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Chancery tëiile. THE Circuit Court fot theCountyof Waslitenaw. In Ohanoery. Gouverneur Drake. Complainant, vg. John A. Volz, Admiiiistnitor of John Geonro Volz, doeeasjedi and Anna Mari; Vola, wirtow of tsaid deceaaed, umi Anna MarlaVolz, Dorotbf Vota, Fretierick Yolz, bouisa VqIz, John George olz, iophiu Volz, ('niolinu Volz, Kmma Volz, imrt John AdantYolK, c'iililreii of said John &corg4 Vola.-dftoeased, Defendants, in pursuance of ;i decretal order of Ui: circuit Court for tho Cotraty of Washtonaw, in Chaticery, made in thcabovc cause there will be sold under the 'lirection of the subscriber, at public nuction. t the sou tb. front door of the Court Home In Qua Qity of Ann Arbor, and Countyor Washtenaw, on Saturday, the thirtieth duy of November nest, al lv Ivr o'c ock, noon, the foïlowinpf described pieos w parcelof land viz : The cast lmlf of tlie eaflthalfof tho southwrut qimrterof BeotlOO number ten, in Township number i'li, in Range aumber 4-:st, containing fort y acres of land, bo the ame more or les, or so mud! thercof n may bo ncoessary tosatisfy saladecree, with Interest nnd costa. Datcd Octobc-r l'itli, 172. lï. BKAI1AN, Circuit Court Commissioner, TBAOT W. Koot, Wnshtennw Co. Hichipaa. SqlloiLor ior Complainuni. 1306 Mortgage Sale. DBFAUVT baring taen raudo in the con dit ion of a ceTtuin mortgage, lÜade and executed by Amandn Iïurbank to Densmore Cramer, hearing data the thirteentii lay p{ September, A. i). eightcen hunili.'il and Berenty-one, and recorden in fhe office rf the lïo'isti-r of Deeds ior th; County oí WahUnuw, And Stnto of Michigan, In tjber forty-flve (15) of Mortpa-rs, on p:itrf one hundn-d and ne'venteen [111 -foiirth i'. .Ai , and tbepoweï of sale in said -■ li-ivinu' l ■''!■■ operntive by reason of snid deffiuli , and t be lum of one Uondred nnd twenty ix dollars and eighty-two centa being claimed to bedue on said nuvrtgnge and the note aaeompany ing the same afilie date of toja oolica; alao ho attorney's fee of Mt-'l for iri said mortgngè and no biüI ou,proceedínKtlfW or inefaAneery taftviti instituted to recover ine sanie or anypart thereof; Notifois therefore heeby givén thnt said ia wiii be fqrecloaed by a sale of the mortgag Lheroin deacribed and hereinnft r mentiooed and spf forth, OTW much thexeoi u will be d :v anid funount, on featurday, the twenty-flnit (tav of Oeccmbrr next, at eleven OAtíck ín the forenoon of sail diy, nt the 8O tl tb iloor of the Conri Bteuse, Ín the City of Aun Arbor, thnt being i li; forholdiiiírthecírmiii Oourt fortheCounty o! Waahtt'l;s■. Xhosnid premises to be sold by virtuu of tlio power of eale in sjiid mortprae are descrlbed in vaid raortffsge aa f olio w: All land known aij'l a escVibed aa Lota numbar Two, (2.) Tbree, (3,) and Foor, 4,}inJ T Boldirin EaBtern Addition to the CUy f Ann Arbor, ia tbc County of Wnshtenav, and State of Mlobijran. Datod, Ann Arbor, Bent. 23, 187S. DK.Nï-iMOKE CRAMEI?, I393td Mortgflgee. Mortgage Sale. DKFATTLT havinsr been made in the condition of a oertain marteige, made and MLécuted by Neleon M. Schoft and EHzabath Sahoff to Conutook F. Bill, bèfiring dato the tirnt day of MftTch, a. d eighterti hundxedflndBeventT-one,ánd recoïded id the office of tb' [a of Wasbtenaw County, Miiïuiran ïn f.rbf-r forty-threc of moTtgagéá on pagi frtir hundrcd and twenty-flve, on tlie flfleentb duy ot Mnrch, a. n. éighteen nundred and aeventy-one, ui ten, and ono-foarth oolook a. m.; and the povtx o] snit; contüinod