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liLINJ) T05I CONCERTS. nt the; OÍEKA IIOl.SE, Tuesday Evening Dcc. lOtb. ■■BOti PIANIST, 3E3XjZKTX tOM. TUK OltKAT MUS'OAl, PKOUIOY OF THE AGK, aiul moet marvelous ími=cíi] treiiius liriiip. Ia permanent]? WtbdraWo frdta bef ore lic i; is ?i duty v ■ u uwfi to yoursel f to seo and hitar (tus _'! at Incomprehensible wonde? of the Dlnemtury. Adm rvcd fcníits,T5 Cts. (tftoré rfpeH at T Cclock ; Concert to comrnence at 8. D be scenred at GJlmorc & Ftek'i rjILL'S OPÈEA HOUSE, Thrcé Nights Only ! of the diisiqguishcd Comedian Mr. Harry LMen SX5PP0RTED BY A FIRSTCLASS COMPANY. Ihiirsday, Deö. iiSth, TEE HUWEN HAND. Friday, Dëc'r 13 th, ,vr.-; DJiri '8 DARZING. Satttrclay, Dec. l4th., 77iir OCT0R00N. év SeaU may !■ I Qiijiobx & Fiókk' Buokstore. Bstato of John Wortley1. STATE OFMJCB [GAS :-nw.sö - Notie on order of the PnLbate Court for the County of Wa.shtenaw, Made on the . month fiom thatdab claims ■ of Jo'in Wortley iïmt all ere . [uired to ; i dajmi I i, ín thé '■ n: i:"--,fi i exaihixiatioi] umi átlowáñce, 01 1 tic nef, nnd tlmf enen claim avüI ho hei aald I'rob:tt ('ourt. on Sátúrday, tho flrst day of Mitrch am r.iul on .Ki' oond day of Juno'clock in the forfnoon of eaeh of thoso days. Uiitcd, Anu Arbor, Deeembi r iá, A. 1). 1872. HIIUM J.B1 1 R ES, 14n3 Jud -eof Probate. Knal Eatate for dale. OTATE OF i iiyofVPashtenaw- l J In themattrof the estuto of Jncob liontler, de sn that in piunance of an order granMd to the I, A liiiinitrutor o the c%tate of aaid di ceased. by the }ïa:i. Jadge of Pro naw, on tlie tventy flf th day of Noveinber. A. IK l'2, ']:cvo wiïl be soU at pubhevendue to the hi . at thodveiu ing honsfi on tho premises horein:tftcr doacribcd, in in-1 üonnty of Wlnenn-sv, in sau't Stut e, :ii WedDet lny, the 1 ■.tity-second day of January, A. 1873 at one o'cloik in tho aftern i ay (subjecttt all rnr ■ , , be dentli oí ■ ■';, the fcillfrw i .i.t .; i..'] i :-i;:t i"..:;: The Boutfa half o ■mi lieaat quavter o sectlon íwciity-súx. in tovnship tbreo South of Ranff lat. GontainiDg tfre&tyaores more or lees, in sai'l S Dat , Á. T). 1S72. lli:i-id JUHN 9. ANDRÉS, Adminístralo!-. il Jétate for Sale. STATEOP MICHIGAN, ConntyorWaehtonaw-m In the matter of the of Mntthííw Schal ;■)! lateol ProeJom, In sald Coaoly, deceaaedi no tice Is bereby given tbat in parëtrauce nn order Kranted to tbc m,: Wmlnlitrator of the I deceáaed, bytheHon. Jurtsc o( Pro of WaabtPDaw.on tli twenty flfrli ' ber, A. 1). 18TÏ, there wlll be Bold r,t public v; udne. tt) ti-.i1 hljrhest bidder, nt the late rei i. in the Ponnty of Washtenaw, in Bald State, on Wedneads] tv ccond day of Jannary. A. I'. 1 -t::, at len o'elock in the forenoon ol ?;ii(ï dny Crabjeot to nll encninbrancee by inortpige or otharwise i nt tbe timo of ti." ■ eath oï !■-.;■! dec ased, and nleo big ui low theroln) die ful: 'ibed real estáte, to ivit: The tialfof fhesonthéast carter and west hnlf o i half of the f arterofeectlontwo in oro (ïr (arter o tbc northeasl quarfer of Bectlon hlné, cöntalnlng twenty j ■. "il ■■ townfhip thne south of rano tour cast. in p.iïd átate■ U03 td JOHN O. PELUKAMP, Admlníílrator. ■il Estáte for Salo. SÏATE OF MI0II1CÏ N, COOnty of v"asb!ei;ilv- f? Inthefoat Crnoliu i lin, de!" .