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- Continúes : the cold snip. - In good demand : ;ood woorf. - Oitt of gear: a'.l tbe railroads - Ecüpsed: that funious oíd íTi"' Yi'ur's rtay. - Qov Baglkt wos In totvn on Frlday last, do'ng tlií Univcisitv. - Onli r y or mi i iz rardí at tbe Aiocetffice; ah-o your vIsHing carde. At the Alious oflice is ihc place to or der beau ti fu I carda for yoar New Years 0118. - Nov is the timo : for the men who voted agklmt Water Works to renen tbe cry - "an oíd fbgy towu " - We are imlebted to J. W. BABBITT for a copy of che reporta i Bocnstary Boctwbll and Treasnrir Spikkbb. - 11. Cohén advonlM a new arrangement. in liis búa oes, haviivr introduted the dollar plan. Bee hls advertleement. -All the connty offleers except invr Faikchild propose n change of base ut ai) ëarly mxi Wednesday inornlng. - We club lile A.KGU8 w Ith the Rural X ir Yorktr, JLarth and Home, and the l;.N.'7í Rural. Now is the time to subte libe. Two barben had a "wbirl" near the corner of Mala aud Huroo atreets yester tlay afterneen. A few bruises the ouly ■damagé done. - B.J. Oonrad, ofthlscity, had ;x Jj ticket n a recent drawlng of the Kentucky lollerv, 00 WhlCb lie yesti rday rect'iviAl $75 ín greenbacks. - Uatliering-snotr : that's the principal business of in:.ry cltlzens oowadays, aad Water-Works ha ving been voted down it is likely "tobe continned." - Tbe inniHtes of the County Poor ■House werc made glad tl. s year, as osual, wlth anltable Clirlstmas presenta at the hands of the Episcopal ladles. - The sermón reeen tl y pivached by the Be. O. M BltlGIIAM UpOll HoUACK GJ 'i.f.y has been Imued In pampiilet form, by request. Ii is well wortli readlng. - Tlie Zov.avcs wint to Ypsllantl on Christmaa eveülng, to attend the muster-iu and bal I of the new military compauyof "that ciiy. A uncid time is reported Rev. Calvin Htebbins, of Detroit, will preacb iu the Unltarian Uburcti next Bun■diiy, Dec. 29t!i, mornlng .im eyeAIng.- Bubiect for eveuing : "a Strnggle lor Ufe." - A laüor ni'iiicc!, in the eraploy of (5. A. Gilbert, whlle engaitad in wrtstllngln Llie abop yesteixlay afternoon, bad tone ol his lega broken In two places. Serious aport. - "Onr Parlin;:," the beaiitifu! premium Chromo lurnlshed with Oodep'ê Lady's J'.uok, tor 1873, can lie Becd at the Akgcs office. Oodcy, 'Our Darllng," and the Ar;rs Uur '4 - Now th at the pnblisher is laid i for repairs the Augcs boystrusi that everybodyIndehied to the Altoos wi 1 fork np. lt ttikis a deal ; wooil to keep the pul I) ■" Ing, and woo ! ota money - N.)v that the WaterWorb8 are knockcd inio the middle ol next simuner - perl.:iis later- the plckerel and snekerttdown the Ihiron ré louter lie aw ke o'nlgbts for (bar o: drocght sometí me in tbe fliture. - lf yi'ti wish to sr,;scrV: ftjr t!ie At■,; ie, -■:"■■ s r ■ E ' ctic, 'y't i; ok, Our Young fitUct or The Nurtrry - tlial%U&l Ittt'e röonthly for your wideawalie four (■'', ■■] plï :t tlft A.1 - Ou öaturdaj r.iiit. Ihsl ;.i)(ut 12 ii'ciurk a iie ■■?; (iiscovcred i 'le back lu:-t. it Mis. JJ. ï IV Illiams' resijfence, in Foorth Street, tuuréil by hat a-:us, and W ia extinMiislel w.íli but sMuht dam -iir - Th s iniirilier completps The twenty MVi,th 'o;mne (: l':e AjiÓUS, eigllffceD iars and a-hulf ol wlilch t me il has been publlsued iy the present proprletoi; and Slrange to aay be is neitlier vet rich oor in the poor house. - fepeak a good word tci yoar in-hlj-.-r in behalf "f X'k Akous and orge hlm to teubacribe for 1873. We wish to inrrcare burmbscrlptiön list largely, and the hirlr üie ltst the bet ter we ahall be able to make the paper. - Tl.t V. ter-Worku loan havlng been voted iluivii, sinck in the "W ter-Drawirii OO'Operatlve Associatlon" bas an upward tendí ik y. Tbe water s QraVvn (rom the treeü or tfio II inin, in mis or barrels er oasks in' Luiks, iia the C! n i_ be. - Tlie U'iirr Works elect on on Mondny resuikd in iii. d.'a o' tbe projeel : ye. s, 2:j2; nays, 574. Fiar of taxation; distrust ol cokjiii sxiouers - by in. n w lio can irusl tbemhelves) crsonal opposition ' Mayor ï)i wlio in ihe d ncharge of ui ofll Cial dn:v propone ! t plan ; and an unt pai y to water on m-nera prlnc [!en: i ese v. c usa of t e .i feat. To cut a (lisagree'.ble story sh-rt and come down Ui ij..," it s sfe to - y Uiat our lead puticll, the tberm ■wrl-r. nor U:e oiciest. illhahitant CSU do jas UeetoUte ■.■ iikt whlch bas now rloted n ;. rwfc ol cold The ! owltng winde nd fli lig mioiv w ruhlg on Satur ''■' ' ' 'i na m, ü ; Sunday oiorniiijt ' , -" 2 '' - ■ !■■■ t ie repor s r ,:u different porüoimof our city, and re p .u-i bjr leiearáph all over" the Morí i iittl Wit, Mlnnofota putthit; in i claim ''"' '! ril. Mond y mum '"8 ' ■ . ai il ' i hc rt to bon ter You know how h ; y . -. Ai. the nu , : i .. Dl ,:in Arbor Ene im in ut, N.,. V. I O. O F, held on F.-. i evruinu liit, tlie fbllowins offleera were elerted for the msuina t.nii : C i' Clns A ..'.ter. H. I1 Dr. P. !■.. Itosp. s W. A u m Well. Öcrlbe -C K . Treas -V. I!. Öïhmidt. J W.- Fre I. Sorsr. lU-presentatlves to Orand Encampmcnt D A.lmandlnger and Qllbert B'lss. A bout 6 o'clock on kVednesday evenlns pn alarm of flre was ouodel, cbus trte bnrnlng of the reoldenc o( Mr Pi ;;, ley, oo Traver treet, 6th WariJ. Tl as causerl by the npsiatlns of .-, #hlfe putting In t, loage ,,,.,. of lTood Tbe 'uousc waa entlre'y rtcsirrycd. Losa not learned ; Inaored ror?"0.


Old News
Michigan Argus