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:! Estfttö fl ■ aw-s ■ ttty of Wuslitenaw, in sam Stntc,on Wedncsy. A . 1). J ' utb half of . i .. inoie or . 5 iüI State. üatcd, . A. 1). 1872. UM-td (i. ANDRÉS, Adininis'.rstor. Real Estáte for Sale. ' QTATEOF MICHIGAN, Conntyor Waihteoaw- se i In the matter of tho estáte of Matth liic. late of Fri'i-.":iun. in said Ooumy, daceax d, no tice is horeby giren. that in pursuance ofan iïniiitnl lo the und6rsignd. Administrator of the ! said daceased.bythe Hon. Jarige ol Probate for the County of Waabtenaw.on the Iwentytlfth doy of Xovi:inlicr. A. b. I8T2, thereirill be old itjmUic rendas, to Ibe hlghest bidder, at the .il Freod' ni. in the Coantyof VVashtenaw, in said State, on We li ond day of January, A. I'. 1-7:;. al teu o'cloik in the forenoon ol da ali oncumbrancea by mDrtgage or otherwlse exlsttug ut the time of tho deftth of snid deceased, ond lr right of dower of hls widow i:.■tbed real estáte, to wit: The .i t of tho southoant qnarter and wet half of t!ie eaot half oí' the soatheaat quarter "f sectiou two, cotttalnlng one bnndred and twei :.iore or slfof ihe nonheast quarter oi the northeast quarter of section nine, contatnlng ncres, more ór Ii'hs, .ui in township thne tl range lonr ■ - taito. Dated, Nov SiiUt'. . I. W. liüi Ui JOHN :. FELDKAMP, Administrator. Estáte of Marshall Newell. STATU OP MICHIGAN, OonnCyof Vashtenw.M. Kuti' ■. ■ n, that by an order of the Probate Court for tho County of Waehtenaw, day of Ne - l). ]S72, si mohtns f iom thai datéwere allowed fox creditoia to i b of said deeeased requin lo presi i ubtims tt ■'■ Court, at ':. ■.:;(■(, m uuninaUon i i uu or beforti tho pinih day of May ' anchebdma sill be heard botoie said l'iobate Couzt, on Saturday, the eighth day of Pebruary, and on Friáay, the ninih da : Ma en o .. in the fareooon of each of I ivs. .!, Aira Arbor, November öt.h 1H72. HIKAJIJ. BEAKES, U04wl JudgoofProbat. te of Daniel S. Bireh. STATF, OF MiriIKiAX, Countyof Wnshtonaw, 8f ■.■ X.ui. ■■ hereby.gira, tïiat by au order of the Conrt lor tíiu i iiuiitv of Waahtenaw, made on . .. !. 1872, i-ix for eceditora tp ■ : cl' Danie! , 1 i'Mjís.iid L'ujiity, :■ 'lialail required to ■ ■ 'rt, ut the Probate OHiee, in the Cityof Aun Arbori tor ■■;;; uiiiiation und allowanoe, on orbefore nineteenth day of May ui hfavd bei'orc said Pi-obate Couri, .lliday :i Monday, the nineteenth day ot May next, ut 10 o'clock in the forenoou oi each Uated, Aun Arboi, Fovember ISUj, A. 1). 1S72. HIEAJI J. BEA In 1IO2w4 Jmlite of Pn Éstate of Joiiii Wortley. OTATE oí . County ofWashtenafr, ss. w Notiüj iü heieUy giveit, by anorderol itenaw, made on the ■■. I). 1K72, si ed fbr crediters to present their of John W lateofsitid eounty, dece;used, and tlmt allcred 1 :i:r ■laini tosaid : in the : anee, ol ■i duy of June next, aml that Mu-h i ■■ trd bcfore Court, on Suturday, tin; day of March and and i'n Mondny, tlie atttind day oí Jmie nexi, at ten o1 :' ■( das. Daled, An1i Aïbor, ■.. A. I). I87Í. HUUMJ. Jníageof Probate. lista Lo of Arthur II. ChampUn - Minor. SyofWaghtenaw. ss At iv sc:jsion of tí: ' o:i::t Utenuw, holden ai O&ce, iutbü , ' Illlltil i:l of December, in the 3 iirlit hundied mharH.'ChttmpIln, ■ n, duly yei : A. Blanchard. pruyin ; Ihat Elwha Tu; Büuutc, . that Monday, tbe sixih day ot ■ et, at Iiuo'vlotk r. the foreir the hearing of next oí kin of said minor, and aUfOthei 1 e, uie required ■ to he holden at tho Pi ,iiy of Axua Ailior, nnd raycï Of the peJ shonld not beallofrm: Anditis EnrUwT uidtíl-ed th ' '■. of the pendeucy 1 copy of 1 in the Michigan Argus, fl :t:i-i droula'Ung in said -■ tiine tíULCisi'.c waelu proviotts to aaid d of heaxbruecopy.) lllliAM J, BBAKXS, 1 Ki4 , bale. :to of Frederick J. Wunzeck. STATE O1-' MICHIGAN, oduuty of Waahten; ■ Probate Court lor theconnty . holden at Qw Probate utüee. In the city oí aq:i Arbor. 