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Board Of Supervisors

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Batubday, Nov.16, 1872. Board met pursuant to adjournmcnt. Called to order by the Ohairman. Koll mt :i quo On motion of Mr. LeBaron, Mr. Yeckley was excused from futfther atten dance on this Board during tbis session. Mr. Seott, frora Coinníittee allowance, woui ully recomí suma be nllowed to the ■ and oitics of the Cotinty of Washtenaw for the April and Ootober Bessions,inolnding attondance and three milaages, as folio ws : ' ó Xames. . . 1 t ü I & 1 I 3f! Emerron Annal I s:oí) si .míj (V íleon ] "711 II" ■ i111 w, fu : Peí r "'k. 5 4o fin (io her 1'. I'uiIj ■■., ■ p.; M ::1 CD Uregory, so n Pfi oíí rn 'i 8'1 ■ 37S ]);: . : I ,V 90 I II 101 52 :.: 9o 8 -m 90 00 OS 40 ! ■ ' 96 ;2 ■ : ■ Oí G :' ! 1 1 1 ■ 1 92 10 90 1' . 2-1 1 -i i 90 00 91 )■! ' !l 90 00 i 01 4! ! . ■ ; I 1 C 86 M I (l lJ 36 Allofwhich i tfulHr subniittcd. OEGE RENWICK, [ Committee. J-'GE, j O11 motion of Mr. Geer, the report was adopted. Mr. Wynkup presented a bilí oflï. A. Beal, for blank book for 1. and moved its allowance as claimed. 'l'iiu motion was agreed to. 1 ii.icd.' All'd. 392 B. .t ■■.kforlïcgi IIr. Shurtleff piesen f ed a bilí of scvon witnesses on inqust, Which, 011 motion, were allowed as claimed, viz : CliU!. 893 ■- Lfi 81 si 31)4 Alvi:, I . " SI KI 395 ,-: ., " " " BI 396 Bpencw Sweet, " " " 51 I i 897 Mury Ann Gallignn, " v 81 SI 11 .. ,u . " " M 81 Mr. Cook presented flie bilis of ]rr. i'r !■;■ and Mr. Lathrop, for vi before JUsticeind moved their allowaiw at he motion prevailed. nerf. AH'é. MMtw before justi'. . . 401 O1I1 :, " " " 1 60 1 60 !M. Gregory moved the following reso1 ui ion : I the tïmnks of this ] íítc dno and are hereby tendered to Prof. J. C. Watson fur his kin iön to this Board to visit the Obscfvatory on Friday evi tting, and also for tho gentleraanner in which the m the Board were reoeived and treated furinp; yisit. ïho rosolution was fcCff. p, Shurfïf ?, offered the following: That the1 Reporter bo requested to fürnisb the city papers with a copy of his resolution offered ;-,t ihn entei ment tendered to tbisBoani bythe Clorlc on Friday evening. Ado] Mr; Shurtleff presented llm foltowing bilis of jurors on inquest on the bo John Qardner, and moved thoir aliowanco as claimt-d. Agrccd to. 402 Edwanl Duffy, juroron iiiqucst $1 00 ifl 00 y VanEipor, " " " 1 cü 1 00 nao Turner, " " " 1 10 1 00 b " '■ 1 W) 1 00 " " ' 10D 100 I 10, " " 100 1 00 On motion the Board adjonrncd until 1 U2 o'elook P. M. AFTERHOON sESSIOX. : pnrsuant to adjonrnrj Called to order by the Chairman. Eoll oallèd, present a qnorum. jjresentcd a schedule of Conipensation to tóembers lor copy ing tlic t:ix rolls, and ( stending the taxes I on, and moved its ftdoption. Ihe motion did not prcvail. h moved tfiat (1p Reporter be allowed $2" 00 in addition to tho amount heretofore aHowed. Ágreed to. Mr. Wynkop, froto Conrmittee (o settle with CoBiity oflioors, reporfed that pursuant to s resol otion of this Board b destroyed the following ald Coanty orders, contingent fond, to wit : :iy, 82 - Mnm ín " " " fa 1 ■: " " Dr. A. B I 81 SS Oct. ir,. " Hugh Mi 1 ia; " " ji. 1 . v. ; 10 l7 " 19, " Andretr i L ■ 1 . V. Faradios, ]Tr. Forbos moved tli;it efiöh Supervisor bü allowed compensatiön for copying tho assessment roil and extendiüg the 9 thereon ns follows, to wit: 4os i'. ' anabil, - - $100 00 -109 Wilson H. Berdan, - 1 410 Iforatio Buroh, - - . Ti '411 Peter Cook, 112 00 ?, - - 115 00 H3 V ' er, ... 