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BACH & ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Cuy largely of Manufacturero and Importers, and exclusivuly for casli, and invito theinspectionof tlie closcst cash tade. OTTIR, STOCK OF LP' .m ras Wi.'l be fotfnd largo and atíractive, embracing manynew stylcs - Black Silks s'iil Lywns Poplina at very Low Pricus. 15ACII & ABEL. PIFTT PIECES BLACK ALPACAS Jiist received. Wc shall malee a SPECIALTYof these goods, and wiil tnake prices lower tlian ever oífered before in tbia city. EACIt & ABEL; 50 PiecesWamsntta líleach. Cottons 50 " Loi)3dalo '; " 50 " Ilill's Sem. ídem " " At lower prices than thty have been sold for íd the city ín ton yeary. BACH & ABEL. 4 Our Cloth Department ís vcry complete, conaisting of En glish, Fren cli, and Gei'man Coatings and Suitiogs, with many oí' the best American branda. We give especial attention'to this brañch of our business and invite an inspection oi the soods. BACII & ABEL. Felt aníl Embossed Skirts. We have the Cekbratod " Pouson " Oioaks, and Gratb(the Best imported.) BACH & ABEL. Wc are agenta ín this city for the ceiebrated UABR1S' SEAÜLSSS KID IftViS, And havo iu store a Full Assortment. BACÍI & ABEL. The l'liC; and Bost Firc Ipartiiient in Mie World. Out One Tkoiuand Actual Fires Put Out WITU IT, AND MOKK IIIA.N e,ooo,ooo.oo Wonh uf Propcriy Sarcd From th'8' Flam'es. THE á 3 á '-T " = 'S 5. I S b, agr, ï. 1 s 'ê 's x Kak o ■ 5 S ■ ê Z 1 1 s ' L i 's - .Si !□ Tí. - 3 S - O 9 . &■ w tJ Ki ; ,. ü - cj J- Í t-i 111 f fflff f 1 - FlBE EXTIINIGUrSHÊB. 'l'inviiH thiit htive bOQffAt thoni say tvflvc KxMngnfabert tnake n flre aepaitmert ns t-fflcicct auJ niüre nvailublc than n blcniu cngiue. Jkï.SO, The Babcock Solf-ActingFirc Engine, FOR CITY, TOWN axd VILLAGE USEt H i-; moré cScctiro than the Stcnm Firc Ensiiie ir is i;stitntnneouMy reaüy and ihrows h powrful stream f curbouic acid gaa and watorfbj ;un loöffl h of time. It is the beet and chcippt Flre Knino In the wnrK'l.ikiu) coinés witiiin the ii:i:incJal abïiithsof every place. It does not roqnlra au expensivosyefenrof water works, aiul U iu;ver out of repair. Scnd for their record. Every tOWD ín tho St;itp shonld have them bcfort the dry went her eets iu, aml prevent cOnflagnitlOHI. i:.T,]IAUM'll, cii.A&cnt, lis Woodward Ave., Detroit. M:nnfucttrrcr of Iron, IJras anti ('opper Wirt U'irc Cloih, Wire Ralllng and tVncing, Copper Wcather Vaiuw.aud VViio Work geusrally, I89fl Jyr Q L. PACK Koeps on hand a first class stock OF CIGAR3, TOBACCO, PIPE3, SWÜFF ' And all smokers artieles AT THE OLD STAN'D ' 2 coo s we ;t of Cook'a Hotel at the sign of the BIG INJUN mui il' PIANOS HAVE TAKEN THE PIEST PEEMIÜM OVER ALL COMPETITION IN AMERICA, ENGLAND, AXl) FRANCE. These Standard Instruments Aro now oiTerod at Reducod Eates on The One-Price System. i413OOO,gJ OF THESE Standard Piano Fortes Have been made :md sold aicee 1323, nnrt Eighty-üne First Premiums lf:ivi: been :iwarded toour Finn OVER ALI, COMFETITIOX. These Punt itro still iígnrded and uníveruüly conceded lobe TUK STANDARD JSSTKVMKXÏS OF Tilt: WOltLÜ, nnd an so pronouDced by all thegrent iirtits. Dr. Frans L:r-.t Hiya: ''I conaider the Chiekerinp Piano tuperior to :my inadein Emopeor America, and Anifiilly ennvinuud thttt thcy were justly cDlitlodto thu Füwt Pri.e. Qdokertng & Sons' HCmmoth Manniaclory Ia mire thniï onc-third largor thn nny other FianoPorti &LiinufaotoX7 in the World, nnd ir, in every retpect, tïie most complete ua regardg machinery and tlio iacüitieR tor doing the e. ry btü dan of work. Mpspm. C. & bons liiive, smeo the eetablibliment of tbeir business iii 1823, made and Bold 41.HUU I'innos, olid thcee rttan.dnrd InslruAienta ;ir: non offcred t icdvircd ratea upoñ thu " One i'rio; Byslem," free (rom Ml discount nnd conimissiuns ; and they are, beyond all fefutaticn the uwt lid veiy eliojiRat tlrát-Olasa Pumos now offercU. A C A. K D . "WO culi especial attention to our ÜPKIGHT PIANOS, Which are, in every particular, the fincst instrument! rf their ciiiNs maouiaeturctll, ;n.l iGOnd pnly to thé Gruud Piuno,for wliioli tlify aro u gnod subitilüte. Lvcry Piano warra&tm foVflTfl j-.;ir. CHICKERING & SONS, 12 IC. ltthSt.i New York. 854 Washington St., Hoston. 