in Baid niortg&ge bürnug becbrne operative by reason of (toch defaBlt, and tin; sum of eight hundxed aqd twelve dolían ftnd üií.y cents being rlnimod to.btí due on snid mortgage atthe date of thia notiee, and thr bond afioompanylng tin; .wiif?, lso ai'i attorney'a fee of tlniiy dollars, aa provir,-íl torin eaic mortgage. and no su ir. or prijeeeding af law or in ohan óery naving beeÜ instítuted to recove the same or any parttbereof: Kotiee ia therefts bcrobygirenfihfti s:iid mortgagw will be. foredoned 03 a sale of the mort:'i_'i'l l.in1 Muí premisas thercin deacribed and hereiii:ttf', mentfoneo and set forth, or so maoh thereof as wíl] be WfiOWMll) to s;d isly B4id imount, on BatUTday, the uwnth day of Decamber next, at eleven 'i'i [o B in the forenoon of süii day, al the south door of the Court Hooée in the cífcy Of Ann Arhor, tïiat br-imr the place for holding the circuit Court for thé eounty of WashtenAWj the said premises to be sold by virtueof the pover of sale in eaid moitgnge are deacribed in eoid mortgage as follows : All of the rrtctf lot, nuTjvber ton (10). being fonr (4) rodfl widf by niijf ■;:;,. xbda dócp, in blotH number Üvo ,(5 Houth of r nge number sis [6) eaat, in tlio Ann Arbor Land Compiny's addition tb the city of Ann Arbor tfDtfnerry rUlageV, Waaht#naw ronnty, Micliigan. Datcd Ann Arbor. Bent. 11, 1S72. COMSTOCK P. ÍÍILL, Hortfrnjrep. D. Cramer, Att'y for Mortpagce.1391td. Mortgago Sale. DEPAX7LT haring been made in the condition of a certmn imlenturo of morttrage made and exocxitcd by Charles O. Clark, in bui lift; time, and Mary K. CTark, his wil'c, to TL Louina 3add I . l i Ing date tho fitst duy of IVecrnbor, in the year of ouv Lord one thopsAnd eight nundred and rfarf v--iv, and recorded in the office 01 the Register of Deedi of Washtenav Connty and State of Michigan, in Líber 36, of Mort in pnere Ü35, on toe 4(h day of ÏPeeember, 1866, and thö powi'r of cale eoutained in Raid nbrtgnsiB having becfame operntive by reason of sneh default- nnd the surft of eleven hundred and tweñty-flve dollars, beinci d:iimed to bo duc upon saW mortgage ut the datcof tliis notko. for jiriucipal nnd interest sum fit' thïrty dollnra stíputated thoffun s .1 n rvïonable nttorney fee for the forcciptráre tqeféáT- and no snit or prof-f 'Mii-s :tt law. nor in cfannccrv haring been institutcl torpcover the debt secureá bysaid niortgage or nny rVirt thereof. Notice i therefor !.■! by given that Baid mortgage will beforetloBedtand by vii hio of thf ptfwer of sale therèin contnined, the preuiiHea damrioedin tlie mortgage and hfieinafter and set fortïi. or some pAft thereof, wilt I by me at public ano' ion, to the hjghest bidtíea', to s'itisfy said mortgnffG aridcosti, on Paturday, the 4th day nï Janinrv next, at eleven o'eloek in the fore"i of the Col Souse in the city of Ann Ariior -that being1 r.cH'iiuu' in whinh the Circuit Court for th Cóunty Af waAtenaw is held- thé moTtgaged premises are descrlbed n folio .fs, towit: Lot number thren inblook number one south of Huron streef, and range eleven cast, in the city of Ann Arbor, Micliigan, according to tho recorded plat of the Ann Arbor Land Company Addition. Datcd Ann Arbor, Ootober Pth, IS79. H. L0U18A SACKET, E.C. H;:mx. . Blortgagee. Att'y for Jioygftff? 1305t(S Real Estáte for Hale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Conotyof Waflhteonw.M. [iï the nxitter of tbo e?tate ofEber M. Mud roe, dcoeased N tico is hercl-.v (?lven, thattn pnrsunuce of au order grantcd to the umJemcnet!, Execntrlx cf tatc oJ fnid deceased by tho Hou Jcie it" Prohiite for the Cowit of Wahtenaw, ou tweutylir-t dny of Oct Vr r , 1 7.'