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Mortgago Halo. DEFAULT fa i.idtMM the condition of a y ! la üurb i ' i ordi A in I ín ■ Btuteof Micbi ■ , ut sú i L'. M , and Uienowex o ■ ■ ty-Bix ■ ■ fort v d' BUÍt OT p] I willbe i ' s;üc oí th'! aa ■ r so raucb thcroof is wil: I toaatisfy biií :■ aturday. th dayof '■ . !, ut eleven o'cíoek n th naon el House, ii the Ci ■ for holding theCrrcuit Cotttt fot 1 i washtenaw. The",; y viví un of the power ofsalofnsftid mnrtguffe ar íñsaftl illows: All tiloso traeta or pal land known and describedas Loíj nunibsrTwo, (2,) Thrce, (3,) and l'our, (■!,] in J. 1). Baldwin'a Kastern of Ann Arbor, in tho County of Wftshtenawj and Eftateof Michigan. Dated, Arm Arbor, Sept, 28. 1879. 1M0RE OEAMKR. Í308td Mortgftgeo. Mortgago Salo. DEFAt'LThnrfnírbccn niado in tho condition of a cr-rtnin mortffage, xnade and exonuted by Xelson M. BohoS nnd Eüzabeth Schotf to Comstock F. Hüt, bearinf? date the flrat day oí Mnrch, a. D. eighteen hundred and aeventone, and reoórded in the of the Register of Deeoa of Wíishtenaw Couuty, Michigan, in Liber fortr-tbzee of inorteage, on four hnndred md twenty-flve, on tbe ofteenth day oí Maroh, a. d. eighteen hundred and soventy-ont, at ten ana one-íburth o'clock a. m.; nnd the power of Bale contaíned in Bctid mortjjajic haviníj beconic operareaaon of such dofmilt, and tho som of eight hundrort and twelvo dollars and fifí olahned to be dtte o" pe ut too data of (ütua notice, and the bond aooompanyii ■ , ilso an nttornoy's feo of thlrty dollars, aa provided forin aid mortgagft, nnd no suitor procediug ntlaw or in chan cery haring been Inatitutí d to recover the samo orauy reof; Notiee in thorcíore heroby gi ven, that ■aid natortgage will bu foreelosed by a sale of the niortinafl hnd premiaofl the m dcscribed and herementioned nnd sot íorth, or so much thoreof as will be neeesaary to Nktiafy said amount, on S;iturday, the sr-venth day of December uext, at eleven o'oloek in tbe forenoon of said day, nt the south door of the Coiirt lloqso in the city of Ann Arbor, thafc beinff the plce for fcólding the Cwmrlt ('ourt for tho county v.: the said premises to bo sold by viruta of the power of salo in said xnortgage aro ed in f-fiíd morteage as foUows: All of the eaat part of lot number ten (10), beinjf four (■!) roda wide ly nine 9) roda deep, in block number fifra [5] southof r ngennml ■, in the Ann Arbor Land Companyfö addition to tlio city of Ann Aj-bor [formerly vfliAffe), Waahtenaw county, Michigan. Datcd Ann Arbor, Bept. 11, 1872, COMSTOCK I'. UILL, Mortfffttree. I). CnAVF.r., Att'y for 3Iortp:tget. 13t)Xtd. Mortgago Sale. DF.FATjr.T havfng boon made in the condition of a CíTtain indenture of' mortirago nutde and oxecuted by ' harles G-. i larlc, in ïi) ufe time, and ftfai y 1). ( larki bis witv-, to H. Loulua Saoket, beaiing1 date the Jirst day of Decumber, in the yetkf of our Lord one tboQBflnd eight honarea nnd stzty-sis, and reoorded in the otiice of the llcpiüter of leeds of Washtenaw ( lounty and State of .Michigan, Ín Táber 36, of Mort : r . i : p: 256, on tho 4th dny of Iccember, 1866, und the power of -ale coataincd in said nrortgitge liaving tecome opcratiie by renson of such defaiilt- and Lheanm of eleven hundzeSsjnd twenty-tíve dollars, being cl;iimed to beduc npon sajd mort?