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y r s i l a jn t j. BOARD OF CONTROL OF THE Michigan Mutual LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF DETROIT, FOR THE TOWNS OF Ypsilanti, Augnsta, Superior, balein, Plymoutli, Cantón, Vanllureu, aiul Sumptef. Each member insures for FIYE TH0USA1ND DOLLARS. ON. J. "WebSTEK CllILBS, HmAM BaTCHELDEB, nor. 1). Pctmam, PnoF. L. JlcftOTH, M. COLÉ, Clinton Si-kncer, . J. Öwen, H. C. Camp, E. Bmiïh, G. L. Foute. Oiïicers of the Board! I'UESIDKNT, HON. J. W2SST&& CHILDS. VTOÏ PRESIDENT, PROF. D. PUTNAM. TBXA&0BKB, HÍRAM SAÏCHELDER. ATTOBXEY, EDWIN F. UHL. MEDICAL EXAM1NJ2RS, A. F. KINÏÏE M.D., F. K. OW DN, M. D. DI6TBICT AGENT, G. L. FOOTB. Michigan can ut last bonst of h fïrst clnss Life'piirunoe I ïompany, orgunized onder heruwn l&ips.cún.olled by her own capitalista, and posseflBedof all the Lvantttgee and qecuntáea tbat pertain to the best coruratioueof tiuBchuu. Ooin. Ruwe, m bis report, suya, alter the nall per osn tbat is ineuréd in thia State: "These jurea niay with proprieiy be ooxnmenúed lo the eonderation oá some eompauies una tlnir agenta iii this uut-, who ept-jul vaiuabie time unü large sums ui' loney in detratin? their rivuls, and Ihus vittuaUj? ndi i'nimiiig the oonfidence üi' the people in the meiitrïous inatitutkm oi genuino I-ile luaurance, rather tan aecuring tlieir proportion ot the ïiincty-iive per mt. whü are uninwured." The Micbigun Oompany has boon doing business 'or five yeurs, and the lirst day oi' Januaxy, lH7i(, had suud S,462 pohcies, insurinij $(,3(ío,fl.uu, makiug otiil usselb January 1, 1872, $284.415.40, and n total ability at the same tuno of $176,b68 47. Tlie íidvtintape lo a policy l.older to insure in thu iichigan Company can be thue explained : ,0OU at 10 per cent coiupound interest tbr au yeara, amountB to ... li7,3t)O 40 l,oi)O at () per cent coiapuund interest for öOyears, ------- 18,420 OU hieh is about thu dïfferetice of interest east or west. The officersof Üic Comp:iny iBÉfl: JACOB S. FA.KJïAND,rre8ident. Vk. A. Moohk, Vioe President. J. T. JjJGGKiT Secretary. Sambb C. Watson, Antuary. 1). O Fabbabd, Medical Kxaminer. L. HL. Tkavkh, General Agent. J. S. I;A11JIAM, E. W. KiNii, -Finance Com. AV. A. Moouk, 1407w."ï "W. J. Critïknden, J Estáte of Jaco"b Cook. ITATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wiwhtonaw, R8. J Notiee id hereby fiivon,t!iat by an order ot tlie Proute (Joiirt ioi the County of Vanhtenaw, mude oa ie thu ty-flwt day of December, A.D. 1872, abc sionthe om tliat date were allowod for creditora to present leir claims against tlie estáte of Jacob Cook, ato Ofeuid éounty, deceased, and that ;ül crediíors of id deceoaed are reqtiired to present tbeir dUüns io lid Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in theCitj ot nn Arbor, for cxiniination and aliowanre, on or tuve the tnst dy of July next, ü-nd tbat sarh üiiiis will bo heurd before said Probate Court, on iturday, tlie twenty-ninth day of March, and on 'ueadny, tïte firstduyoi Julyncxt, at tes o'clock'in ie forenoon ot' each ut thosednys. Dated, Aan Aibur, Deeeinber it, A. D. 1S72. HIEAM J BEAKES, 14B4wï JUdge of Probtóe pL. PACÏT" leeps on hand a first class stock Op igar3, tobacco, pipes, srtuff And all s m okers articlcs AT THE OLD STAND 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel at the sign of tho BIG INJÜN I3.