. there will bc BOid at public vithIu-' to th" hf&hcst biridcr. nt the dw Hing hou e on the premi pee, in the Codaty "f H i:iv. In sald "taie on rneetoytfbe íenthdayoí December, A. 1. 1872, at ten o'CIofk ïi: the forrnoon of thftl day (subject to all encambran pe oí riSrtgage er otherwtso exiailng at tic time of the death 1 ilrfcast-d; the foUowin flescrtbcdreiti cfitate. ro Wit: Beilig part ol eéctlon flve in townsbtp one sonth of rnLQ -ix i-.M. ;; &tAé Stat?, eommendzig at the northweet coraer of a pibe c of land heretofore deedcd hy Jo-eph Pray to A H. Close, iiml mi the centre of tho hïcrhw-iy nranïng Drom Ann Arhor to Whitmore LaËe, tbenco alona íJffClowiB north line abpw t-rnity nul to n stako in tl.e qoarter line at t"he northtyigt corner of saltl Close4lftBd, I t henee northcrly on BAtd qmtrtt r line ftboot efehtecfi iods to a st:kc. thence westerij parnltel with the Ui-t öuore dewribed boandaryllne abo at twenty-five roos t the centre of the highwiiy, thence puntherly ín the centre of afd mghway to the pïheo o ninpr, coiitniu.: resof l.i:.d. mote or lcss. Dated OctohiT lit. i-7 . 1397 riUCY A. MÜNKOE, Fxecntrlfi Keal Estáte for Sale. ÖTATB 0PMXCH1GAN. tamft nw; as. O, In the tnuttcr of the'ttstate of Chzopher Lange, : Noticc in hereby git :. thm in 1 of an order rranh d to the undenugned AdminJ of the cstuif 1 1 '. bythe Hou. Ju 3 riobatt' lor 1 !u; county of S'at:liTiiw, on tho toi:rtri-nth day oí OcjLpber, A. I. 18Ï2, tíit-re will be sold 1 public vendue, tn tíie highest bi aoordf the öiirl Bo ■ aunty of SS nnw. In said SjtfttO) en 'i'iics.ï;-.-, th tfintfa díiy ol I ■ cember, A. D. 1872, atteno'clock ín the forenoon of Ihatdoy [subject to all eñeumbrances by mortgage 01 otherwise exis'in at the time of tlie dentli oi snid ibject to t ho rifrht of dower of hifl vrxdow then m, the FoUowin desenbed real estafe, to wit : lïeing on section sevente'éfl rn tvnsïiip two south of rango six, east, insaid Statéj describedas commencii)i.r a) the southwest cornt-r of 'lark's farm, t)u the north sideof the north rond running f rom the Aun Arbor aiuT W'Mtmoiv EÁkerOiid io MTcMahon'fl Mili, aul hrbning ihenoè westerly on the north Öne of 1 ten rods, thetfcernortnMterly paraUel with said 'lüi ■■ '. Mr.l ah n's north line, thence eiwterly on thu line between aid McpkTahon and Clark ten roos, thenèe southrily on the line between McMahun and Clark to the place of boginning, bcing ten i"od in width f rom the road to said &IoMabon's riorth line, aul containing abont four and a hall acre . or less, being the same Land cöhvéyed by deed froni Jfiraes NfcMalion to sakl deoeased, andreoovded in Lfleeds, in the office ei rag&ter of Deads, in ifiiid county, on j)nge 35?. Dated October 14, 172. 13Ü7 FRBBBRlOt KAPP, Administrator. lístate of Norman Marsh. UTATK'.ïP MlClIKïAN'.Comiti ofVjishtcnaw,sp O At aseaalOD of the ProteteCoartforllfceCountj ofwashtepaw holden at the ProbutrOflfrc, ín tbt Í ' T I (.' lif Al-kat ritu. x il 'I1 i.fïsriiVBB . 1. . l m t .hAa .L .-iLjr ui iiu nrmir. ou i iiusuay, me niiii'tcvDii dïy ol Nove mixT, in the yeur onethoneand efgh buoaredand seveSt two. Profest Ui mm J, BeakectJadgt or Probate In the matter of the estáte uf Jsonuan Marsh deceafted. Froftfmn p Galpfn-, Adminístrate of eald estáte coiix'h i nto Couvt and representa that he Is now pre pared to remkf hH ilnal account ato stich A dmtetB trator. Thcrenpon it Ia Ordered. that ITondfty, the sixteenth day of December inut., at ten oclck in the forenoon, be0slgned foresaminlDg andaJlowlng euch account, ana chai the heira atlaw ofeald deceascd. and all othcrpersoDBinterejBteo' ín Baldee tati ar reaalr d to appear al n seseiou of s.