tho fire ai.d itsnitinagoment ty the lire department there is umeh said about blowing up buildings daring tho firo. It is ussertcd by muny thut the ■Work -was doiu; improporly and illegalljv. a-Ad,th.t tlyj city eau. be held by theowner of tho property thus destroyed for dumages. It is saiit that so loosely wora permita to use powder drawn and given to different partie that they m ght, undi?r thom, Jiavü bluwn u tho entire city at thoir discretion. The number of buildiligs blown up is quito large, and the wumber of tkosu uhtiUerod itt.ulso j rabio.


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