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BïïvSÏNE3S DIRECTORY. EJtASTTTS TSIATCHFft, Attorncy and Ootmaelor at Taw, No. 5 Kust lluron Street, Ann Arbor, Ulob. p 138 MF. FASiiiri3M.E, M. D. over A. A. ferry's store. TSosUlencc Washington Strpct, four doors east of State. lST3yl" ANN 1BIID1I ?IIM!RAL SPUIJifiS. Morris Hale.M. D., Superintendent. Offlcc n buüdine, corner Mftnn and WestHuron fUreeta. WlfriS Sc WOHR1ÍN, 20 Sonth Main street, Ann ArSor, Mich-, wholosalc and retall dealers in Dry (Jonrls, Carpeta and Grocerles. 13S1M MAOK Sc SCHEID, Dealen in Dry Ooods, Groceries, Crockcry,&c. No. 54 South Main Straet. MaClIATï, TIURRAT, Roofer. Firc aad Water 'roof. Pel) and Oompoaltton Gravel Itiofn put on to orrtur and warranted. Besidenceon JeiTereoii Street, Aun Arbor. RW. EI.I.IS V co., Droggleta and dealer lü Pailita, Oils, etc. No.3 South Milu Street, An Arbor. Wil. J ACKSOX, Dontlst,succe9orto C. 1!. Porter. Office corner Main and Huronstreets, ver the store of R. W. Billa & Co, Ann Arbor, Mich. vnestlu'iics adinlniatercd if reqblred. WF. BHEAKCr, OT. D., Phystclan ana SíircGon. O!lïc at re?i(ienco. corner of IIuíon and División Streeta lirst door cast of PrcíAyverian Clinrch . Ann Arbor, Mich. I,i jr. JOM'SO, Dcalnr in lints and Cap, i Para, Straw Qooda. Oenta1 F.nrnlabing Ooods, fcc. No.T South Kaïn -treet, Ann Arbor,. Mich. SnTHERIAXD : WHFMV, l.ife and Plrelnsuran and dealersm Hoal Estáte. O.llcooii Hiinin Street. T EWIS C ItJSDOX, Dealer in Hardware, JLj St". . 'irni-litug Goode, Tin Ware, &c. fío. 31 South Main street. BAC1I & ABEL, Dealera in T)ry Qoods.Grocerlea, Ac Ac, Ho. 26 South MaiuHtreet, Ann rbor. tjIAWSON & SN, Groccr, Frovlrton and Í5 ComaiiBsioii uerebants, and dcalerp in Water imo.Laud l'laster, and PJáalet Paris. Io. 10 East Street. S!)J4KIM, Who)e?ale and Eetall Dealer in ; ling, ClotbSj C'.i--imcrps, fatlnss.fmdOeut'í PárÜíhlng Qonds. Ko.nSofllh Maiu Strcot. WM. WAliKR, Doalf r in Roady MadeCloth" ing.Olotbs, CaMlmeren, toHtinL', Hats.Caps, franks, Carpel liairs, 4c. '21 outh HMsstreet. rton Sc FÏSKE, Booksellers sod Rta' f tiouors. Ktedical Law aud College Texl oasBooks. No. 3 North Malo Itroet, Oregory Block, Ann Arbor. fjiJNÏ.KY Sc SjKWïS, Dealen loBoota, , ; ippers, Ac. No. y East 11 iiron Street, Lnn Ariior. ATO AH W. CHEEVEK, ATTORIET AT LAW ! Bioe ltll K.'.". Morgan, Kaet .icofCourtlloueo Bqnve. 1331 X. F. SCHAEBEELE, Teacberof Moalc. G:ves:nptruct'fTi ns -he PIANO, VSOÜN AND GüiTAB, tliln office. ÏT6. B7 Sont Síftto ptreet, CMoorc's ï..ii;ili ;.■■■, ur :ti tho residcace of pupil. PIAKO TÜLnIWG, waAfl a RtcÍ!ilitT and satlsfoctiou gunrauteed: IÖLASSWARK & 0R0EER ES, J. & I3 Donnelly? H wc in store a1.5rLr(-tockof'rocker}, Glapswarc, iilatód Ware, Ciitlery (Irocencs, &c, Ac. all tobe, Tolilat BnnsQally lovt prices. No. i-2 Bast Unron Street, Ann Arlmr. IlMtf J. A: l. ONIiI.I,Y. TOI1N G.QAlih, DBALBK ÍT FRSSH AND SALT MEATS, UB, SAlTTSAGBÜ, Ktc, Orderssoüpitcd and prompüy Slled wlth tbebcst; ■Beats in the market. 31 Kast Washington street. Ann Arbor, Sepfa ltli, 1SC9. 