-.iil Cnart, then tn be nolden at tnCTrobate Office, in the City of Min fni{[ Cmmiy. and thor entrse, rTany thorc bé,why the saul sccQtrbt ehould not beaflowed And it is fnrthor ordered that said Ad mini" trator jjivc notico to the persons interestod in sniíl estáte, Of the iK-iidoiity of said account, tind the hearing thrtrof. by caueing a copy of tbis order to be pub1 isiit'il in i tu1 M ■ :, a DOWepapeí printtd and droolètlng in sald County. thrêe successive weckt previons to said day of hearing. f A trnecupy.) "HIRAM .J. BEAKKS, 14pl Judgeof Probate. Rstate of Bicbard C. Dillon. QTATEOFMICrííGAN,CountyofWíishtenawtsp. O At seèsfón of the Probate Conrt for the Conotj of Wahtenaw, bolden I the Probate office In tlic til y of Ann Arbor, ui Wedncsday, the tweutfrth daj o f November, iu theyeaz pd taoooaad elgbt iiundred and seveóty-two. l'resent, Iliram J. Iïe;ke...Tttdi.'e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Bichar C Dillop, deeea-sed. mis:ui F. DiHon, Administ rator of plid e-tato. comes i nto t'ourt and representa that she is now prepared to rentier her üual accotmt as such AdminiKtratrix. Thereupcn it is Oi-drrcd, that Monday the sixteenth day of D coinher. next, at ton o'clock in the forenoon, beaJitlgaed far t-xaiaininand allow fng BUCb acCOUDt, and that the lieirs at ïaw of said deceascd, and all othcr per son Intereated In said estáte are reqnired U) appear at a BQfleïoa f BM Court.then to be ioWen at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor i ti HfttóConnty and show cause Ifany ihere bfft hesald acconnf shonïd nol be alloweo : Andttli furthcrordeTed, thal saïd Adiniuistrütor gWe DottCfi to the persons Lnterested In said estáte, of the pondency of saïd account, iind the hearinir thereoi, by a copy of this order tobe pnbllthedln the Michigan i rguitñ aewspaperpvtnteo and e i :en latine In saidCounty, three succeesive weeke prevfous to Salddav of hearing. CAtnio copy.) 1I1RAM J. 1ÍEAKES, 1-101 Jude of Probóte. JCS'l' UECETVEDAT THE FARMERS STORE A very larce stock of Bouuot and Saeh Ribbous, Now StyWa and Chenp. Estáte of Henrietta Wagnw CTATEOFHICH10AN,CoontTofW.v l At a session of the Prubate Court for tí I"' " of Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Om Cüntj :.ty.,fAnn Arbor, on Turaday, the „i&"."'! ,i NovembCT.tatheyeMonetóomandèighfï -dll and seveuty-two. ""o'ii "Uncuü Present Iliram .1. Beakes. -T.idgc of Prohf ' In the matter of the Ivf ato of II,,, ku-, V -I. James IJ. Gott, Au...,nistratot „ f ÍiS??"' Intooourt and representa thathe l?ü?tali to ronder bis final account aa snch uiim;, "" Weupon it, is ordered thul -'''w. Uenth duy of December next, at ten vi, , ■ : roresnmiuingund ■ 1 w 'n the 10 onnt, and thai the hnir at law of "iI ,] ,"' ch all other persons interested in sai I ''ni to appear at a session of raid Court thni'tn i"5"b al l'„;l..-,t. .,11,, in the city of Am, V.iJ H1 oounty, and showoause, il any there !,i''i,v„1Ilfail1 I sbould nol beallowed: And it U f.i wu dered that said Administrator siv noticêfo 7Í" Msons interested in said estáte, of tl : ". Paccount, and the hearing thereof, l,vnr,i f "M tliis order to be pubhshed Jnthe JH, Woi newspapor printe.i and circulating „ ",;','] ÍI"1 thrco successivo weeks provious to Mid da ofJSJ?; "YAH-uccopy.) UU: .,.,. BEAB3S8, ' Estáte of Philo Hitchcock. " QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waht,B„_ At HiiMOlllll 1 !.