-.2PIB 4 XJEWT8 WANÏED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. Tlie best bookê pnblislied ou the Iforsv anl the ow. Liberal money madera] idly b} Agenta ■1 ing these books. Sendfor circulare, ORIKK & COATES, IT'ii iiiKKH. I'liüiKlelpliin.Pa y O T I G E ! Thesnbscriborstaaqeatthelr commnnd, ns n gene.ral t ti i n _r . from ftvfl hunrired to flví thaasand dolara to loan on first and ftrt class mortuMe kttaate In tho County of WáshtenaW, - time from tliree to ftve y.trs. lermn llbernl Otlice oppoite the. Post Office, and At C. A . Leitor 4 Co. 'a Drug Store, No. 1 QreRory Block. Our Abstract Books ae poBted up lo date. Aun Arbor. Muj 30, 1S72. AOïWiooT, ' ROOT & LEITER. HAB.i. LKIIKR. I37(iti THE BRIGHT 8IDE AM) FAMILY CIUCLE will be publisheJ vmki,, in 1873, better and prettiei tiKin cvi-r, :it only !.( per ynar, and beautitul Chromo, " Tlie Calla Lilies," will l.e gpiven to snbseriber. Agenta wanted everywhere. Libeiai eoTinnit-!ionH. típleudid Premiums. Bubscribe now (Jet ui a dub. BKIUitT BIDE CO., 1809W11 (Iiicngo, Illinois T IVE ÖÏÏESE FEATHJÍR8 FIRST QXJALITT , ftoneiantlyonhand andfoi solt by R ACH Sr ABEL Notic-e. The annual meeting of Poresi Th 11 Cem e ter y Oompany of Aun Azwr wiUbebeM a1 th store of Gto U ren ill'1 on Tueaday JanuRry 7th 187: ut 2 o'clock i'. m., for the eiection of oifloers and tl? transaction of uch other bumneM is may come before it. GKO. GKENVILI !■:. Ann Ai!x.r,.lu(. i'1-, 1372. UIerk. The ('Iicnpesi and l!st Pire Dfipartineut in the World. Ocer One Thouêand Actual Vires Pui Out ■VVIÏ1I IT, ANJ KOBZ TIIAN $8,000,000-00 Worth of Property Saved From the Flamea. QABCOC( _i Í- CT ' ÍB " ' FlRE EïïINGÜISll ; idwns that liitvc bought thom say twelva Exilo ir'flni 11; ake a Üre depanmfit na LÍlicicnt and uure n valla ble than a tullra engine. AMO. The Bfttocock Self-Aeting Tire Engine, FOE CITY, TOWN and YILLAGE USF j ' It is more cft'ective thaii the Steam Fire Enyii, Decftaae it i instan taaoouilv ready and throws )owor!ul streain "f carbonic acid gas iind water fi iri) lfiiLrth uf'time It ip the bet aüd cheape-t FIre Engine in the ' wortü.aud comes wlthin tlio ünancialabitiiit sof , ery place, It does not reqnire nn eipenslv systcm of water [ works, aud is never out of repair Sciid for tlu-ir , record. Every town in the State shnuld havo them brfnre the dry went tier eete la, and prevent conllirations. i E-T. BABNUltl, Ka:. Agent, US Woudwiird Ave., Detroit. Mnnnfacturcr of Tron, lirase and Copper Wire, iiv ('!olh, Wire Riiilinj; imd Fencing, Copper Weather Van'R,aud VViie Work geuerally, 1898 lyr Á Rare Chance TO LET. A largc and modern now Grocery ?toro in Buchox Block, (tetro t Street. ünfloubtedJv the best locatlon in thftt p.irt of the city for h : i i rl hnsinOHs. A gond lArge celltir and new brtrn attaehed to the proraisos. The rent is tf-ioo ycarly, to be taken in groceriei fot my familv nsc. Als" n flue new Moat Market, all complete, Jolning my blo Ie, wiih modern improvemcnts, marble table. &r , large new smukc house, largebrlck clstcrn and cellar, new bain i.udflll ready for ne, with three hiiiiily rooms above. Store rents for S'250 yearly ; tak'ii in ment for my fomtly use. Also a small store in my block, houses, rooms, Ac, tolet. FORSALB - Tliroe good