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About Water Works

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Tho Mayor, under the dircciiouof the Common Conncil, lias callod an elee tion to voto lipón tho resolutions appropriattng $S0,0OÜ for tho oonstruotioTi of Water-Works, aiicf providing for raising that snra of nionny by tho issue 6f the bornls of the city, bölïriB'g 8 per cent. interest and running twenty years. The clectiou is to be held on Monday, the 23d inst .-. and tRe cali cmbodying tlie resolulions or conditions will be found in another column, Now, i i c-ciïls uiineciessary to go into a leíigthy discussion or argument to provo tho noecssity for Water-Works. The cry for water comes up froni every portion of the city. Springs have given out, wells are dVy, cisferns ifie empty, and this at tho soason of tho year when evory one of these soufcos oí' supply shoukl pouY out from thcir fountains or reservoirs most abundanfly. bcsides tho domnnd for water for domestic csnsiïruption - to whüh a iimfcnr ntn mi betortud-theto isno water forputting out iircft, and otïr city is literally at the meroy of the iaroless houscholdor or shopkeeper or criminal incendiary. óiven a windy, freezing nig'ií, a defective flue or a Ae'ligcnt boy ov n:m, and in a singlo hour moro property nía}' be lost on ISXain and Huron strects than would baild tho propnsed AVutci-Works twiso over. And it is worsc fhan thoughtlossnesïor folly, it is criminal to presume that ourcityis nstfis Hablo tobe ecourged by lire as the other cilios and towns of the State. And so patent is our holpïossnesJ tnat capitr.lists are nfraid to invest money in our city - either in buildings or manufacturir.g machincry. ïhcy sce no means ofprotection agíiinst íire, and for want of commi foresight and prudeneo on the part of our people Uiey aro drivon to make property not liablo to destruction irl an1 howr, or in towns where tho poople and aüthorities have made some slight provisión for the protection of property. Wo jr.ay urge tho establishment of manufuctorics. in our inidst until doomsday, and without 91 unless wo cnri offer oapitalists reasonable protection ngainst fire. And the saine provisión of water which will offer (bis rcasonablo, neecssary and indispensable protection, will also furnisli inamifacturft-.s wator to run enjrinns, the lack of which at present' is another iusurmountablo obstado to establisliiiig' manufactorie of any kind on a largo scale. These bcing facts - and thcy are . pii{itble-it is only nocessary to consider Om practicability and cost of the proposed Bohème. That it is practicable there can bc ïlo doubf. The rivet runs through our tot"n ; the liigliliaids io tlie northWeit offer a place for an elerated reserrar ; ad to pump from the river to tho reservoir anddistribute fromfhe reservoir t'n-ough pipes is what is bcing dono nll over tho land ever day and hour. The elevation of the reservoir givos t.hc BöaJ nocessary to convert the streot hydrants into the firc liyilrants of the Ilolly 6ystem, and give Ui the protoclicn of the Hollr woriia v.-ith I the cost of running lopped o(V. We muy, then, hoton] the scheme praoticable, lint tho cost the very lawost possible at which tho city nofr or liereafter öan be snpplied Vith water. Then whoshould votu for Wuter-Vv'orks on the proponed plan : lst. Every ownor of proporly in tbc business center, where !i flre may spread iVdin store to store of shop 1" shop, and In nu boni destroy the whole bu portion of our oity : and tbis while we stand and looi on while tho llames laugb us to Boom. 'd. Ëvery perdón ihterested in thebuaprosperity of our oity, whetherowninii propartyin tbo business center or not, or who owns anywhere i:i any ward a d wélling beat enough'to neighbor's dwelltng to be exposed in c;ise of a fire. Wölls fürnigh no protoction agdinst fire even to tietached dwellings-- as no engitle eau pump frotn thenij and in thosi tions of our city where Welle are tï:u mott oasily obtained the email cisterns are bilt a brok en Tessel when tho time of ne cl comes. 