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Barnum's Circus Burned

Barnum's Circus Burned image
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NbwToÉK, Deo, 21, - A fire at Barnum's circus conniKnoud at about-1 o'clock this morning, and m halt an boui theentirc; building, thougb oonstructed oi'iion was in ruina. 'i'iiu flaines quickly si to buildings on either túde. Graca Chapol, on the eai turly side, wra burned to the groundi and the Lawrene unuuion, on the westeriy eide, serious'y daraaged. Tin: fire ran tl otili the block to Thirteenta stoei '. d roying tlie ;urrai factoiy of Miner fc SleveDB, and t!iit(.i'. Grotes. 'i'he i-wa willamoimtt$öOO,(iüO. Anotlier account says the lus wili reach f1,000,000. Tbe cnuse of the üro is u.nknowll. ;■. Tlio following ar.' additionsl mlars: Mr. Wies, i polioe offioor, at 4:10 A. [., whilï ou his patrol, Qoticedfirg bursting throuli ''" roof of the ei and imin, diately Ser the unírosla and intj and bowling m ;-. ■ tuanner. Ai inns . issoon goundit the liiiu'.s prettd witil ■sU'!-1 '' '- pidity tkataloiost before thoíiremn could gel thêwatoron, Birnum's oirom ■■. ■■■ thing of the past. The dromen rêpóii that the roars of the auiioala wuve frightful hum:; the short tiine that tiioy ïasted. Cwo elephants and ;t oaiuel were the only aniuialR savod. W hun these were i.'by tbe keeper, they nrere given a [urge pace by the orowd witnosamg tbe ftre, althoagh the aniuiaU wnre very dotliu exoiteuient ou all sides. The building swis iv-; utorias, and composos Dourly u.ltogotbr of corrog ron and wood. The strdctnre barned bowever ka though it was :i tinder box. The firemen ttnd othera were unable to stand uiihin loo feet of the buruiug bnilding. The heat was so xn( ■ tliat the wiadowt of the Ac deroy of -.Insio were eracked and broken by the rhe d.KHii wete blistered and tiio billboards in front ui the Acaderay were burned on that sido towarda the circus. Nothing could be done to save on$ aniee hapel was wholly oongamrd, ouly th front wi ■ loft standing. Ifc was very much tVared tbat ademy of Music, which :s directly opposito, would also bo consviniod. It evidently would had not Hm -ui ubungod, wliicn oaused Un ftre to extei t aoiose to Thirteenth Btreett detstroying ou its wuy the large carriage manufaotory of Stevens & Co. and severa! private dwelHr.irs. No Uves are reportad lost. Tlio lire Bpr ad u liio raaasiofl of ?! i s. nuo, cousuiniug it, then totho front ■ ug occapied by T. Gi)tc, ivury ii ilcr, whiuh wiih ;■. rear building occupied by tho snrnn, wero both dustroyed, tiii-nc" spread to Miner & y teveu's car fiictory on Thirteenth street 1 1 1 ■ rear portion of which v:ís bUrtlSd witli $30,000 woith of carrin gep. Curlay1 ittctoiy adjoining wis e I divmaged. Baruurusioss is variously 8timated :tt fi in is mi i to uo in Now Orli inci loss to th Lawrenoe esi I igyzu,uüü; ■ 1. Grote's lus-, i-, !,-;;, o, i o i ; insnnd ■ 11 thiir üxtures nndstock. Ju ■y Co., i ' Ie in t' ing s, lost all 1hir stook. Retnworth, ïnanufnctu ano 8trings, lost ;i 1 1 their stock. Thonlunug tho liay. A la i i t' pólice ■ duty to keep the lireiuun t'ioui btinp; iuipoded in thcir diity. !t is reported ■:,.-. ibsurauce ou animáis is only 0. ') h ! .■ i !:.:;.!:!-i :m I r;inn I whicn wcru Baved, covoring oue-half oi' that.


Old News
Michigan Argus