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2ví" ale. Dthe condUion ofi ■ ■ Crumer, bearíng date tlu een hun dred and aeventy-one, and recoi ■ . 17) at m: and one-fuurth 1'. M . and tíxe ; , ■ 1.1 ,s;n . i oí sai defnult, and the sui ■ nnd twenty-p dollar? and ejglity-two oenta being claimed to on s dd mortgoge unl the atibe date "i1 ibis noticfti also un attorru .' . -■■ i'li il fui iu h--:iid mortguge and a ■ilintí" at luw or In el ■ fng beei instítutfcd to rccovertho Bameor anypaii i Notiec is thercfore hereby giren tliat said mortgag will i' -. ;l tale oí t h n i'i scribed and liereinaftei meutionei ti :! wiü be d losutisfy saidamount, n Üaturday, thetw I December next, a . at tlio SOUtb cair Of t)..' ui.i ■ for holding tho Cireuii Ouurt forthoCountyof (vasti ttTüi'. . iyj of til power of sale iu aaid mo mortttnge as fujlovs : All thoao tracta oí pareéis n nnd described as Ixts numbar ! Thw i-, I., ín J !). Baldwin'a y of Aun Albor, in Lhc County ( i , and State of Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, fíept. 28, 1W2. DÉNSMORE CRAM1 ■. Hoi ■ Mortgugo Salo. DEFAULT baving b i the condition of n índí aturo of mortfrsge made ■ t"l I . ■ . . M.iry ] date il first áay or' December, i:i theyear of onr Lordon . . tuce ot the I Cuun , on the4thduy or i ntainedin Raid mortgage ha1 tve bj ren on ol bucIi d i ■ i handred and twenty-Üve dollar: olaimi d to be due upon ï---i n d;ile oí tbisnottee, I and interest, beste thcsui . dollars stipulated tl SOnable uttomey fee for the í'r , ti of- ;tu j or proceédinga ni law, nór iu ehancerv havin ■ i r tlie debt Beicun -1 by sal mortgage or aay part thereof. Notice ía tberoio] hert by jnventhai said mortgagewill be forecji ol sale thtr.:ín c tntained, Hi premi . .,(1 hereinaftí leAcnbed and set forth, oí some part thereof, wi -: ut public ancíiíiii, to the bighi bfftaid mortííage ande,. i urday.t] ■ítli day of January next, at eleven o'clocV in the fon .-;, tli' poutli i of Ann Arbor- -that beingr thebnílding in wbich ti ■ ■ i crart fbr the County oi . táheldare described aa loílows. ti wit: tnblock nfimberose Hurón ■ ron e eleven east, in tbeeáty Aun Arbor, Michifran, iu curding tö thè reèorded pl oí' Hit Aun Albor i y Addifios. Dated Ann Albor, (Jc4 ■■■ H. L0Ü18A 8ACKET, E. C. Seakah, r)rigagee. ■ :re. Mortag Sale. DCT baving buen madein thc condition of . and Eli aar, his wife, to the undtwigfn ick Iluson, . , i (ctober, j 1. one recorded ia Connty, in I of Mi . on thtí lyí fnult tho ]■■' ■ ■ iñ ;iid moi utive, ar thore ia elaimed bj me to be due on saia nïoj of thifl aoüce the sttm of tour thousanu foi hundred and iurt-six d vencen prinei] i the sum oJ I fura aa ai y'a fee o íakin procpedings tof ore close said Bíoi lit orpr( . g at latr ór in ehancery haviDe beeu tnstitute to recover the debt Kcuredby suid mortag part thorcof, noticc is thercJuie hereby ftiveu tiirft t ñrtue oi the power of bale contained ín íind of tlie stut ule in Bueh cave madi sai 1 mortgage wiU bu foreolosed by ;i , tuction to the higbesi i ti 3er, on Motidáy, tho SÍTth day oi' January next, at te o'clo; i. dood of teut day al of the ■ or, in buí ■ üv . .