3d. Every tax-payer in nny ldoality who bas au Interest nnd a prido in our public schools or tho University, all tho buildings of bolh University and schools aro needing the protoctloii which the proposed WaterVWorks v,-ill give. And the gaine is truc of our fino church buildings, in protecting which eVery good eitizen is intereited. 4th. Every puroh who would' ehcoürage Capitalista, homo or foreign, to build manrifactcries of any kind within our city. TI1Í3 can not be dono Vithout tho meaas of protoction agaiüst lire which othercities offer. The fire dentón has thus far handled 11 such enterprises witliout mercy, and capitalista, In coiisequonce, say "httnds off." 5th. Every persen -h-ho wishes to intnre dwelling, store Of shop. Our rates of insnrauce are ificreastíd by the lack of facility fot (Txtiitgftishing Öresi and a still groater iricreased if not a withdrawal of the agencies oí' the best and mast reliuble companies is inimincnt. The Baving ö insurance will materiully aid in oiFsettinsr water ratos or ta 6th. Every resident in mueh the largor portion of our city where wells can not be dug escept ut great expoilsc, whcro water foï domestio jmrposes is carried half a mile - inore or 6sb, and where even cisterns fall, fomjiellinga resort fethe livor. And residefits of portions of tho city where water pipes will bo unnecessary and not laid - bc;ing protectcd by the lenns of the proposed loan and tho rity charter against taxatioá for operating expense-:, iitereet or principal, should also vote foí the loan', and jiermit thoso Interested to tax themsclves for the joint beneflt of themsclves and the City. 7th. Every non-tax-paying laborcr or mechanic. Tho ezpenditure of SO,000 ín Aater-Works will employ a largo forcé of laborera, and bèsides will directly stimulate and promote other btbor-cmploying investments. It is a live and progressive city that invites WborerS ar.d mechanica and i'nrnishes steady work to all willing to work. A fiuished or doad city holds out no inducoment to new corners, but . ;:y tho iti.0 have Diistakenly sought a lioioo in it. But why multijily roasonê? The) all be suiuiiidl ip in the word - necesï'he electors may decide that the work shalï be postponi il until that "more ConVeaient season" which never comes in (lic o-j.iüion of thatO'lass of citizensfertile ín objBctions to :ú projects inyolving 'lirge taxation ; but pestponement - already ■ contrary to flae di of wisdom or pyadiico - will iinperii tlie best infcix-sis 0Í' the i E Electoral " Colleges " of fh'e several Btates met on Wednesday, and GftANi nud V.ii.sox we In thia f-: i.m;i„ of the JacksoH Citizer, was óppointed messonger to carry the returns to Wasliington. -The Marylnnd Elpctors voted fof Gov. Hekdbicks for President; the :see Electiirs ulso voted for ivuicks ; Ihe Georgia Electcrs dit their vote, piving Gkatz ]!::dvx. G. Greei.ey, 3 ; Charles Ji:nki:c!, of Georgia, 2. Tho Missouri Electofs adjoutDed to Tfavniday without fe&ching a vote. Louisiaira nnd Texns - Lho othcr two (;;Ki:u;y nnd BeOWH St;itc - not re-portod at the ti ;:u-agrap"h is wntten.tix k eombisation of Jiepablicans and Demncrats i:i tlie X-ortli Carolina i. .xf ', the 'Democratie caucus candidato [for U. S. Senator, has been de-feated, and Meeeiston, Democral late defeated Guvernor, elected :" whioh somo of tho Kadical journnls vainiy imagine a Radical victory.,: tenera'bté Jul. l $ .. of the United States Supremo Court, has regigned, and the appointraent of Ward Hl'XT to fill the vacancy is reportcd. Whto is Wjörb Erftfr? 'ivc the A I lera herewith nn extra órsupplemcili containing thefourth anfiual iWfesSage of President Gn the aunual report of the Rocretary of th.e Treasury; the opsning iga of Coag-rese ; an-1 uriti !ï of :


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