large carrinRC or farm hra', Une new irrlage.bnggies, wagon, tarín in' looi. A1m throc f;nod cowa. UOOtf luquirc of L. K. BÜCHOZ DB. A. IBASS'S Magnetic Ointment FOR TUE CURE OF INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. Dr. Trask was cngagcd for twenty years in a courae of experimenta upon the medical properties and power of vegetables, separate and combi ned. At the age of seventy ycara lie sueeeeded In presenting to the world, as the result of hia experiment, a combination of Vegetable extracto, the power of which in ranoviug diseases is unequaled m the aúnala of Medicine. Hls discovery consista in a combination of these powerful Vegetable Extracte with Electriclty or Magnetiam in the forniof au Ointracnt. Certain, it Is, that tlie remarkable and anpi%cedented snetese which bas attended Hsiipplication In the care of diseases, stompe it at once aa the greatest discovery of the age, and calis lor a trial and close iuvestigation of ita properties. It liever fails9 while there remains sufficient life to restore a natural and healthy action to the capillary vessels of the body, and equalize the circulation of the blood. líy thin meane a controUlng power ie gained over the loost malignaat forms of diseate, which cannot be obtaincd from any othcr remedy. Siicli ín t lic; po ivcr of tiiïscoiiiblnatïoii, that it penetratea to every portion of the human frame; every bone and iimaele, vcin, nervc and ligament is scarched out and made sensible of its purifying and healing iniluence. Iïencc it copes aa readily wíth ínterual as external diseaee. Numerous instanees are on record whera this remedy bas reetured health to patients so aear the irave that the most powerfnl tnternal remedies failed to produce any elïect. Such haa lrcqueutly beeu the case ïu Inüamraa tion of the liowels. No patiënt ever need die with thls diseasc Wüere the Alaguctic Üintmeut can be obtaincd. For Infla mmatory Itheumatlsm thli Ointment is the taiost complete remedy ever prepared. For Diphtheria or Futrid Sore Throat it is unrivak'd. In nine í -nlne cases out of a hniidred9 it will afford entire relief to tüe worst cases of NfiTVOUl Headache in thirty minutes. For Nervous Diseases this medicine is of immense value. AfTectionsof the Spine, Kheumatism, Lameness, Ulcerated Öore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, Colic, Cliolera Mor bus, Ague in the Face oi Breast, Burns, Bcaldllead, Scrofula, SaltKheum, üry, sipelas, Inflamed Eyes, Fever Sores, Sores, etc, wil. be iinmediately rclieved by the uao of Dr, Trask's Magnetic Ointmeut. D. Ransom, Son & Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. T. XVTHITMORE LAKE. Having recently refittcd and fsrailhad the CLIFTON HOUSE ! I atn now prepared to recelve and entertain picas ure, flsblag and dancing pnrties, at one of the mos attractive, picasant and healthy watering places ii the West. My boata are new. taxge and ctmmodious, anc wcll a Inpted for the use of pleasure aeelcen. Anlera will flud a full and complete equipmen alwaye on hand. Special atcention given to the wants tuin oom fort of those who wi-h to epend fl few weeks i I reerpntion durin-í the warm Dammer montas. No palns wilt be tpared to make WH1TM0R . AKK, in the future asln ibe p-ist, n favorlte sum i flicv r eeort. D. F. BMITB.


Old News
Michigan Argus