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The Crown Princess Of Prussia

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E!]L Ulidjigan rgns F.i m 'lio N,'W York Timos. T need hardly say, perhnps, that ther was nTt the slightesfc foundation for th foolish story about tho Crown Prii: Prussia Intriguing to get her father-in law (o decide against America en tb San Juau But as the Crowi Princesa is tiot much knowu, al d wil probably pis y a great part soiue day n Germany, it nnv De worth while to say f few woras nbont her, Bhe is remerabered ehieily SS a bright, ehubby little girl, vorv i'resii and rosy, and alwaya sniili:1;: out of the earriago window. Such glimpses as have since been had of her have shotvn "nly that sho h:ts grown moro grato and matrouly. In her adopted country sho appears, as in duty bound, t all state festivals, and never neglects her public duties, but the most of her lift) is speuS in comparativo sceiusion. She and hei husband trom tho first laid down stïiot rules as to the sphere of their activity, and have scrupulously and oongistently refrained f rom anything like interference with political affiiirs. The Prince never hesitatcs to give bis opinión on any matter frankly and fully when it is ftsked lor : bnt this is not vcry often, and ho has ahvays taken earo to guard against setting up a littlo independent court of his own. As for the Princesa, she is absolutely and entirely cutoft't'rom politics in every shapo. Hor nature nul training have combined to inspiro her profound respect for the habita of consti' tutional goverument. could be more remóte or foreign to the whole tenor of hor lifo and character than political meddling. Social qtiestions occupy her attention. She bas given a great impluse to all kinds of philanthropic asylums, provident societies,etc. She takes adeep interest in the womwn's rights movement, in its naore rationa! aspects; intheefforts lo improve femalo eduoation, to expaid tho sphero of female labor: She carries on a constant and voluranious correspondence with the leaders of this and kindred nioveinents in this oountry, and they are indebted to her for muoh excellent practical advice and encouraging sympathy, as vvell as substantial help. The Guelphs have usually been distinguished by a fair share of shrewdness and common sense, but the Crown Princess has more than this. She is undoubtedly the ablest member of her familj' ; she has a quick robust intelligence, decp sensibility, and a strong sonse of duty. She is an excellent raösician, and a clever artist both in painting and sculpt'ure ; a capital talker ; bnt she has much moro than the acomplishments of the salon. She is an earnest and' conseientious thinker, and quite abre as4 of the intellectualmovements of the day. In. her family circle she is a devoted wife and' iliother. An old friend, who saw her immediately after the news had arived of the victory of Konnigratz, found her in tears for a chiid she had lost and she could not talk óf &nything else. Baron Stockman, who knew her well, used to say sho possessed remarkable gifts even amounting to inspiration. In short ihe is a remarkable woman, of whom we shall, in all probability, b.ear more in coming years.


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Michigan Argus