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The Heosac Tunnel

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Ftom tl Ken York Ffmea, T'ee. 12. TIn; most iüiporlüiit erent in tbe liistory of t)n! lloosiir Tunnel took plic tod;iy. The beading Froiu the centw shafl niüt and effeoted ajunotion with the iiifi from tho east end, and the wwkmon have pasfied throügh frontons Bection in the othor. This ia the central shat't, at aboat half past t-n .'■!(■!;. and n t1:ist ( pade fn ui fourteen holes loadeid with nitroglycerine. Tho wholo blust rnqu lontb oí' . -thre poundd, the lai ui ity rvr u oue in tbe tunnel. It io j tl;it tliis blast Qi&de ( brruch suf ffcient to let water throngb. A t any r.t' the water d Fn ru iti1 tormer level. At halipastone o'clocka socond ohargei eqoal in wwapht to the first, was i nd v7ü ;'.(ÍTnncpd tdward the hettding, Ve V7.'ro (net, at :. dist;i:: 'il fott, by retui workman, who announct-d tbat a h jI. was throngh. We proceeded throufrh a chokinjr, blinding smoke from '.:u glycerine dischargo, to thn hflading, when, suro enough, wo fonnd that comninnioation had beon opened. Siz apertarea had been made, aml although thoy Tere but drill-holcs and oraoka in the rock, tho men ot' tho two panga were convsrsing through them. Our lampé, held at the opening, Wtjro immcdiately extingoished, so stront w:is tlie draft from tho oud toward the shaft. Tho progrcss wtw satisfactory so faras it went, but moro ivng neeessary. Wo rcturned an hour or two later, just :; iho last blast was made, and bbStenitig forward to tho junction we found that there was a hole nbout a foot i:i diameter betweon the two soctitm?. T!iÍ3 v,:s speedily cnlargcil by hand-poTver, and aï iour o'clock procisely a small boy waa !t down from the central sliaft into ths etist snd, amid the shouts anu clieürs of both gangs. Another penoa o' largei iowed, and the tho oastend caoiprooated hyai u 1ing np two of Iho men of its gan{?, who proceeded to the skaft, im I were the ñrst to rear.h the top of the mouatain from tho east end without r.aceniliTp; its elope. Although Iho engineer hiiTO not yot had an opportunity to ve i'fy thelr calculationa by tho result, it is certam that the error is scareely more thas a í'oot either in grado or in lino, and it raj prove to be vory niuch lesa. Anothnr faot, whieh is likely to hnv9 an important bearing ca the matter of vi'ntil.ition, riiVr thü tu:inr.l isfinlshei, is that the d:att from tho oustorn end r.ito the central shaft tunnel is so otron,-? tïiat it can only be likeued to a very poverful wind. The re?nlt of tfcis day's work maj bo brieily stated : Tho ponderpus ptimps of tho central shnft may tj iiünieüintely abandonelr and tlio water prcb'.em . solved worlf may bo tegan on the heading of the central shnft, co tbftt on Out. 18, 187S, if uil goes wcll, thcre wül bc au opening tiirough theXIoosuc Hountain from oast to wst.


Old News
Michigan Argus