12R5tf Ñ. ARKSBÏ , Uanataetorer of Carriages, Ëuggies, Wagons, ASO9LBIGHS, of overy atylo, made of the best ranteriul, and warru i rlngdone prompt" ly a'id prlcet reasonable. Detroit ütreet, near R, K Deput, Ann Arbor, Midi. 1387l. TR. C. A. LEITELÍ CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Pliy sicians Prcsf riptioiis. At all hotirs, at No. 1 Gregory Dlock. C. A.I.EITEH & CO. Ann ' . 2Sd1871. 18M m.ü.B. POBÏER, 3DE3STO?IST. ffioein theSAVINGSBAHKBLOOK, Ann Arbor. All Operations on the Natural Teeth PF.ilFORMF.D WITH CARE. OS3URPASSBD PACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE SETTI AOTÍAL TEËTO, TO filVK BACB IN'DIVIUUAL; Dcnturcsoflke proper aixe, thape, color. Jirmnertand na al trprcisivH, 1244 HÖRRY UP ! 1ATH:s wlühing Wntl Pnper, S lia'lB Hollands, Window Fiitare, Co-d?, Taaaela, &c , all New Styles, at SatÏBfactprj Prlccg, bv J, IE. Vcbstor &. Co., BookStrc,uear the Expíen OlUce. FÖR SALET" Tiie goot! and substunlial Brirk Ilmi-c and two lot?, bcnulifuliy Ei(iia(d on Stalc Streef, soulli; also Stuccocd House .imllvo Io(s, o. il ininTsily Place; also Buüdin anti lot on Pcar Street ; also Building and lot on Pontlac Street; nho lots on Pcar, Fontiar, Peach Tiïvcr and I'Ium Streels Tbe abovc lots aic veryactesslblcto Maler and iu the moi-1 hrnltliy part of Ilir ily. 1300 Apply to 1. 1. I'ÏUTItlDCE pyJ-OTICE! Theaubacrlberaliaqoatthelr cemmnnd.iiF a pon eral thing, from flve hundred t o Uve thooío lar in Io.lii on nral and Brat daas mortuag ■ )u the County of WukMcubw.- time from thrte ti flvsyoars. Tennallbpral Omce oppostte tBePue Offloe. ándate. A. Letter SiCo.'l Drug Store. No. i (ircory Block. Our Abstract Booka are posted uj to dato, Ann Arbor, Ma] :so. 1 372. tudvw.root, ' UO0T&LKIT1Í1!. chas. a. uiieb. 18 UU KICHItiAS CENTRAL BAILROAD. FAIjL Tl .UK TA1ÏT.E. Passengertraiuanow leave tho several stations, is follovs: BI. 8 " stations. „ S ê I ee "" " = o o = s p ja ! w j m fn Detroit, leave, ? ll '■ 40 (ir. 5 45 n Ensilan ti, 8 M 10 ■!; 8 SB 7 12 0 ■!■■■ 11 0" Ann Ar!.ur, 0 1" 11 OS C M 7 1' 10 Deiter, '■ 40 - ; S0 s M in 4.5' - p■ ■ 8 80 11 OS ürnnsLiike, 10 25 9 OOJll 3 a. M. Jaokson, 1100:12 20 0 35 1 uü,12.5O J'. M. I-. m. a. :■:. a. M. Knlumnzoo, 2 20 '2 .'. 12 26: 4 20 ChiOHKo arrive, j 8 -15; 8 00 1 G 3010 20 6 00 GODÍO EA8T. ■II I f 1 1 1 I r. K. !. K. A. M. a. 3t. Chicago, lenve, l{15 SI 00 6.80 8 00 a. m. . . BC. r. kf. Knlomnzoo, 2 20 5 00 11 30 2 (15 Jncksnn. í M I M 8 05 2 55 4 -10 Orass Lnke, I ! ■ 8 83 9 25 Chelsea, ; a. m. 8 57 3 52 D, ster, r, 35 9 19 io bui ilor, 1 5S r, 0(1 6 55 9 45 11 rpsilanti, 2 22 0 20 7 SO 1" 10 6 "2 5 4:1 Detroit, altiva, 3 35 7 25 8 tí 11 ÏCl i; 20 6 45 Tho AtTnnfip ml Pacific Expresa run I Jnpkson umi ÑileH ik the Air Lint'. DatwIOct. 27.182. PORT WAYNE, JAOKrfON AND Saginaw Railrcad. The most rlireot route to Fittsburjj, rhilttiiclphiïi, BfütimotOi Washington, aml nll pouita soutU and Southwest. Trains n;ii by Ihieago Time. TUA1NR iïolNü SOUTH. Mail. Fjj rfst. Atipóle Ace. Jnckson, 7 15 a. m. 12 10 r. m. 4 Jú i1, m. JIíuxjvlt, 7 61 12 49 6 20 JonWVÜlé, 8 25 1 20 5 50 Angola, 8 53 7 35 Watcrloo. 10 SS 8 15 Anbura, 10 47 ■ H 29 Forl Wem, 11 45 9 25 [mlinnopln, l ) l. M. 1') 30 A.M. :; iti, 8 50 Louia Uk, 10 45 - ld 4") I'. M. TBAINS OINO NOin II. Angola Ace. Esrpreli, Lüiiisv-llc, B 10 a. H. 10 26P. B. CintMiiiiüti. 