■ .■!!■ . i'. Admin r of ihecetaleof Bald deceaped, bythe Hon. of Probate for yie connty of fc'ashteraw, on Ihe iwenty-eecond day of Júly, - T. '-2, üiere wil) lat pTiblicveDdne, to the hlghi b ui-" on the pr rn:cs hereinn :,,;. ntyofw aald Mate. on .Mi n ■ nticth dïy il' Janaary, A. D. : ten o'clock in rorcü" n Dfii.aT day tfUblallrncambrancea by mortgaR oj otherwlge ; atthe timeof thodeath "f oecéaeo thefolli bed renl caíate to wit : The west ■ odiwost qiiirtcr of pection twenty bip one eonih of rj'.r.t; i-ix east. in !--i!il Sta e contalning elghty acre, mofeorle,- Alo a parcel of land ceecribed ns commenGlnsat tbc qnarter I nsoctionstwenty-two and twenty tl;:, ■ i Mi) u.d range. and rnnoing ■ iisi on eald qnarter Hue to th1 pnbdlviiton poït, ' lina twenty fooi mr!, tiicnce west to e td set tkn i I ' i o elffhty i I ■ south ■fourrodsto the plac? of ' cc r.nini;. contalning twelvo acre "f lai d, i ; by deed i', ira Batd Corncliiu Langhlin and Vio. ' ander date of December gth, 1 Kennedy, whl 'm .':■-:! deed is of deed. o:i -, ajre !■'■'', In tbc olllce of the Register of Dceds In eald connty. ■ . Wlll ■ f.tcrf.Mayor's Procl.viiiatiou. At á fneétlílg of tlio ComtHon Council of the city of Ann Arbor.held on the 2' c;iy of No. 872, Llie followlug rcsolulions rnyorbc, ai requeated mul din cted lo eall n mectiug of tin; eleoton of the city ui ' rly a day as is practioable, i :i by ballot on the ones be issue of the bonds of tbc city, pa3 tTTBBty years nt S er cent interest, for a snm not to of Water Works and the pnrehase of all ■■' ■ nrj feal oatate and water power for the same, í"! u poseo! anpplying the eity and the inhnbitnnta tbercol.with poodnnd water upon tin; following oon, ions. i. : ■ . athonty ■ tlieirduty ti i ■ loardofWatr .1. tbe bonds of a nmouni noti iNjüjvh'oii the conditiona and tor ths purpose specifled in 1 1 ■ . i. ■ of snid ,. i s and theirsnbse, . t i . , : t cühtrol and oBorátion tlieCommunCouncilshall .'I hold il may I; on the livst Mondiiy in ■■■ ■ mik j In flll the vxenncy ol tl ! wbose tevmof ■ for the ..- ;}.:. 11 recedve nn pay i i .'% tbe lasire control 01 the proceeds nnd s-ile of finid honda, :md all fnn'.is vessed They . . and col: . . ■ . itionsfor in their chai'ge. 'Fbeshall on the Brul day of Octoberol eacbyear, Maké a report U Ihe t 'c:ii:i! ''t :t; B and of In their ohnrge. oem after pnyingthe . ■: gaid fl n'"ivs tii shatt devote the balance "" "" 21. Te tbc cttntion of -. nd to ! „pnhed i ' ■ ■ incipal as itmatúres. Flfth. Bhould il." Burplin wal ■ iinl to ■ , ihe Common inprduly notifled by tho. Commissionci-s, shall cause a tax to h ■ ■ aUprop' l, .r,;-rrl lirrji;-fnv ■■. in di tnee . Inito'Jtey -iaid Ail tl;osc wiio .re ín favor c I' tii issnc of ;: ■ for the ï-i-rj o; above ' .i.'d,'8linll'votc " Vca."' All oppcstJ, " Nay." Not, tbercfore, in obetitence (o the Instructlona Contalned 'm the foregolog rosotiuiii, i llrect and appolnï sn eleotlon to bo held at: tlic Coui't House In the cll v öf Ann Arbor, on Momlnr. (iic 28d day of Dooc;ile-, 1S72. at. Vfhlch tne (fiiestlon ; t)ir issue of élghty thoosand rloilars oí' the bonds of the city t; . BBOU the Icniis and conditiolm e";r.:ssc(1 in the fofROlng reso Intlona, fhaH lie sabinitted (" :i vote of the electors in thé nianner set foïth in s.iid resoIntions. I nl-o direct the opening oí the i u'.'