ñge at the date of this notice, for principal nndintercv'. the suin of thirty dollars stipulated therein ns a reaBOnabje attorney fee for tho foroclosure thoreof- and no fiuit or prooeeclings at law, nor in chnnrcrv havhuc been instituted io recover tho debt &ccuro l mortgagc or any part thereof. Notioe ís therofore - tventhat s;iil mortfrgowill be foreclosud, and by virlüo of the power of sale tlicrein containd, tibA pioniiios desoribfd in the znortgac and hereinafter ilso dosenbed and set ibrth, or Bome part thereof, will bo sold by me at pnblip auotion, to the highest bidder, tosatisfy said mortgae and cosls, on Saturdny, the of Jantiary nexL, at eleven o'iloek in the forenoon at tha sonth door of the Court Hoi: of Ann Arbor - that being the building in which thé Circuit Court for the County of v ia held - themortgoged premiai sare deaoribed as f ullows, to■vit : Lot number three in block number one south of llnron street, and range d . i:i thcoity of Ann Arbor, Michigan, necording to the reoorded plat of f lio A nu Arbor Land Company Atldrtion. Daled Aan Arbor, Octobcr Bth, f872. il. LOTJISA 8ACKËT, :. 0. Sivav, Mortgagee. Att'y for Kortgnfrco. 13) td STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fóurth Judicial Circuit . Snit pending in the Circuit Court for the Connty f Waahtenaw, in Uhancerytwhörein Mory A. iíobertson fscompla3nant und Alexander Rol fendant, at Ann Arbot, ÜusSlstdaf út Oc On reading and üling due proof by afiidavit that the above named defendant, Alexander Jïobertson, out of this state, and resides at C'ook Cpunty, Illinoirf, tind on motion of Frank Hincktplainant, ft h ördered tbataald deiëytdani caí ■ mee to be entered in said . .M;i:i three montha from the date of thia order an '■ ín dofault thereof that the bill of complaintin b.'iid cause Bé taken as cdufeaaed oy said defendant; and it is forthAi ordered that "within twenty days s.iid eompaínant cause a copy of this order tobé pubhshel in the Mioaigan Argusy a newspiper prmtid and publiahed in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenav, and that said publication bo continued onoe in each weck for f-ix sucecssivo weeks. Datcd, October 21st, 1872. J. WILLARD ÍÍABBITT, Frank HiZTOKXdrij Circuit Court Com. Compl'ta :"licitor. Waahtenav Co. ilich. tr6 Estato of Talcntino E. Bott. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waanfetm, sa. O At a es.-ion of the l'robatc Court for the C'ounty of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the elty "f Anu Arbor, on Tuesdny, the twenty-sixth day of Novijmber, in the yeafr one thousand cight hundred tventy-two. ram J. Beakea, Jutk-e of Probate. In the muiter of the estáte of valentino K. Hott.deW'ilíi na B Weaai Us, Adniiniu trator of said ostate, comes into eonrt aiwl represeuts that hc is DOW prepared to reader hia linal 'iscouiit aa snsh Ad'uioist vator. Thercupon it is ordeved, that Monday, the twentyj uf Deoember, m xt, al b d oVilocU in the foroI fned fot examiniog and allowing suh account, and that the neixs at law vi said deöéaeéö aad oU tlver pevaona tot in said estáte, ars required lo appeax al ion of said Court, then to be ltoldcn at tho Vrbate Office, In the City of Axrn Arbor, in said County, and show oaiiae, it' any there be, why the q1 Bliould not be allowed : And it i I [q A (l ntinistrator give notice to the persons interested in sáM entitte, of the pendoncy of said account, and the hearing therttofi by eauaiag a copy of thia order to b Jnbliahed in the Michigan Argus, a nivspav-er printed and circulatinr in said Couüty, threé snoceasire weekaprevionstosaid daj ofheannff. (A frac copy.