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ÏÏATT1R 1 HAS RECKIVED HÍS PAU & ÏÏMER STOCK OF1 Hats and Caps, IN LATEST 8TYLFS, LADIE8' PUBS: EESTS' FUlSIElüSG ÜOOÖS, ETf ., wnicn nu proposes to selt. at price; WHICH L'LFY COJIPKTITIOjNY 7 South Aiatn Et., Ann Arbor "ÖnJCHOOK'SWlflEOFTAB" vk 10 YEAB8 -OF A- f PUS LIC TE6T Has proved % OL. Eaook'a ;' ■ " -. ■ '; -3s OP a 'Fo fenve wort - ei'At han au Ue public. Tt is ricïi fti the medicinal íJBmlii'.KOi'í':M', &rnl uncqiialtd for Óieie oí" tiiití Tliroat and LaüM, priurmiog the iuot renuub ai, kt curea. Chronic Congb&, It effectaally cares thom Ml. Aièiiia: and ISrcnchUls. Ha enred so manj .. it has been pro Boimeed a f[wcific fol these complaiuts. 'or paias in Breast, Sido or Back, Gravel or Eidney Dlsoase, Biseiises of the Uriaary Grgaus, üuiidico or nny Liver Coinplaiut Tt ht no equal. It is alsf) a superior Tonff , Eoiitores the Appetite, (Streagthens t!tc System, Eestoros tiie Weafe and Debilítate Ctecises the Food to Digest, Memoves Dyspopsia ana Iüdigestion, Prevents ]ü alarlons Fovers, Givos toue to your System. N. ..!-■,. For Scrofhla, HorofJ, lens liscuscs of 3% Uie Ejes, or Scrofu jg Ia in auy ibriu. jSr Any dieciise or emption Öfc2 of Ihe Skin, disease of the JWs Liver, Khetiraatium, PimO- ples,01dSores,ljloerfi,Brok0í? v en-3own Constitu ti'ons, ?V Sypliilia, or nny diseasedekLÍJ& pending on a depravcd conJA dition of Ihe blowl, try DR.CHOOK'S 2Vr SYIIUP OF fg POKE ROOT. Wï It has the medicinal prop%mq&A crt7 "f Pokecombineu with gjy a prcparation oflronwhich goes at once into the blood, jKfa performing the most rapid ■s aud wonderfiil cures. Ask yonr Druggist for lr. Crook's üompound Syrup of Poke Koot - take it aud be üealed. THE"LIGHT RUHHIHG"ftKft g -" Dcmeatic" S M Co, 96 Cliarubeis St, N. Y., 01 214 JefFersou Ave. Detroit, Mlch. 12Ö0m3 Ee;ü Éstate fot Salo. (3TATEOF MICHIGAN, Cou nivw-ss ' In the matter of tiie.estute of Jaco ceawd, no!:'' ■ nitor of l'"' - ■ the Hon. Jiu'uo of Pro: th' Couuty of WaAbteiuiw, on the nfth dny of November. A. 1). 1871, therc wül be aiil idue, to the high i; bidder, nt I ' ídíí house on t.he i i the Cntmty of Wishtenaw, in sida Stole, on ' uay, t ■ Jnnuury, A. at one o'cloek in V.m afternoon oí sub'. ■ all encumbrantes by fáortgngc or otherwfáe existincr in# descnbedreul estáte, to wit: The i-outh half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast r y:-'.ion twenty-six, In township ' four Eost, containing tívcnty aerea mure or tiitO. i ited, November 2S, A. D. is:2. 1403-td JOHN O. A.NDRE3, Admfnistrator. Shoríít sTï QTATKOF MICHIGAN, Connty Tf Waíhtenaw f ra. Byvirtueof iiwritof exeoution issued out o and under the seal of theCiicuil Court f theCoun ( tyof Washtenaw, and :' ■ : - ïainat tbetroods, ohattles, IumJ.