100 00 41 A. A. Gregory, ... ]]20( 415 Elias Hairo, - - - 112 00 416 - íes, ... 10000 117 Conrad ECrapf, - - 123 00 418 Daniel - - 115 00 U9 -f. T). Olcott, - - - 112 00 420 Nathan Pierce, - - wiek, - - IOS 00 - 07 0 I 423 James Bage, - 1 424' !. Austin Scott, - - - 96 00 425 8. W. Shurtleff, - - 18 00 426 Orrin Thatoher, - - - 127 00 121 P. Tuoniv, .-- i:;u 00 rdWalsll-, - 103 00 429 David Wüsoy., - 1 Wynkup, - - - ï 431 W. Irving-Yeckléy,- - 112 00 - 130 00 The motion prevailed by tho following Ij ■ ibil, Bei latí, Btirch, ; eer, Haire, Jones, LeBaron, . i, Wvnkup, and Ihairman - 14. . Cook, Gregory, Krapf, ïténviek, Scott, andwilaey - 7. Mr. Berdao, frons Coramittee on Unf.nisued Business reportad us follows to wit: Youv Comniittee report that they liavo lurnal of tha proceedings of tliís Board for Connty purposo8 lov tas ■ A. D. 1872, as follows : Ainount ullowed on ei irainal olaims, $ 4.008 78 " i ,■; ÏO.TMOO l . . 6,690 011 ■ 17,(1000 JitCootti :: ) 10 0C mi (" 800 w Tot! ', ÍM,058"S WtLSONH.BEEDAlT.l HORATIO BURCHT } Committoc. 'WE, ) On iiioüon oi' Tlr Jemos, t ii t: repOft Wag nd adopted, and t)i deveral Bilma i ised by (:ix on the 8 of tbe coonty for the by tbe following vote, id nays bmaji called lor : . Antiabil, Berdan, Suroh, mes, Crapf, iok, Rowe, Sage, - Shwrtleff, Walsh, Wilsey, tfynkup, ü 1 1 . i the Chairman - 20. ! - Mr. Tuomy - 1, Mr. Oorr, from Committee to Apporfiiin !!!,■ ;; ■ i , ■ '..mntj' laxes made the followini; ivcport : The Committee to whom Was rpferred (lio appol'tiontnent Of Ktato and County tiixos beg lcae to make Ihe i'ollowing feiinii, and recommend that eacl) Supervisor in the County bo directed lo levy for and County purposea the 6everal sums as per statement, to wit : State tax. Co. tax. Augusta, 198,600 9 884 38 $1013 52 A. A. ïp., 4,'iü.OOO 1915 73 2195 64 A. A. I Ut&2dW. 800,000 356418 408472 3d & 4th 429,000 1911 l'S 2190 13 5th&6th" 253,000 112716' 129179 lii:.''! ',000 149249 171048 263,000 117171 1S4286 Freedora, 312,000 ] 390 02 1693 04 Lima, 335,0 10 1 192 19 1710 48 421 'MO 1878 (i'i 21 I!) 58 Lyndon, 84649 070 22 1,000 226324 2593 85 Northfleld, 3-'o,(Hli 12!7-!.'j 142965 eld, 493,000 219641 2517 21 Salem, ,000 169298 194024 3 Boperiof, ;; .'.,000 172 62 198109 625000 233898 2GS0 65 Sylv 367,500 163728 187642 Sharon, 327,000 1466 80 I6fif)(: t( i-, 394.000 17Ó5 34 201 1 72 388,000 1728 61 198109 ,000 1995 92 2287 44 " City, lstDis't, 603,000 2GSG48 3078 80 2(1 " ,000 1125 00 1633 8ÍJ Total, $10,000,000 144,551.95 $51,058 08 GEO.RGE RENWICK, ) Wm.GBBB, } Cora. GEOItGE ROWE, ) On motion of Mr. Jones, the re port Was i by the following vote, tl : nd nays boing called for by Ir. LeBaron ; Teas - Messrs. Anuabil, Borrlnn, Baroh, Cook, Forbes,Geer, GJregory, Ilaire, Jones, Erapf, LeBaron, Olcott, Pierce, Renwiök, Bowe, Sage, Scott, .ShurtlefF, Walsh WilWynkup and the Chairman-21. --?.ir. 'i'iioniy--l. Mr. moved that the exorss in the County tiix amountingto$78 00 leadded to the contingent land. The uiotion prevailed. On motion of Mr. Cook, the Board adjournod ritu LEE YOST, JOHN J. Robisok, Chairman. Clerk.


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