1400m2 Sn Pi rson can take these Bitters acconlliigtoclircctions, aiul remaln longunwcll. provlded! tli "ir boaea are not rtestroveil by mineral poison or öther means. aml vital organs tfastcd beyond tlia poiat of repair. Uynpopsia or Iutliseitloii, Headactic, Pain In tlie SliouUlera, Couglia, Tightness of the Cliest, Dlzziness. Sour Eructations of the Stomacb, Uail , Taste i tlie Mouih. lülious Attacks, I'alpitalion of. tho lleart, [nflammatlon of the I.ungs, Pain in tho región of tlie liidnejs, and a luimlrcd otlier painru! svmptoms, are the oiT-sprinss of Dyapepsla. Ono bottlc wil! prove a better giiarantce of ita merita Ulan a lcns;tliv advertiaement. Kor Fámula Complnints, In yontij; or oíd, marriod or single, at the ilawn of womanliood, or, perceptible. Por HiflnmniRtory nntl Chronlc Rhcua niutisin ami (ont, Bulóos, Reaüttent and Interinittcnt Fcvcra, UiseíSC3 of tho Blooil, Liver, KlcV nrys and Bladder, tliese Iiittcrs have no cquai. Bncb Diseases are causeil hy Vitiated Blooil. Thcy nrc a cutlc Pur$;ntivc as well as a Tonic, possessing the merit of acting as a powerful agent in rclieviug Congestión or Iuilammation of the Liver aud üceral Organs, and io Bllious Diseases. For Skln DÍ9CH9CS, Ernptions, Tetter, Sa!t-' Rhenm, Ulotchcs, Spoi.s, Pimples, PítttuteO, Boils, Carboncleg, Biug-worms, Scald-lieatl, Sore Eyes, Erysipclas, Itch, Scur% IMícolorationsofthe Slcin, Ilümora and Piscases of the Skin of whatever ñamo. or nature, are llterally dug up anU carried oas of the systeni la a süort time by tüe use of tliese Bitters. Oruteful Tlinnsr.iuls proclaim Vineoar BitTKiis the most wonderful Invigorant that ever' audtumi'.l the sinkinjj system. II. II. ncDO.t'AliP . CO. Irnggbíts and Ocn. Agt.s., San Francisco, Cal., 4b cor. of Washington and Charlton Sta., N.Y. 80LD BY ÁLL, UKUUGlórS & DEALEKS, do nsroT bxj"y7 BLáCKDRESSGOGDS Until ycu have seen tho rich-' est and most desirablo assortrasnt of New Mátenlas in common, medium, fino, and extra 8no Grades, offered at tho lowest prices by SVIACK % SCHNSiD. The verdict of tlie public is" that they keep the linest and best line in the city. JL.C.RfSDON'S ADVERTÏ3EMENT. Now ís the time to bu y PARLOR & HÜAT1NG STOVES. I -will cll thcm nt COSX until íarthe notice. So. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. j JAMES McMAHON, Justice of tlie Peace, OÉBco ín new block, Korth of Court Houso líoney collectcd and promptly paid over. ITSTSXJRAlvrCK A&KNT. Triumph, nsaets, $T27.ÍO8.11 Norlll Missouri, ' 43,417.91 Ilibernia, " 350,0Oü. OU RKAIi ESTÁTE. I Irave 81 acres of land ' of a niüo from the city mits, ílncly located for fruit or garMB ptirposee. Also 40 atri's. A18O 10 acres, with honso and barn.and a IlTely Itrsaa Of water ninniugthrüugh the baru yard. C0 acres, :i mileout, I wíl] sell :uiy or all the above cheap, or exchanco Tor city property. 1.7 1' JAMES McMAHOM. IN FACT. IP YOU WISE TO GET AÜY QOODS nnd íc't tlie worth of yonr rooney, yon inuet go o thc r'armers' Storo wherc they scíl all gooda ihMMT thie Fall than ercr baftoM. G. W. HAYS. Superintendent. -i O 1OTHE FARMERS-STORE AND BUY YOÜB vJf Cárpete, Oil Cloths and Kngs coeap lor ch.


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Michigan Argus