011 Batuiday, the aeventhdayof ; :io year thousaud eiffht liundred . nt, Iliram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In : matterof the cs:a:e oí Fíederiek J. Wanzeck, decea ■.. dnly vvi .' .: Gruner, Admiaiütrator, prayine that he muy . real estáte v. purposo of distributing theprooeeds t such salo amone bis hcird at law. Therciipon '■ hatMondy,thethirieentli :(1 for tlic hearing of eaid petiti that the hcini at law of said decé&sed, and all oíl'.er persona interested in aaid eatate, are required to appaar at . Prooate ' ►lïLt -T in the citv of Ana Arbor, and show -tlfere te, wbytheprayer of the petitiouer Bhould not be -. Vna i: ifarther ordered that said p tntèroetedin s;.-í e&tatei 01 ii. r' '"'■ :;ion, and the hearl e-.''t'y -t order lo be published in 1 Ary.ri, a nwspaper printed and circulating oonnty, four successie weeks previousto said day oi tnñ eopy.) IIIIÍAM J. BEAKFP, of rrobut. ■, of William Hiseock. STATE OF MICmeAK, Coonty "i Washtenaw, es. .ui-t for the C -i, holden at .!:■ Probate OiBce, in tLe City of Ans Avrbor, on Tuesday, the tenth day deiht hun enty-two. i.f Probate. matter of the eatate of Wilham Hiseock, . Ün ïoadini and Hling the pelition, duly venfled, of Limis Hiaoock, praying that a certain instrmaent Hleinthia Court, purporting to be Uielasi ■ reut "f a i L oeceaaed, may 1 ■■ : -1 i Bete Kxei;itor t hereof. . , eupon it is ordered, that Momlay, the sivili day of Jaauary next, at ten o'elock in the fore:ned for the hearing of said petition, and boira .i ai of said deeeased, --".'l 'il oth persons intercstCll n ired (" appear at ;.in of said ■ ■ I 8 holden, at Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and there be, why theprnyeroi the ronted: And il isfurther -1 petition, and the hearing the'reof, by cansing ai thia order lo be puuliahed in ;' ■ ■ ■ ■ : iv i!' hearing, lAtruecopy; i KES. Hul Judirj of Pi ate of Mary E. Öbiiglfcy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahteni .i of tlie Probate Court for the Conntj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in thp city of Ann A. Ineaday, the elevi year onc tUousaud c'ght hundred and 8e kee,Jndge of Probate. In the in;; of M iry : Shigley. ed. Angustí Executor of tho laai will and testament af said dcoeued, comea lato Court and representa that i epaared to ren. Dal accotmi ■eopon it ia Ordered, lllilt Jlonday, i, [ Janaary, uext, al ten o'clock m the forouoon, be asslgned for examiniug and Ing such account, and that the legntees, di and helraal law "I said deceaMd, and a'.l other tate, are required to appear :it a sesslon ol' said Court, then : lenal the Ibi Ai 'nor Ln aldCounty andshowcauseifanythi Whythe8aidacconnl8hould not be allowed: And il is furiht-r ordere.i, that said Kxcutor rjlve ï.otice to the persons lntere ■ Btate, "l tne pet:dency of saidsccoont.and tlie hearin" thereof , bj :: copy of thla order tohe published in the :- . indclrculatug weeka previuus to H1RAH J. BBAKES, 141H Jud-reof l'robate. Eetato of Bordinu Minors. OTATE OF ÜICHiaAN, Coonty of Waahtenaw, Ata sesslon of the Probate ConrtfortheCountj of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Ofllce, In tho Arbor, on Th'irsi th day mber, in the yeai oue thousand ei'ht two. -. Jadfreof Proha ■ matterof tl line, and Lovina Bordlne, minors. indHIiugtho petition, duly verlfled, of AsaM. Darlius, Guardian, praytng that be i licensed to ell córtalo nal estáte betonglng to