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Let Them Alone

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Whatever muy bo the motive of the Unitei Statos Sonate in its reluctanco to intorfere in the affnira of Arkausas, we trust tbey will pertinaciously adhore to that rosolutiou. It is not creditablu to Üm admiuistrution at Washington tliat it was prompt to lond its aid to tbe representatives of tbe ltepublican party in Xiouisiana tbe instant its assiatance was invoked iu tbo struggle with the opposition, and tbat it refuses to respond to a like appeal iioa Arkansas when it oomcs trom the other sido in that State. But tbat it did what it hild no right to do in Louisiana, is no. reason wby it should continue to do wrong by interfax ing in Arkansas. It is a good thing to keep to tbe strict letter of tbe Constitation and the laws, ovue tbougb iil a bad spirit. We bave doubt tbat Senator Kice is auainly rigbt in the allegation he makes against tbe doiuiimn-t party in Arkansas, and tbat Senator Clayton is simply insolent in bis denial of them. But tbat is no xeason wby the government oL the United States should in a local quarrol. What e ver wrong bas been done in disfranchising tbe citizens of that state bas been done undtsr ber own Constitution and laws, and tberö is a remedy for it in the courts without resorting to one m itself vioious and whicb. can. only produce h till further miscbief either ncw i in the iV-ture. If Republioan principies r.ï 1 the true theory of our Constitation have been violated, tho true way is to get back agüiu uj)on safe and sound grouud, and not get into further diffieuïty by some nev violation. Tbe real diffieuïty in Arkanaius, as we have explained two or three times in the courso of the nimmer, is as to the exact f o ree and meaning of a certain clanse in hor Consutution, and whether it is iu conflict with the Oonstitution and laws of the United States. The courts are open to test this question. and to that tribunal it should properly go. We havo uo doubt that a. cure for the political troubles of tho poople of the state may bo found in judicial decisión; but if tbere shall not bo, it will bo time enough when further evil consequonces shall i'ollow the failure of such a reinedy to consider what may next be dono to establish thero a Kopublican governmont. Tho troublos of theso southern etates, it should not be forgotten, are tho direct results of the'reIxillion, and neither they nor wo should bo iuipatient of au immediate and peaceful settleuient of all the consequenees of so long a war and one which established a new"order of things in tbat soctiou of tlio


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