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VOTICE! Tho annnnl moetinf? of the atockholdors of the FIU.-fT HATIONAL BASK of Ann Arbor lor the election of nina Director, wül bc held at the Banking Uouse, ou Tuesday, the Mth day or Jannary, 1S72. I'olls for election will be open between 10 nd 12 OVliJCk A. M. By order of tho Boarii. J. W. KXIGOT, CasMrr. Ann Arbor, Deo. 10, 1873. u 4id "OTICE TO THE PUBLIC! I will sell on MOXDAY next, DECESIHER 16th, ray entile níock of Dry Gcods,Millmery 9 Notions At Htrtctljr New York Oost. and some f?rods below. ThisJH Hgioftt opportunity tor those wUhing to purflbUM goodü in in y line lor tke Uulidaytt, as there ia do humbug. Cali and Se e for Youraelvea Whether I do sa I adrerlise. CHARLES P&HTLB. Ann Arbor, December 12, 1872. Udint Estáte of Arlhur H. Champlin- Minor. (TATBfiy MIClHIOA.V.Countyc.f VTBMi-riK-, ís v At a nadon of the l'rubiite Vmurt for the (,'mint) of WurthtenHir, liolden t ttie i'robHte CÖ'Cc, iri tlit ':ity of Aon AtIot, on íoti(íh-, the nmtii d) of i icci""1'! " th yen one touasHnd eight hundred and ."Ti'nty-tud. Treiwnt Hiium J. Hej:k"?, Judiare of Probate. In th matter of Iho Ustftt of Arlhur II. Chapiplitl, minor. On realin? and flling tho peïi'ion, diily verifl d. ot Cornelia A. lliancüurd, prrtjin tliat K.iaïia 'i'Hylor, of De'roit, or such suitubie person aë nhe uivy nominale, may be uppoii.ttnl Uuiirdian for uuid mnu.r. Tbereujn it ia urdcrid tbut Monilay, the eixth day of JiiwaiTj noxt, at ten o'elot:k in the forenoon, be Mlrfipurt ior the hearing of t.:iid potition, aud that th npxt of kin of t:ul minor, and all other penKK)! inlereatod in aid estáte, are requirtd to appenr at a Dcsaion of aid ('ourt, then to be holden at tbe Probate office, in .the tcity of Ann At)r. and bhnw eauoe, if any there be, nhy the pmyer iJ tbe petioner should not beallowed: And it in ftirther orilerid tba' aid peltilonw frire notir to the prrsonaintcr.-Hti'd in .iid estáte, of the pendenry of aaid petitcon, and the beuringthereof, by cau.inK a copy of thi order to b publiaiinl in the Mtchipnn Afgu, a no-.Tspijwr prmtei and eiiculufing in snid county, thruu aucceaiive weelu prerioua tö siid day of hearing. ('A trne cop7.) HIRAM .1. nEAKFH, 110 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Mary E. Shigky. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty of '.Vashtennw. . O At aoelonof the Probate Conrt for the Countj of Wa-htenaw, holden at the Probate office in tbe cilyof Ann Arbor, on Weilnisddy. the elurcmh day of Daeember, in iheymt one thoaonnd eighi hnndrcl and seventy-two. l'resent, Ilíram J. Beakei.Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the petate of Mary E Shigley. deceased. Aniintiis Hhigley, Executor of the lnt w l! nnd ;c-t i.n-nt of eaid deceaed, comes into C'onrtand rpprt'ceniü that be is now prepared to rendc'r liin íinül Hixonnt a uch Exerator. Therenpcn it is Ordered, that Monday, Ihoiith day of Junuarj, uext, at ten ovlock in the foriMioon, ba MÓIgDGfl for cxamiDing and allow iDffSOCta arcottm, and that the b-patees, devint-rn, and hclrsat law of sald decessed, and all other MnoDf iutert-íted i aíd estáte, Te refjnired to appear at a BOMioB of said Coart, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in th City of Ann Arbor in aidConnty.and whoweauite if any thure be( why the eaid iccnnut hoiild nut be illowed : Aud it if further ordered, that said Exe:utor ive noticc