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Bv an immfnt; practico, pjttendiiw thfoagfa .i poflod of year, h-ivin wuhin timo - tniny tlirttün:HÏ caen of tboo il'-v-r..-'-- pe uïiar in wofDftn, } bflTfl br'-"i ocablcd t perfect ji most pott ntand ftL'rr:jih] ïïiclirinu f har mecí itheiiiitatloDs praeenteeï hy ttat clasw ofdisoaues witk ■ orrtaintv ari'l cxftCtnevs. i-t dcMgnnte thin uutural ppecifie compouiul, I havo BMBtd it Dr. Piercc'g Favorito Preaeription. Tiietrm. Zwever, b hntn ft-eW px presión of my ummI nwtmed I of witc. 1 L!p:m ft. t";,i 8:1)3 fftttici Sta Tt ?iüii-t. A f ri.jfo obwrTr, tbavCWhlle (riui.iug u.s po,,?. '.e r - palm itt the íevrfrpéclái fiituaso loeide t to tho -pirdii1 orif-in fin f man, tinfl-(l it out as Iho cllmux or Tíiwftni( xemoín; i.-, il i ui careen On it.- mii;t'Ajn noiiitn, Mife, ftndc-íTcctua] r. iriody ftr thi tltift fdiie3?eK, and onc ttuit vriii fttálltrmvd&Dd Qndtfallclrcatnftanrp ik[ kif;]1y ftqd in h;irrr,:;r.v wfüi iV.e !aiv8 Whtch i'ovci-ri hv, ffin:ilp stem, f am wï!l Dg to -i my repntation ■ a phfj-'.cian. Pfay, (ven morQ.VO cfutíltípnt ant ï tliat ft Vill íiot rtípáppint i tic mo-i RftiüriIaV cuHctatlonfi offtfinaia in valid l.viy who t'in]tloyrt It fir any of the ftiimeDtfl fct which I rerominend it, (hnt I ofler and feil it under A POSITIVK OfTAnANTCE. If ahparjïcialoiR'ct is i.ot cxpcricuceti hy (h time ir-i,h!r.l.- oítbtí contriitm of tiie bottte art nee.!, f wiH. nn rctü'n of tht: tot Uu, tWo-ttitrtJa of th medicine liavin been taken DccuMln to rtirctltintt, :hí the ene h'ir otio f'r wl.ich I rcommead it, prompt ty rcfknd thd noney paJ 1 (br it. IUd I mt iho root p itWt cou4ctenc in n$ vtrtotM, I cn.i! 1 Mot otfi r iT ; I tl' uiwK'r thïHj condttlmts; but bftrtnjK witiicwed it: tntlr niiracnloiui curci in tlHHiMDdfl of cave, I fV.ti war r:n!"i ji;I pcrfoctly ufo tti rinKin{ hnin ïïiy r .i;uiuii and my uioney on tí. mcrlH. 'l"!i! fuHowjng are Offioitg thosn difcaoea in vrhtcta ffly l'avoriti' Prcscrf ff t ion has worttod cures- bí it hy tncfic ftlid wlth acertainty liever bcfore (tttCtilcti hy nny ri' eïjeine: ea rrtn', Klowin, Patitfnl Montiily Period, Snin ivíít. nhvfl fi ';n nnjbHtnral i-tv, frreoürWefe, Wéak Bac4c, rrotapds, or !i liof af ihc üitmii, AnLuforcluu mifl Krtroverfio, Rctrn Down Bcniüttloiii, Inirrnal fíea, -rvrt w Bpresa "fif J'citilitv, JDcpi-nderiry, Thnatenod Smcariijift, CbiM&ïc Conjftloo, In(Utamattou and Ijlcefatlo1! of tho t"tnm, Impol n y, tmn:u?.i. orSJHTility, Finale Weaknem, t.. j verf máuy éthcf ctinmic d;iii!eí incident to nuiuin not BODtltVllvd ben, In liich, %a vil t In the ca.