- lid i ■ i." ing i i. ■ lít CoutI ÍOT eniiW. The (neaid i -wit: All of thc wcj bajf rt the i; ■ eátit balf of tho northeost qoarterof eection íill ia Tovnship threesouih inHangé tiirc-e t-;.at. Alá the northwe! quarer oí the n 1 1 p tbree BOnth of i'.: ■ : ailin the County oí Waafatenaw and igan. Dated Ann Arbor, Mit-hicnn, Novem SON, FELCH-A Or.AXT, Motl Attorneya for Morígagee. OTA 'i EtIGAN, Foürth Judicial Circuí O Iu Ühancí ry. Suií ■ in 1 Court for the County o iBdary , whercin Mary A. Kobcrtsoi plainant, and Alexns n is defendoni at Am At . ('m r dding aod Bling due proof by aflidavit tha tlie above nal out of ibis state, and itr-klc-s at O a I; Parle, ii County, Illinois and óh motidn of Frank Hinck olicitor fbr Gompluinantf it ordered tbatsaii use bis aijpfüitinee to bc cntcrcl ïu snit wïthinthree monil sfrom the date of thisorde andin defaiilt theieof that the bilí of oomnlaint ii uaid eái ñ by raid di and it i-i rurlher ordered thut wíthifl twenty d conip'iünunt cause a copy of this order lo be p . . 1 published in thecityof Ann Arbor, in said Washtenaw, and that said publication be obntinnej once i i each weels forsix suocomívü weeks. Dated, Ootober 21st, J. "VV1IXARD BABTÏTTT, FitAKK Tíinv if CoortOom. CompL'ts Solioitor. .; inaw Co. Mííh, 1 809w6 Real Estáte for Salo. - CTATEOP MICHIGAN, County orWaehtecaw-sa C5 Intuerontterof tbo - nthew Schalble. late of ProcJoniJ i:i s&id Cuanty dfceas d, do hereby glvén that Id parsittrncn ofan order id to the underetgncd AdminlBtrato'i estáte of &aid de ceasdfby the Hon. Jodge oí Píobate for the Coanty of v.-:"- tenaw. oo the twentylifth (l:iy of November. A. L . 1872, tb ere will be sold BtpubHo vcudne, to the bljrhest bidder, ftt the late resldence of said deceased in Precdcm, in tbc QLn1 ■ ■ rinesday tntwecty-iecond day of . . i. 1STS, al ten o'clock in tho forenooü ol sald day feuhject to ill encambrancea by mortgage or otherwi?c it the timo of tbe oeath ol' enid deccasetf, aod Riso tubject to tht? rlght oí dower ofhtn widow therHo), ;he folio v i n; de#cribed :cal estáte, t wít: Tho vest half of toe sontheast qtfrter and west half oi - half of the I Ion two, ontalniofr onc hñndred nnd tuvnty acres, more r md the ast half of ihe noriheast qoarter of hc northeast quarter of section nlne, contal njog wenty ilcrea, more or leas, all in totfnship ture outh of range iour east, In sald áuiíoDfltcd.NOT ?5tb. A. í). 403 td JOHH G. E BLE KAMP, Admtolatrator. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw- ph. 5 ïn thc matter of the estáte of Cornellus Laüjihin, déceased: Notico i? bereby g)reo,thnt in pursnnee oían order jcrnted to Ihe andenrigned A dm in p tff tbe estáte of said deceased bythe Hoo. uclce of Probate for Ihe coanty of Wüshtei aw, on he iwcnty-second day of July, A. I). 97% Üiei e eold at publlcvenduOi io tho hlghest bidder, ut ie Awellluff boïoM on the premiaea hereïnafter decrlbi il, in toe conoty of woshteoawi in said ftate n .Mi uday.tlio twentieth day of Jannary, A. ]. BT3, t ten o'clock iu thc fbrenoon of Ehai d--iy fsub.;ii encumbra Dees by mortgagA or otberwlse : at thf tirrtc of ihcdi'Uïh of said ie folloif log described real estáte to v. !;ilf of the SnQthwcst qinrttr Of SOCtlon tvrntii of rauire tx ert-t . in ttd ta e, coiit&ini) Iso a parcel ofland c acrlbed ascommencfngat the uarter pust between secÜonstw6Dt?;two and twenv three same townhip and rane, and rnnnio tstoo énld Qnartoi Huq to ihe subdivisión poet, tence oorth on said line tweutyfou? rocis, theuce ;id soction lïne elshly rods, thenco south ventv-fuur rods to tho pisca ufbesrinnlnffi Ing twtlve acres of Lánd, cxceptlng from tbc four acres convoyed by deed froni std c i :ii(l wlfe. ander tinto of December ; deed id' i of deed u ■ In tóe oíllcc of Deeds Ín suid coaaty. Dated,December4th, . 