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Mortgage Sale DEFAUL'L' having been made in the eondition ot' a oertuin raortage, mache and executed by Edwurd Etyan, erf Northndd, Uounty of Wauhtenaw, and State of Miclnji-üii, to M'illiain 8. Barry, oí the sume plaoe, on the ftïst duy of August, A. D. IHtiti, and ren'dfd in tho ottioe 01 the Ëtagwtec of 1-k-edis foi'said ot' Waahtemiw, on the fourth d;iy of December, A. I). 1866 t üve o'cluck V. M. ot said l;iy, in Über87of xoortgages, n ptige 828. wbich Baid rooïfsagi . wae iluly assigned by said William 8, Barry fco Luther James, of the city oi Aim Arbor, County. and Stikte aioresairt, on the fourth day of December, A. ]). 1866, and reeorded m the office of the Register of Doeds lor said Oouiity of Washteaaw, oa tbefourth duyoi December, A. D. 1866, at flveovclockP SC of aaid day, in Lsbex ■' ot mortgagea, o& page 234, and ttmt there claimed to be due at the date neteof, the ■uu of ix hundred and fifty-neven 97-100 dollars; aleo mi al borní ys1 fee of thirty dollars ahouldany procoedt&g be had to foreclose Üie same, and further tntatobecome dus on said mortgags, and do stiit or prooeedinga at lawor in squity havingbecn had to recover the débt secured by said mortgage or nny pirt tberewi'. bfi by given, that by vir ture of the powfiT ii sale in said moitgnge eontained, U at public auotion, tothe highest bidder, on the twenty-ninih dny of March. A. l 1873, at two o'clock in tho afteruooD of that day, At the front door of the Court House, ïn the city of Anu Arbor, in the Qouaty of Waehtenaw, and State of Michigan, the premiaas desoribed in said mor tg; ge. as all those eertain pieoea or paroela of land desenbed as follows, to wit: The west half of the oorthwest quarter of sectiou twenty-ei'lit and fonr acres of tlio east half of the northwwt quarter of said sectlon, heretofore doedod by said party of the ftrst pari to said party ol the second part, all oeing in township one south of range aiz east ín satd townsMp of Nortlilield, in the County of Wushtenaw, State of Hiehigan. Dated, Jaanuary 3, 1&73. ' LUTHER JAMES, ïohh K. Gott, Assignee uf unid Mortgafi. Attoiney for Assipnee. 1407 td Sheriff ale. lTATE OV MICHIGAN, Counlyof Washtenaw, ss O By vu-tueoi a wntof execution iesued out of and under the eeal of the Circuit Coart for the County ot Wash lauw, nn 1 tomed r.-cted anddellvered.aeaiEit the goodst chattela lande and [enemente of William ■ .',u, Ö. W". Brovn, N. Granger, and A. Conklin, I havethis twelfth d;iy of December, A. D, 1872 seiz il and levieduponitll1therirlitlitle;md interest G- W. Brown haa in and to the followinjr lauda, to wit : A piece of land eommencing twen tv rode west ui the Boutheaat corner of section fcwenty-Hine, thenoe west ou tlie sontJi line of said s( riiun fourteen rodil theuce north parallel with the east line of Buid seotion twen ty-niiiu to the south bank of the river Rasin, thimee aiong said south bank in n oortheusterly direction to ■ iat line of said ection, theiMV s'iurh parallel wiili tlie east line of aaid ■o i he place of beginning, oontnining one ucre and one-third of land, be I be &oe nwre or less, also the tollowing d ceof 'iandim which a flouringmiU now stands, noiimnüiciu út ;t poini tweiTbyÖve and one-half roas north of thf; south line of s:i'nl ■ weuty-níne and cweniy roda weel of the eas1 line of said seotion, thence running north parallel with the aaat lioe of sajd pection eleven roda, thence irallelwith the soutb line of said seotion nine rods, thenoe south parallel with the easi line of aaid ■■ivmii eleven rods, thence wes! parallel with tlie south line of s;u"il secUon aine rods to the plaee of beginning, containing ninty-nine rods ol the same more or less; all ot the abore described properiy being sil uated in the township of Bhftron, County of naw, and Btate of Michigan, which above described properfcy J sliall expose for sale at public auction to the higbest bidder at tho soutli door of the Court House in the city of Aim Arbor, on thü ll)th day of February, A. D. 1873, at ten o'clook, A. M. Dated, thia 8d day of Jann-try A. 1. 1 K 7 ;í . 1407 MYUOX WEBB, Sheriff. 4'%tA C9A PrT (lliy' -Agenta ivanted! All fv MR 9rV ddftgeg wprklng peoplo, of etther sex, young or oM, make Aore money at work for ua In tnelr spare moment or all the time, thau at any thlng slee. Partlculara free. Addrwss G. títiuson & Co., l'oiilaud, Maiue.


Old News
Michigan Argus