ald Thcrènpon It is ordered that i lay, the lxthday of Jannary next, r.t ten o'clook in tiie forenoou I '"' lKl' hearing ol saic next i'i kin ol said minors, rul 'lil other persons iuteresled in ire reonirad 'o appear at a s:íuhi oí mlú Court, then tobe holden at theProbateO !:it.yo) . cana, Ifanj there bo.whj the petltloner should not be nanted:- . : bal Baid petltioi , rho persone lnter oondancyol aid petition, and thehearlng thereof,by Scopy oí tli" order to be published In the ws]a]nr prlntedaad cirealating :i sald County, three snecesatve weets iryiois to ofhearlog HIEAM I . BEAKE8, Atru'e . Jud_'eof Probate. HU4 H XlfUDRFÍíSGOODS at the Farmers' btuver If uut ;o aud c them Estáte of Hcnry McPkiUips. iCHKiAX, oountj ofWaahtenaw.aa. U : tOl the ouriy d ;tt the Probate Office, íu hi - - Ai ! Dr,on We&aeeday, the elévenlo day f er, in the year 0:10 thous.ind eight huidxcd ■ ■nty-two. ( 1 of Probate. lulliu matter ui tl . Mel'hillipa. id Öüng tlio petition, duly vcrifled, of tbc, prayii g thut abo may b - the Mal enlate whcrcof ÍZQÚ. 1, that tfonday, the thir■ ni the forenoon, . petition, and Uw of aaid ::.] al) othei 1 r,;uv roquín dto appeai at. ;i session of said Court, then tobe holden, ut the 1 wint, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show , srhy tli: prayeroi thepetitioner should not begranted : And it ia further ordered, thut said petitiouer rívq notice to the persona interested in be pendency of saut petition, and tb hearing 1 bereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publis&Gd in th PBper printed andoircalating in said oounty, tour sucoessive weëka to wud doy oJ hearing. (A trut-copy.) iiilïAM J. BEAKB8, WW Judaeuf Probate. Éstate of James Mitchell. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At a Bestión of the Prubato Court tor the (Jowntyof Washtcnuw, holden at the Probate Ottice, in the City of Ann Arbur, on Monduyf the t,-eond day of December, in the. yeur one tbouannd eight hundred and . -two. .:, iiiram .T. Beakee, Judge of Probate. In tlio matter oí the estáte oí Jumes Mitchell, deceased, Kdwin A. l'it ice, Kxecutor ui the last WÜ1 and testament of ;! aeoftased, e noes into court thatbo is dow preparadlo Kader hls üiuil account as such Exccutor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondny, tl. e thirtieth á&y of December instant, at ten o'doak in the forenoun, be assigned for examiniiiff and allowinff aueh account, and that the legutees, il missta and heirs at Uw uf euid deceaaed, and uil othcr persons intetested in aaád estáte, are rcquíredto appearat ;i session oï said Court, then to be holden, at tho Probate OiÜcc, in the City of Ann Arbor, and ahow causé, if any there be, why the preyer of the petitioner ahould not be granted: And it is t'urtber ordered, that sak! executor pive notice to the persona intexeswd in actfó estáte, of the pendency of aafd petition, and the hearing tbereof, by oausing 11 oopy of this order tu lo pubüshed in Che Michigan Argvi, n newepaper printed and eirculnting in said county, thrce succefuiivc weeks prcviois to stiid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) HXBAïl J. BBABJïS, 1408 Judgcof Probate. Estáte of John Kheinfrank. STATE OF MKlil'.AX, County of Woslitcnav, as. 1 sesrion í' the Probate Court for the i'ounty of Wafthtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the third day if r, in tlie year one thousaiid eight hundrtd renty-two. il , Hiram J. Boakes, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Ilheinlrank. '. WflUam Rheinfrank, Kxecutor of the la-t will and testament of said decertsed, comes iutocomt and representa tfcal he is now pi'eparcd torender hia liiwt account íi.