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The Fire In Fulton, N. Y.

The Fire In Fulton, N. Y. image
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From the Fulton l'atriot and (Inzette, Noy. 50. ïesterday forenoon our villaje was startled by the cry of Üre. (VVre liaven't uny alarm nuc! are obliged to depend upon Iiuïnun luugs for uutlce lu sucli a case). The scène of the exvitcment proved to be II. S. CünUce & Son's Knitting MUI, at the east end of t!ie lower dam. When we flrst camt' in sij;ht of the building:, the flamea were pooriog out of one oí the lowcr Windows umi the snioke rol led up in a dense c'.ond The Pire Department was promptly astlr, but in tha mean time a more puwerfal agent than water was brought to bear upon the II. unos. But a lew days bel'ore Mr. Condee had purclifised three Babcock Flre Extingulshers, and when the cry of flre sóuuded throagb hls tulll heat once tested them. The flre orlglnated lp the pieker, and the Mpurku were blowu into a small voorn purtij Ulied 'tli cotton. There t'ie lire was conflned, exceptlng what w.s smoking lts w:iy tbrough the oatslde wlndow. Tüe B.nbcocfc Extlngulsbera were at once taken to the lire aml set in operatiou, thruwing a stream about as large a a pipe stem luto tliis room whlch was a perfect mass of Ure. 'l"wo were used and in an ncredible hort time, not toexceed three or live minutes, the llames were extiDgtlUhed. There wun comparattvely little damagodooe by tire and uone by water, as the flamea were uuder control bcluru the steaincrs could be got to work. Mr. Condee Informa ns that at the ent time lus mili a unuMiaür ftill ot work both tiiiisliccl aud in progresa, but fortúnately none of It ras injiired. Too rauch can not be said In pnlM of these Bubcock Fire Extlogutshera, and, ve ftel thnt oor vOloge was saved n (tlsastrous flre by their prompt use yt'sitiday. - We fiiivv the Barcock on cxhlblton at Mu. Baksom'S 9tore In Detroit a íew dnys ugo; siso the whcclcd niíicliine he was to test yestsrtlay. And, besides, Mr, B. had in store a ltir;;e and flnc stock of Wlre Goodf', etc., Inclndlng gome vecy beantlfnl flower stands, just the tltinj? for vvlndow gardenlng, one of which ornaments a wlndow iu our boarding honse.


Old News
Michigan Argus