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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ERASTÏTS THATCHGR, Attorner and Courwelor at Luw, No. ó Ettdt Huron Street, Ann Albor, Mich. 1386 MF. FA.SQUKI.IjE M. . Office over A. A. ffffry'a tore. Resfdence Waphinirton Street, (onr doore cast of State. 1373yl A!V 1BBDR JHSFRiL SPK1SOS. M irris Hile. . O., Superintendent. Office tl building, coruer Mann and Weetlluron Streeta. WIXES k WORDEN, '20 -outh tain Street, Ann Ar or, Mich-, Wholesale and retall dealers ia Dry Gumía, Carpets and Groceries. 1331tf MAGK & SCHKID, Déniers in Dry Goods, Girocerics, Urockery, &c. No. 54 South Main Str.-et. ICHAKL MIIBKAÏ, Roofer Pire and 'Vater Prooi, Kelt and Uomposition Gravel Soofspntou to order aud warranted. Besidenceou lelTerson Street, An Arbor. VjtT H. JACKSOW Ient!at,successorto C. B. Porter. Office corner Main aud fiaron atreets, jver the store of R. W. Ellia & Co, Ann Arbor, uestheticsadminHtered if required. WF. BREAKET, M. ., Phyaician and Snrareon. Offlcc-, ut residonce. córner of Huron and Umtiun Streets Srt isor CHit of Preoby.eriauCharc.h. Aun Arbor, Mich. "gl S. J"OH!V8O!r, Dealer in Bat and Capí., JCi Purs, Straw (Joods. Gents' Furnishín; fjooda, c. No 7 South Main .-treet. Aun Arbor. Mich. Ol'TPHJEaSL.ArVB : 'WrHKIOlV, Life and P? Pire Insurance Agenta, and dealersin Real Estáte. ?ñce on Hurón Btreet. BACH Sc ABEL, Dealers in Dry Qoode Orocrrics, 4c tc.,No 20 South Maiu itreet, Ann rbor. CTI.AWSO5Í SOS, Grocers, Piovieloji &n(I J ivoiuraission Merchaute, aud delerp in Water jï:ne.Lanrl Piaster, aud Piaster Paris. No. 1C East Iluron streetjj SiiVaMEITlS, rt'liolnsale aud Retail Dealer o in Rdady . vfade ■lorhinjr, ''loths, Cassimerp, "Utin. :hij! (Jcnt'B Furiïjstiin Go"ds. No.ySouth alu Slrcet. WTï. M'AWSr.ït, Dealer in R.ady MadeCIotb-: iiï?. ' .lottm. C.i6-iinerc Vesttngs, Hntn, Cups, Trunki, 'arpet ïiajrs, &(■ '21 outh Main street. GII,?ItK.SB & EISÜSK, Bookerllnfe and Station-rs Mdtcnl hnr and Collige TéxfBook, ïchool nul HleceTlaneoue Booke. No. 3 North Main ítreet, Greíory Htock, Ann Arbor. JINiiEY : 1.K WIS, Dealers In BooiB,Shoes, f Oaftsrs.Sïppet, 4c. No. i Bast Huronstreet, Vnu Arbor. fyJÜAIl WTÖHEEVEK, f. "Í AÏÏORNEY AT LAW ! ! with E. W. Morgan, Eaet slde ofConrt House qu.rc. 1331 CT. 'F. SCHAEBEBLE, - Teacher of M usic. G:"es inbt.ruclion on the fiAND, Y!OL!N AUD GUSTAR, flft&M o.fScot No. r; ííonMi Main strcnt, CMoore "lililí nrj, pr $t te rfeflide I ..popí!. ,,SÍÁNO TUNIKG, uade a epeciality and eatlsfdüt'cm guHr;inted; 1824jrl p E O C K E K Y r'fifLASSWAIlE1 & GRÜCER ES, , J. & !? Dotineily HiTelnitorealar){etook t 'rockerj.Glassware, i 'ftaáV ira, 'r.Mcr; ("ii'occries. Ac, ftc. all tobe .oldat lintsHiialiy-Iow pricee. N'o 12 Bast Haroa Street Ann Arbor. H-Ntf J. ge V. BöSSKtLY. foiïs gTgall, -DEALEB IN PRESH AND SALT MEATS, I.ARO, S41TSAOKS, F-c, OMerpolicited nnd promptly lllled with thebcat neats in thc.markut. óJ Bwt Washington street. Ann Arbor, Sept. lOth, ; 188Mf Mann'actnrer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, lNOSLI5;t}f!S, of erery stylc, nvld of the best 4ö:iterial, nnd warranted. Repalrinj; done promptl.rand prkes reasoiiable. Detroit ëtreet, uear K, R.Dep.Jt, Ann Arbor, liich. HI84yl. l.eiteu CONTINÚES TO PUT DP AND FILL Pliysicians Prescriptioiis, At all houre, at No. 1 Qreory Block. C. A.LE1ÏEK & CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d 1871. 13.M jS r . oTb71m7lí t e r , . DE1STTIST. fleein theSAVIHGS EANK3L0CK, Ann Arbor. 4.11 Operaiions on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. ffN3ÜBPAS3ED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCB SETTI ABTÍFÍÜAL TEETH, TO GfVE EACH iXDIVIDUAL, Dtiturêtoftkc proper sixe, skapc, i olor, firmneee and na al ezprettion 1344 HURRY UP ! PARTIKS wHhins Wall Paper, P hartje Hollands, Window Pixturca, Cod, Tafels, &c, all New Btyles, at S:tisfjictorj Pricee, by J. U. Webster êc Eo., Book Store, near the Expiess Ofllcc. g - a LOYEJOY, TOBACCONÏST ! Deals in both FINE GUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SimfF, Pipes, &b., AT XO. 7 EAST IIUROX STHEET, Next to tljc Express Oflice, AKfJV ABBOn, MICII. 1345tf GO TOTHB PAUMKRS'SToñEAÑDBTYvñmi ' Car1t.,OilCloth9.nclRngscpR(t0í;ílOuR


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