ï H1BAH J. BEAKES, 1102 Judgoof X'robate. Estafo of ïjeland Walkor. CfTATE OP mCHTGATT,Corbty of Waahtenaw, asj k? At a BOásfon í the Probate Conrf fbr the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city ofnu Arbor, on Wednf.sday.thc twcutv seventh day of November, In the year oae tboaaand olght Imndred nul pcvrnty-two. Present, II i ram ■ . ffgrri ót Probate. In tho matter of the estáte oiLelajid Walker, de ceosed. David Parker, Adïninlfltrator, of said ■ comea intii ("ourt and represent that he is now preparodio render his fiiinl account as eochAdmuia ; trator. Tliercupon it is ordered, that Honday. the teiity■yoí Oeqember oeict, at ten u'clocb iu the forenoon, böasslgned for ezanüning and allo wint; Bach aocoant, and that thehelrs at law of sfiir deccased, and all other persons Int m said estáte, are reqnfred 'o stf6er at a Beasion of said Court then i bc holden at the Probate üfllco, in theCiiy of Ann Arbor, In sald county, and BhowcauL0,if any there bo, why the sftiü account shoiltd not bc allowed : Ai:d it fs fnrered, that eald A dmlnletralorglve notice to ' Cbe pereons Ihtfei ■ ted Ls said estáte, ol tl dency of said account, and the hearing ther q copy of thia ordsr to be pubtiahed in the Dowapaper prfnted and circa latine in said Connty. tnrèe saccessivc weeks prevloaato eaid day of hcaviiur. fA ti-necopy.J U1RAM J. BBAKES, 1402" Judce ot Probate. EState of Norman Marsh. GTATE0F MICHIGAN ,X3oantj of Waehtenaw,8B. r? At ftfieaslon of the Prol) [f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In tiu ! n:i Arbor, on Tueaday, the nlneteemh '■ &y of November, in the yófff one thonaand eight ; mudrodand bi venty Iwo. t i! ir;tm J. Beakee,Judge of Probate In the matter of the Cbtate of Konnan Morfib, ! ed . FreemaoP. Oalpln, Admtnlstratur of aald estáte, omea iitto Court and repres tl ■ w pre j nared to ronder hls ft-iiol Hccount aa BUCh ] tor. I Therenpon it is Ordered. thet Montlay, t" taenth day of December inst., at ten oclock iu the Forenoon, be assiguod forexamming and fill tnnt. ;iii(i tb ui the heirs atlaw ol a all otherpot'sonsintt reted to saidestfitetar4 required lo appesr al -i sesaion of saM Court, thento ! be nolden at too ProbñtO Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, In c inao, ïf anj be}why the said account Bhould not be-aïl And tt Is furthor ordered that eaid Admlnlstratoï ' glve ooticeto the pora ted In aaid e of i ■ aid account, and the h r copy of thia order to be pubiper print'xl and clrcolatloj ■ Connty, three bucc weeke prevloueto said dny ol' hearing. CA truocopy.) H1RAMJ. BEAKK8, 14üi Judge of Probate. - - " - ' ( Estáte of RicBard C. Dillon. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Conoty of Waehtenaw,P. At a Besaion of the Probate Court fbr the County of Waahtenaw, holden af the Probate ofllce In the city of Ann Arbor, od ■. tbo twcnticth day ( In Lhe year one tnouaand eight hont tlred :■ : . o. Present, Hlram J.Beake,Jndge of Probate. t matter ofthe eatate of Bichar . c Dillon, ] I ■-!. . W. DIUoo, Admlnistrator of Bald tnto Court and représenla that ahe is [ now prepared t render her final account as euch t, Admuiislrstriz. . Thorenpcn It Is Ordered, that Mondny. the alx teenth day of