1408 td WHXIAM BURKE, fcdmtnistrator. ■ Estáte of James Mitchell. OTA'!■-. CountyofWashtenaWjBD O Al nrsöftsldïiojf t-1 urtfortheCountyo1 ttt Aun Arbor, on Monday, ihe sccoml lay üí Dei. in tliu yeor one thonsond elght hunured nnd , Judgeof Probate. Tu thu matter of the estete of Jan ■ !, Kdwin A. Piei ce, Executor oi tlie lust wilí ■ i of soid at to court representa tbat he iftsow preparedto renderhü linal account as auch Excoutor. Tbereapon it is orderéd, that Monday, tbe thirtietü day of December instant, at tono'i tlie forenooii, ■ foï examinitig and allowxnff Buob iitf ouut, 'íuui that Üie legtttees, deviMea and hoirs at law of Baid and aU otler penona uiteieetediiiBaid estáte, are required to apnearat a aession oí said Oonrt, then to behotdezi, at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, itnd alise, if any there be, wby the pruyvi . ftted : And H j í'uvtíu r ■ lid eetate, of 1 1 ■ a ■!■ ■■- 1} oi ■ tinn, and the i;. n oopy oí' ihis order to be pul Wt higan Argvt a news papar ) i íng in suid oounty, thrte eks pre Loiu 'tl ■:''' 'i;l" oí hflaring. (Atruecopy.) I 8, liüJ Judffeof Probate. Estáte of John Rheiufrank. ashtenawss. ] n Of tliu !']'■ ■ tul the Probute Office in the City ! of Ann ■ '; Tuesday, the third day oí ftr oiio thousaud eig'ht honared ' pooty-two. f ■ , I i 1. ,. i: -I. - . . ; In the matter of the estáte of John Rheinfrank, l ;, William Rhcinfmnfc, tëxeentor of the last & wiil and and representa thnt heisnowprej cutor. red. that Moaiday, the thirtietfa ' day oJ '■' . ■ ;ini, at ten ociock in t )■ - il for exomining and allon ooiint,and thatthelegatcsjdevnieeaandhi irsat lav oi intereated in saíd eetate, are i eqaired to ap] ■ i ii t( be holden af the Pi ■ Ann Arbor, ín said county, and ■■ ■!-n-d. Umi Bi) ■ I : i said a:.;ml tlic ':.-- ■ i printed and latinginsoia Couniythreos i ■ lu proTióiu ' copy.) HII1AM -l. BEAU g JiKtge of Probate. L jdncÉ! - i Nolico I hereby giren to :i!I vhom il may i-nnccin, I uthoi il i. IJ M rui. ii .,iitliority öo to do. - JAiIEB W. WIKG. ( Dntwi, Scio, Xov.20, 16r2. liClw-1 ■ Estáte of Valentina E. Bott , V?.1" ' Ue Probóte curtf.. , '■'ir-'" ■ ■' ■'■ ) t,,.; v.' ;;■ .v"liu ■ said aecead m,d all otl í , L■" i„. lnW.f i said estáte, required t o ■ , ,r ln,lercstcd I eion of said "ir. ■ Office, in thé City of Ann Ir0; v, and show cause, f -,,,1 ■ ' , " " """1 saidacïontshould ■,': ■",'' !'"