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The Feet In Winter

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Tlirough the fret cornos every year to multitudes - desth ! Especially in wintei onght jmIiis to be taken to keep tho feet warm, to be hcalthful ; tho wfirmth comes from within. Stoekings keep tho feet warm bccauso they keep abont the fnet tho warmth which cornea trom them: henee those material aro the beat ior the feet that are non-conductors; thua it in that woolen stocking are considerad w:i:im-r thnn cotton or iilk ; there is Iers warmth in cotton than in woolcn, l'oeatiao they convey the heat with very great rapidity from the feet. Yet somo people's feet are more comfortable in winter with cotton or sük, han woolen, becauao persons with a vigorona circulntion givc out so mnch heat, that if leept about tho feet, perspiration is indtfeed, which becomes condensed by the cold frora through tho boot or shoe, tillM keeping the feet cokl and clammy and damp, and most diaagreeably cold ; but if such persons wear cotton or silk, the extra heat is conveyed away, leaving enough to keep tho feet warm. If the pores of thn skin are oloaed in any part of tho body that part i eiíher, uTinuturally hot or co!d. If the circulation is vigorous, it orerheata becuuaa it caunot c? cnpo through the gcape pipes of the system. If tho circulation is sluggjish, if thero is bnt little vitality, the blood in the veins stagnates, and the blood of the arteries, whieh carripa heat and lifo cnnnot get there; henee the first step in keepïng the feet warm is to keep the pores open. Tho pores of the soles of thn feet aro mnch the lergest in the nhole body ; henee tho iitcessity of kecping the pores n tho soles nlways open. That can ( n'.y ie done in ouo way : Keep tho feet clean ; clean uvay the concretions of perspira;ion, oil Hnd dust, which are always acoumnlaUng, and peal tho tops of these Dores, tho chimneys of the sygtuua, hermeticnlly. If the feet are not ■washcd fora week or two in winter, and then Boaked for a qunrter of an hoor, whitish snbstánce can be BOraped froaa the fuet with the fingernailp. Thi3 ia dcad skin, perspiration, and other matter eonglomorated, eoTering the pores os effectually as if each had an iron hinge over it ; thcreforo ïoak tho feet in wurm water every night, and twice a week 6crapo the soles of the feet. There is notning that can be namer which is so safe. Then dip both feet in cold water, T.ipo with a towel, dry before the fin, and get into bed withont walkffig on a cold floor ; tho feeling on corering up will be an agreeable surprise. Beforo yon dress in tho morning, pnt both feet in cold water for a eecond or two; they need go no deeper than tho toes, then wipo dry. This bath ongnt to bo attended to by all persona of sedentary habita. Many hare got rid of the discomfort of cold feet in tho way described. If persons havo no strength nor vitality, this, as well as other methods, will fail. -


Old News
Michigan Argus