í nnd tenementso Honvy Goodyear. I did, on II' twcnty-lhird dayo February, A. T). iv, v, ■ eize and levy u pon all Uto rifrl titleand iutoroi Ifenry Goodyear haain andtoth following described property, to wit: I. o; ■.. two feelón i :.n thirdsof h ílirec in block twenly-t-o, section two; lot :. and eleven, exeept twenty-fonr by forty feet in sout eiiat eornerj lot niño, m Hoek twenty-two, w ruon Vm Also lot mx in block siz, aeetion tiro. AU of tb above described propefty 1 I inthevillag i of Manehestor, Connty of Washtenav, and Miohiga, which abuvo deaoribed property I shaU x T" ; for sale at publio anetion to the tu thosouth door of tfi'.' coim f Èonae, tnthei , on the 3Oth day ot December, A. D. 1872, at te o'clook, A. II. I):ii-tl at Anu Arbor, November 11. A. D. 1S7 HPOtd MTRON WEBIi, Sbfriff. Sheriff Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, c,untyof W.ishtenaw 1 si. By Tirtne of one eseention iflened out of an nnder the seal of theCircuil fv.nrr for (he Countyo Washtenaw, to me direct ed anídelivered, ■ winst 1 1 ñocl8,batteIs,1andsandtenementaofIanielBrovnel by virtuo of wbioh I i'.íi! ,;, i!..( :,i!:r. of At I). 1873, seise and levy upon al] Intfrcst Daniel Brownellliaa in md lo I ; n:il estáte, to wit : Tlio al half of tin larterof section six intown three south of rang l.being in. llie township ot' Fittsflold. Count of Washteaaw andState of Hiobiiran; whiel .11 stil at theonter south door of the Conrt Honse. in the city of Ann Arbor, u imbhcauclion tothrhihest the 11 tb dny o ! Januory, A. D. 1S73, at ten o'ulock. A. M., of L;iic day. Dated, Nov. 13th, A. T. - MVKOX -WEDB. PhenfP. HOI By Joiïtix FojiUKy, Cnder Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. CTATE OF.MTCniOAN. Counly of Washtenaw, sa. O By virtue of ono execution issned out of jmd undorthc fcitl oí i!:o Cironit Conrt for the County of WashtenrVi to uf directed and ddivored. aainstthe goods, chuleéis lnntl and tenements of Góorge Colprove liy virtne ofirhichl didon the ninth d.-iy of August, A, D 1872. seize nnd levy pon nll the npht ütle ana inte inandtothe fdlUnrinBdeecribed nal estáte, to wit: Lot nnmbor four in blook ix, twelve easl : ssid real t ■ i 1 in thecityof Ann Arbor, '- ::;'v of Wasbtenawand State of Michigan, which a 'il ■ '':[o T shal] aellat theouter souüi door of the Ooart Hoasein the city of Ann Arbor, on the 28th day of December, A. n. is;.', nt ten o'clook, A. M., of Baid day, at public anciiou to the liiyhest bidder. Dal d, Novonibcr 13tb. ls;2. ■heriff. 1 UW By Jo&txh Fóbbes, L'Ejpr sheriff. Conimissicmers' Notice. STATï] OF MICHIGAN, county of 'VVasMonivw, 93. The undersfgned, haviñg K-en appointed by the Probate Coart for aftid eounty, fomnuNsionera toixceive, examineand adjnst allèlaiinsand demand of all persons against the estáte of entornas Alexander, late ■!' Kftid eounty, deceased, heroby sriTe notice 1 -■ rauntbs fiom dato aro allowed, by or-lr t said Probate Conrt, lor ereditors to present theü . andthntthi tue oiüce of John N. (lotl, in the city nf Ann Arbor, in tjiid couuty, i:-! .. the twenty-scoond day of February, and on Wednesday, tbe tweaty-flrat i 1 . ■ ; [ Ifay nvxt, at ton o'clock . m. of each of said days, to reoeiTe, examine, andadjust said claims, Il.itcd, November Sist, A. 13 JOHN N. OOTT, L. li. 6LA 1402w4 ComniiHsiouers, Commiesioners' Jiotico. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wat-htenaw, ss. O The nndersigued having been appointod by the Probate Court for said county, Commusioners to receivo, examine and adjnst all èiaims and demn a!l persons againat the tsfate of Charles ( r, late of said county, Ueceased, hereby rive not. bïx months trom date are nliowed by order of said Probate Court i.r eredltora to present their claims againiit thooi'.ntuol said deceased, and that theywill m,'4.t at the reaidence of ::; 1 o Freidora, in Baidcounty. on Baturday, the twcr.iy-iifth dny of Janmd lionday, the twenty-dith dayofltaynext, at at two o'cluck r. u. oi each of said days, to receive, examine, KUd adjust said olaims. Dated, Novemler 2th, A. 'ti. JOHM uncu, (JEUiUiE WALKER, UP2w4 Coirtnütóioner. Oommi&aioners Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of K lT The uiidersigiicd, huvwg been appohlted by the .Probate (Jourt lor snid emmty, Commissioners to reodve, examine and adjuot dl cluioia and dom all . l&toofsaidoountyideoeaaed, herebygive aottoethat six montha from date axe allowéd, by order of said Pio■jurt, lor creditors to presc-nt their chiu:s agatnul theeatate of said deceased, and that I 1 c-.'( eaaed. i county, on Öaturday, the fifteenth day of Febrnary, tmd on Mondny, the ninetcenth day of M;ty, nr-xt, at ten o'elook a. K. ut' enrh of Baid daO, to reccive, oxemine, -■. - Daled, November IJíth, A. D 1872. PIULO PAR80N8. JA:: OAN, 1401 w4 Cüinniissioners. lístate of Daniel S. Biroh. STATE OF MICIIIOAN", ConntyoJ WaaMènavBfl. Notice is licreby givun, that by ;;n order of the Probatv Court for Úxe County of Washtenav, ed tbf eiffhtoontb dny of Noveifttwr, A. 1). 1872, six month lu'.'i Hint. dato Were aQowed forcreditonto preaeitt thcir chuiu.s against the estáte of &■ llirch, Inte of said oonnty, dcoeaeed, and that all crerliiurs of said daoeaaed are required tu their oltdiDfl to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oiïirt'.in the City tf Ai.n Arbor.fos examinatioa and allowanoOi on or beiure tliv iiincif ejtth day of May iiext, and that Buoh olaimé will be hearn beforo snid Probate Conrt, on Baturday. the Qftei - of Kebroary, aud on Uosday, the nlneteeath day of Mny next, at 10 o'clook in the forenoon of e&Ch ilays. Datod, Ann Arbor, Fov. . i . 172. HIBAM J. 1 W3fl 1 Judye of Probate. Estáte of John Wortley, STATE OP MIEB [GAN, Connty ofWashtenaw, m. i ■ ïvc-n, that by au order of tin.' Probate Covnt for t l-j - Coontyof Washtena i . _', sic moni I nllowed fbr creditora to pwaent their el tima againal the estatü of John v. oid ooiinty, deceu ed, and I tora of [lüred lo ' ' Couvt, at Probate i ■ City of Ann Arbor, Ibv ex$mination and ;ilhju;ince, on ! thut [ms will l nd Probato Mir.-h and Mortdfvy, ni at ten oV'K-i'!c in thfl forenoon of ■ days Dttted. Ann Arlor. December 2d, A. ]. is;l(. HIBAM .1. BEAKES, Judgeof Probate. Real Estáte for Sale - THEVOLÍÍSY CHAPÍN HDMESTEAD, Ñoñi' tho norui-cjift corner oftho i'uürt l!oi: - pqnaro, TJhft pjiipcrty 1' be snid al prlces, In ■ "r lor i'ine8 pnrpoars. Also Iot8 "U MUlei Avenue ctit of roniö'grtMn bOOSe. Also ;i Farm of 160 Acres, Well watered anti fenced, rhl good orctara and talr bnlldiugs. wltblnamlle of the Court House in 3t. John, Mlcbljfan . audsewral hnndredn rei ol tlmbored laodïin Sagfnaw Connty, Mkhi:.':.l. Inaoire f N. V,-. PHRKVER.o 1300m8C. A. ÖÓAPIN.


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