= ■;' i .sfurtber rther.uf ■"'y'fsi"a -publishedi, gpy a newspaper printed and in 7V ' thrw successie weekspre, :' ;ua (.o,,n.y, lAtTWCÓW.) HUUKJ.BÏMÈS ii Judge of Probate. Estáte of Samuel . Wolcott J'ATK" "tyofWhtonr'■ SESi _ al y of Aan Arbor on Monday, the twcnty-Mtb' d" í of u Present, Eiram J. Beakea, Jadee of Probate ,. l ii the matlei ol I , ,.n, v,lloo(f :. deeeiued. Amanah Conklip, Adinizuslratór ot saM le estáte, romes Into Court and represente that he i n,,, ■ render lii liual account as such AdiniK-írenpon ft Js ordeña, that Mondav, thetwentv ■ nt, at ten o'eloek in u,7fo re' . be asiigned for examiningand allowlng meo _L account, u)d that toe Loira ai iaw "f JS ld deccaseá, and „a oii,,r peños, taternted fa fie rrquircd lo appm „. a I ourt. 11..H to be hulden tí le the Probate Office, h. the City of Ann Arbor i saiil cuuiíty, and show cause, U anytherebe whv'thn conl sliould not be allowed. And it i urther ia orderfed, thfti aid Administratorgivenoticetothencf - lid oslau-.ol therjendcneyof snidure countand the hearing fchen .j.i.y causingecopyof tliis .1 order to be published in the Michigan Arma a nen ie paper printed and circulating in sttid Counlj three r süccemive woïks previooB to said day of bearini II (A tvuf .copy.) HIBAJÍ J.BBAKIiS ■" I4W JudKe of Probate, ie ■ ■ - te of Matthew Schaible ■ rj At a sos-ion ol the Probate Cötut for the coumy of ashtcnaw, holden ut the Probate office, in the iitv ;; .ii ■ .. . Albor, on Monday, the etghteenth dar of N.Tta. er, in tlit your ono tliousaud eight hundrtd 11 ai d s renty " vu ■" -Tuoent, Himm J. Beaies, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of the estáte of Matthew bchaiole deceased. ' ' On rcadinir and films the petition, duly verified oí 1 . -.diq-Bistrator, prnyinirihat hemay bolieented tOMlléertlin nal estáte bereof - said dteea&ed died eèizéd. eupón it is ordered, that Monday, tie tliirtieth a day of December next, at ten o'clock In the foie__ :ii)on, b . osaignea for thu hearing of said petition and __ tbat tho heir at 1 of said decéaaed, and all otber penoafl lnterested in gaid estáte aré j reqnired to ajppei i o of said ('ourt then h to be holden nt the Trobate OlHce. in the city f Ann j() Axbor, And . ifany Chere bo, 'whytlia r u-ayi-r "f the petitioner should not. be jrnnted : And t'_ it is further ordered, tbat said Ktitiontr eive notice t id the persons interested in said eitatc, of the pendeney ,lt of said petition and the hearing thereóí, hy canaiag a lr copy of thisoi-dertöbeputliühed in the Michigan Arts !)", a newspapi rjgri-ited and eircolating in said ccuni. ly. foor successiT. week previuus to said Uay oj ring. J9 (Atruecopy.) UI1IAM J. BEAKKS, j. ' i '■-' Judzc of Probate. iy Estáte of Philip Eiding. '' OTATE OF MICHIG _N, Oonnly of ■VVaAtonaw ei E O At a session of 1 Co_rtfortheCounlol ■ Waahtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the Cit '" of Ann Arbor, on Wediieeday, the tweAuélh day of year 011e tïiousand eight hundied 11 and soventy-two. 'y Present iïiiiini J. Beake?, Judge of Probate. Iu ttae ruultei of the (.state of l'Lüi Eidir.e, ae' eëased. jt Oin iáing aña filing thé petition, floly verified, of Keofc, Administrator, praying that he may bc ii iu Bell the rual eatut, Vh.reof said deeessea died teizcd. Theroupon it is oi-dered,tliat Monday, the th.irt:eth' 11 ilayofJDecci teno'clock in the torenoon, hearing ot said petition, and that thé ;-i Bttiö fi tt at tl, alid all other peroiiEined in said eslaté, are reqnired to appeai a. ■; said Ciiurt, tlun to be holden at tl-.j Proba in the city of Ann Arbnr canse, if any thcre be w!iy e