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"ggglggSÍS DIRECTORY." FIJIaVtUS TmTOHGRi Attoi-ncv and i Luw, Xu. i Eastt-Huron Street, Aim Ai!m, 1386 MP. tMQVlilXA UI. B. over . A. V i' -:■'■' -i, ■■■-. lieeldouco Waelilotrtou S'.roet.fonr doorè rast of State. l8T8yl A N!V Á.RB9R ISINESAIi SPRINO8. A t irrit 1 1 1 1 . M !).. Sunorlntnndent. Ofliie n baltdlaz, corner Mum and WestHuron streets. W!i:s Sc WOKDEX, 40 South Main rtreet, Ann' Araor, Mich-, Wholesale' and rotall dealers in Dry (i ■ I. Carpels and liroccries. ISSUf M' ACK .V SCJITIIO. Dealers in Dry Goods. lirocjrioa, (Jroskery, Jtc. No. 5-i South Malu Sir..t. __ MICHAEL MÏHKAY, Roofer mul Water Prou'. 1 ] t. mul Compoalttoa QrRTel R't.i'í put in to or.itir jinrl w.irranted. Busidenceon j : Feraon Street, Ann Arbor. RW. EklLÏS !fc CO.anddoaler In P.iiats, Oils. etc. Ko.2 South Main átreet, An Arhin-, Wíl. J.K'-vSü.v, Dentlst, aacceaaortqC. B. Portar. OJlce. corner Main :md Suron rtreots, jver tho store of R. W. Ui!; s & Co, Alin Arbor, M!ch. kaeathetlcs ddmlulstercd if reqaïrcd. YV' '. HilEAKEV, .tl. S., Physidan .ind ,TT 8tzreeon. Olflce, at i-f-i:ieuce. corner f Hurun anil li vi.-i.jn Siroets. lirsi duor eist of Prcaby,erian Chuivh . Ann Arbor, Mlch. Ejr. joH'iSi(Ti, Dqalor In iru and Papi fari, sir.iw loods. Gents1 Furolslilns Ooods, t. N'o T Sontli Main struut, inn Arbor, Mich. CFTHERLANB & WHEDO1Ï, k7 Flrelngnninco .-cnts,.ind dealerBiB ttoalfistate. ;) 9 ■■ S reet. IC WIS '. IilSOSSX, Dealer in Hardware, i Stores. House Farui-hlug Goods, Tiu N. 31 Smth Main utruet. pACH & ab::j. . i 'T.v f'' ''■" oroi cerlü,c &c.,No. 20 South Main Street, Ann irbor. SIjAWSOIC 4: SUS', Órocera, Pi OomnlBsion MerclmntB. and dealers in Water Ime Land Piaster, ad PUsier Paris. No. 10 Eaet Baron tri Ü 8íJfOHElW Wholesale nv.á Ketall Dealer oin Ready tfade Clethlng, Clóth, Oosrimeres, int'i Furülsbiug Gouds. No. 8 South Street. W.J . V. A ;; ■■ : , Dealer in Riady MadeCloth Ing.t'lotox. i' ia-:iin-r.- VesttníB. nata, i rranks, ''ariiet Big, Ac. 1 uli Malnstteèt. HlLÜIoáf; A FÍSKSí, Bookeellori andSta"ï tionora Medical Láw n4 Collese Text Book, A.w.i] tif ■ . No. 3 North MatB ■. f -i .;.■ jory Block, Ann Arbor. FJM.lV & liKWIS, Dealcpsin Boo'f. Slioc-8, Halters, S Lpiers,(fcc. 'Ni,.i East Unroiiítréet, i Nor. ATOAIL W. CÍIÉEVIÍK, ÁTT0RNEY AT LAW ! I ie withE. W. Marr.p, rst sidiofCoHitHjtise Sijiurc. TMcUerof Mu.iic. Q'"ea Instructlon on the PIAHO, VIOÜN A9 GüiT; áthla office; l'n. 57 South Miiln street, (Jloone :.„'), r at the reèldeace of the popll. PIANO TUNÏNO, 'iut Batisfai .un gtiarAnteed. I.;j4yl rlí Ö KEKY ÖLASSWARE & GÏ10CEK ES, J. & Donnelly ifaTü lu iton ál irgeatockof :rockeryjQla8Bar?i s, Ac, c, a!l to bcf uld at unr-ínnliy low p'rfcíB. . N'd. IJ Bast Uuron SU-eet, Ann Arbor. ! 1 18tf J. & l'. DOJiWEIjliTr. TOIIN G. GALL JDS AtBR ITT FEESH AND SALT MEATS, LiitU, S.U'SAGES, Kt:., UrAorccolicited and promptly (lllod with tliebest Ia the martet. 31 Kast Washington street. Ann Arbor, S'ept. 16th. I 12Sttf ARKSËY, ftáfS' Mai;r.f:iUu: i öarrlages, Buggies, Wagons, 'ANDSLl iryatyle, made of the best sÍ, nnd warrantod. Repalrii nVpthani priesa reasouaule. Detroit strest, uear W, R Duj) .t, A:iu Arljor, .uich. 1 TR. CA. LEIT EU TO PUT UP AXD FHT. rhysicians Preseriptions, At all hotirs, at No. 1 (ïreory Iilucic. u. A.LEITEK & CO. A'un ArbSt.Doc 22dlS71. 1351 T"R.Ü. B. POIÏTER, DE2STTIST. ffloein the3A7IKGSBAKK3L0CE, Ann Arbor. a.11 Operations on ihe Natural Teeth PERFOHMEü WITU CARR. U N3CTRPAS5BD FACILITIES AND BXPBHIENCE siTfin artïSal teeth, TO QCVB EACH INDIVIDUAL; D.Mturcsoftke proper sixe, skape,r.oloTtJlfrnnetanti na al ezpretsion. 1344 HURRY UP ! PARTIK9 vUhing Wall Paper, Pbad'eá 1 1 1 1 iuds, Win ! iw Plxtun s, Cordo, TaeU, &s , 'ill New Stvlo. :it Satlsfactorj Prlcee. b J. It. W;risi-r & Co., Boek St ire, naar the iipicss Oflice. x - - Ti5 FOR SALE. TIic sn;cl .itui snbstanüa! Brkk House ánd (o lMl bcuullfuüy ittnatté on State Slrvrt, south: alsoStnccoed House nm! hro íoís i. 41 l iilvorsily Place; also Iiui!dinr and lot on l'car Slreet ; algo Building and lut o:i l'onlinc Street ; al?o lots on Pcar, Ponliic, Peach, Traver a:id I'iam Sírcela. T.ic above lots are terjr acccHlUe to water an.l in Uic most baUby.part of the fily. 1899 Aly (o A. II, PÍRTRID6E. JOTICE! The nbjcrtbèri haqe at thcir ecmmann, o era! tlünir. from flve hnn1red to flr t] lnrft lo loan on ilrrt anti lírst r-;-v mortca Uuate! in the County of Waahtenan',- Mme from threo to flvHyeara. Terms liberal ónice oppoílte tnePosl ándate. A. Lettert Co.'a Drug Store No. ry Block. OarAbmract Bookeae poated u;i t o dale. A:m trbor, f.■' 3fi. ist?. m:v w. Hi.iiT, " BOOT & LKITRR. U Ai. A. Lf-l ■ tü. 13 OU


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