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Kml Éstate fur Sale. CTATEOPMICH10AN,OoumyofW(hteiiw- 11 In the mutter of the estáte of Jacob Beutlei, deQOtice is hereby gire rananceof un ■-mtetl to tha underaigned. Administrator oi the i"":;: i eased, by the Hon. Jnilge of Probate forthe Cotmty of V. , flfthday of November. A. n. 1872, Hiere irill ■ veudue, to tl i dweUberoiiuifter i the Uounty of Wasbtenaw. in eaid Stat . ilay, the titt'n dny of February, .. D. : oneo'clock in tha aftersoon oí ...,;. Jay (subject to jtll encumbianc h by mortgagc or other at the ümeuf tbe death of ■■ j j,. follow ing deBcnbed renl estáte; to wit : Tlie fcouth I the Northeast n.narter ot the Soutbeast qua sei ' on ; irunty-aix, in townsliip tin-.." Bouth of [iange rour Enut, eontaining twenty acres moii or Icba, in said Btate. Dated, November 23, A. D IS71 l:-wl Jims o. ANDBES, AdmtotafTator. Iler.l Estáte for Saïë STATEOP MICUIOAN.Countyor Wnshten-uv-fl [n the matter of tho o.itito of HaUhew Schallili', late of Efreedom, in salil County, dceas ! 110 tf CO li hereby siv n that in puranance of n order Kranted to tha uiiderïigned. Adminlntrator ofilie ettate of aald deceaacd, by the Hon. Jadee of Prob te for the County ofWahtaiMtw,an tbe twentyfinh dav of November, A . I) 18T2, there wlll be sold at pnblic reudne, to the hitihest bidder, ut the late reiidencR of eaid deoemed in Freedcm, in the Oonnty of Wnshtcnaw, in s:iid Stute, on Wednesdfty the twí-rty-íecond dy of Jannary, A. i 1VT3, n't ten o'clock In the forenooo of Bald clay (rabject to all encumbrances by mnrt'_'ii;;o or otherwlse eiistiii" ut the time of the .'eath of snid rleceiwed, .. budJi cl to the riRhtof dowerof hia wldow thereln), ineroHowlng oeecribed rea] estáte, to wit: The west half of the BontheaBtqaarter and west half of the eaet half ol the eontheast quarter of section two. lontainintr ons hnndred and twenty acres, more or leu ; and the eaat half of :he nonheast qnarter of the northeaat quarter of sectton nine, coitaining twenty aeres, more or leas, all in township thtte ■outh of rnugetonr Raid i tutoUntcd, Nov 2Sth. A. I). 1ST-'. 140B td JOHN G. PELDKAMP, Aamtolatrator. Eoal Estáte for .uale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COBBty of WarttmwW-. ►7 In tbe matter of tbe estate.of Cornelias Lau-lihn, deccased ; Notico is hercby ffiven, that in parsuance ol an order craiited to the nnderstgned Administrad ol tbe estáte of Baid deceaeed, bythe }lon .Imltre of Probate for the comity of Wsshteraw on the twenty-second day ol' July, A. D. 872, there wiil beeoldat p nbllc vendne, tothe bigbeet bidder, at thedwelling bomt en the premises herelnafter !cscrlbed,in tbeoonoty of sgjd -tate, on Monday,the twentieth day of Januarv, A. I) 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that oay Cenbjeet to all encumbrances by tnortgsgn or otherwtse exinlng at the time oftho death of lald decemed) the fullowlng detcribed real estáte to wit: 'j hewest half of the sonthwest qnnrter of section twentythree in townphip one snoib of range tix east. in said Sta e , containlng elghty acres, "more or lesa,- Al-o a parcol of land cescribed ascommencingat the quarter post hetween eectious tweBty-two ilnd tweni ty three, eame toWDBilip and ranre. and running . raatonaald quarter liue to the BobdWiaion port, . thence north on paid line twenty four rods, thence . west !o said section line eiizhty rods, thecce sonth [ twenty-four rods to the place of bezinning, containing twelTe aerea of land, excepting from the ahove fiiur acres convoyert by deed from said Comelms , Latigblln and wife, ander dato of December . 8th, 1853, to James Kennedy, which said deed is : recorded in liln-r 60 of deeds, on pago 5UT, In the , office of the RelBter of Deeds in said county. Datetl, December 4th,lST2. i 14()3-td WILL1AM BURKE, Administrator. Eeal Estáte for Sale. . OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wnshtennw, sa. O In the matter of the Estáte of Daniel B. üreene, deceased. Notice is hereby given, thut in pursuance . of an order granted tothe undersigned, administrator , oi' the estáte oí said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for tho County of "Washtenaw, on the nineteenth day of Fcbruary, A. D. 1872, tbere will be sold