ald not be granled : And ii - fun ütióner grive notice to a the persons interested insoid estáte, oí Utepei ... I ll copyoi to bu published in tlie I . a newspaper printed and dreujating in said v. Cour suïecssive weeks prerióua to said da? '■ (Atruecopy.) HIKAM J. EEAKi:s. 1 - Judgc cl Fiobat. !; Estáte of eland Walker. - ö'TAt:: SncmOArT, Coantj of Wnshtennw.ssV 1 O At :i session of the Probate Conrt tor the Conol v ■ of Waahtenaw, holden at tho Probate office, in th-i l' city of.Min Arbor , on'e twenty serepth 1 day of November, Iu t)te year oae tlionsa'nd ciub; hondred andseventy-two. 1 Present, Hiram J. Beakes. Jndge of Probate. 1 In ihu matter of the estáte of Leiand Walklr, de■ ceased. David Parker, Administrator, of said estáte, Into Conrt and repreBcn'sthaihisnopre pared to render his Unal accoaBt as such Admini s. irator. Thcrcnpoii.tlsordercd, thatMonilüT the t-cnty;hlrddayol l'ecomber néxt, nt teu u'cloek in th for'cmion. be assigned for exainlnlng and allonin ïiicli accooDt, aud thal the heir at luw of said, ili'Cf:l3l, and all othrr persons iutcresled' ite, aro rc;nir"(l tí) nppear at a' u of. said Conrt. then to bc holden at thc. i Probate Offlee. In the City of Ann Arbor, in snit! . and show cansoif any thcre bo, why hc saidaccoontshoDldnotbeallowed: And it Isfui1 therordered, that said Administrator gire notice t : the persons interested in í;;ii estáte, o! ihe pen■ deucyofsald acconnt, and the nearine thereof, y causlnga eopy of this order to be published in iho ■■: A, n. a newspaper printed aud clrcn lating in said Connty, three euceóasive week_' prt;vii:it to sald day oí hearing. fAtrnecopy.J JIIKAM J.BHAKKS, 1 Wi" Judte ol Probate. Estáte of TTórman Marsh. yTATKOl' MICHIGAN. Connti ofWnshtenaw, 9?", 5 Al as ■33;,iii of the Probate Coar t f or the CooDt) of Washtcnaw. holden at the l'robatc Offli-e, io tlx dtyofAnn Arbor. on Tuesday, tho n'i il'iy dI November, in the year uucthuu.auü ei;ht aun,dredand seventy tw. Present lliram J.beake-.Jndge ofPtoJbate In the matter o.' the estáte" of Kutman Mareh,' deceased.. FrcomanP Qttlpln, Administratr of said estáte, comes into Court and represento that he ii mv prupured co reuder bis finiil accoant as snefa Admiuisirator. Therenpon it is Ordered. that SiondaT, the '■-■■ tecnlh day ol ist., uï ten ocVck iu tlio forenO oed ror'ezamining andallowin such acconnt, and thal Ihi! heirsatlaw of said deeeas; :tl. nnd all otherpersoosinterested in 8aide8tatear4 reqalred to apprar al ■ sesvlon r sald Conrt, then to' be holden at the Probate Office, in ihe Olty of Aun' It sanCoinrty, and show èanse, ifany thcre' be,Why the said account should not beailowed'1 And Itla (nrther ordered that said Admini-lrator glve notice to the porsons lntcrested in said estáte,' of the pendencv of sald account, and the hearisg i_ order to be pub-. í, :i newspaper print iï und ctrcúlating iu s.iid Connty, three successivo weeksprevlousto sald day of hearing. f.l truecopy.) IllIiAM J. BKAKKS, llul Judgeof Probate. Estato of Éichard C. Dillon. OTATl:orMH:]I;AN,c,;iintyotv,ishtenaw, r.' O At a BOSSlOU of thé Probate Court for the Cotinty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate oilic' In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdav, the