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A Fruit Garden

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Cjie 0icjigan irgns. A corrpsr-ondpnt wishes to have of rarioties to plant an nero with fruit for tho use ot' hia faraüy, unit continuoua npply, as nearly asj; ound. In i ■■u' ■' reit must Vio rtotaen two persona would malee t he tion : tl. .'i a differeni ■ of - exposure ah3 other in won! i greatij yary the ohoieo. The list, fora, thutwe give most be tegarded as only -in upproximatioir; and wil! be allá red by oviiry planter, moro or Ie ODrding (o liis preference. In order to obtain a su ssion, we will begin with the beginning of luutuer and name the gtrftwberry firet- whicli ripon icbottt the flrst of Jone in the Middle States aad two or three weeks lateras We g norih. By a selection of tli four varietiee, a m !'r neaily a month may be kept up : and in order to Iinvë four quarts dily tav tho tabfc, fhe plantación ihonld eomprise twelve or fiftoen square rods. If tho fruit gnrdon ia square, thero slionld be a bed ono rod ■wido exteudins; ncross it. This-bed may bo so arrangod as to bo cultiva ted by a ïiorso if desirod. Sueh variotirs as Largo JEtuiy Scaulct, Jonny I.ind, U'ilion, Tritftnpho do Gand, Charles Dpwning, Juonnda, Kentuehy, ito , will ftivo a Buccesüion ; but if only ono sort is plented, tlio Wilson for general valué will bo tho one. ííüxt will como currants. A row acro-s ♦1 garden ; ceftainly fifty bushes, will bear a largo supply but not too raany, if t;his fruit is nppreciated for its wholsomo and excellent qualities and its long continuance. Tho Bed and White Dutch are.good leliable varieties; the White Grape is largo and good, but the bnah is f giower; auó thp Clicrry or Versailles is particularly valnable for lateneM, not drying up on tïie bush, and iniprovinp; in flavor with timo. A few bushes of tho Houghton ot somo othor good Amorican gooseberry should not be omitted, and they may bo placed in tho curront row, ■wliich raay be shorter for this parpose, or thoy uiay stand at tho end of tho raspberrios. Kaspberry. This comes at midsnmmer, and is one of thn bost atad most wbolosomc ot' all fruits. Tho Black-caps aro inosi tmivcrsally suooessfol, and araong theni we -would name D.iv'ulson's Thomless, Dóolittlu, Mammoth Cluster and Séneca. The Philadelphia is a very hardyand productivo varietj'. Ihere rvre several other good sorts, bntthe preocding will answer f&r a supply for soino weeks. After tho Taspberry comes tho blaokberry - wliich, if properly ruanaged and kept pinched in at tho right iima in sumnier, beax fint ly nnd keep within docent bounds. Thero are four woll-known varieties : the Dorchestor, Kittatiny, AVüson and liochello. The last two ure tender at tho extreme North. We ïnnst now go baok a littlo and mention somo of the tree fruits, wliich precedo tho later raspberries and bhickberries. The earliest oherries, tho May Bigarreau and Karly Purple Giigno, and scai-cely later than the early Ptrawbornos ; and tho Belle d'Oiflèans, Coo's Transparant nnd Black Tartarian scon follow. Kockjort is an excellent cherry of modinm season. Early Kiclunond (wheu fully ripo) and Downor's Lato follow. The May Duke when matured to f uil sizo and ■blackness, is excellent, and by this time is late. At the West tho Iiiohinond and BSAy Duke are the bebt sorts. - The etirlïe3t pears (Sámnzev Doycnnc, -Madoleine, Src.) ripen at nndsnmiaor ut the North, Jind the Early Harvest apple is sooicely behind them. TDho hardy Amorican grapos begin to ripen in the Northern States about tho first of autuuin, and by having a good supply and keeping them oarefally, they may bo extended nearly through tho winter. Grevelins: is an excellent eariy sort, for homo uso ; Hartford not so good, but a greater bearer. Then follows Dolaware, Concord, Diana, Catawba, &c. There ara soveral new sorts of high promisc, but we want to tost them longor. Plums ripen at tho North through Angust and September. They shouid not be plan ted by any one who is not resolved - not to fight the eurculio, but to conquor and proraptly crush hint. Among the good sorts aro Prince's Yellow I liaperial Gage, Bchenectady, Catherine, Lombard and Reine Claiiilo de Bavay, for good reliable growers and beare; and Oreen Gago, Jofforson, McLaughlin, for ezoellent quality. Tho autumn nnfl winter varieties of the apple and pear will continuo tho supply of fruit (together with grapes) for several months - peirs till after mid-win ter, and fipplós till aftor strawberries come. It must be remeinborod that much depends on the proper management for keeping - the details of whioh havo been givon elsewhere. Among tho autum pears, we ■would name Bartlett, Seckel, Howoll, Hbeldon, Bose and Anjou ; and for wintor, Anjou, Lawrenoo, Winter Nelis, and Josophono de Malines. For dwarf s, Boussook, Lonise Bonuo of Jersey, Superfin and Dnchosso d'Angoulome. Eor autum apples, taks Autumn Strawborryi Porter, Gravenatein, Famouso and Twenty-Onnoe ; and lor winter, Baldwin, Khode Island Qrecning, IIul)bardston's Nonsudli, Hoxbury Enssot and Northern Spy. Tho winter apples cannot woll be grown in an aero fruit garden, but must ho obtained f rom farm orohards. The following trees and plants will arboui"iül tho aero : 1,000 strawbfcrry planta, I ífl ptnndflrd npplcs, 60 currant bushes, 1 (Ji dwarf ])earp, 40 raspberry bushee, 12 early njilu trees, 40 blaükberry bushes, ] 12 chen y tices, 20 grApevint-K, I 22 pluru treea, 10 g')üacborry bnshea, [ This subject is an ondless one, and wo oould go on and wrüo a volume. We Will ouly remark, in conclusión, that if Our correspondent's gronnds aro not fully prepared yet, wo would adviso him to mako full preparation this autumn, by draining if neceseary, plougbing dcep und mapuring befoie the groxmd freozos, aiul io procuro bis trees and heel them in well


Old News
Michigan Argus