at Public Venduo, to the higheso bidder, at the dwelling house on tho premisea hereinufter described, in . the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday the eleventh day of February, A. D. 1873, at ono o'clock ín the afternoon of that day (subject to all enenmbrance-s by mortgage or otherwise existin ut the Uino of the deatli of said deceased) the tollowing described real estáte, to wit: The west half of the southwest quarter of section eight ; the east half of the east half of the southeast qunrter of section sven ; and tho west half of the northeast quarter of tho southwest quarter oí seoüon twenty, in townsliip three south of range three eaat, in Baid State, containina: one Hunrtivd an.l furty acres more or lesa. Datcd, November 25th, A. Í). 1872 EGBBBT 1. HABPEB, 14 Wï Administrator. Estato of Daniel S. Biroh. OTATE OF MICHIÖAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. kj Notiee is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on tbe eighteentb day of November, A. D. 1872, six months frum that date were allowed for creditor to present their claims against the estáte of i)aniel H. Birch, late of said eourity, deceased, and that all GreSitors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Office, in the City of AnnArbor. for examination and allowanro, on orbefore the nineteenth day of May ii'-xt, anl that such claims will be board before aaid Probate Court, on Haturday, the flfteenthday of February, and on Monday, the nineteouth d;;y _oi May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon cl each of tlmsa day?. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 18th, A. I). 1872. HiliAH J. BEAXE8, 1405w4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Marshall Newell. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Uounty of Washtenaw, 8s. C5 Notice is bereby giren, that by an order of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, made on the ninth üay of November, A. D. 1H72, six months from thai date were allowed for creditora tó present their claims againat the estáte ot Maishall Newell, late of said county, dea .hat all creditors of said deceased dm required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Otüce, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examirtalicn and allowance, on or before the ninth day of May next, and that such claim will be heaid before said Probate Court, on Baturday, the eighth day of february. and on Filday, the ninth day of May ru-Xt, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of each of those days. Dated," Ann Arbor, November !th 1872. 1IIEAM J. BEAKE3, I4w4 ■ i'. Estáte of EJward Eyan. OTATE OF : . Tountyof Waslitennw, S3. . hereby gwen, ila ■ ;-_r ofthe Proirt for the C'oun oi ,madéonibe twentielh day of December, A. D. 1872, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte ot' Kdward Ryan. late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of Baid deceased are required to present tbeir claims to said Probate Court, at the Piobate Office, in the :,n Arber, fier'Qxamlaation asd allowance, oa ■-■ the twentieth day of June next, and that BUCh claims iil be heard before said Probate Court, on Satarday, tbe eighth day of Maren and and on Fritlay, tho twenteith day of Juno n xt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaeh of those days. Liated, Ann Arbor, December SOth, A. D. 1872. ' 1 BKAKJiS, 14"G Judge of Probate. , Commissioners Xotice. OTATE OF MIC&IGAN, eounty of Washtenaw, ss. O The underaigned, having been appoiuted by the Probate Conrt for snid county, Comimssioners to receive, exajnine, and uiljust all claims and demanda of all persons ugaán&t tlie estáte oí' Mases C Edwards, Len , late of Biiid county, deceased, hereby l-ívií notipe tliat six months from dato are allowed, by order of saiil Probate Coort, forereditoratopreaenttfieirelaiinB againut the estáte of said di eeased, and tbai they will meetiit the house of said deceast d, m the townsbip of Voí'k.