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Sheriff Webb--a Surprise

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The term of Sheriff Webb betng aboa to expire, he Invlted hisdeputies to a sucia re at, Cla.bk & Cropsby's, ou th cveiiiii? of the 27th lust. The physlcal man liavlag Deen sntlsfled by the "least ot fat thlrurs " provlded onder his direction nd a general good timé had, "the tables were tnrned.11 was invited tomeet his depatles In au adjolnlng room. Being there gtherert aad seated, Deputjr Sheriff V. H. MclNTTEK, in belialf of his, fellows addressed thelr Chief as follows : Sheriff Wsbb :- In taking Ieave of you at the end of your official term, the dutles ot which you have dlscharged with credit to youraelf and honor to the county, we have thought Ut and proper to invite you to meet with us this eveniug for the purpose ol expressing to you our heartfelt tlmnks for your mauly dealiugs with umi klndnesa to us. We, thcrefore, ask you to accept this Silver Pitcher, Goblets and Server, and, also, this gold linter ring, as a small token of t!ic respect and esteem In which you are held by us. Hoping that your life may be loug spared ior future usefulness, and that wlieu we shall all be numbered ainoug those whoin the grave shall cover, this gilt ïnay be cherished by your desoendanta as a glit bestowed by us upon a wortby man, we bid you au affectionate farewell. Sheriff Webb reooveriug from his surprise, replied : FlllENDS AND BllOTHERS IN OFFICE: - For me to repeat those commou-place, every day words, " I thank you," wonld but ïlly express the emotions that lili my breast upon the receptioii of this anexpectcd expression of your kind regards lor me. Two years ago I was placed in a position, of the duties of which I knew little or nothing. icameamongyou comparatively a stranger, to labor in to me a Strange field, and it was necessary that I shouid have co-workers; and it is with the most pleasing emotious that I eau suy to you on this occasion that the trust and confldence I reposed in you bas not been betrayed. The klndness and good feeliug which bas haracterized all your dealiugs toward me ior the past two years, and more especially this last token of your good will and csteem, will be indellibly stamped upou my memory and carried with me down the vista of time, in prond remembrance that you at least know that in my official acts my only aim lias been to deal justly and sijiiarely by every man. Had you not been ever ready to aid and assist me in the performance of the varióos duties which have devolved upon me, I kuovv not whiit the end wonld have been. Words are inadequate for me to express the gratitude and kind feelings I have for you : as for my official acts tliey are ior the people to judge not me. In whatever position or lime the turn of fortune's vvheel may place me, I shall ever look back to this as oue of my happiest days; and as I pass iilong through the varied and chequered scènes of life, whenever I pause to reüect upou the past I shall have the proud satisfactionoi kuowins that here Ihave friends trusty and trae, in whose Üdelity I may ■ever conüde. And to you, my friends, I vvould say that it is my siucerest wish that you all may ever be prosperous and happy, live to a ripe oíd age, honoreil and blessed by all : aud as the dews of age fall around you, aud the work of life is nearly done, may that happy and consoliug thought be yours, all is weü. Again, my friends, I thank you for these beautiful tokens ofyour kind reaards for me, and be assured that tliey will be ever treasured iu kind remcuibraneeof this day. After which the company separated with ranch haud-shaking and abundant good feellag. It is proper to say in this conneetkm that Sherifl' Webb iias made aconscientious and faithful officer, everhaving his duty to the public in view, and that he returns to the lesa arduous aud more pleasant walks ol' private life with the best wishes of a host ■of friends. The several new County üfficers were ïustalled and entered ou duty on Wedues" lay ! Judge of Probate - Noah W. Oheeveb. ükerijf'- MioiiAEL Fleming. VUrk - Wii.i.iam N. Stevens. Reginter - Emanuel Q. Schaffer. 'Treazurei - Stephen Fairchild, his own suceessor. Promcvlïng Attorney - Edward P. AllenVircuit Court Commissioners - John F. LaWKENCB, ClIURCniLL H. VANCLEVE. Coronen - Dr. W. F. Bkeakey, Wm. Bexter. They succeed oflicers wlio have well anti faithfully diseharged.the duties lucumbent pon them, and having such patterns to work to much will be exiected of them. - Judge ChBevbb iias appointed Jas. JVI. Willooxson Probate Register. Mr. W. has hadseveral years experience iu that IWsition. - Sheriff has made the following appointmeiits: Under-Shtriff-'N.Yiwa Wkbb. Depuly SherffeY. H. McIntyur a-nd T. J. Hoskins, Ann Arbor ; Jas. M. Fohsytub and Si'encrk Dhaki;, Ypsilanti. Tunikey-ijEo. ty Bhown. All experlenced oflicers. Mr. Fleming öccupies the jail. - In the Clerk's office no deputy has been appointed. Mr. Stevens