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The Needs Of The University

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In this issuo of the Anous wo give place to the memorial whioh tho Regenta of tho Univerjity will present to tbo Legislatura at it3 coming session. It sets forth cencicely and without equivocation or indirectnens tbu financia! eondition of the Untvermty, and tha absolute neod of more ntoneys if it would continuo to do ttio work marked out for it. We are g'ad to seo íhat this nininorinl is generally commenteu upon favorably by our ■ exchnnges, and wo trust that Üria indioates favorable action by the Legistnre. Tho land endowment fond of the University is a fixod i'und. The lands have all ''ron snld, and tho fund can not be inoreased, Aid must come from tho State orthe UniVergity must retrograde. It will no doubt bo urged that tiixation stiould rot be resorted to to givo any uumber of tho yoong men and women of the Stato a liniversit.y eduoation, and that any wnnting inoro than tho three tould payfortheir ora eduoation. This will not do. Tho property of the State by a well defined system of tnxation BupportstlM primary acd the gradad school, and tho system should ba maintained as a unit or tho wholo work lft to individual effort and enterprise. Tho State cim not do the lower half vt without providing educated teacliers for its graded schools, and these teaohers must bo furnished by the University. Tho proposition is too xln for a legislator - ven a modern one - to con test. Besidrs this, the pood name and fame of the State, its culture xnd progress both in 'uro and science, demand that the lity be cherished and, built np. The aid asked in the ■!..:; of taxation 13 a mere pittance, will not ba feit ns ft bnrden by a single tax-payer, and will come back to tho L-Jt-.ite and people in the blessings it ',vi!l spread widely abroad. We Bcaroely need s:iy more at this time. Tut. LA.TB8T dodga proposed by thoso extremely sensitive gentlenteB who h.w in special ch;ir;;o tho protpciion ■ iicn of the State tho mach UiatioBg oí' the Supremo Court and the consequent stain of repudiación, is ftn upropriation by the Iegisiature, and the paymeat of thoso worthless railroad bonds - which so troublo the virtuousof these ovcr-honost andscrupulous guardiang of thopcople'shanor - by warrancs on that largo balance in'tho Statu Treusury, tho uso of which now princinall- jumos to the benciit of certain id buiiks. or porhups to certain S ateofficiata '.vho niay be directors and stockholdcrs therem. It will hardly do for thoso public guardians to roll this swect morsel under their tongues too Ion;; or witb too much confidonce: cortainly not vhilu the Supremo Court is poossed of oertain origin?.! jurisdiction - tho power to issue vrits of ma&damns, quo warranto, prohibitiou, ttcandlsconslitutcd of tbepresentJudgen. No,geötleineii,you willsi ly sueceed in gettiug even the little fineer of a bond-holder into the money chust of' tho Stata through that hole. Botter ailviso the boaóVholdera to look to the railrond coriipanies which negotiated the bonds and reaped the bent-fit of iiair proceeds. They are legally and morally liulile for the payment of the bonds: the State is neither. Colfax does n't accept tho editorship of the N. Y. Tritnme; that seems deiinitely settled. The ïelty ho don't is a question of eome doubt. One roason nssigned is tin) he áeinanded tho power to select the entire editorial stafF, which the stockholders unaccountal'y and wilftally refused to concede; another, that he wished to aflvocato the purchase and control of all the telegraph linee bythe governincnt, which Mr. Ortox, the tel( magnate now controlling a in:ijoiity of the Tribune stocks could n't sce ; anothtr, that COLFAX has bren advisod that as lightningdoean't strike twieein the sume placo, thtí Tribune eatablithmest cau't be expected to t'ornwh a or tlic PreeidentiiJ candidato in lHTti ; and anothor that tho exposures of tho Credit Mobilier inrestigating committoe aro likoiy to beso damagin-g to Colvax that tho Vríbun dread1 d so dangerous a connection. The ub lio may accept whatavex reason it chooses. Meantime,"it is uow reportinl that Speaker Blajne is buing negotiated with; but s he ti!.'.) hu politica! aepirations it is not probable that he'can bc caught with bait "Sinilor" n : - By the way, isn't the Tribune getting a deal of freo advertising? ;w: 1'. Pui nam, Log, widt-ly, and bvornbly known as a {rsblisher, bothof booksanflp ' -, died of apoplexy nthiaetorain Bïoadway, N. T., on the 20th inst.', agttd 6 ; years. Mr. Vutxaii was Invixo's pul islicr and bronght cut some editions of that author nnexcelled as specimens of t; ' v. Bn was the founder of Putna ' whioh was literary sucoess- having nosurcrioi' evi'n in tho list of magazinsa of to:mt pTOved a íinanciul failwe. It. wal ;ihcad of tho timos. He diud in the harnes9. Ky THE burning of Babküm'8 museum and circus building the animáis lost included 1 elepbant, Igiraffes, 7 camels nnd dromedariea, - Abysinnian lions, 2 Bcngal tigers, 2 white Polar beara, with the "happy family" and a large collection of apes, birds "snaiks," etc.


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