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10170 THE WORLD. 10170 A new politlcal era ia opcnïn? bc 'oro !!::■ co:mixy Tlio neííro-cycW of nar politics hr.e routuVci to ;ts conclusión throtiiíh civil w:ir, soei:il rlol trial dieonder, and has ended in gffing fret : fuiir millioiïof the ncro race, and the ballot to its a duit males. '-The old order clií.ügeth, yitlrting Eee to tho ncw."' The politics of tbiu acw ora wíll come homo to everyman's busincae and bo'sm aL never hefore, bcingvitiil to private proRpe ity and thc m;úiiU:i. acce of a Democratie Republic. For uot onlyarc tiuí maiiifuld encroncí menta of Federal upon State powers n:ul of l)oíh apoD thc large liberty of American fref-icn now r3 nhvay; to be repf lled wlih ceaeelesa viilance; not oniy ís hme rulu or local self-governmeüt now as alwnyp to be ninintttinod for thc best gOftsftiltefl of civil liberty and of national preatneB?, butbesidea, t!ie vic torios o f A[-acc whicb are to ;ive splendor to Ihe Dow poílUcal er.i mu t. be won aaloat frvery adran i :li even enemics of freo iiiítitutiou.s could de si re or possess. A ;iijaii tic Pebt, which the honor of the country is pledged to pay encumbersall oor Indnstriea wita ús o[.prei-8Íve kunlen. N rerthelesa oor bj etrme of Municipal and State Taaatibn are crutle, uncqual, and defrand the poor to release the rleh. Neverthcteaaour afstem of Federal Taxatlon ! nieta aa Inbmoofl maaterpiecc of iguorance acd neapa itjtpa1 iothevile uses of monopolist' r.nd f a vori tes and andthievea, as never anjwhere . d modern civiizalioü gince Louis XIV-, wiih nis m thoüe oftAXaÜOn rather than its ajAouat. puralyzat the industries of Frnnce. And aloi. ;; witn the TariT, which prohibits the export of our manufactures, ab idgcb tlit numb.T wt out Indo&iriés; cutb down the i-rofit upon the exporta from all onr farwn, plantatione and mines ; ftocllshci OOI ihlppïqg írjia otif the high ecas, and filehes f6 írom tac peoptaa pockete every time it put? $1 luto the U. Si 'iiv isury,- ' alone; vith this engine of oppref&ion, stupldity aud fraud goc a of Attctuatlng value'ai the mensure of valueBin every act of domeetlcexchangf, Whatever pattica Tiny itrlflfl 01 OtlJ, whntevor their tïofeata or triuniph% aud whatever tlicir jií 'í'íik i Wokld üow and aJwaya wffl remaiu tne unflinchinf; champ!ou of a LEBEBAL ftfOOBBSSITl DEM00UA0Y, whereof F:-eed(m, defended and dcñi.ed by Juetlce, ia tiie polar star. As a Vehicleoj A'cics, Thb WoRiD will pars noexpenne, no cner-ry, to malntalo ftod adraoóe ts place ' id thefiret rank nfxaetropoHUnloarsals. lu fresh, ■:, ví.r'o.ía and aocn ate atws, eompristng fc [e drcle ofen ■ enceand literal ure will be dlaCDSssd M becomei a rrvaticoríhy Organ Opinio wlth candor, with Btefcdyderotion tosonnd public and privi.iy mor:ilg, wltb fpedal kuu-. lor ppfcial ïlioine-', and wltb vaiioofl and v.ide rcachinji apprchüiihiuii of the manifold Inteteats oï men and wonn-n in their homep, their markct-pluces, thtir workshops, and Hielr farmj. THE WEEKLY WOniD i onr ffTfiat edition fWeflno(l:iy) for the counlry, It cnutuius: 1. Tüe Latbst l'itinKK (telejcrapoBd rum all the markets of thfl United States of Live S'och, Country Produce, Qeneral Product: of every kind, ■ nd nf Money, Stocks, and Prelghta In New Yurk and Eorope. 2. JThe : , wlth uil thedolngfeof the Panners1 Club of the Amoricaa instituto, letten Qroi i practical rormen, and scieutilic dlscusslona on proütable fannlog. 'i. A F:ie fr n(; .Family Cirrle of livi-iy and pare resdlng. 4. All the luws in odBcHe Mtmmary: Numbkb oï Premi i'K to Clvb OOPIH VRAR C0U.KOt(Bfl SElABATli.Y BKijINSlXQ WB Wt-üiit. V WORLD. Al DEJ SSl l. AM ]AV. i i af 5 7 Wortel Aimnnac 1O 12 i Wcckíy World, 1 yenr. 2O zo IWeekly WorM,lyear. 5 Seuilweekly Worl i i jear.j ] 100 j ÏOQ !l)ully World,! yt-nrEXTRA ÏRBttijMB (l.j 8250 will be friveo to the sentleman from whora we Yecelve pravlous totee Slt of Uarch nrat the money at bar dab rat es fír tl. e largeat r.umbcr tnot lew han ftv hnndredj of subscriben for one yciir to the Wki:;: v 97oi (2) $1.-5 (or the next larget paM ctub liei of not than two hand 'edand Ofty cop C5.) $75 ench tbr the flve Úi . iM club lists of not lean tban one huodred aad flftycopW - C-l.j . w each lor the ten next largest p of not lew ti.fin onc hundred copies eacb ■ ach for }.g twenty pezt larest pivlJ club lista ot' not lena than II ft y copie e;y (■. Tía.: VTEJBKIi contrilns (Taraday anl Prtday} all the centents of the V efïkly anti Ihe crean of the imüv. Ni ML O.VK l'i.KMICM Tt CLVD 00PIK4, ' TRtti ; CJüI-.Ui;OT0R3 ::i'. INMNC 7OIÏ BMI-WEÚI.T WOBLP. AIl)liSK] j ANY DAY. ÏÏ $3 ' 81 6 112 "Worltl Aïmaaac. lo i $20 Semi-Wcokly World, 1 yr. $loo Daily World, 1 year. The Daily Wobui - Price for o:ie copy for one vear. Slt, flhclnditg tnnday K(üLk):i, i-v:, öliig anyday ; and at the same rate per month for aiiy part of s yi ar. The World Almanac forlTiï ( rcady about .lanuary -Onecopy, post-pald,2-cote ; ñve copies, poat-pald, tl, DIIlKCTTONS.- AtWItions Io Cnb m.iy be madfl at anj time In the ye-vr:it the nbove Club ratea. Chtn ges ii dab Lista made oniy on repoest i perons recelvlog Club packaires, statlng date of obscrlption, edítíqn, poat office and Statotowhlch it han [iuvic:iwly been sent. TEEM 8 - Caah in ndvance. n1 post-oftice uoney-ordSTt bant drait, orrcgiètered letter. Jiiüa B 1 1 1 iiy iinll will be at the risk of. the sender. We naw no traveling agenta. Bpednen copien, , 4c, wnt free of charve, wherever ;u(] wUeuuvcr dcalrt-d. AdUrss all orders and letters to "TSUB WORLD," 35 IarR Uow New York. JUST RBOETYED AT THE FARMERS' STORE A verj large stock of BoABet aud 9;iüh Iiilboasj uuw itfUê ana Phe9


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