■ l'l iliiltc I i''lTt ti)..f. ." Wuhtenuw, holden at the Probate c nc. „ ' 1 "i?01 Of inn .„,„,, Wedneaday, tliesixthdnyTlv' vember, intno ycar onu thousand eiu'lit huiidi.i ' Beventy-two. tta s"i Present, Etiram J. Beakw, Jodfeof Probate matter of the estáte oí Pl,.lo ffiUkeo :inrl ltlmfrthepetition,du]yTerMi . Amariuh HitehcOck.praying that a eertain interné nowon lili' in this cmirl, purportinir tobe the latí; and testament of sald deceased, raaybe mimitV.J probate, and that bc inay be nppointed solé (..I ,' thereof . -tor Thereupon it ia ordered, that Morday 11, ninthdny of December next, at ten o'clock inii'.i mn, be anigned for the hearing ol J ï turn, and that tl ,,„ ' 'J ," at law of soid deceased, m.l Ml S inteiested in mid estáte, are rn,irltn 11 ar at a session of said Court, then to be linH '1 "!'■ 'l ■ n thodty of A,m ArW ' " any Ihere )p, why the praver ,'? mei Bhould not bn jrantoil : And it il fui e ordered, that said petitioner frivc notice to the ticSi' interested in said i-.-tato, ol tbc iftndency of ' tion, and the hearing thereof, byoaunaoBfiïL order to published ín the Michigan iriS, J 1 " paper priotad and circulating in uid coSti thV. successiiewfeksprevioaslo utiddny cif hëarino (A true copy.) Uil; A M 1. BEAKE8 1400 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Moses C. Edwards, Sr. OTATE OF MICIIKJAN, oounty of VK!,to„ „ kj At session of thu I'iobBte Conrt for th ,-„,,7' af Waihtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office i tká city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tlie eÍL'hth' darsl November, in the year one thousund eisn huniiiij and ■ rrantj to " Present, Hirum J. Beakes, Judge of Pi-obate In the matter of the estáte oï Moses C. Edward senior, deceased. Ofi rcftdtng nd frrr the petition, duly verified of Jane i'. Êdwarua, praying thut she and SarlesC '&1wardfl may be appointed admiuistrutora ot' the 'equii ofsaiddeccuM.l. w 'I'luTeupon it is ordcred, that Mornlay {u ninlli day of December next, ut teno'clofk intheforênoon, be iissifjned lor the hearing of snid jtition, nj that ttie heils at law of said deceiused, aud :ill tui persons interested in said estáte, are required to ftpptai t a session of said C'ourt, then to bc hoMen tthi OüieT, ín the City of Ann Arbor, and how cause. ifar there be. why the.pranr.oi thepctítioírt shduld ü.it begranted: Ana it islurtherordcréd tM eaid petitioner oiye notiee to the aeraons raterenedia said estáte, of the pendency of said petitions ard tht hearing thereof, by causing a coiy of thi order to bc publisbcil in the Uichtgan Argut, a newspnper printed andcironlatiDg in said county, thrce sitccessive wil b to sai'l day et hej (A true copy.) ' JU.IKAM J. BEAKES HOO Judie of Proltti. Estáte of Ulrich Klumpp. OTATE OV M tCHAN, County ol WaíhtMÉ, u ►j At a session of the Probate ('ouit for tl," Coá'átí of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Qfti in theCitr Of Ann Arbor, on Monday, thé eleventh daT of N'nv. mber, in the year oae thousaud eipht huniired and icyenty-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate tile muiter of the estute of ülrich Kliunpp: deoeased, I.ambert List, AdrniniKtrator witli the wiif annexed of s.;id dt-ceased, omes intó courtandiep1. -iTits that he is iiow prepared to render hu flnal account as Bueh Administrator