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HICHIUAN CENTRAL RAILItOA. FALIi T11IK TAI3LE. PasseiigtTtiiiinsnow lenvo the scveral stations, followi: OOtXQ WK6T. ff L L J h BTATIOKS. „ M 3 ,;' J ?■ p Ó - M I M - A. V. t. U P. W. 1 . I'. Í. : MDetTflit.leoTe, ! 7 IJ D 10 1 - Í 43 8 1 ylwüanti, 8 10 17 ' ':; ; '- 'J 'ls ll ' AnnArbor, 1 in 11 OS 6 03 7 45 10 IS n 26 Dexter, B 40 - ö 3ü 8 111 10 45 Ckelsen, 8 30 11 Cfl OrassLake, 10 M 00 11 31 a. u. 11 00 IS I B ÍS I 60 12 50 K V. I'. M. Knlnmazoo, 2 2" Chioitgo urrive, aoma 1 uw. Í I f S I i 2 f & Uj M z .2 ; a, S ■ n P. K. P. M. A. M. A. M. Chicago, lcn%-o, 6 1 I 6 30 9 00 A. H. . B. !' MKiilamazoó, 2 20 5 00 11 30 a. H. i'. M. Jackwm. 12 10 1 -15 8 05 2 55; 4 40 OrassLake, I 1 s ■"-' :i "' Clielsea, 1 a. m. 8 6?; 3 Ti . 6 ïi '■ li 4 10. AnnArbor, 15 ( 6 M 8 4ê 4 88 5 24 Ypsilnnti, ' ï 22 o 20 7 20 lü 10 5 02 e 1:1 nitroit, n Wive, ' 3 35i ? IS. 8 45 11 S0 0 !0 ü 45 Atlantic and Tnoiilc Expíen run Deiween Jaokaon nnd Ñttw on the Air juic DatidOct. Í7.1S72. pORT WAYNE, JAGKáON ANO Saginaw Railrcad. Thf most direct rnute to Pittslmrpr, Philadelphm, Baltimore, Wnshington, nnd uil poluta south and southwcst. Traina run by ( lücago Time. TKA1NS GOING ÉOCTH. M-iil. Baeprttt. Anjola Ace. Jackson, 7 16 A. M. la ld P. M. 4 40 r. m. Hanover, ! M 1 Í8 .'. ; ■. lic, 8 25 1 20 5 50 Angola, 9 SS 7 35 V ürik. 10 33 8 19 Aubmn, 10 47 B ;;i Fort Wayne, 11 4S S 25 [ndmnopliü, (i do p. m. Ij 30a. m. Cincin S 5 Luuisvült, 10 40 10 45l. M. TBAIKa ooiNC. NOBT& Angola Ace. Espress. Mail. Louisville, 9 io a. m. 10 -2s, p. m. Cincinnutl, 7 lu a. h. Indiannpolis, 4 on r. IS. ■ 10 10 Fort Wayne, 7 05a. m. i ÍS s. m. Aubttin, 8 i '- WaUrloo, 8 13 '■ S7 6 33 10 !S 3 0Í r. M. li 02 ver, 10 S0 3 M 8 32 11 30 4 15 il 10 At Jackson - Closo conncctione ni ina-'e witii tchigan Cein iny iftSoginaWiandGnuad V'olley Uaili'.At JonesTÜle- With Lake &horc& Michigan Southiü:ld. Al W.-.-i:!- With Lukt' Shure k Michigan SouUiern (.-ir '■ Fort VVayno -With Pittaburg, I'ort Wnyne & Cbioao; Toledo, Wabnsh & Western, and Tt. Wayne, Muucie & Cincinnati [tailroads. V. A. JEUXST, Supt. Rob't. üit.i.ii:, Gfii'l. Ticket Ag't. piíntatioíIk S. T. - 1800 - X. Thfs wottderful vegetable restorative ia tho steëi-aiicnbf oi'ilie feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the arcd and languid it. has no equal aiuong stomacliies. As a romedy for the nervous weaks whicb woincn are especiaHy snbjected, it ie enperseding every otlier stimtilant. In uil climatee, tropical, températe or fripid, it acts as ii specific in orery siiocies of disorder whicb underinmee the bodüy etrengtb and breaks down the animal spirits. 135-yl. Beantiful Woman HAGAK'S SIAÍJNOIA B4L.'I ffivcs to tbc couil"Xiii tliv fmtatll of Ilws'i Magnolia Balm overcoraos tho flushed a;jp iirancecassed by ncat, fatigue and ciciteiaent. It ruakes tbc lady of forcy appear htit twenty and bo natórat ftad pw fCt thftt no pertou can ctoc' ite appflcation. Bjitause tke roughost fkin is made to rival the puro radiant testare of yuuthfn! beauty. It removes rcdaese, biotches, and pimfies; It contiiius .natïilng tliat wil] njure the skin in the least. M:scu]ia Balm ia Used by all fashimiablc ladies in New York, London and Paris. It coets only 7. 'cents per Botüe, und is sold by all Di't'sg'ets and Perfumera. lS5-e3w-y. BÜOK3. I BOOKSc J. R. WEB8TEÍ & CO. NEW IJOOK STORE keab nu: "EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOL'R INTEREST AND CALL. i BOOKS. j_i y_ i NN AIÍBOR Mineral Springs House. This beau t f Tal re?ort for bcaUh-scekcrs is now opeo, wlthita IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SÜLPHÜR WATERS Commodiousbnildirj; heatcd by team, and lorge and well-veDtUatöd rooins WATER AND AIR BATHS, of nli cemperntarei, also Bhower, Vapor, Hedlcated and Electric Batba are pmploycd wlto advantaac lc t:i' trefttment of j;11 forma oi ctaninic (ïisensef and ilisoase of fcmales. Special attentlou paW to Ht. With plji'.sant nrronndlnpr. u'.rt eltnated In odc of tho mout healthy and beautlfulcltlea In theronDnaiteises atlractiona forlovalldsot forplenaEersBoldom HmiikI. The analysiof tlie Rprings will beturnishcd on fippllCiition. Persona deairlns cirfulnrs tfi pend to tlu-ir n - s cuii procure incm at tw i fllreof the l'ropriütors m Iluron et reet, or ut tho Pprlnga. Aüdrcts a)l letter of ii qolry to MORRIS HALE, 31. I)., SliptAnn A.HBOR, Micu. Sntberland and wiirilun, Prep'K Ann Arbor, Mich. Jnne, II. 1ST9. ril HE l'l K TO OBT Vol 11 NF.W BTYLEfl ü' J. DrcssTiimmli-c, la at the Fermer' fcturc.


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Michigan Argus