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Subscribo for the Argcs for 1873. - Fiosty, vory: yesterday mornlnsr. - .V Mkiíky Ciikistsias to every Augur reader. - The fashioimblc sldewalk : tho center of the strcet. - Slatod at last : that to.rer of the Presbyterinn Cluirch. - The Zminvcs ore to celébrate Christ' mas íit Ypsllantl. - Order yonr New Year's call'iig carda at the Arqus office. - Order your Bill-Heads and Statements at tlie Aiuius ofiice. - BaowlBg lively: last evcning. The boys and girls. will sny rood. - Cali at the Anona ofTleo and see beautlful styles of New Year's cords. - The Ahocs, Qodey's Ladp't Bnik aml "Our Darltng" - a viry beautlful chromo, for ?4 50. - Dr. Kkt.i.ogo, of the 5th Waní dldn't pet an ar'osi:in we;l but claims No. 1 magiietlc wa ter - Laura Keene is next on the list of the S tt A. She ruads Wednesday evenlii", January 8th. - The public pchoola of ttils city close for the boliffays to dn}', and open ngaln on the Cth of Jsnuary. - L. D. Sawi of the Detroit Union has been "do!n' " onr city tliis week, and wlll wrlte t up for that live journnl. Our latest lettrr from .1 M. wm ïiuiorseÜ on the outslde, "sett'.ed in Rome for the winter and all wcll." - We wlsh to contract for 10 cords of good rreen hlckory wood ; also for 5 cords of green whlte-ash. Apply immedlately. - Bi'.iutlfui snow : tlmt's what the early riser dlscovcred on Weilnesdav niorniiiE', )ight nntt fleecy as down and somc iour Inches deep. - The fnir glven by the ]ad!es of the Luthoran Chnrch (Germán), closed Monlay evenlns nnd was a great snccess, nettiiiíí abont $1.000. - A-ient Bdbch, of the T. A. A. & KT. K. says he expict. to commence worklng up ilie Northern división nimediately after tiie lOihof Jknnary. - Wc cali attenllon to the numerously slgncd addresa In auother column concerning Works. A!so to the Ie gal opinión thercto appeuded. - 'thé recent reduction of ?2 porton ín the prtee of Iron is about cquivolent to puttln-r $50,00(1 In the treasury of the Toledo, Anti Arbor and Northern Kailroad. - The pickerel and other fish which freqnent the moillh o( t!:e Jiuron are lu irreat triou'.iHion for fear tlieir water supply is lo beeutóff by the proposed Water-Works ior this city. - 52 loads of wood : that's the number we coODted atandlDg at the head ot flrst fiigiit ot A kous Office Stat ra at three o'clock F. M. on Saturday last, besides any uumber of empty racks. - We are indebtcd to our frlend Moore, of the Sural tku Tvricêr, for a copy o!' the matrniflcent Rural premium engravlng. It U a capital picture :iud not a catch-penny f rom a worn.out i)'ate. - ïl you nM-on the ut'crmost verge of the city, bnt Kive paid a dollar of t:ix for tbc building of onr hcboDl houses, or have r.ny stock In our line Chn relies, you are ditrctly tnterested in vot'.og for AVatcrAYorks - After disposing of considerable business on Sntnrday Inrt, Judge HiOBY ad journel imt:l the27th Inat., i t 10 o'clock a. m., at which time he wlll Anjeóse of mattere In his hands, hear such matters us fhoukl be properly heard by him, and close All labors.hore. - The Ypsitantl Senlin-el gaya it kcows that onr prop'e "have no absolute risjlit to take any water (frotn the Hnron Rlvcr) tmt théy dt) óótájjaln return to the cliannel," and irives hints of broad njunctions. Xi'. wam watcr-drawers, Ice men, and city cows to beware. - It is proponed to extend "salt-sea" ■water pipe umier New York Ciry.tofurnish ■water for ilre pnrposcs, salt water bclnp a etter cxtlngu ':': ' than frtsh. Why don't the opponeuts of Water-Works In out city tako the hint and propose to utilixe Chat artcslan wcll on Main street? - At a recent meeting of Golden Rule Lodce 159, F. & A. M„ the followius pfllcers were elcctcd : W. M.- W. A. Lovejoy; S. W.-J.iy Koath; J. W.- I. C Handy ; S. D.- Fred. Shelmire; J. D.- S. B. llevnau-;li; Treas. - Chas. Spoor; Sec'y - C. A. Chnphi; Stewards- .T. W. Johnson, II. T. Morton : Tylcr- J. P. Little. - At a meeting of Fraternltj Lodjje, No. 2C2, F. ami A. M., lield on VTednesday evenii:K, the follonint; offleerg were elected : ohn P. Iittle, W. M. ; O. F. Wettter, 8. W.; John Slatcr, J. W. ; John Armstron, S. D. : Iliram Well, 3. T-, Willard B. Sm'.th, Trcas. ; W. Ö. Corselius, Eecretary; Fred. Sorg, Tyler. - ïlie Ypsüanti Senlind would "Ilke to fcnow if the Boarlsbing city of Buttle ■Creek wants to He ander the stigma of re pu liatiiiï t)inds for which It bal had the money and apent it to the K&tisfactlOD and and )ioflt of its cHizens." Why don't tlie Seitííw2propound the same conundruin con oemtng ;he 'fionrUhing city" of Tpallantlt - Don't vote agnlnst Water Works be cause you have a well in your doov-yard or a half-mpty 00 barrel clstern In your too1 shcd or under your kitchen. - Neither affords any assurance of ellr cient protection to your own dwelllng against flre, or even uarantees water for boasehold uses the seasou tlirouh. Sup ply and protection can only bc fanrièbed by AVorks of large capac.ity. The adjourned AVater Works meeting held on Monday erenlng last was largely attendcd, D. Cramek, Esq , presidlng. The pending plan as submitted by the Common Council and to be voted upon on Monday next, was thoroughly discussed by Hessrs. Penman, Dr. Öthlth, Douglass, Frazer, Lawrence, McHcynolds, Sessions, and Rogere. The plan was approved by n 11 the speakers except Dr. Smlth and Mr. Mc Reynolds, and the electors ought to vote in abüut tlic same proportion. Conceining a " Papal Buil " which was circulated at severa! of the city charches last Sunday evenlng, v(' are desired to say that the author or agsrieved person (two in one) Is not a member of tlie M. E. church and has not been for scveral months, am! that he Ia cnt'.tled to take no part in the social meelinsB. No effbrt has been mude to excludc him from the regular public meetings, and t Is only sought to exclude lilm from the social meetings in the Interest of good order. The donth of Hon. Garrett' Davis, of Kentuckj', was annotmoed in tho Senato on. AVednesday.


Old News
Michigan Argus