-e ftíiich I have tnentiooed, my Favorita Proícriptíon worfei corei - die n;arv.l of til o worliU Thif oicMciuc I do not extrtl a a cm re-a II, but it ftdntrably fulílll m ffIttrlOniM oï purpo'. Tíi-irt;: a mort perfect ipocidc lo aïl capmlc sieMea of the sexual pyrtcra of wont.ii. It wnl uot diacpoint, nr-r will it 'lo tiartn in any ftate or condi;ion. It Wal !e Iban 1 ÍDVlatjbl ín ditiea-iMncitieiiC to preqiay, ami cu bo taiwfl in ifioílerate dowa witn p?rf.ct Mfefy white in that pt.ue. Indeed, it is a iIotlici Corrttol, aml vo pn-rea the ByeisBi ïor parttfrliio that il rendew Tiliü-labor eiay. I bave rcolvc! t'ie hcArtfcll nrie froQi b]Qdred# (f mowra for the LVftiiuiauie bcutliti tUu cou&ircd. I oflbr ny Favorito PreHtriptiön to thé Ladice of Amalea, vriih the ilnrerity of an honest hcart, niii for tlu;ir best wtii:ire. Thoie who de-lre furtber loformaflon m thte pabiüctfl eau olta;n it in mv TitCATisi; os ('hhonic Lis.kasíw of tüi Gcnkuvtivb ANi UuiXAitY ÜSüANs. eeot 8eourt from obaerrattoti apon resreipt of two potüe tampe. It tiesta mUuitcly uu tboff dtseasu peculiar u Vomsl'.., and iveu much valuubluudvice iu rcimrd to tbeir majiageiaent. T2UT CI,ASUUi3Ol'a.VS, at $1.00 ptï' bottlo. Mttuufactured at iho Choinícal laboral ory of . JK. F. JPIXMCJE, 3f. .f PjwpV Bl'FFALO. NÍ Y A Iff ARRAlilEl ! AM NOW 0PKN1NÖ 1OO CASES MEN'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes ! Ladies', Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Theso gooda have jnst bee parchnsed of flrs hands, and as I have no expenae of RKïsT, and give vaj enfiro personal attention to tho business, I hope tO' Compete Successful ly with all engaged In the A. D. SEYLER, No. 6 orlli .Tlnin SI. Ann Arbor, Anc. S, HTS: MS6ni8 FIKE! FIRE! ARE YOU INSÜRED l Don't wnit for R Fire. but jeenre protootion bf ' procurintf a l'oli'-y in om? of the íq11üting First CIíiím (.'ompuniei: Home lus. Co., New York, ASSETS, - - - $5,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, A8SSTS, ... $2,000,000. Girard Ins. Co. Pliiladelphia, ASSETS, - - - $50,000. Oriënt Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSETS, - - $000,000. These Companlra adinst and pay losaes proniptly. C. II. HME,EKÍ, . 4, S. Tïiwn St., ANN AKIiOfi, MIUIl. J 1392- m8 LOVEJOY, TOBACCONÏST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruíf, Pipes &c, AT NO. 7TAST HUUOX STREET, cxt to the Express Office, A All BOB, 11(11. 1315tf VyiHTMOKE LAKE. Having rcccntly refítted and furnïehed tho CLIFTON HOUSE! ara nowprepared to reccive and entertain plcasra, flsblng niil ílíiiu ínu' pnrties, at one of the most ;tractivc, pleaaaut aud iieulthy waterin í; pl ucea in ie Vett My btiatB are new, larue aod commotliouB, and ei 1 adapted for the DM r pleiiHiiro BMkefP, Angk-rH will iintl a fui) and complete equipment waya on hnnd. Spcntl uuenüon givcn to the wants and comrt of tticifte who wfalb to ïjieml a few weeks in ecreation dttriuf; warm sumraer mout hu No jjiiins will be spared to make WIIITM'ORK AKK, in