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7 HATTEB, ! tí AS RÏ.CÉÏVED ÚÍS FALL l WINTER STOCK Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIE8' FÜR8, GEJTS' F IRMsnn". 600BS, ETC, WHICH niï PROPOSES TO SELI. AT PRICES wiiicii dí;fy compbtití'óS. 7 Sonth Main St., Ann Arbor. "üfURÖOK'SWIJiEOFTAR álO 7EABS -OF Aá PUBLIC TEST lías proVetT íiv. CVook's - fo liare more sr hiiiíilar preparar -virafcfe on v'rit red tlte pubïie. Tt h rií'Is Ín 4Iie im!!Htiíil cjiíísliíivuoi'i'ar, MH ultequsled for niNcasH of tüe Tliroat and 1-tiiíyw, perfoi-miug the most reiuurklile ciu-os. Eoug!is, Cotón, Ciáronte Congb. It effectiiallr rurp tlicm al]. ▲tilma ana Bronchitis. lías cured po tannr cases it lias been pro nounced a specifíc for these compliunts. i'or pains iu líreast, Side ot Back, Grayel or Kídney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundiee or any Liver Complaint, It haü no It is also a s;ipprior Tonic, Restores tlie Appetite, StrengtJiens the System, Kestores the Weab and Debilitatcd, Canses the Food ta Diarest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, i Presentí? Malarious Fevers, Oives toue to your tíy.síem. OTATK OS MICHIÜAN, Fourih Judicial Circnit 0 ín Chano ry. Snit pending m tlie Circuit Coiirt fur the Connty f ■ BW,inChancery,wheremMnry A. K'.hertaon UoomplnlnaDliiti I A!, xnndcr KoberteoTi Udeicndast, .U Aun Albín-, tliinSl-.! luy f '■" . (in rewdingAiid ñiUiq uue psooi ly ;:í: ::. svanamed dañnidfilit, Alcxaadrt Bobertsqnj ruidos out of lili atufe, und residea at Oak Pnrk, m ('Duk County, Illinois. andonmtia of Frank Hinc.l:licitdr fot Cbmpliiinniit, it is ortered tlüit f.tu Icfendant catire hu appenrance tu ba entend in s:ml causo itliin thrtf moni !m from thp dul or t?iih order nndia (k'üütlt Hiereof tli;it Ihe bilí of cnmplaint jn suid cuúmile t : 1 1 -n ,ii eoofesíea !y unid defendnnt ; and it is forthnr orden il thftt withH tw-nty duy nuiíl oomp'uinanl cause n wpyoíthi onleí tt Iwpnblishkd In the Micaigan Arut, a newspapeí printed and publishcd iu tiiecitv of Ann Albur, ín síúíI county o WimlitLii.iw, añil thnt paid puWiontion t coiitimusl once iu each week for six roooawiw weeks. Dntrd, October 21sl . j. wiLLA'itn nAniiiri1, FllAN'K HlNCKLFY, OtMUfl l'nnrtCclm. Comprts irolicitor. , "Wuí-htcuaw Co. Minli. iv.".lw6' Estáte of D?,nicSS. Birch. QTATK(ll'5U(lIII.AN,(,'.)iintyut WahtenftW,to. Notice is heroby giren, t U ; r t (■■ an order of the 'róbate rourt íor Ihc (tuníy of Wiiahtenaw, made on be eigliteejitb fiy of Novembr, A. D. 1872, six nontim from tha1 d&l ■■ ■ reseui bheii daima againat the estáte of Danfel Birel), late of 8aid dbunty(deoi :).itall are reqjiired to pre ni ,. ir i-l.uin.s to s.-iul L'robuto CiMSt, ítt the Probate fli.,i;i fh'l'ityot' Ann Arbor, for examination und ü.j'.v.iíire, on or be foro the ninetcenth day of May est, and tlit ich daima wiil bu heara befóte ii.l Probate Couit, on Satuitíay, the Bfteenthdty ;' Pebraary, and on Honday, the nineteenth day t ni-xt, at 10 oYloek in tlie fofflnoon of each r tboKc days. Dat I, Aun Arbor, Fovemljer IStb, A.T). 1SÏ2. HIBAM .). BBAKE8, 1402wJ Judue of Probate. Commissionors' Nofi. ■ oTATJ'. OÏ HítCHIQAN, Connty oí Washt Tha u : ímviAg beeq apppinted bythe ! tcr Miiiil rinuity. i 'oiiniH'-.inMi rs to veive, examine and ndinst a!] elnima anii rli innnds or 1 ).