rwufvn it Is ordered. tlurt Uonday, thc ninta day of December next, at ten o'clock in the fortnoon, be agsigned tor txaiuininpandallowingsucliK. count.and that the legateestdeTisecsand heirsatlawftf raid deceased, and all otner personi iñtñnttdia aaid estáte, are requirt-d to oppeiu at a setíion of 1 Jnrt, then te k hAldérlat thePrólñteOfltf in the City ol' Ann Arboi-, in said county, ai-.d jho cjiuse, tf any there be, why the said account should not be nllowed: r il [a ftirther ordered. that sid .idministrator give no raonaintcntttdi ai y of eaid account, and thri I lier. o!, by caiuing n copy of this order to be publiiktd in the Michigan Argut, 11 nevspaper printed and latinir in sai.1 1 Yi.iy, threo successi ve wetïi previotj f. (A true copy.) IÍIRA Jf J. BEAKES 13% Judge of Éstate of Marfha Phillips. STATE Of MICHIGAN. CoinitïorWiuhtcTHw.!! Atasession of the Probate Courtforthe Connïy of Washtehaw, holden at the ProliateOflirc. is the City of Ann Arbor, ori Tricsduy the twiirth rlay of November, in the year ouc thonsaud cighi hnndred anei seventy two. int HrramJ. 'ricak!sI.liidgea.r Pioóate. i he intitícr of the estáte of .tfurtha l'hillipi, deceaseíl. On rc.i;!,n;,'nndfllin;thepetition,dulr rcricdof John Oeddcs pniyini: that a certa! nstroment now on fllc in this Court, prArporttn: lo be til last will :nd testament oí,,8W itaaeeu, muy te itAmittedto Probato, lid tfiat be may ne appehf Kxn-iitor tlicrt'i f 'i it is ordered, Mond.iy. the rinrí: day f Deci ttber next, nt ten oVlock'in t!w fdflnoonbeaasignedfor the hearing of.saM] prttion,and that the lèsratees déVlMesand heirs al Ir.w oí saiii deccaáed, and all other persona lnteretlti hi state, ;irc reonired Eo appear ataienlonol Bald Court, tben to lio holden, at thc I'rubnte Office. Id the Cltj of Ann Arbor, and s!kiw cause, ifacj there be. why the praye.r of .tho petitiontrí not be sto91ií. t A'ad ít Ts fafíhcí ofdeíéd fn ner nve notioe to the persons Interested tl ;!t''. of the pendency ofsald pef ilion sed the hearing thereof. by caasiog :t copy of this ordr pnblfahed In the Michigan Arjgptt n newspaper print cil audcfrcalatinglo said Coonty.thrt'e nccest ive wccksprevioustosaid tlny ot hearing. (A truccopy. E-IUAS 3. BE AKES,1 1400 JudírcoiProbttí. Estafe of John Wortley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, coontyofWashtl,ay O At miii of the PfOèKte C'ourt for thewunty ofWoshtenntr, holden at thé Probate Office, in the. city of Ann Arbor, on etatuiday, th seconi: tf ovember, in the ycar oue thouuand eight hundied and Beventy t wq. Present, i I iraní .1. Bvakes, Jndgeof Piobate, In the mrrttcfXcf-thH of John Wortley; deceased. Onnaiünand üling the petition. duly veriM, of .Tullí, A. Worík'y.' pr:;ying thnt C)'ru8 Kal,,f.d cr soine otlier suitable person may be apjiomted iiiinistrater of tho estáte o:' said deotftied. Thereupon it isordered, (hat Mouday, t!n'M"" .1. iv ., üece) Wock ta thefwwg igned for the hearing :f sídfl penti(tt law of said deceased, ondall other persons inteiestul it, said estáte, are reiu, 11I trj appear at a seysion of said court, then tob holden, al 'J,c Probate Otlice. in the etty of Ana if bór, ■'■■''■ show cause, it' any tnere be. why thspitjít iner Rhould not be írranted: Antlií!' fuither ordered thn1 s#íd pstkiener give noti to thc pernons iutex ■ , 01 tho pendeaíyi snid petition, and Ihe hcarinp thereof, by oai:sj:iif a ! this oiviér to be pabliahed in thc HícUm Argut, a névrspaper prinred and oirculntinf nsuí oounty, ihreesuccessivi weeks previoub to said dny 0 hearinp. (A tiue copy.) HI1UM .1. BEAKEN 1309 Juügc of Probtt Eststo of Seíh Sririth. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, County ofWaAtOW, n At a session of thc Probate Court for tl,e LoiutJ of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Olticp, mtlt cuyi.f Ann Arbor, on Thorsday, the thii:y firetr of Ootober, tlw year one thousand cight bu diel and peventy-tffö. l'rcsent, Ilirum J. lieakes, Judsre of Proost. In the matter of the estáte of ct Smto, iliiiRand ftliagUie petitioñ, duly verulel, Amelia B. Bmfth. prnying that a certain instroB now on filH in this Court, iuiorting to te tte 1 will and tc.'t iment of said deceased, may be admití to probate, and that she and Lyman S. WoodnsT1" appouitfid BaEficotors thereof. j i irpo H is ordered, thatMonday, "" day of Di -.t, at ten o'clork in thc I? noon, be asaigned for the hearing1 of shiu Ppri.1 :h,1 that the legalccs, devíseos aud hein.1"" ' oí said deeeased, ar.d all other persons 1DlEI, ed in saiil estáte, are remnred to apP"r . íi naton of said Court, then to lc bowmi ■ Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. "■■ Bhow cause, if any tbere !■, wliy thepiy'"K petitionei shonld not be granted: A1"1"1'"",, onlcn d. tlmt said pi-titioner give noticc to the pm ■n] in aaideitate, of thependeneyoruwF Uon. and the hearing thereof, by eausingMW this onkr to bo puWMied ha .Vtfci' ■'ri '"' nmnpaper printed rad sireulating i ■"■'"' .,,■„;' Üuree suocesaive weeks previous to s:u'd day 0L,'. (A truc copy.) HIKAM J. BBAg Estáte of Brokaw-minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WnshtW" i At n sessiou oí the l'w.ï.iil. ■ i-oiivt forthclount Woditenaw. hoMeo t the Pwbste Ortioc m theiw of Ann Albor, on Balorday, tlie accoiul Iny w , vcmber, in tlie year ono thousnnd oifc'lit Immlieo BeventTtwo. Presanl I lirnm J . Hcake, Judge of Trobate. In the muller of the state f John A. "n. ' Aon E. Hrnkiiw tint Alfaretta C. Hmkaw, 1 11; John Brokftw, pianüan ol said Mtate, comí ' Coorl ;ind representa that he i-i now prepanon) Ler liis first accuunt. assnch puanïian. Therenpon H li ordered, tlmt Mondnjr, ',' , oud dar ol December next, ai ten o'dook .■ ""ijj. noon, te assigned for exnminingand ollowiDg s" oonnt, and that tlio next of kin L iiiiuii.s, und all othcr persons ínter" aid estáte, are requirctl to Bppenr ' , of eaid Court, thon to bc ïow )t ü, the City of Ann -ir',h(. ald eoaatjr, and ahow canse, if any there be, ";t.or nid accunt ahould not be nlloweil. And 1'ls'"n(M rtlert-d, thnt said gnardinn give notice to tne j jnt nteresiid In Mlid estatcol thepondenryofsaw1; .jj, nd the hearing thereof, by causing n copy ",„. iJ rder to be publislied in the MM '"tbr apexprlntêd and circulating in suid ( oum ■. i ■ weelis Tjrevious to Baid lay oí ' Commissioners' Noticc. OTATE (IK Kil HIQ W. county of Wiishten, The underagned, having been app"" ,'„,. róbate Coart for said eounty, i ■' "'„j, rf examine and adjnst all elaim and '!l." u„ni!. 1 persona agsinst ilie estáte of J""' ,,,,,ctw' te f Baid county, d ased, hereby f:'"1 ' "" ,, fiJ x montba frem date are nllowed by " i,, Ceart for nreditoi to pif"' '!" líeyll ateof saiddeoeaed,ani " rj'yf tfational Bank, in tte cjty w lanti, in said county. on Batarday, Uw 'II .'', jj .lanua.y, and on Truiay, the seeomi ayo al t,, o'doek p. m. of ";n;f."' n ve examine, nud adjnst ialtl claimItoted,November,d.A.i,,,iul „ ? OiOTHEFARMERS'STORKANDJin JT Carpets, 011 Cloths and Rus c"e"P 'ot


Old News
Michigan Argus