í stie XeêVLt&c.' Thereupon it sonlcred. that Monday, the thirtieth dny of December instant at ten o'docfc in the foreassigned for ■ ad atxowing such aecount.and thAtthelegateeslddvt8eeBand heiïtiatlawof , and all otlicr persíín iuterested in ■ i reootred to appear at a session of sild Court, then holden At the Probate Office, 1 : ty of Ann Aroór, ■■.ly, and show cause, 11 any there be. why the said account ahould not be allowcd: Andit 18 turther ordered, that. suidtxeeutor gi to Uve pecaona intereeted in said I the pendency ofsafd account, and thehearinv ' iiïiir cpj Of thisurdei1 ti ïie pinittluS' iri jtho aOcïaoan Armüt s new.-ipupcr printed and circulatinin said County, three aaooBflaiTe weeks previoua tu SBid day ojf licurüig1. copy.j EDUHJ, BKAKF.íí, Judge of Probate ite of Valentino Ë. Bott. QTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Waabtena.a. 1.1 At t se&sion of tl . thé County btenm, holden at the Probate Office, in the' city of Ann Albor, on Tuesday, the twenty-aixth dny aber, in the year uno thousand eiglit hundred aiid sevfiut) -1 fro. ; , Hiram J. BeakcaJndffa ïH r'fobatél In tho matter of the estáte öfvnlentino E, Bott, de-' ■ ■ ■ H ■■...- ■ of sitid estáte, corner into court and repretfenta thnt he is now i lo renderhis Ünal acc&tint as such Admiuistrutov. . that Monday, the tentythirddaj 1, next, at ten oYloct in Qid forê-' nuoii be aaaigned for exnmining tfnd alUminss such aeconni , aid thai the hoirs at luw of' s;iid défieiided and all othef erBona iniestáte, are requirea to appear at u seasion of Raid Court, then tü be holden at the Probate Otiicc, in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and Bhow cause. f :ïny thae be, wby the 1 'ïint should ii' 1 ; Lnditifl fuilher rator giTO notice to the persons in' ld estáte, of the pendency of said;. iiinr thereof, by causing of thia order lo ied ín the Wchigan Argtu, . and circuloting in said County " ■ u nring.' (A COpy.] IÏÏRAM J. 13EAKES, 1W Judge of Probate. I o of Samuel í. "Wolcott. ■ OFHICH EGA X, Connty of "Vashtenawrfla ' 0 At n at the Probate Orlice, in tho. city of Ann Lrbdrton Monday, (he twenty-flfl b I year one ihduirid eighl huu. Judgfl of Probate. Samuel 1$. "Wokutt, deceased. Amariah Conklin, Adminiatrator oí eaid ■.u( 'nuiT :t:ii representa tbal he i to eender bis OkhA'sh ■ óiiiir as audi Aduiinim-' tratot. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty-" third day of 1 teeember next, :it ten o'clock in the fbreV noon, bo assig aed for exnmining and aJltfwing siicb ac--" acebunti and that tlie heire at law of anid . and all o! her peroOBS interested ju s:üd estáte, ■ d it appear at a; session of Baid Court, then I len at the l'r'; in the City út Ann Arbor, in said county , and show cause, if juiv then 1"-, why tho int ahould nol i-1 allowed. And it ia turther . thai said Administrator gire notioe tofhepersone inltii Bted in b dd eatatcof thepcudency of said uccount and the heuyin causing a eopyof this lished in the Michiyan .Irynj, n news-' ind circulating iri . three ive weekc previoua to said day of hearing. (A truewpy-i llllt.oi .r. BBA K ES, 1-102 Judgjof Probate. fee of lattliuw Schaible." OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, ' At a BOBsion of tlie Probate ('r-urt for the county o?' ';i.