the future as in ibe pint, a favorite snramerresort. D. F. SMITH. THttÊ BRIGHT SIDE AND FAMILY CIRCLE 11 b publiahed in 1873, better and prettier i:m i.'Vit, :il Sl.lll) i-r Jñr, mul nbrautiiul irumo, The Ctillii HillM " will be given to every ubseribCT. Agcnts wunttd tvurywherc. Libfinl inmissions. bylundid 1'rt'iniuniB. SubKcribo now. aupitoluU liltlüHTSIDK CO., MWwia Chicago, Illinois. T IVE ÖEESE FEATHR8" -i FIKST GiTT-A-LI TTT , onauatlyootiand audforsaleby BACH& ABEL, FIRST NEW GOODS IT M.ARKKT, AT RftSLEY fe LEWSS' inri Finest, Largest and Most Complete Stock of Fine Goods for Ladies, Miases and Children, at FINLEY and LEWIS' Burt's Fine Calf Boots at Finlej & Lewis, and at NO OTHER Placo in Town. The lifst Kip and ÜtOgá Boots in Towi at FIXLEY & LEWIS'. The Best Boys' Boots dtFlSLEÏ & LEWIS'. The Stock which Ie honpht for CAPnombe ol at bcttcr pricea than Ihoac boutfbt ON TIME. Finley & Lewis BÜT FOR C ASH andcansell their goocis at I A lïll'H H'i: S. IPStl. ]L B. GÏDLETT" Sncceuor to COLGROVE SOS. DRIGGIST ANÜ CHEM1ST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN nitltS, iflEDICHE, Sttttlt '.I, nSTRI 1K1TS. PIKE WHES W LIQ108S CFOR MEDICAL PURPOSKS ONLT.) Fancy Croods, Pertumery i'Ai.vrx, on.s, V.UIMMIIX ;i. SH Jk7t9 PCTTT PII1SICIAXS' PBESCBIPTIOSS Carofïilly corapounded al all honrs. I PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDEKSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH A8 GOOD AN AKTICLE. E. El. GTBLiVS. ïseTtr IS NOW km f OR M FALL TRADE nnvíng Recoivod a Large Stock of GOODS, 1NCLUDING CLOTHS, OASSTMERES, VESTING8, &C of VfljflEST STYLES and ÖÜALITIE8 WHICH HE W1LI. MANÏÏFAGTU1E on terms to sult. Aso a f;ll! line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FUKUISHDIG Goods 3ODE3ST S T1 Y Ij E , ALSO LADIES1 AND GENT3 MOROCCO 8ATCHEL8 No.21 Sonth Main Street,- EnetSides CALL AND SEE THEM. "WlI.ÏfAm AVAGNFK. Ann 4rbor, Octobcr lat, 17IÏ. pOTTLED LAGER, ALE AND PORTEIT, ?ut up in Pints and (uarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. tv Order ctt at Icitcr & Co.' Drug Store will bo proinptly fillud. BILL-& CIIAPIN. Ann Arbor, May 28, 1872. ISTfitf IT7ANTED. vv 500 Cords of Hickory Wood, 500 Corís of Hard Maple.500 Cords of White Oak. 'alf eaaoncd and half green, for which ensh willbu :iid on tl;livery. Inquiro ut tlic Wooil Vnrd, Corner o( luron and Fifth Strtcts. Ann Arbor, Ootober SOth, 1S72. 13'JStf A: n. nOt.MES. K ■ X HURRY UP ! A1KT1 1-'.K xrlshinp Wall Paper. CJoth A and Paper Shudes, IXoilund. Wimlow Fixtures, Coide, Tusela. Ac, all New Styli's, at SntÏMhictorj Priccs, by J H. U'rltKter A Co., iljok tvorc, near the E.Tprii-s Ufflce. X X HAVE VOU 8EEN TH08B NICE DRKSS GOODS at the Farmers' Store ? IX aol go and fee


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Michigan Argus