is on duty learning the ways of the office, ader the tuition of the late Clerk, J J. RoBiaoM. Iu the Kegister's ollice Mr. Sciiakkku Ims entered on duty, with H. W. Hyatt, of this city, as deputy. Johx II. Davis, (Jeff.) the colored Court House janitor,. wa3 made the recipiënt of a New Year's present in the sliape of a ucw snit of clothes, including an overcoat. The meinbers of the bar and retiriug coutity oflicers were the donors. On reoetvlog the present, Jeff. spoke sub Silautiaily as follows ; Gentlemen:- You 'sprise rae; if you bad told ine afore, so 1 could have thougHt a little, I would s.iy soinething, but. all 1 can say is, gentlemen, law.vers of the Washtenaw bar and county officers, I return my sincere thanks tor this New Year's present, and also for your kiudness to me for the past two years. At the meeting of VVashtenaw Lodge, No. 9, 1. O. O. F., on Friduy èvenlng last, the followiug officers were elected for the ensuing term : N. G.- Chas. A, Leiter. V. G.- Chas. J. üardiner. Secy.- Louis E. Morris. Treas. - Charles Spoor. P. S - Herin:iii Krapf. - The installatiou exercises take place tiiis evening. Personal.- Charles Irish, of Virginia City, Nevada, arríved at his fonner home in this city on Tuesday evening, for a short Viit. He is the eldest son o! J. D Ihisii, Esq., of this city, and has been absent 2'i ytar, which time has been spent in California aud Nevad. Theorgan concert at the Prtsbyterian Clmrchwill beheM on the liith of Janua y. We understa.ul that fine talent from abroad has been enguged, that tiie concert Will be of tiie best description and worthy of the patronage of ali nho love good We liave had the privllie of cxamHiiii advaoce or specimen sheets (t " Williai II. Seward's Iracela Around the World" t bu ssued this moctli by D Aiti.ktox i Co. The typography Isbeantlful, the ei gravlng8 numerous and superbly execa ted, amt tlie text is Mr. Sewahd's own, he havlng just completed the record of his journey at the time of liia suddea death It is broughtont ander the supervisiou and directlon of Mr. öeward's adopted daagh ter, Olive IÍ181.KY Skward, who bccobjpauiei'the distiiiguished statesman in his wonder! al journey, wondertul in belng nndertaben by a man bendlng under :i biirdun of vears. and wonderlal in wliat he rtured, saw and relates, lt gives in Mr Bbwakds oioi word " the record oí his trayels, au:l liis poütlcal, social, moral and pliilosophicai observatlons," and it is r.ire that sueli a man lias au opporuinity to make sucli a record, lt gives liis " lutervlews and tulks willi Presidents, Klngi, E m perore, Sultans, KUedives, Tycoons Mikads, E ist India Potentates, and HiB HuliiiLss the Pops." The aathor's name ani faine liad preceded him, aml he enjoyed opportaulties seldoin accorded to er selzed by private toartsts, and that these opportunltles werè Impraved tt tiie utmost the volume under uotlce gives evidence. Tlils elegant volume is sold oniy by gubscrlptlon, and the publishers' ageot, W. Betsolds is ww cauvasslag our city, and ve comniend hiiu to our frieuds upon vhoin he in iy cali. We have received the January cumber f the Printer? Cabinet, publisbed by that terling typo and preM-maker Strrlinq P. Kounos, of Chicago. lts twenty large nd beau tl ful ly prlnted pages ure iilled vith matter of interest to tlie craft, and ven the general reader will De laterested i " golng. thrungtt " Hteiu.'s "notes" en oute from Chicago to Sun Francisco - long s are those aforesald "notes." And ouldii't we liave enjoyed the trip with iro. Roühds, even more thau readiug his acy sketch. - We have also tlie Printer? Circular or December, with a readable list of paers professional and a namber of sus estive ttdvertlslng pages. This montlily lould be geaerally read both by printers nd authors. 1.50 a year. R. S. Menain, Phlladelphla. - Also, the December Ttpo, through the ages oí whlch J. & F. B. Gahkett, Syrause, N, Y., communlcate with the printers f the country. A more beautiful New Yeah's Day than hat of Wednesday is rarely given : or it o seemed to us as we held op our fract.nred nu and looked from oor windovv upon hrub and tree and gllstening lic-Ms of ïow. And so evldently thouglit Ihe niultude of New Year's callera who from orn to niglit, ia sqnads, trios, pau's or lone, in sleiglis and on foot, went from [onse to house eXchanging the comliraents of the season, feasting on the smiles of the ladies, and fattening on the good thlngs set before them. O. ving to siekness and deatli in the family of Laura Keclie she will be unable to fuliill her engagement to appear before the Lccture Association next Wednesday evening, Jan. 8. A more ex pen si ve entertainment and ne whlch will undoubtedly give equally goed satisfaction has been secured for the same date ander the direction of Mde. Arma Bishop. The rental of the pews in tlie First Congregntional Ohureh will take place on jMonday next, Janiniry 6th, at thechurch.


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