Dwwñiber, next, at ion Vclock In allow Ing Bucfa ftcconui , and that the heira at law ot Bald decoaaed, and all other per' s ons Intereeted In eaid eatate, are required sar at a seaaion of sald Court, then , tí) i-.' holden at the Probate Office In the City of Ann k Arbor tn8atdCoanty,andebowcauseif any there be, i wlivi he i :;l' it ís c kdmlniatrator ffire notice a Bonainterci state, of the ponli 'said account, and the hearing thereof, bj a t t be publlphedln the I vspaper print eo andclrculating a succeaaiVe woeka previoua to n 8 CAtrue cc; H1BAM J. BB KEs, fl l ; L Jadse of Probate. o WAT.. WHffRB ARB TOD GOING 1 DOWN TO the Farmera1 Store wherethcy have )aatre:eWedeach luis of NewGoods; why thev areao heapyou can get a much fir 60 cente iu Dresa - 3ooda there aeyou can set for H.CO at nny other ttorciu this county. Estato of Samuel B Woi 5 f asht '. in Ihu yoar one tlul , '- U, Ired and aeventy-two. '""hsjuiI ."nf In the matter of I sa t red, that ',!,.„■ I that the liri. ,i , l;i all ether pcrsoiw are required t0" "'■ In tl.c City of A ' I said county, and show cause, if aMV f,.,r , Artci Í i.i should not be allowed V 1 ■ ' W'i sciisint. "MtC? Mnntandtheh w,; ■ nd circulnting n said ?"' 2 ks ptCTious to s:iiil il.',.. „ "' - . KPr Estato of Matthow SchaiKÏI - - OTATE O' .r..,„„tv,, vT Washtonaw, holden at the Probateofflc"? ■ '"' Monday, the ei iSítí r, m thu ycaronothousattdSíN and soTCnty.tuo. "uau M hij Present, Tür;n.-i J. Bakea, Judiro nt i- v , In the matter of the estáte f JUttSnJk Onroadinfrand fUlng the pclition ., .. i;nderkirch-r, Adminiitrator nS??. hemay boliceused toseUeertiin rcul est! saiii deoeased lied seized. whei Thoroupon it is ordered, that Mondav tv ., day of tfecember next, at ton oUKk „ i1 noon, bo arisifjned for the hearing of said tSJt that the boira at law fÏA gSA all other persons interested in!1 "i required to nppear at n session of aid rwf1 f J to bo holden ut tho Probate OHiec. in'thoJT ' Arbor, and show cause, if ny there ) ""s pmyer of the notitioner should not be eraL?' ' it is furthcr ordered, that said potitioncïïX the penon ! interested in said Mtate of tï ï1" of said potition nnd the hcariu thonvrf '. rJDencopy of thin order to be pubUsftd ir! irte ?,? j7, n ncwapapcr printed and circulatuui in ..'u h' ty, four successivo weeks prerious to mÍ""1 hearing. wua flay c{ (Atrueeopy.) HIRAJIJ. HEATCE1 1402 __Luofrroi,t(i Estáte of Pkilip Eidiñg] OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of TValh'„ Ö At a sosBion of the Probate Court for tíffí'111 Wajhtenaw. holden at the Probate Offia,ïnt,r;! of Ann Arbor, on Wcdnendar, tbc tm't,.,v H0 November, in tho ye;u: one thousaud eülit hnS and seventy-two. b ""Mm Present Jiirain J. Bfalsos, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Philip Eidii? j. On reading and flling the petition, duly Terifi.a y Johu Keek, AdttfobtMteE, praymif tbat )aSÍ ■ to sell tho roalcstute whereof said LL ■ died sezed. 'uaeB Thereupon it is ordered, Monday, the tnir'r. day of December nest, at ten o'clock in 'the (i? Iforthehearingofsaidpetitim.a: hei at law of said dercased, anti all othc'r ueri .'