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JStISIff ESS DIRECTORY. EBÍlSTUS TIIATCïIKU. Attomey and at Luw, tío. ." Biwt Huiwd Strest, .i.bAi' :, Brh. 13S6 ■] F. FSQIKI,I,K, SI. . Oflle ovrr .'! A. .. Í"err78 store. Resldonce WMhlnstou Strcnt, four dooneast of State. 18T8yl AWW ABBOB lUNEBAL 9PRIHO8. Morrla Dale, t. O., SuoerintcDdent. Office n bLiilJinir, coruor M:uin and ÍVe8tHuron í?tr WI"ICS & WORDEN, ÏO Sguth Main streat, Anu r tor, Vfl '' . wholfrsalc Cnd retail dculrsiuDry; ls and ürocurics. 185Uf __ MACK & SCHMIO, Dealers In Dry Ooods, Grodirit-s, Orockery,&c. No. H í-uuth Main Mït'JIADZ. JIIÜíKAV, Roofer. Fire and II and Uomposttlon Qravnl Ru.l rilai-iiiul.v.UTiUUeJ. ljueiiiuiictou Ti; Vjrson Strv; , Anu Arbor. W!. JACKSOX, DsDtixt.snccewortoC. (i. PorteK i 'iiil i' aron streel b, aver the store 6f U. v. K!lis ('o , Aun Arbur, Mich. vr: ■■ imluutercd if reqaíred. "W 1". BttEAREÏ, J!. O., Physlclan nuil H corner of )luron and División Streste lirs; (loor casi OfPresbycriaii Charoh . Aun Arbor, Mich. E.Z. SOttñ&OX, 1). iKr 11 Hat nml Caps, HVns. "' a a tji is. Gepts Furnifthing Qoouo, áfcc. No 7 Soélli M:í;n 'Tri ut. Ana Albor. Mich. SCTHERMIVD A W5I10DO1V, I Pirelnsura mí dealersm Kcal Bátate. Díliccon Hüron Street. J verlos, le, Lc..Ko. 20 Soutli Main -t: Arbor. SIjAWss & ;. Provisión: and CiïmmfósïoD Síerchítnts. and qealerp 1b Water ..iir.c. ,1. ind piaster, and Plásli r Patfè. Ho. 16 Bast HuroV.sttfít. . SS;Ci!)Jl;j !W, ;- -:ll.r iu Ready vlado Clotlilug, ' ?.!StiniLa,iit!ilQent'B Pnrolthíng Qoudé. tío. Main S! W'. . . X, D-ak-r iu n-ady MsileHoth■ trnks,iirii;i liags, Jbc, Ll SüiUu Saín st reet. fStliittORG --IISKí-. Bookseller .l tl m ind Mtsccíll ii No. S.North Mala Itrceti Öregory Black, Ar.n Atbor. títlNKGV .V i.. I!oo:p, Shoce, j cerd,S'lpper&(Lc. No. B Eástlloronítreet, im i.-inir. Jü OAH v,r. ( .;i:;:vEKj ÁTTOENEY AT LAW ! ifCourtHoneë .re. 1381 "f í flulc. Q'weí lÜstrucUon on the Pmify V10Ü9 AND GbiTAR, st hh orfíE, No. 5 n ttri-t, (ilooic's balldtrti(,rtr :it the ■ tbc papH. PIANO TUNIMGi Djutl t speclftlitj : !io guaronteed; i. ÖC ï BBY ÍOLASSWAEE L ÍÜIÜCEIÍ ESi J. & t. Xonnolly ii . ■ i' ' -i : ■.!'?? " -ii"f i'rockcr,6laBfate; iFire, Cntlerj . At., Jtc, all tobe í Jld fil luí prices. No. IJ Gast ílurcn Street, Aun Arbor. niau j. ét i. iioxxiJiY. ÍOIIN fï. GALL, DEAIiBB XrCT PRESH AND SALT MEATS, LASO, BApBÁGES, Etc., mdpromptly fllli'il with thohcst íüoatB in the market. 811 agtofi streel. Aun Arbor, Segt. títh, lüfo. iSSStf N ARKiSEY, jOgS. ' Manútactnrer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AHD8LBiaBa, oí .-.■■: M.yl ■. mad tüiitcria!, rturt warranted. I prömptTy un i inable. Detroit ïtreet, uear lt, ti L)epH, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1384yl. jr. c. a7lëïteu CONTINÚES TO PÜT I" ,i"U FILL Physicians I'resciiptioiis, Atallliours, atNu. ! ÍJregorJ Block. C. A.LEITER & CO. AnnÁrbor.Dec. 2íd [Sji. is.'4 ■q'rTü'. ïï. f Ö KTEE, DE2STTIST. ffljein theS&VINQSBAHKSLOCK, Ann Arbor. ill Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRPORMED WITH C.lftE. DTN3tTRPA3SED PACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE imm awTfícíai teetq, TU GIVK EACII INDIVIHUAI.; DtnturcB oftke proper $ixet nkape.