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Ditching Tn Winter

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Farmers nro generally crowded with woik throughout the scafon. Therö arfl and eid'ii -■( na jobs which they lx uil! be iwdtd out of the list, nd ' . r for another But w ever moot with a man ieps abead of Iris work, and than he promises. it is therefoie wel] to fnake up, bo . ble, i winter wlint hus been oiuitted in suwnjer and autumn. Thero is another ren.son for making arrangement s fot work in winter, men want steady employment, and well afford to !;irc at lowerwagns insummer, provlded they oaö be protnised ecutinned omployment winter Farmers head men have no troöl finding plenty of business for theinseWes, in (hi' innuini rabie obs that present in the shnpo of ropaira of tools, buildings, pïannitig work, ovorhauling the divisions ot' tlioir farms, bnyin, eeliing stoel:, preparing grain for soiii, &0.; but hirod men ennnot alwoys do theso things, and musí have simplex and more contimu.rl labor, One of tho most osscntinl of all improvemonts, ofton postponed till too late, is nndor-draining. Vory few gnppose it may bo wben tho gvound is frozeri hard, and as soon, thorefore, as sharp frost coinmenci.i, the work of cutting tlraina ccase8. Thia Í3 not at all ntcessary ; but on tho otherhand. it may be carricd on tbxongh a considerable portion of the winter months, if properly oonducled. TVo havo oti forrner occasions doscribcd tho process hy wbich ditchea with ditching plows, tho Ioosned carth bcing thrown ont ty hfind. The process spccially admita tho purformanco ( i the work in the winter. The following modo hns been adopted whore several hands were employod. Lato in the autumn, before tho ground lid bccome permftncntly, tho draine woro laid out and the work was coinmenced by ploughing furrows on the lines. These woro deepened by repeating 1 y lian J, with oyela tnrned up at tho sides. The shovelu wero such as aro generally sold in tho markot, and the work of turning up an inch or two of the sides is readily dono by any comraon blaoksmith. When the ditohes become a foot or woro deop (beinfr as narrow as may bo thus made) it will roquiro a hard freoze to afall I':.1 (.-irtli at thi'ir bottoms. . at tiiis point the ditching plow is brought into reqnisition ; and loos up tho snbsoil, tho shovcling out is continuod by hand until tho reqm'red depth of two and a half or threo foot is rea lf tho cold is quito sharp, tho motion of tho plow and of tho F.hovnls through tho day, will keep the earth open : and on the appronoh cf a cold night, the ditching plow is paasod nll along the ditches, so as to leave peveral incïiea of mellow oarth in thebottotn, ïi'is loosened earth being full of ftir oavifies, is a poor conductor of cold, and will prevent tlio snbsoil from freozina bclow, at the name time that it ia ensily brokun up again the next morning, if somo what frozen i Heneo tbe work can go on without hindrance or difRculty. A little pnow, if it happens to fall into tho ditches, entiroly provenís free.inp, and is easily shoveled out. If very hard frost is fl-pprohended, a load of corrretalfcs, wcll bound in bundli ' a goöd way in protecting tho ditehes, by being ilropped lengthwise alonpr thom, usually remsioing at ip without falling in, and aöbrding efHbient pretection. Tho tile shouid bo laid and slightly covered before the thawing of spring, or muob. of the labor will havo to be done over Bgoin by tho falling in of the thawed earth, Tliis process will havo to bo varied somewhat in different places accortlinn; to tho soverity of the wintei the amouiit of snow which falls - which the previous direotiona will cn.iblo any farmer with common judgment to íorm.-


Old News
Michigan Argus