.s ;it -.9 o'clock A; il., aiul ciosin? at 4 O'clOCk 3'. M. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2. 1872. SILA8 II. DOUGÍ.ASS, Mriyor. . all wliom it mny ei í],,i ni er. is or ttíII br nuuioriKedto ll ut ia; wrltton nnDatèè, Sdo.KoT.ÏO, 1 1' I ■ i" INFAOT '.'■tv WJWT. TOÓfeT AKY OOOD8 h of ronr r'"ney. yon inst r-o rre where they feil all Roodü ■ r befnr". (, w. HAVS, Supcrinicndenti 'T' HÉ LARGEST ! Most Elegaíif í AND MUGH THE tèËMfË&f Stóek of First-Class Superb Black and Colors, EfílR IXHIBITED IN íSáS MARKET IS AT MACK & SCHMID'S. íftílíílF' dayl' Ap-nt waatedl Alt; (J I ?" classes oT wnrkinp ])fu[)lc, 01 clthcr sex, young or oíd. make more money at vork íbr us in tlieir spare moment or all ttie timo, than nt niiything i'lfc. I'nrticulars !-■. AdJrcss (i. Stinsonis Fortland, Muinc. Ki,te of John Kbeinfrsnk. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, O'iunty of WashtSba#, ss. Al :i M-s-mn i.l t lie l'vn'oatc Comí f(r the ( ni.iay of Wskhtenair, bolden at thé Probato Office in the ity of Aun Ailior, 011 Tuesday, the tliird Asf of December, in the yenr ohe thoiüúülfl 6ight liumlrcd and scventv-tTvo. 1'reFciit. llinim .1. Benkes. Juogeof Fiorato. ]n the mntter of thc estnte of John lthcinfnrnk. .;. "Willinm Uhemíni.ik, Kn-cutor of Sl.é lust v.-ill nnd testament oí said dcceasedvconiw rrtocourt :ind representa thnt he ié iów iirtpirLd to render hia first account n such Eieoutor. Thereuiumitiaortlered. thntMondoy, %he thirtieth dny of December Instant, at te-j .douin thcforenwlgiirrt tac mintning.AiB nllo htg mch roonnt.nnd ihatthélisgáteeéjdeTTaeeaand beirsai lawof Baid deccaecd, ana all other persons iiiterettea in eaid estáte, are reqnired to appenr nt n sessipn of urti then to 1' holden at the Profeste Otüee, in the City of Aun Arbor, lo eaid oónity, and bKow ';mse, if :!.-.' il' vi" bè", why theeaid aooount ehould not be allowed: Andittofniftherordi I lidexecutqr fdvo -aotice to the pexsons intcrosted In said cKtate, of t he pendency ofaald account, nnd the hoaitnfr heroof, by i nuidnffa aopy of thla order tobe publuhed .- tüe '■;.■■■.■■■ Argut, a.nevpaper printed and elrcuiitinpin BAid Coúnvy, tln-ec successivc weeks previous o s;tid day of hcjiriag. . ( a t rue éópy.i' DIRAM J. HKAKFS, H031 Judge of ProVdte. Estáte öf JameS Mitchell. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw,fc At a session of tle Piobnta Courf fot theCoü Woahtenn'T, holden at the Probate Office, inthoCit] of Ann ArwTi (in Monday, thc seeond day (1 DeiembQTt rti tïrc yearoiiéthousand eight hundred nnd teventy-tïwo. Present, J. Beakes, .Tmlire of rrohnte. in the moMei ff the eatate of Jannee Mitohcll, dceeased, Bdiftn A. l'inee, Bxecdtoi of the lnst will and testament of uld deétased, ceníes into cdurt and repreeeiits tflat he isnov prepBsodto totadftrhis fimii aeeount ns smli lv ".'u'."r. . . Thereupon it is ■ixiered, thnje Mondiy. tl 4 thirtieth driy fDeoenibec instant, at feendwtek in tin forcnoüii, be.Bssiked for examfeniiig and allowin? such nermint. nnd fli:i1 the lt paters, deviftïea :md tieirh at law.of Baid deeeiused, nnd nll othor pcraone inteiestéd in said (state, fire naoired to ap m óf said Coñrt, thea to 6eholdeH at ;::,. Pxobate Offlee, in the City f Ann Aroortandin Bhov oaüao, if any there be, why the pfnycr of tho petitioner should not be gmnted : And it is furthei ordered. th;i? i:nd erri!ior rri ♦' n to thi peiDons interostcd in said esiate, of Uic pendenij' of Md pi nt [nn, and the hearing thereof, ,by cauptnpn of tl i ' order to be.publiahed in tho Michigan Argtu, ;■ c paper printed and eireulatin? in f-ai'i roniity, three F e week previous In snid day of heniinp. J [A triie HIK AM .'. BKA K KS, I4M J'udBC'of I'nibutr'. DR.CROOK'SWINEOFTüR álO YEARS PUBLIC TEST lías proved JDr. Crook's WTNE ïo have more Ml siiKilar probara HaESSaBÖÈ (ion over oiïereu flic public. It In rieli in 13ie medicinal qiiaJiiios of Tar, and uneqaaled :or lise:tsos of the Throsil ana LangS, perforuiiug llie most reuiart able cures. Coughs, Cohls, Clironic Cougtiv Et eilectnally curca thcm all. Astimia and JironcbitH. lina cured so many Caaes it lias been pn" rtonnced a specific for these complaints. l'or pains iu Breast, Side or Back, Gravo! or Kidncy Disease, Diseases of the Ürinary Organ, Jauitdico or any Liver Complaint, It has noeqnaï. It is also a superior Tonir, Restores the Appetitfl, Strcngtlicns the' System, Itestores the Weak and Debilitatcd, Caases the Food tó Digest, Ileuiovcs Dyspepsia antf Indigestión, PréTCÏlts Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your Syston. ARarO Chance rro let. Xlnrgc and moiu-rn ntGroem ;í"?'u35' Block, i .-tro t streel. 1 p nbuclly theD ' . „ tinu partofihe cltjr tor BaM '"""'„„„ík.. irand oew lirn atiaehcd ? l?' .ie, tot rhe rent is J800 ycarly, tó be taken in grocsi" SUr.ncw barn andU ready tor "■„ "JJÏttt iimily raom bova. Store rents for $.'?"' Mb In meat for my family use. room.c' Alsn a BBtall stur? Iu mj Mock, hoiwes, room "piï; SALE.-Thrcc good'lkrge rnrrice or f tono, on mm oew can-Uge, bugglee,agMi DE tooi. Als threc gopd Cf) „ncUOZEW "GÖCËRY"STOBEj uil stock of G-roceries and Provisioö VIiTrh rvill M solfl nt loirert pricos. Tl.c hifeliest prise pald for Country rioil". .Oet..7U,,im. áj Real Estáte íbr Sato THE VOÉSKY" CII.VHN HüMESTEAJ. Tíenr thc north-enst corner of tlic Ci ',( naar. Thl pjoporty wíl! be cid nt 'c' b0l; rice. Ín Iota saltaiile f,r a r-?'a"nSneé napnrposeB. Alsolota oníliller Avcnuce'oms'green Iio'üm'. Alaoo Farm of 100 Acres. wrll wnteredand fenced, wlil K"m'"t nwtf ilr bnlldlngí. wlthln a rallo ol the . ' , of It . JohnMchlKan . ;n; aeyoral ü! r "„„i1, luo and oak tínibored lande in Saglnaa w Ilcblgan. Ir.anireof . (j,]1s8vSB,l' UMm c,A;OHAfI


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Michigan Argus