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Water-works Once More

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By order of tho Common Council a public meotiiig was beid at Hangsterfer's Huil, on Alonday cvcninglust, to oonridei inid discus the pln tor Wstep-Workf now peuding before tho eleotors of our city. The huil was vory wcll fillod bj substantiil business men. Judge Cooley presided, and tho report of the Ccunci Committeo - heretc foro publishod, anc which givcs in detail tho plan of the prepesed works - was discussod by Messib Douulass, FbLOH, Rogeus, BBAVAH and Tam, iu favor, and by Dr. Smith against, after wLi ilithe meeting was adjoorned to Monday eveniug next, at tho Court House. - We were uot present, but understntc that tho feeling of tho meeting wiih decidedly in favor of Water-Works upon tho plan proposed by the Council, anc which is to bo voted upon by tho electors on tho 23il inst. - A writor in tho Regisier, signing hitnsolf " Citizen," and who is oditorially vouchod for as " ono of the oldest lawyors in the city," finds somo legal obstacles. Ho thinks thut tho city " cannot, without the consent of tho owners of the lands on each sida of tho rirer, from the point whero the water is taken to its mouth, take water away from it not to he ret.urned to zuid rinr, if thereby the amouni is so loasuned as to work nny daniago to .the aforosaid land owners." Now we will leave this logal proposition to bo mei by lawyers, but ag tho figures of competent men show that tho estimated daily consumption of 160,000 gallons will only amount to 1-7 of a horso power to the milis at this city, tho measure of damages would bo very siuall ; and wo, as a layman, see no danger from injunctions. Besides, if this objection is no moro tenftblo thtui the other made by "Citizen" against discriniinatingtaxationitnmounts to vory littlo of a bug-boar. The princi" plo of discrimination loid down in tho charter and in thu pending water plan is oo firnily established to bo questioned. It is applied in all the cities of the State and nation in lovying grading and pavingtaxes; and ccrttuuly it' a lot owner may be made to grado and pave a street in front of his storo or dwelling for the use of the public, a tax for water pipes and water is no more unjust or incquitable. And grading and paving agsessments have run the gauntlet of the courts of all grades. It matters not that the bonds will be city bonds: the charter in making them such says what portion or portions of the city shall be taxed to pay them. If "Citizen" is a lawyer, as the Só'isfer says, we need not cito him to the authorities.. - The other objfletions mado by "Crrrzex" and "Tax Payeb," in the game journal, are mere bagatelle. If we do not mistake the identity of " Citizen," he has held a responsible offico in our city for years, had charge of large publio interests ond large expenditures of money, without taking an oath of office, giving bonds, or making sworn roports. If frands are determined upon oaths will not prevent them, though taken beforo each meal and rupeated after. However, wo presume that no Coinraissioner will object ta taking an oath of office - which will cover both acta and reports, and the Treasurer of the Commissioners, if the Board ia ta handle any moneys, will expoct to give bonds. - As we have another issuo before tho election wo shall be glad to receivo communications discussiiig the legal or other points. It 19 JSö Ionger "premature" to announce that Judgo Higby, of this circuit, has tendered his tako effect on tho first of January. The reasons are those we assigned in speaking, two or three weeks ago, of his contemplatcd resignación ; the insufficiency of theniggardly andpicayune salary to-furnish a decent living for hiinself and family, Judge H. can not be blamed for his decisión, thongh liin xetirement is none the less to be regro,ted. Ho is a clear heided lawyer, a faithful and censcientious laborer, an honest and upright judge but the people have voted that for such qualities they are only willing to py $1,300 a year.a sum insaffieient for the support af a faiuily oven if tha half of it was not necessarily ppeat in traveling expenses and board bilis away from home, and not half the annualearcings of a first class lawyer incither of the thxee counti8 of thig circuit. Well, the people luw deeidcd, and judges must be sought among "britifitóss barristers," unloss a wealthy lawyer can be ibund and induced to 6cek fame and glory on the bench. And as in this circuit so in other circuits of tbe State. - Spoaking of Judge Higby's icsignation,. tho lieyiater - a new journal publiahad in this city - snys : "Wo regret, excecdingly, that Judge Higby, by tho smallncss of his s:ilary, h;is boon coiupelled to resign tha office of Circuit Judge. We kuow from experience thüt the salary is totally inadequato for the support of a family, and without other means, tho occupant of the office would soon bo an aceptable candidato fox the poor-house. But wo rogrot the ur-ciissHy of his resignation. ItisselJom the fortuíio of a Circuit Judge to secure the approbation -af tho bar and of suitors to tho extent that characterized tlio administr-ition of Jüdgo Higby. We oheerfully aocord to him tho solo denire to do justico ÍS his decisions, to asesrtain iho truth and itariessly and fairly eufórce it. As a presíüing officer his courtosy and urbauity were always appreciUecf bjr tho bar, and his legal .'rnowledge and sound judgment met with g-cnoral approvjil. We repoat our regret at his resignation, and when ho leaves the bench ho will carry witi bim our respect for him as an upright1 aui ablo Judge, and our best wishes for his futuro prosperity and happiness." "Tiie Board counted tho ballots at"tachod to the affidavits of tho colored "persons wrongf ully prevented from vot"ing, filed with tho Chief Supervisor." And' thnt's how Grant Electors and a Republican Legislaturo were "elected" down in Lousiana. A FIBX broko ou.t at Fifth Avenuo Hotel, Now York, at li o'clock, Tuesda-y eveuiug last, on tho second üoor in tho laumlzy wing. Escapo being cut off, twenty-two servants are reportod bunred todeatil. Tho. details are full of aorriblo incidente


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