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TEN REASONS WHY No Family shottld be without a bottU of HlIlTTLESEY in the haat. Ist. - Itwill relieve the worst case of 6MÍOUW Chol o nr Cholera Morbusinis minute 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case il Dyspepela and Indigestie n in a fe weeks. 3 tí . - It is the best remcdy in the world frï 6iek Ho ad ach o, as thousands can tcstify, 4 taken wlicti tji first symptoms appear. 4th. - It is the best diurelic ever put befort the public; curing those distressirig compkiinls, Diabetes and Gravel and othcr Urinary tl fficultlcB. 5th. - lt is a most excellent Emmenagogue, and to the Younp Clrls. middle aeJ Wo men, and at the Turn Of LifO.this remcdy is of incalculable valué. 6th.- It will remove wind from the bbwcls, and henee a few drops n somc sweetcned water given to a babe is beíter than a dozen cordials td Relieve and mako lt Sleep. Coiiiaining no anodyno. 7th.- It is a aure vclicf for nduits and childrcn nHccted yith Worm3 and Pin Worrnoi lt will brins away the w 1 1 . Oth.-It will cura tlie Piles and HemOr" rhodial difficulties. Oth.- Itwill cure Conatlpntlon and keep tlie bowcls regular. Itwiij worst case ofSummorComplalnt nnd Dysentery. will cure Sour Etomach, Stlrnulato tho Llver ïo healthy oction. Relieve Heart-Eurn and act as a general Regulator of the system. when taken dilute the close with fiugarand Water to a Win e -Cl ass fu I I and jou have a pleanant tpnio. Whittlesey (Dysyepúa Cure) $i.oo per b'jttle. Whittlesey Agnc Cure 50e. per boulc. Whittlesey Cough Granules 2rC. per bottle, '■ Sold by all druggUts and wa rra nte -j. Whlttlcsey Prop. Hei. Co., Tolfío, O. THE BIUOUT SUMB AND FAMILT (IRCLE willbe 1 ':!v in 1873, bettcr andpreitiei tbwnevor, at ohiy tl.ÖO pr yar, Kbd abeautiful Chrorno, "Tho Calla Liliee," in .0 givan u eve7 iber. Agenta wan( ir. Ubeial 1 it ■'!-■ epleudid Ftlliiubi ribe ' Uot npadab. BHIUJIT BIDB ■ WwM Chüogo, üliaoi 1. 1 J BAhBK REPOET ! THAT A. TERRY IIASQONEOUTOF TKADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAKGE AND COil PLETESTCCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES '10 KUIT THE TIMfíS ALSO A PULL LINE OP GENTS' FUHMSHING GOUDS! DON'T PUHCHASE YOCR Fall and Winter OtJTPITS ÜXf IL Votl GIVE lïiavc ACALjj. 15 South Main St., Ann Aibci. I821-U, sassSj M0THESS1 MOTHERSÜ VJ[OTHERS ! ! DOit't ffuil to procure KIKS. W1XS. I.OW'S SOO1'HIIV BXBDF i'Oll UIIILUIIIJM XEEIHIJI!. TUs valaitble preparation hae been ued wlth NEVEIl-PAILINQ 8U0CKÉ8 IN T1K)U.-A.I;S It not oniy re blld from puin. luit InTlgoatee thfl hloiu icli aad h weld. correcks ncidity, and Mves tone aud enefgy to tlu whole aysRfin. It wlil uistaiitly reili Grlpifig i tlit lïowcls and Wind C'olic. WebeHeTD ItttaeBBST and BURE8T REMKDY IN TUF v.oiM.i', i al! coses ol DYSBKTBRY AND DIAKRHOSA IN lüdLUliKN, whethvr arlum i.iihiuu' Dl "V inlu'r i:.-. . Dopend npon it motbon, it will givercst toyaur. , ur.ü Belief mul Health to Your Infante. Be 8ïre and culi for ♦JUrs. WinsloW's Soottifng Sjrnp." tbe facairolle oí"CUKH8a PlñlKINS1 atside vi:ii'u-r. i SoUl b ünifjgists tbroughout ihc world, [


Old News
Michigan Argus