&iorfirmneesand na al tttpretsion. 1244 HURRY UP ! PARTlllS wi-hii)L' Wall Pupcr, Sliades Hollands, Wimlow Kixtnrcs. Co'-df), Tansels, &c , all New stvlf. at Satlifactorj PHCeB. bj -T. II. Webster A Vo IloDk Store ,nêar Uie Bxpiesa O;li;c. X X FOR 8 ALE. Tlie roosI and suhsianlial Britk House and tuo lots, bcaulifully situatcd on State Siri. Mtttth) nlsoSiürrord House and tiro loU, fio. 43 Inivcrsily Platel alto r,ni!u'.r and lot on l'car Street : aiso Huilc'ins ind lot on Ponliac Street ; Iso lots on Pear, Poatlac, Peachi Traver and Pliim Strccls. The abóte lots are ver y aeeessH)le lo water a ml ia the most Iicaithypart of f lic rity. 1309 Applylo A. II. PARTttUHiE. AT O T I C E ! Thfl snbscrlbcrahaqft at their ccmmaiul. ns a gfneral thintr. from ave hau'ired to fivt thoa?and dol)&n to loan on first nmi flrpt clnl mortffftge ►■itutite In the County of Wathteuaw, frota flv years. TefoosUboral Office oppostte PübI OÖlce.and fttC. A. Leltcr ACo.'e Drog Store. No. i ■ ry lllock. Our Abstract Bookeare poated up to Ate. Aun Arbor, Ma 30, 1S72. ha;v w. hoot, ROOT & LETTER. UAS. A. LEI1KR. 18 Otf WAL. WHEREAKE VOUOOtNO? DOWN TO the Parmerá Store wberethey have juBtreceivcd such lots f NewQoods; woy ttiey are f o eheanyou can get aa macb for 50 centR in Dres Goodsthere as yon can L ut for tl.06 ftt any othcr fctureïn thiötouutj. HICHIttAK CENTRAL BAILEOAD. K.IJ. timk TABIiE. l'HscngertniinsnüW leave thu scvcral stations, aa füUowo: GOtSG VE6T. Í I SÍ 8TATIOKS. to , .U ■= 1 1 f ■= s i sj s s -;: w jí &;_ 4, M. A. M. I'. H. 1'. r. 1'. M. t. M. . leave, : 15 9 M -i OS S :. B IS H W nti, 8 ifr Ui 17 9 88 7 12 9 -IS 11 (7 Arm Arbor, B n 11 OS 6 na 7 IC I 1} u ïi Dextcr, 0 S(i 8 ld l.i -15! i 8 M 11 ('j ■.■ikc, U ÍS --- i 11 3e a. u. Jucksou, 11 M lï 20 B M 1 00 12 .'.li J . " A. M. A. M. K'iiiumnzoo, - -' 2 SS 12 ÍS 120 ChtoMroamve, J8JÍ s i.n C 30,10 80 B_00 fílilil . i : w ïs o ia w s o I'. M. .P. M. A. M. A. U. Chioigo, leava, . 5 i: 'J oo M 9 co A. M. A. M. 1'. M. Kulamazoo, 2 21) II 80 2 Oj A. M. .Inclín. 12 10 4 45 5S ! 10 : ,ake, 3 25 chula . : - - - a. k. a ; s 52 - ( 28 ., i:, 4 iu V 1 ■ 3 . Uhor, 1 6fl 6 00 6 .'.i il 4.V 4 88 5 24 Yrwiliinti, 2 !S 6 2" 7 50 Ín 10 5 02 i 4a . irnvp, 3 35' ;2i s -tr, 11 30 G 20 ii U Atlantic and Pacific Express run txtvoftn Jackm and Niii om Air l.lne. DstedOct. -7. ís:-.. pOUT WAYÑE, JACKáON Saginaw iíailrcad. The. most direel route to Pittsbnrg, Philadelphfe i iore, Washington au'l U poluta juth and southWGt. 'liaiiift mu by Chicago Time. taime oobí6 sonn. Muil. JBnjreM, Avgola Acc. J:cksun, 7 16 A. M. 12 1 í: m. 4 411 i', si. 7 M 12 -i'J 5 io JoncsTille, 8 25 1 20 s 50 Angola, 0 M 5S loo. 1" 5- i lí Aubuin, 10 47 8 2! forl Waync, 11 45 9 2:, IndianaplU, OOOp.m. IiöOa.m. oniiti, B 80 i I.ouisvüle, 10 45 10 45r. M. Tl'.AlN.S ,("INO NOKTH. Aqffoía Ice. '.'