tothvpnsonainlsreatedln aid estáte, of the pendency of said ïiccount, anl the hejrin&r thereof, by oaiiHln;,' a copy of thi order to he pulilishcdin the virhifnv 4fyuxl newsp.iptr pHnteo andcirculatina in BüidCoanty, three successive weeks prevloa to eaiddny of henring. (Atrito copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKKS, M0 Jndaf of Prohate, Ketato of Bordine Minors. STATK OF MICHIGAN vConnty of W,ihtena.8 At a Mesten f tht CoQTtfor the Count of Wafhtfiittw, holden i;t the Probate Olïioe, In th City of Arvn Arbor, on Thnrudny. the fifth da of Peccniber, in the yeiir une thousand eij;h hnndred and ncvmtytwo. Present. Hiram J.lïttnket, Judf;pof Probate. Iu the matter of Ihe Kutateolilarru-t JC. Bordine, Levi lïiiriürii', nuil I.ovíiih BorAti minors. On readloeand Allng the wtitronduly vcrtrtetl, of Aa M. I);irluuf,% ianliftn, pr7nj; Uiat he uny bv licfunetl to wt'll ccriaia reivl eainte N-luniir to ï?aid nlnonk Thcrciipon It Ih onTered thnt Mondiiy, the sixth day of Jannary m;xt, at ten (Vclock In the awlgtied for iho hearing of #nUi jteti tion, and that the iiext of kin of iald minors, and all othcr pertODs tntarealed in sald i-.itate, are required 'o nppeitr at a aeavlon of said Courti thrn to bc holden at the Probate Office. in theCi'v o A 11 n Avl)or,:ind thOWCaUBC, if ariv tlitTc bf.why'the prayT of toe petltfouer shouïd nut be Dflnted:- And n i.-1 fii'-'h'-.r vrèpred% ttafttoaié DeÜtlon4 ooticc to the ponon Intareated in san) estáte, of the Kïodency ofsaid petitfon,and thr Keartea threof,by ablBgaoop7 of thla oraer to be pubibbed in the Michigan Arfar a nowsjtaper prfntctdand ctrcnlating n sHid ConOty. thrflesaocoesive weeks ïjroviona to saiddayofliarlDft lilKAM J. REAKK8, Atru civiy tada e ui Probate. 1404 Commisflïonera' Noticé. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wnshtcnaw, na. O The undcrsined, baving1 boen appointtd by the Probate ('ourt lor s;iid county, Cuinmsiontrn to recaive, examine, and u'1juïï uil cl.ünn and demanda of all pfi(nH uguinst the ostute oí Mnse C Kdwarda, sen , late of Kiid Oounty, deoeawd, hereby give notico thtit -.ix moMtn trom date UO allOV6d, by or!t'r of sii ki ltobttt1ünri, fororediton topresent theirnluiina itriiiist the ■■ ■'■ -Uw ' nU AHMMd, ñd that thov will XXOöt ivt tïi" hOCUW ot :ii;í flfflBfMttfl I in tbs ioH'liMiip of Vmk. iti gaW couniy. onSaturdny, the twonty-sfcou'l luy ot' Kt'bruary, nnd on Bfonday, the itinlh í;iy oí Juno in-M , ti téo o'olook a. m. of each of euid days, ;o rfj'ive, OXftlulnOt mi tl adjiiHt Ntld clnim;}. Utitt'd Ducentber ííth, . ]. 1S72. ALLEN lï. HAN8O2Í, DANIEL MURRAY, 140iw-l Conmn-vsioncrg. Estato of Marshtill NwellSTATE OF MIC'ilI'iAN', Cunlyof Wntuhtennw.s. N .'Hiuo ia hereby given, that by nn order of tho L'robato ('ourt for the County of Waebtcnaw, inad' on tb ninth day of November. A. D. 1872, h montbatFom thut date were lillowed for croditors to iroeent tbeir e&ftna apainst thx; éstate ot Sfiinhall STeweUi late of aid oounly, deceawd, nnd thnt all irediton ol said decneed are requixed to present thlr ■l;uuiM to4ld Probate Ceuvt, ut Bfae ProMte otücLvin lie city ot' Aun Arbur, tur exumiuntion and afiOVUiC6, on or beforo the ninth dy of My next, nnd tbiit huch rlaims wflfl bfl heftM befon said Probate Court, on Pnturday, the eighth day of b'obruary, and on VrMay, the ninth day of Mny lext, at ten o'clock in tho ibreuoon of each ui 11Mw4 Ju1ge ot l'robafo.


Old News
Michigan Argus