7 10 A. M. [ndianapolin, 4 00 P.M. 10 10 Fort Wayne, 7 06a. k. 4 ! p.v. Aubum, on 5 J2 Wattrloo, 8 13 S .17 AiiL-iihi. S 50 I' Sí I Jonesville, 10 18 S 05 p. M. H 02 vet, 10 50 s 30 s ;; Jackson, U 30 1 5 9 10 At Jackson - Closnconni.' i fevittiMiehigan Central, Jackaoa, Laxuóng t; BsgfoaW) andGtand ïliv.r Vallcv lÍMilronds. Af Jonesville- With I.ü'kc Bbore JIMiigan Southen Etaikoad. At AVntorloo- AVitli Lake Shore & Michigan Sontliern (Air T.i:i. :. ,'. Porl W.-iyne- Willi PlttsborJ?, Fort Wayna & Cbloago; Táftao,Walah&'Weetenilaiid Ft. - Muncie & Cinciunuti Knilrojids. W. A. EEN8T, Bopt. Hob't., Ccn'l. Ticket A't. _July 25. l-s:_'. PLANTAS BITTli S. T. - 18G0 - X. Tliis wonderful vegetiille restoratiye is the ebeefc-ancbor of the teeble .and (Icljilituted. As a tonic and cordial fot tho aed and laüguid it has no eqtial atnong stomachics. As a ro?nc(ly for the nervons weaknesess which wómen are especially subjected, it is siipereeding en;rj othcr stimulant. In all cliraates, Topïcal, températe or frigid, it nA ".s a speciflein every kaíí:ío8 of dismier which nndermiiics tlie bodily strength and breaks down the animal f piritb. 1355-yl. MÊXICAN ÜUSTANGlSlIiTr FOR MAN AND BBAST. l'robnbiy few articlcs öave cvr haJ so cs!'!ish a Sale, white none have been more unhersally beneüeial liian the ciebratsd BE$W4I ÍIISTASO MM.TiEXT. 'hihlrcn, Adalts, Horses, and DoatMtlc inJmaU, are always liablc to aeddenJ, m it is safe to say, that no famiiy fan ass a single soasen wHitotit some i.i;-tí of anemoIHeut beii;g neccssnry. It kfeonics i Qiiííer oi' lmsoi (aace tisen lo secure ihc ttrtt, Ov.-r tlivcnhrniarad livu-jr ptoblce In tha G ew York :i!";:' are nem : .lüimriit, In all of whiQh it t;'' uivcreal aetlon. A ÜTION .- Th (fonnlne la wrnppcdin a fine ;ravlug wltt " O. W WttUmok, ChemK."and " TradcMark, MPJTICAti VI - r.. : ,.V. 'y;.vy," i ncraved ;:.■ f:ico of each wrappf ".'.■■ b' ira the tyroprietor'a private : States Keveuue Stair.p. aad üot acmmoji Btampt as iieed bv drnp ' LYON MANÜPACTTTR1NÖ CO.. I8SToSwyl 35 I'urk Place.N.T. BOOKS. ÍBOOKS. j. r. wrusTr-R & co. NEW H0OK STOBE NEAB TUK " EXPBÊS8 OFFICE." LOOK TO OUlt IMEUKST AND CALL. BOÖKS. _i . , NN ARBOE Mineral Springs House. Tliis bc v.itifiil rceort for hoaltbteekers is now upen, with its IRON, MAGNESIA,7 AND SÜLPHÜR WATERS, Oommo'liounbnlldiit; hcated by stcam, aml largo aud well-ventilatcd rooms. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of ftll temperittnros, Btlso Showcr, rapor, Hodlcatod :uifl Blectnc lithí are employcd wltn aclvantage ii; the treatmdDt of 11 forma of chr aud dlsoaBoi (f réntales. Special aCtentlo& m'ui Witb pltaflftDi s u r round I nes, fin d sitnnteii in on e of i tu' ni o Kt henltby and beautifnlcltles In tho cono try,it powesses nttracttons for invnlkls or for pleaBberafeMom ■ Tho analydU of the Sprints wíll befurnishecl on appllc&tlon. Penons deelriua drcniam to Hnd o tln-ïr ■mi procure tncm ,it the ■ fficeofthel'roprlctorc on Hnron itreet, or at tho Fprings. Aáé ■ ■ Inqnlry to HOBBIS HALE, M. D., Supt. Ann Aitnoi:, Mich. SntlicrlniKl nnd Wlicdoii, l'rop': Aun Ailjur, Mich, Juuc, 11, l


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