-i..ns agaüul tlii' estáte of Josépb Crane, íiiscd, uereby -i nol Eos t brit .six ■ mili, from dat'e allowed, 8y order ofaaid 'Pioite Court, for orediton to present thefr elnirr.s ::unst thot-sfate of said deeeased, and that tliey wijl eet vA the residence nf Baid ceceased, in mid nnty, on Sahirday, tlir Hftfpnth day of Pebruarj",. on Monilay, tile nfoeteenth day oí' May,.next, , ten o'clock a." m. of earh of said days, to receive, nKiiii", and adjuti tnidelaiins. Dated. November istli. A. I) BT1. 1'llH.n í'AitsOXS. JAUES lIOBaAN, 1í61it4 Comraiwioners. Mortigo Hale. DEFAUIiT having tan mude in the condition of á mortgage executed by Itetiry Uoodyearand Klizatiïtb üoaiyani h wffê, to the ufidcrsiirned, trederIck Uttson, bcarinfr lle the tint day of Ootober, A. l). Ono tnousand eiglit hundrcd and sixty-seven, anti reoorded in theoffloeof tholiegistcrof Deedsof ffmlit-:n;v i 'ounty, in the State oí Michigan, i Líber 'iG uf .Mihi.'.u. .-'. on page 5Ll, on the Itt day of A.Df vi7, by vlH: defnuH the power of ayle oonEaíned in said mortgage has Acorné opSrative, and there olaixned t y nie to be due on said mostguge at tlie datií oí' ttaiü notiec the. sum of íour thousaua í'our huirared and forty-six dollars and Bixty-sswn cents principal and interest, and also th; sum of flílv doli leasonable Sottertor1 orAttorney'a ice 'on taking ti ■ -Uifm said Mortgage, as ly provided ín Ihe nme, nnrl no suit or proI al l:iw or in chanct ry liuvinj; been instituud to recover the debt ecurtd by said morl?age, or nny part thereot', notice is thereforo h rt'by (vn "h.'t by virtue of the power ul sale conlained in snjd mortg:ige and of the statnte in such ca?e made and provided, sai'l mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortK"k'l premisesnt jmhlic auction to the higïest bidder, op Jíorldiiy, Dio 27th dny of Jantlaiy ni-xt, nt ten m tlie foreuoon oí' th.ït daj alt the south door of the Court House in the City of Arm Arbor, in said ('ouniyof Wnwlitenuw, said Court House bcint; tin; pla f holding the Circuit Couri for said County of Waghtenaw. The preniiaesso to be sold ure descnljed in said mortfratrn a follows, to-wit : AU of the west halfnf thnnoi li.rfcr yt zrtttiti Wenty-fie, eaat balf of the nirt).. ut qoorterof section twentymx, andthesoutheast qnartez of wction twenty-seveir :fll in Township tlin.-e fiouth in liante tlirt c cast. Alto the nortliwest ciuartorof the oortheiut ]narterof aectiim nioeteen in Township three Booth of Kange fonr cast ; all in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. Bated Ann AfbóT, Ifichijian, November lst, 1872 l'li ÜDEH1U K 11 L'SOÍT , ïï & Grant, Uortgageé. AttomeyH for Mortgagce. 13(J8td Real Estáte for Salo. CTATIÏOL' Mil II KrAN, county of WaahteDBW 8. kj In the maller ol 1 he of Ansel A. llolcomb, ■ d. Notice ishereby given, that InpureuaOce of an order grauted to tbr undersigned, admiuiatratpr ftheestateol said deceased, ijv LhoHou.Judgeof Pwh Date lm t County ot Waahtenaw, on the second dai of .September, A. V. 1S72, there Wlll be K)H a t publio vendue, totbe higheat bidder, at nou i-!r of m Court Bonte in the County of Washteoaw, in said Sisite, oh Thursday the twellth day of Dei A. 1). 