.íw.?. .1tfí. Lonlsrtlle, 10 a. m." 1 25 r. m. Cincüuiatij ' 10 a. ua [ndianupolis, I00V.K. lo 1 Fort Waync, 7 Oía. U. 4 2-í 1'. M. Anlmni, S 00 8 22 OO 13 .'i 37 S .'( G ..) 10 11 :. M. S M r, 10 50 B M U 30 . 'J 1 .(■'■ mu 'c witll Micliian CliiUíiI, Jflckson I.anmg & ?aginaw, midUraiid I;i1rr ..u-v í ï t ill'Oüils. At JonssviUe- With Lako S!:bre&3IichiíinÍ5Outli. i -With LakS Bhore Michigan Southcm (Air ' oi1 Wayne- Witfc Pittsburg, Fort Waynie & : Toleao,'W . ni, ;rul I-'t. Wayne, ïlu&cie & Clncwnati - W. . EHN8T Slmt. 'T. Kn.l.lK, Cca'l. Ticket Ag't. ÉiSiliïïï. S. T. - 18C0 - X. TÏÏÏ8 wondcríul veetíiiiio restorative is the slieet-anclior ot' tlie leeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlie &grd and languid it h;;s lio eqiial iimong stomacliics. As a rmedy fbr tlie nervons weaknesese wííich Women aro especiully snbjected, it is superseding évery otilar etiömlant. In all drraatea, tropical, teiilperate oí ft'igW, it acts aa ;i ípecitic in every species of disorde whicli undermíues the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. 1355-yl. LYOK'S kATHAlEOÏT. t'or rrpiscrviuff and Hcaulifyintj thc Human Ifair. ToPrcvcnl its l'alliug uut oud Turuing tiruy. A well preecrvcdHcndofHair, ín a peraonjol mld aléáge,at6nctbeij)ealSfeSnfefieiitielgíiice,neltn and beaaty. It may traly be called woman'e orownIns ílory, wWlemeÜ are n h-rensiblc to its advanMilchartas. Few thing are more dlegtiStHjj thanthin,fiiÉiÍy,htir.fii,uiitanicdhair,withheadand costcovered with dandruff. Visit a barbcraüdyon fiu'. andlootltkoánew man. ThiBiswhat yon's Kalhuiron will do 11 the time. Tlie charra trhlcb ütsin well plseed ?Iair,Glo8sV Curls.LuxuríantTrcíses.anda Clean Head, is noti".eable and irretistible. Sold by all DrttEgUla and Country StortB. 13A6e8wly BüOES. [books J. B. WEB8TBK & (O. íiEW MOOK STOItE neab tin: EXPRESS OFFICE.? LOOK TO VOUK INTEEEST AND CALL. BOOKS. J] _i NN ARBOR Mineral Springs House. This befiutifnl resort for health-scekcrs is now QP0Di WlUl itö IRON, MAGNESIA,' ANO SÜLPHÜR WATERS CommoJiousbnildiig heated by üteam, anti Urge umi weU-ventüiited ruoraeWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of :i11 tompcDiturop, aleo Shower, Vapor, Uedteated ;ii:d Biectnc Batbs ure em0ioyd wltn ;uívnnt?ic ïl the t rent ment of ell forma : chr-míc. dlscaeea and diaeMei of femóles. Wi)ucïai attentioi. paid to dict. With pl?apnnt BnrromidlnffS, and sltnftted in one of üh: most houltliy and beautiful clttes in the poiweseea atiraetiona for In valide or fürpleti■ ken seldom fmml. Thf analyeis of the Springg will bc lurnUhcd on appllCatlon. Persone dceiring circulare to fu-ml to tht-!r frfentiacan procure tiu-m al the ' fflceoftheroprietor on Ilnron Btrcet, or al the prlDgt. Addrcfíp all lettere of inqttiry to SlOKUIS IIAtE, M. I)., Supt. Ann Aiïisoi!, Micp. Sutlirrlaml and AVIicdon, Prop'; Adu Arbor, ilich. Juuc, 1 1, 1 T -j .


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