-Oitt-i:iv. h'jldon at the Probatd oftiee, inthfrcity, of 'i!u ArÖor, on Monday, the eighXeenth day o.1" November, in the year oue thousand eight buuürcd 1 . Iham J. Beakeé, Judge of Probate. En the matter of the estáte of Mutthew .Sch aiblo wed. f Linjrand films; thO petition, duly Terified,oi Oeorge L. (Jnderkiroher, Adminiatrator, prayinrthat 'Itemay 1 crtiin real estáte wJicieof said deoeaaed died seized. pon it ia ordered, that Monday, the thirtielh' '■'T next. at ten i'chek in tlie foic-' noon, be asaigned for the hearing of aaid petitioni nd that the heïra at luw of sr,M deeusd, and all ofher ]H-rsonH mteiesleí in aoid esfuti reouired ■ ion of said Court, then tooe holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and show OftUAO, if any t'icrc be, why the prayer oí the petitioner ahould nót be grantcd: And it is fuvther ordered, that sai petitioner aire notiee to , pï the pendency. ■ Eind tl.'1 hearing tneri of, y cauetng a ctspy t thifi order to be published in the Michipan Ar l cíífulating in said coun- ty. foor suoeeBarre weeks pivvious to aaid day oí' hearing. [Atnu'copY.ï inUAT.r J. BÈAKES, H03 " Judge of l'robnte. Estato of Philip Eiding. OT-T .nuity of AViishtenaW, e of tlie Probate Court for the Countv of oldenat the Probate Office, inthe City of Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, the twentieth df tíovenaber, in the year oue thousand cight hundred ■. eni y-two. 1 Ëüram J. pealres, Judge dï Probate. i:i the matter oi ÜW ■ wil ■ .'t PMUp Elding(de-' 1 east d, iding and filiL? the petition, dnly veiiiiEd, of John Keek, Admintórator, praying that he' may be t. aeÜ tlic real eetete whreof said deceased died BeL pon it is ordered, that Monday , the thirtieth i next, tl ten o'clock in the forenoon, : ■ 1 s;id petition, and that the ft ohuall other pt raons in-'. aïred to apeai at n session of said Court, then to be holden ut the . in tlie city of Ann Arbor, ■ thre be, whj .. irebönldBOl And it isfuriher brue Ipetitioner ffivenotice to Ín said estáte, ui tlie pendenoy of h aring thereof, by eousialr , copy of thia "■■ ' buahed in the MiaUffan newBpaper printed md circulating in said . fouï BuéoeaaiTe weeks previuus to said day ,.upy..) ÈIlïAMJ.TiKAKKS, 140 Judu-eof lrobate. Estáte of Waad Walker. CfWCTBOF MlCtCtÓAN, Connty of Waaotenav,as O At :i aesalon of the Probate Court for the Coimty or Wadhteuaw, holden :it riie Probate oftiee, in the, itv ofAnn Arbor, on Wi;dn-sday,thc twenty sevrntb day of Novtíiftber, the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-tir. at, Biram J. Beatos. Jadee of ProbateIn the matter of the estáte o!' Leiand Walker, Af eeaied. David Parker, Adminletrator, of safdestat, comes Into Couri and represonta that heïe now Drpared to render hia flnul iiccuunt ue auch AdmluisTncreupon it 1 ordered, that Monday. the tentythirdday tI Decmbr next. at ten w"HQCk in tho forenoon be assigned tor exotoining and allowiita; siich account, and thal the beirs at law of said deCMfted, and all other nereons intcreated in Baid estáte, are reqalrad t appear at 1 öfeaid Oonrl thén t bo holden at the Probate Oftiee, in the City of Ann Arbor, in aaul ,. connty and BnOw"causo,W any therebe, why the . 88JdacconntBBOMotDeallowed: And n " , ,= (hal -aid AiïminlstrAtorgive notice to ,na intereted In Bflid eatate, 01 the pendencyofsaid aconnt, and the hearine thereof, by ■i copy of thlord6rtobopubllned in te , Argus, :i newepaper prJoted and eiren ,; aaid Coonty. three su(csetvc week pregone tosald day oïlwaTJnfr nB.AKl7 t X trui' COL) V J 111 KAM J. IJFAKI'-Ö, iii)"Jadea ol Probate, OXAT3 CGANi Fonrth Judicial Circuit iJthe Circuit Court for the County off ■ w nChanwry,whemn Mary A. Robjartoop '. :! i Stag ,!,u „.„„fbyum.littha. u.,k Park, ia : .mk li.n,kplainant, it ■ o.ilen.d tbat aM :: „ l i tl.,, i i,...,!i hs hom th. date of Ih order W, 1 i. Vl'.riu'ólAun A.l,..r. in said couniy af „sh'woekforibtMOOowtwwrta. 13U0WÜ


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Michigan Argus