■ terested in said estáte, are required toVimlií a session rt said Court, then to be holdpi i? to Office, in the city of aÏÏ , i' and show canse, if ny there bc ,)Z ," prayer of the petitioner should not be grantèd ■ ía"í b further ordered, that said petitioner eivcria'i i the pcrsftnsinterclr.l inaaid -t:ite,of tliepeni; ". said petition, and the hearing thercof, by caS copy of this order to be published in the tlkhL Arjut, a newspaper printed and circulatiné in uil County, four successie weeks preróraa toniaZ of hoimiig. uuoij (A truc oopy ) HIRAM J. BE 1KH l40 Jadgo of ProbÁ. Eatato of Henrietta 'Wagner! STATEOF mCHIGAN,ConntyofWlitod ' At a soamon of the Probate Court for e Comí of "VVashtenaw, holden at the Probste Olüec in'S ' City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the ninoteenth h of November, in the yoar one thousand ciaht hoijrfj and sevunty-two. ' ■ ent TÍÍTftm J. Enikci, Judyo of Probate. In the matter of the Estnlo of He:mtt:'ffnn. deccased, James B. Gott, Admmistrutorof saidww, eomes iate aourt and reprosents thatheis nowjí pared to i .il account as ucli ad:::, Xharenpon it i ordered that Nondsy. the fa toenth day of December next, at ten" o"cloek in tb? forenoon, bn, a.s.siffned l'ttr examininpr and allowing (tHi arount, nnd that the Iieir at law of s aid dea3, 4 all other purson n a:ï .:iíitL', arewonjjai to appear at a session of said Court, then to bffhoMta at the Probate office, in tho city of Ann Arbor, ia att county, nnd show cause, if any tbere be, why the saii account should not bc allowed : And it ñ further 01 dored that said Adminütrator fiive notiw to Ui ■ ■ sons i&tercsted in Baid estáte, of the pc-nileney of saü account , asd 1 w. aearing tliereof, y cauaicg a coprcí this order to bo publwhed iu tlie Mictagan Arpu jwr printed and eirculating in aid coonrf,1 threo sucee&iive weeks previous to said day of beuh in-. (A truc copy.) HIRAII J. BEAKES, líOl Judge of l'robate. Estáte of l'hilo Hitchcook. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Vashteniw,, O At a session of the Probate Court for the Cc : Washtennw, holden at the Probate Office, in tl. of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, ths sixth diiy of V vember, is the year one thousand cight htindred md seventy-tv. u. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In tlic matter of the eatiite of Philo Hitchcod: deceased. On readinj: nnd fllinír thepeíition.dulj-reriíied.d Amarían Hitchcock, prayrog th:i; uuieai now o:i Ulo in tbifl court, pnrixirting to bc the Ut mil nul testament, of mid decoased, maybe ndmitiedto probate, and that he may be appoiutcd sole execuior thoreof. Thercupon it is ordered, that Mondar, tl1 niTithday of December next, at ten o'cloek in titeforcnoon, be enignecl fov the hearing of wtid pt:i' tion, and that the h B at law of said deceascd, nnd r.ll otter i i s.-iid ut;ite, are rciuml to af '(■ir ;tt ;i seaeión c-f mil Court, then to be boWcn, it the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, as! show causo, if nny there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouM not be granted : And it is furtlier ordered, that said pst ii 'u mer iv1 notice to the person o ' the pendency ol ■ '■ ;■ ■ tion, and tlie hearing thereof, by cansina a eopyi: : ■ order to be pnblished in the Michigan ArgiUt ii hét; paper printed and eirculniinfr in said county, tnrei ■■ weeks prèvioas to s n il day of 1 e cupy.) um.ui J. BBAKJffi, U00 Judge of l'itlnif. Estáte of Moscs C. Edwnrds, Sr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waditera. mon of tho Probate Court for the aicr naw, holden at tho Probate Otïfo, in ÜJ city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the cighth dijt. Xovcmber, in tho yoar ow thousand eish hontol and soventy-two. . . Hiram J. Doakes, Jndgo of Prol In thtí maítor of the eswto of Moses C. EdwW3i sonier, de-asod. On reading and filiog tho petition, dtiiy fotti Jane I'. Edwards, praymg that shc and S:irlei C. Uwards niay bo appointod administrators of tte eeUt oí aid deceascd. . Thereupon it ia ordered, that V, ninthdayof December next, at ton o'dook ïothsfn noon, hü assigned for the hearing of said petition. m that the heiitiüt. law of said decoased, and 11 otwi person , iv riuiroltoavif sion of said Court, then tobeh 1 ■.-, in the City of Ann Arbor, ara . any therobe, why the prayer oí the !; ■honldnotbegrnntcd : And itisfuvtln ■. e notiee t') nel te, of the penden, v o hearing thereof, by au: and eirculatinR in said c mnty, threesuccesnvc"" ia to said day of hcai ir.i:. (Ateuecopy.) UIKAM J. ISEAWS. HOO Judeeof Frntett Estáte of L'lrich Kluropp. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WnshtcnWi gession of tl ort fortloCoug of Vashti-naw, holden at 1 1 ,ein theUty of Ann Arbor, on Monday, t!ie ckviiith dar m Nove:nbor, in the year one thousaud eight himoie and scvoMty-two. Present, airan J. Beakes, .Tudireof Probate. In the matter oí the estato of CHrich Kim . Lambert List, Adminïstrator witli thoira annexed of said deceased, comes rnto :-imri nnfl repregenta that heisnowpropurcdlorendtrhisH1"1' eimut as Buch Adminfotrator . 4k Thereupon it ia ordered, that Mondar, the mtJ ilay dl I next, al ten o'cloek in tie f noon, l' exaniinin(randallowuM!'g"5 andthatthol ;. and all other pers""8 '"'„i oired to ai then to be holden at the Prol01" City of Ann Arbor, in said county, J0 , hy Uu Baid !iiv.i'üi: '" oiniatrator give m. : m'Lt .oftheponden. ount.ondtliefc ' Ml ' I County, three -■ '5 Pw" ' of hojtring. _, .,.ra (Atrueiopy.) HIEAMJ.BEAJ c of Protate Eatate oí' Martha Phillip. STATE OP MICHIGAN, ConntyofWashten"'"; Atnsessionol l ' ,Ve . . bolden al ilioPvobalcOlhff-"1''' Vnn Arbor, on Tuesday, the I1Vlllu ';'., jf November, in the yoar one thonsanü " Present, BlramJ. Beakes, Jndge of ProoiW of the estáte of Martha l'"l ■ On rooaingnaflllngthe petition, dnlyTeiuiw John Qeddes, prayine that n ccrum in- ment now on file in this Conrl, pnrportinï w " .I and testament of said deceiiscd, bij . idmittedto Probate, and that bc may bc app"' ;1 BOlo Exocutor thereof . .int Thorenponit Isordcred, that Jfonilny. ", ,foK. lav of December next, nt ten o'cloci aoonbe assigned for the hearingofeoidpetuwn-,! liat the legatees. deTiseesand heirs, "'.'"jjn inld deceasod, and all other p ;'L0( iiildestnte, :n' required nct, ...n.tlK-i. t holden, at ihe Pi ntheCityof Ann ! ''L$ hereb, why the prayor of the K 'tl0K,r,,8'' ,id notbe! V.Vin etitioner glve notice to Ihe pei . ,Dj lald eatate, of the pendency of said pp" ' „ier In enid Connty.thiw prevloua to said day of ii';';1;;-'.' ,-Fc Comraissionors' Notice. STATE OF JU' HTGAN, County of WasW 5Th nndersigned, havi S „- ■ i,.i Baid roui 11 persons against the estáte of Jor.n iteof .- ■ hereby fi nmw ix raonths from dat. i ■'■ ''V' ir i ' 'róbate Court, for creditors to p tho estato of said dccoascil, and tij ,1 county, on Sntmxlay.tW'i,, Ifthdaj and on Monday, tli' f May, nfxt. . m O TOTHE FArlMEKS-STOnBÁNDBüYTOJ JT Caqiet,Oil Olotha iiud Hes


Old News
Michigan Argus