tiveutieth d:iy mber, in the year onetiiousand ei;ht huudred and seventy-two. Presentí Hiram J. BookeSiJudge of Probate. In the uiatter of the esiate ofltichar. C Dillor.' deceased. fusan P. l'iüoi, Administrator of said estáte, comes Into Court aud represente that shc ia Huw prepared to reïiCcr her üutil account aa auch Admiuiltrátrcc. Thereupon it is Ordered, ttiat Xoaday IhesJz .:ay of Ui'Ct-mher, next, at tpn o'clock in theforcuoou, beassigucd for ezamtnlngAnd alioIng suoti Bccennv, and that the heirs at law of eatd deceased. au.d all other persona Intereated in wiid estáte, are requireil _o appesr it n seMion of said Court. then to be holden at theProbateOfflce.IntheCltyof Aun Arbor tn'baRCounty.and showcauaelfany there b why the .aidaccount hould not hrallowcd: And Itla farther ordered, that sald Adnrlnhitrator sive uotice to thepersonslnterested in said eayate, f thc pendency of said account, and the hearitii.' thereof, by canslng a eopy oftblfl order tobe nabUsnedin thc Michigan Argui%n Dewapaperpxiateu audci:culatinï; In sald Connty, three sucecssive weeks itrevïons to rsï'i day of hearing. CA trae copy.) IIlKAMJ. BEAKES, 1J01 Jnd-e of Probate. Estáte of Iltmrietta Wagner. OTATE O I' U 1 CHIGAN, Connty of Washtenav, ss o At a session of the Probate Court for the County oï "Waslitt naw, holden at the Probate Ottiee, inthe CityofAnn Arbor, on Tiie.sday, the uineteenth dn of So ember, in the year onc thousand citrbt hundred and sevtiuy-two. Present ttiram J. r.eak?, JudtreofProbafe. Xnthematter t the i-state ofHenriettaWagnesi ■ . 9ott, Administrator of said estate( oomes into oonrt and ■■ 1 1 ient9 that he is now jirepared torender Lis fin Mator. Therenpon ii is ordered that Monday, tho tix i. in ii of Decemhei oezt, at ten o'cjockin tl i fbrenoon, be assigned ïor examiuingand allowing sucH ■iccunut, ai hoirsfft law ox said deceasea, nitd uil other person. interested In said estáte, are required. i of s:tid Conrt, then to bo holden ut the Probate I ity of Ann ibor, in i-'.-iifl Munty, and show i ause, it any there i why tlie said ■ not be allowed : And it is further orlered Mi.ii.ii'i Adminitrator giTe notieeto the rr;ons uittrestfd in said estáte, of the pendency of ssid locount, and tl :■ cnuslng a cepy of ordor to be publuhed inthe . printed and circulating in snid couniy' . weeks previousto said day of hcar!.V truecopy.) IIIÜAM J. BEAKES, 1 lui Judffu of Probate. Commissioncrs' Nutice. BOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, s. i. living been nppointCd by tlie : county, Commisaioners tu remdivdjust all claims and demands ui' 'd of Jol.n ü. Ortmnr, itcofsai I, hereby iac notioe tbat ix ittonths ftom date are allowed, by order of said i uit. lm oreditors to present their claim gainsi tl ■ od thal Lhey will jeet nt the shop of said deceased, in villaje of sline, in -aid connty, on Satorday. the twenty-' uli day of Januaiy, and on ttonday, the t lith day f May,' next, at "ten oolocs a. m. of eaoh of aaid ivs, O iccci ■. examine, and ailtnsi satd cl.tKJ. Dated, Kovember llth. A. D. CHARLES BTIRKHAKDT, WII.I.TAMn. 1).vvi:M'oht. 1401 i i.--ioueie. "ï oToTHK FAUMKRS'STORB AND Hl V(! IJ jr Carpeti, OH Cloths and Ungí ehesp lor cash.


Old News
Michigan Argus