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Horace Greeley Is Dead

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In another column is briefly tdld the torj of the last sickness and deuth of Hoeace Greeley. Woru out by Jabun and excitement and Btroin of the politieal oanapaign jus: elosed ; ofi ftnd brokon by the deathofbis wife to vvhoso sick room for weeks preceodiiig her decease, till of his time nnd strefigth nnd thought and affection won1 given the shock was too great. Physical and mental powers gave way, and to-day lio nsts by the sidc of his beloved vifo in beautiful QreeawoodJ: raourned ly A nation, noarly one half of which a few short weeks ago sought to elévate him to the 8t position of trust uid honor witbin iti gift, While theother half, to prevent such elovation, ungenerously essayed to strip him of tho raputation and fame and laurels won during his long and active buey lifo. Horace Greeley wns borii at Amherst, New Hainpebire, on the ud of Fb raary 1011, of parents in moderate cifcumstances. Apprcntioed in oarly lifo to tho printing business Jio fouud his way legitimatcly into journalism and politics Hisearlyetrugglet were inp.ny andsevere, hut manfutly met; and buccuss crowned his labors ín the building lip of the New York Tribune and plaeing hiniself in the vely forc-front oi his chosen, honoredj and honorable pfoiession. Btroag in his convictions, vigorous in liis wfitings, hcgftve liard blows, but liovertheless conlraandcd tho respect of his foe, while the political party to which he was attached owed more of its succes to his ndvocacy than it was over willing to acknowl; But why review his lifo and oareer. He was widor and rnoi'e generftlly kuoivn than any other public inan- stat or journalist. And he knew inore intiniately the resources nhd fieeds of the country he loVed, and to serve and save which ho was willing to break fiiendship with old political associatcs and co laborera and strike hands with political opponents - burying dead issnes and uniting to Sarry forward whathedeemed vital reforms ; and in this there was more of selfsacriflee than of personal or seifish amliition. We say knew his country's needs and resources more intimately, for his knowledge waa not founded on fuith. His personal knowledge and information covered tlio whole area from Mftine to Texas, from ílinnesota to Florida, and from tho cities of tho Atlantic to those of the Pacific. And knowing hc-Jwas known in cvory fitate, city and hamlet, nnd so known his tintimcly death will bo universally nnd sincernly mourned. In 1836' Mr. üliKELEY marriod Miss Mary Cjieney. Of this uniob sovon children were boTn, only two of vv'hom survive, Ida Lilliax, aged nbout iwdity-one, and Gaumeli.e Miriam, about fiftoen years old. To these doubly bereaved daughters the sympathies of friund and stranger far andonear flow freo] y out. May a loving All-Fathor strengthen and sustain them. - Tho funeral of Mr. GrREE].i:' was attended on Wectiiesday from Dr. Chai'iV Ohurcli, nddfesses being delivered by Dr. Ch.VI'IX and HeHET Wajii) Beeciier. The day fecfore the fñneríl his remains laƒ in state at the City fiaïl and full SO.OOO peoplo looked thcir last look while other thousaft'ds failed" to' gêt access to the room.


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