1K72, at one o'clock m the afternoon of that dny [subject to all encumbrnnceby mortgage orothtt wise at the time of the death of said decensed, and also subject tothe rightof dower nt lü widow therein), the nndivided hau of thtrfollowing descnbed real estáte, to-wit : Cona astone planted for the corner, at a jioint bearinu south sixteén west, twenty-nine and a half link from a red 8 thirty inches in diameter being in the west half of the south-west qiuirterof section twenty-eiylit in townsbip tour soutli ofraDgesix em in Bai ming thenoe south one degree wt alonp tho ideof thehighway live ohains and thirty-one linki, thence aoutli twenty-eichj clegrges west two ehaiDfl, thonce ftotith ehrht ehainsand ten'linlts, thence north jrwelTe and a half nul Kixty-two links, thence nortli lifiy cr;lii deireoe eastllve chiiiiu and teren links to inc place of beïinning, contnining two arreí", and inclading alno all bet ween the closSi line in wholo pnree] and the center of the Sr.3ne river UaU'd, October Í3d, A. i.' Mart t.. rroT.roMri, jaih:s lawkencb, 1S3T Administrators. Sheriff Salo. OTATKOP MICHIOAN, Connty of Washl -r.rv, O p-i. I!y rtiiE „f ( wiit of esecutton hiukI otit of and under the seal of the Ciicuit Court for the ' ounty of Wii80tenT, and to me d against the gooda, oliattlea, unds and tenemi "enry ' I lid. on the twenty-W.ird davof l'Vnri:nry.A 1). 1872, SOize and ] . titlcand interest Uenry Qoodycir in and to the following described property, tovit : [.ot cwo, except two feot off of west side", and east two thirds of lot threo in block twenty-two, secüonlwo; lot nine, ten, and eleven, excert twenty-four by forty feet in sonxB cast eorner; lot ninc. in Hoek twenty-two, section two. Al lot six in block six, section two. All of the above desrribed property being situated in i!i' viUSé ol' Manchaster, f ounty of Washtenaw, and Michlffiin. whifh aeore described property I hall ex ' pose for sale at public iiuction to the highesl bidder at the south door of the CoutI House, tn the cHr of Aan Arbor, on tbc 30th day of December, A. D. Iú7, ut ten o'clock, A. M . i i ut Ann Arbor, Xovpmbrr ft, A. T. 1R7'' ' MVI ÜCS WEBB, hei-itf. Slii-rifi"? OTATK OF MICUIGAN, County oí W'ashtenaw, s. 'i nyvatvn of one execurion iosuecl outöf anduiider the bchI of the Circuit Court for the County of Wfwhtenrw, to me directed and deliv.?n d. riL'ninst the goods, ehittelri tands and tenernenU ';t Oeoi groT,by virtue of which I dia on the ninth dn; ol August, A. D 17'J. sebe aaaievy upon all theriiht title and interest Georip? folgrove luis in and to the Inllowinfr described real enlate, to wit: Lot punrber four in block tot, t#elw east; said real osta( ituated in the city of Ann Arbor, Counly of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, which above described n al i -ule l shall theonter south door of the Court Sousein thedty of Ann Arbor, onthe28th day of DtocortCr. A. 1). l.s; ', al lm o'olock, A. M.,of ■aid day, at public auction to the highest bidder. Oated, Noreaibir :sth. is;?. MYltOX WCno! Sheriff. HOO By Joktin Fobbeh, L'nder sheriff. Sheriff Salo. OTATE OP MICHIOAN, Conntyof VTishteaaw, O sa. By virtuo ofoneexecution issued out of and undi i thessaTdl tie Cirüuil Cdnrl f the Ccnnty -f washti n Iw, to me din cted and deliberad, nBaüist thé itltls, '.andsand tenementsof Hnnicl UrOOTiell, by virtue of which I did on the ÏStbday of ingaat, A I). 