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NB.COLË, Dealer in Conl. Office withFïxCB & Grant, OTer blawsun & Sons' Store, 0or.t Fourth and lluron St. Prospectus íor 1S78 - Sixth Year. THE ALDINE. An Illnstrated Monthly Jonraal, riolversally admitted to be the Handsomest Periódica! in the Woria. A Rcpresentaiive and Champion of America Taste, TUI', ALPINE, whllelued with all the regnlarity, hus none of the temporary or limely intereet characterlstlc oí ordiuary periódicals. Tt is au elegant raiecellsny of pure, llght, and graceiul literatare; anda collcction ofpietnres, the rareat specimens of artistic skil! . in black and white. Although each Buceeeding uuinber aflords a fresh pleasnre to its friends, the real víiloe and beauty of TUE ALDIN L will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. While other publicatious may claim superior cheapuess. as cmpared with rivals of a similar claes, THE ALDINE ÍA il ni.iquo and origiual conception - loiio and uo approached - nbsolutdy wlthi.tu competition In prlce or character. The posseseor of a complete volurne cannot duplícate the quar.tity of fine paper and cngraviugs ia au y othsr ehape or number of volume or ten times Ut cast ; and then, ttiere art the chramos, besides l ART DEPARTMEJiT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price ofanbscription last Fall, when THE ALUNE asenmed il present noble propoilions and representative character, the edition H-as mcretkan doubled dwing the past year ; proving tfr&t the American public appre. eiate, and will support a sincere effort in the cause; of Art. 'Ihe publuhers, araiona toju-tify tho read coiiticlenee thns demonstrated, have exerted theuïselves to the utmost to develope acd improve the work; aiid the.plans for the cominjr year, asunfolded by the monrlily issues, wlll astonlsll and delighiï tven the most sanguine frieuds of THE ALDINE. llie puhlishers aie authorized to annuimce deeigns from many of the moet erftfnent artista of AmericaIn dcHtion, THE ALDINE will reproduce eramiimples of the best foreiirD mnstera, selected wilh a Ie■v to the highest artistic pnccess,aDd oreateet pent ral Intereat ; avoiding eueh as huya become familiar, Ihrouiíh pliutosraphs, or eopie of any kind. TheqiüUterly tinted plates, for M7-3, vill repro dnce four of -lohn S. üavis' inimitable child sketches, appropriat' tftlhe four seasoniï These platee, appel ring in the ismes tor Janunry, April, jHly ana Ociob. r.'would be alone worth the pricu for a year' siibscription . The popular feature of a coplontly tllustrated 11 Christmas " number will be continned. ; To possess such a valuable epitome of tie arï worW. at a coat so tr fling, wili command the subscripti"ns of thoiisauds in every Bection of the conntry: but as the uscfnlneis and attractiopB of THK ■LDINJ3 can be enhanced, in poportion to tho "numerical increase of itssuppoiters.the pnblisher propose t make " asmirnnce duable cure," by tho iollowing unparalleled offer of PKIMIl'M CHHOMOS FOB 1873. Tvery snbscriber to THE ALD1SE, who paya ini af varee for the yer 18:3, will receiye, without additional charge, a pair of beantiful oil cliromos, aftcr 8 J. Hiil. theeminent English painter. The plutures, entitled" The Viilage Belle," and "Crossiug the Moe e " are 14 x 20 inches- are printed from i!5 difftrpnt plates, reqiiiriin; 25 impressione and tint lo perfect each pieture. The same chromos are eold for SO per pair, in the art stores, ah it is the determina tioii of Us conductora to keep THE ALDINB out of lae reach of compctiti..n in every department, the diremos wil! be found correspondingly alicad uf auy üiat can be oftered by olher peviodicals. Every Mib.-crilicr willreceite aceitiflcate, over the siguature of the pabltebers, guaranletimg tht the chromos deliverea shall be equal to the samples fnruished the agent, or the mouey will be relunded. ha distribntlon of picture of this grade, treeto the subscribers to afived' Har periodUal.wiU maiksn epoch intliehiftoryi f Art;8nu.consi(leriiiL'llHUiipitcedented cheapnese of the prii-e lor THE ALDi.NE itself, the marvel falls little short of a miníele, even to f ose best acqnalnted with the acliiivenunts of ioventfve gen'ni and mprored mechanical appüautes. THE L1TKRAKÏ BElAKT,ni31Vr. willcontinue under the cure of Mr. RICHAKUHE.N1KYSJ'OÖÜAR, auelsted by the best wjltew anil the day, who will stiive to have tlie literaiiuv of THK ALÜ1NE alwaya iu keepmg with its artlgtic aii r crions 111 F, Al. PINK will, hereafter, be obtainuble only rlptioB. Tluie will be no reduced or eist rite ■ cash for BUbécriptl iwet be sint to the pnblisher direct, or hnded to the leal sent without iiiiy io the pnblistrers, exc pt mca-es L certrficate tafiven, hearing the fac-.imiU ttlgnatare ol' J.imks Sbttun & Co. AGE1VTS WANTtD. Anv pei-EOtr. wishing to act permauently as a loca1 agent, ill roccive fuil and prompt iufuimatiou by appljti g to JAJiES SUTTOS & CO., Publlshers, 58 MAIDEN LANB, N. YEstáte of Michaol Kearncy. STATE UL' MICHIGAN, C'ountj-of Vushtennw, 83. Noties i hereby ipvan, thai y an order of tho ( ourt lor t'lie County of Washtemiw, made on the thirty-Brst dy of December, A. D. l72,six inontlis in'iii t]i;it dweweve allowed for creditorts to Ujeir eluims agaiust the cslate ot ilichael Kearnoy, late of HÜd county, deceased, and tlmt :ill ol said deceaed we required lo present iheir elaima lo aid Probate Court, at the Probate otüce, in the city of Aun Albor, for uxammaticn umi nlluwance, on or before the firal day of July next, audthat suuhelaims will be heald before MUd l'rub.ite Court, on Baturday, tho twenty-ninth day of ïlmoh, and on Tuesduy, the first day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each ot thosedavs. Dated, Anu Avbor, Decenal - H07w4 Judge of l'i'obate. E.stfttu of Jumes B. Palmer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly of Washtena-w, M . .t asewionof the Probate Courl ftw County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate üfliee, in th City of Ann Arbor.on Saturday, the twenty-eightn d3 of Beeember, in the yeur one-thuusand eighthundred and seventy-tiro. .__ nt, Hiram J. Beakea,Judge of rrotmte. In the matter of the .estale of Jamo B. Talmer, deceased. - .„ , - Onreadingandfilingthe petition, duly venfied, of . Palmer, praying that Jlorlimer L. M. Talmer or some other suitable person may be appointed administrator of theett of iddeceaaed. Thereupon it ís ordered, that Monday, the twentyseventh day of January next, at ten o'eloek in the forenoon be aaaigned Mi Üie hearing of said pi tition, and tlmt the heir at law of said decawed,and all other personsintereslcrtiii said ostate.ave rC(uired toappenr ata i said i lourt, then to be liolden at the Probate ÓtSce, in the City Of Ann Albor, and show cause, íf mv Uktc be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, tlmt said , !;ï' nu: iv to the persons interested m suid ,,., ,,.„1 thependency of eaid petition, and the hcuv in" thereof, 1 v rausing a copy of this order to bo published in the Michigan Argw.a ne1paper,prmtea and circulatioK in said county, three successne week previousto said day of heanpg. . _„.„_„ (A truc copy.) HIKA M 3 ■ B BAK ES, 1 14M7 " Judfe of Trobate. rp HE PLACE TO G ETyÖÜiTn E W STYLES OF 1 Dress Triinmings, is at the Farmers' More.


Old News
Michigan Argus