1873, seize and levy upon all the nght, tille and interest Daniel Ihowncll lias mand to the following doreol esüitc, to wit : The west halt of the s.mtheast quarter ot' sr.-ii.u bíx hl uxwn tbjee south of raneo six oast, bring ín (.'.e toViiship uf Pittgfleld, ('ounty of Waahtenaw and State of ifiuhiiran; whieh abovc Sescribed real est ite I shall sell at thoouter south door of the Court Uouse, in thr city of Ann Arbor, at public auction to the highesl bidder, on the Uth day of January, A. D. 1873, at ten o'clock, A. M., of said dav. Datcd, Nov. 13th, A. D. 187S. MYHON WK1Í1?. Sheriff. HOI By Joiitik FobbkS, Uader Sheriff. Commissioïicrs Notice. OTATE OF SnCHIGA'N, county of Washteoaw,. vi The underaigned, having been uppointpd by the Probate Couri forsaid conncy, Commfuionera to rocjivt;, t-xam-ine, and adjpet :ü cIuídis and demanda )f nll persons ..■.■;.!■.'! tifo Mtute of Jiorfts Lmdon, ate of said connty, deceased, heroby j?ivo notice that hix niontha í'rom date uro allowed, by order of Mild Probate Conrt, fbrcredltorsto present thoir claims tgainst the estáte of said deoeascd, and fchal they will be I nft theresicience of Josopli Indon of Bndgewaer, in Baidc0anLy,on Battoday, Ütetwenty-fiftli day of fonuarv, ;inl on Uonday, thff trwBls-emhth aay )i April ni'xt. at 10 o'olot'k a. m. of efteft Ofaid daya to recetve, examine, and afljusl said claims. Duted. Üctobcr 28th, A. b. 1S72. PANTEL LkIÏARON, WILLIAM W.-WDD, 1400 w4 GQmmissioncrp. Cbmmissioners' Ncitico. TATKOI' MICHIGAN, County of áshtenaw.aBi {j The urwlorsigned, huvtng been npotntod by the 'i rlniii! 'i'iirt for Bid county, romnuBsfaw rs to reeivc, oiflinine nnd adjtist all rlaiin umi demande of ill pexaoiui agabiaitbe éstate of JoMh Q. Ottmar, ateofeaidcau Lthereby irire noticc that ix luontlia ffon dale mv allowed, by braiv of said iCoörl, for Cfeaitors to present thcir clnima i he esttite of said dcocased, amt that thcy will neet tit tho shop of suid deooased, in the villageof ittline, in Bfiid opunty, on Satuitlafl tho twenty[ftïi flny of Jahtiai y. a ml on Monday, (lio twoIHh day f Muy, noxt, at ttin o'cloclt Á. of saicl iiys, to reoeive, examine, and ad.uistflari olaims. JÜatcd, Xovombcr llth. A. 1). 187Í. CHARLES BURKHAEDT, WILLIAMH. DAV i:ftiKT. 1101 Coramiü-sioncis. Comnnssioners1 Notico. 3TATEOF MICHIGAN, coftnty of Washtonnw, sa. j Tbft undeTaifr&edt haring been nppointed by the ►róbate Court for sftid conn ionera to re♦io, examine and adjusi ftllelateis ásd demanda of all Rachel MeCoïmick, late of i. hereby prive notioo that six kontha from date areallowed, by orderof aaid Proate Coattt for ere ttton to preseni thedrclahñsagftinBt (e estatfl ';t' said dei etiMd, snd thaf fchêy will meet at lence of John Harle, Salem, in aid oounty, on ., the tweiity-tliinl day of November, and londay', Ölê tren(y-t'onrth dar of March nuxt, at ten t ten o'clock a. v. of eachjof said1 days, torecüiyc, Eominc, ajad adiusi sal i claims. Dated, September 28d, A. 0.-1873. WILI.l.WI ;i.KR, EDWIN CXJRTI8, ; T309W-I Commisfiioncrs. i [ (T. 1FVOÜ WISHTOOETANY GOODS nnd gS the votth oT your money. yon must ro the Parmer" Store where they eell all goods , ïcnner thie Fall ihan over hefore. ' ü. W. UATS, Superintendent.


Old News
Michigan Argus