ííi s iid coanty, on Si t urday, tlio twenty-second dny of. Kebruapy. iuifl on Bíonday, the ninth duy of Juno next, at ton o'eïock a. m. of eaoh of laid days, to receive, Rxamine, and adjust said claima. Diited Uüccniber Ülii, a. D. 1872. ALLKNU. ÏÏAXV, BANiEi. mi:; 'iay, 14C4w4 Commissioneis. QonjmÍ3sioners' Notice. STATE OF IICflï;iAX,("otniiy of Waahtennw, ss, 'l'hi' au t ftppointed by tb Probate Court for said ror.nty, ommissioners to receive. examine and iidjust all claims :md demanda pi all persona ogainst the estáte of WÖIiam Howard, late of aaid county deoeased, hereby give notice that six uionths from date are allowed, by oi'der of said Probato Court, for eredifcora to present their claimfl ngaipst fheftstttteöf vtff{ amfftf and that thcy will ëi ; tlie store of I-uke Coyle, m the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Saturday, the flfteentb duy of February, and Wedne.sday, the fourtcenth, day of May, next, at ten o'clock a. m, of each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. Duted, Dect-mber Hth, A. V. 1872. JHX RTAN, liUKE COYLE, 14 v, Connuissioner?. Estáte of Lyon - minors. STATEOF : MICHIGAN, Countj o f Washtennw.a. At nsession of the Probate Court for t le Count} o f Washtenaw. holden at the l'robaie Office, in tít CityofAnn Ariwvíin Monda, the twenty-third d'iy ol December, in the year ono thousaud ciht hnndredand seventy two. Present. J. iieake?, fudge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of "Walter Lyon, Eather J. Lytn, Charles Lyon and Mary Lyon minors, Gejargc Bf, Lyon guardián of said cxli-tc, comes into Conrt and represent íbat he is now pre[Mtred to render his rtrst aceuunt is nïch (rnardian. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Tuseday, the twenjirst day of January next, at ten o'clock lu the Turenoon, beasaigned for exarainlng Bad allowing such account, and that the next f kin of sai d njloorn nul all other persons istereeted insaui estáte are requiivd tq ;ni ■_■■ ir :H a sesslon of said Court, then to ie hulden at toe Probate Office, 'tn the City nf Ann Arbor. in said gonnty. and show canse, if any tliere be.why the said account shonld not beallowed' And lt ia further ordered that Bftld Guardian give notice tothe persons Interested in aald estáte, ol' t!u; pendency of said account, and the hearing hereoflbycanalngacopy of this order to be pob[shedlntae Mckigan 4rpj, b awspaper priBted and clrculatlng in said Conuty, tnree sucecssive weeks previous to said day "'' hearing. f A tniecopy.) H1RAM .1. BFAKES, 140 , Judge of Probate. Estáte of Jool Hornbeok. OTATE Oï MICHIGAK, County of Wn3htenaTf,a8, S At a session of the Trobate Conrt for the Countyoi Washtenaw, bolden at the l'robate Office, intheCitj ifAnn rbor, on Saturday, the twent#-flrst day ol December, in the year one thousand eighi hnsdred ind aeventy-two. Present, ïliram J. Beakes, Jiidse of Probate. In the mattei of the estille ot Jool Hombeck, aeoeased. Purmenio Davto, lixeeulor of the Ie tament of said deeeased, comes into couri ind representa that be is now prep;indto ronder his Inal account as sneh Exeootor. ïherenpon it is ordered, ilnit Monday, tlio wentieth day of January next, at ton o'olock in ]-,. forenoon, be assigned for examining and alu?h acconnt, and the legatees, deviseea md heirs at law of Baid deeeased, nd all inteiested in said i I to apiear at a session of said Court, then to be holden, at he Probate Office, in tlio City of Ann Arbor, una ose, if any there be, why the said account hould not be allowed: And it is runner ivdered that said exeootor ptive notioe to the persons nterested in siúcl estáte, of the pi ■■ nd acomit and theheorinir I causing n copy ot tlns jrdertobepubliahedintlie Michigan Argas, a newsMiuer prinfed nnd circulating in said county, thrce ks previoua to Mid doy pf hearing. (Atrnenopy.) "li; f mui Jndge of Probate. AL SvilBRK ARBTOUQOtxa? DOWN TO the Farmers' store where tney have just roeivedsnch lots of New (Joods; why they are eo heapyon can eet as mnch tor .ro cents In nre-s loods there aa yoi can get for $1.00 ai any other tere in this county. Estáte of Arthnr II. Chauiplin- Minor. CTAT,ConntycfWaiteiiaTrs OAlastssiuioi ti ■ , urt for ,j,e Countj . holden at the Probate Oflice iutha Jï, üi' 'Alm Albor. Monday, the nmth dn nber, in the yeaT one thousand eight hundiei mi J. Beukei, Judge of ProWe I . mattei uï lho Btoteof Arthur II. Champlin , Jing and flling the pstition, duW Terified of !or of ' i D lynoniinule, ■ nppoinud Uttaidinn forsaid minor ■■■ the sixth lanuary next, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, be ajsfgned for tho hearing of said petition, a,';d,,"' I ol km of said minor, ami d estáte, are required 10 appear at a a , üd Conrt, then to be holden ut the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arlor. and show canse, if atiy there be, why the prayer oi ïould notbeallowed: And it ia further órrtered thai said pe:!tioner gire notire to the prI ostate, oï the pendenoy of said petitcon, and the hearing tl copyol iblrahed in the Michigan -rjiis a newspaper ju:, re and dn 11] ting in ttaee Bucoessivfl nv.jkst provious to said öay of heai (Á truc copy.) HIRAM ■!. BE K ES uoi Judffe uf Probate. Estáte of Luick Minors. CTATEOPMIOIIIOAN, Coui-tyof u At 1 BOesioD of ilie Probate Cunrt forthe Connty or WaBhteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arhor, on WedDesday the elghteenth day of December, in the year one thouaandelgbt htmdred .-mii seventy two. Present Hiratn J. Beakes, Jndge ol' Probate. I11 the matter of the Mary Luick, Emaunel Laick, Amelia Lnick, and Lydla Luick. minors. On reading and tiling the petition, duly venfied, of ua Butzel, Guardian, praying that he muy bo 'Itoscll oertainreal estáte belonging to saidi minors. Thereujion it ia ordered, that Monday, the twentieth day of Jnnuary ni Kt, at ten o'clnck in the ton noon, ned forthe hearing of snid petition, nmlthnt the next of kin of eiikI minors, and all otlier persons interested in said estute, are required 'j of si'.irt eourt, then to bo holden, atthe Probate (rlioe, in the City of Ann Arbor, and how cause, if ny there bc, wliy tln prayer of the mer should not be granted: And it ia furtber ordered, that snid petitioner give nolice to the persons intercated in said estáte, of th pendeney of 3;iit petition, and the haaring thereof, by cHusinf a copy of this order to be publiabed in the MiehUjan Argüida, newipaper printed and circulatisg in said county, three sucecssive weeks preyious to said day of heaxinfr. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1405 Judge of l'robate. Estáte of George E. Gooding. Q TATB 01' MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, gs. k Ata ession ofthe Probate Convt for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate OfSee, in the City of Aan Arbor, on Mondiiy, the aixteentb doy ut December, in the year one thousnnd eight hnndred and aoventy-two. Pre3ent Uiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George E. Gooding, deceased. On reading and flling the petition. dnly verified of Annis S. H Gi'Odinjr.'Ejccnirix, prayingthat sho maybe licensed to sel! the real estate'whereof aaid deeeaped dled seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monrtay.the twontieth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoonbearsigned for the henring of said petition, and thiit the loiratees. deviyees and heirB at law of aid deceftsed, and all other persons intcretted in said estáte, are required to appear at a eesion of said Court, then to be hoiden, at he Probate Office, in the City of Aun Avbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petiliom-r xhoul'd not be granted: And it is further ordered, that aid pctitioueryivenotice to the persons Interested in saidestiite, of the pendeney of said petition and the baarjbng thereof. by caoeing a copy of thi order to be pablished in the Michigan Argüí, a newspaper printed and circulating in said Conmy, four succeseive week previons to said day of hearing. (Atrnecopy.J HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1405 Jnize ol Probate. Éstate of Frederick J. Wanzeclt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss C At a session of the Probate Court Lor the caunty of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Office, in th city of Ann Arbor. on fcSatuiday, the seventhday of December, in the year one thousand eight hund'red and seventy two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judjre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederick J. Wanieek, deceased. On rcading and filing the petition, duly veritled, of Leonard Uruner, Adrninistratc-r, praying that he may be licensed to sel! t)ic real eetate whereof aaid deceased. died seized, for the purpose of dijtributing the proceeds of suc;h sulc amoug his hcirs at law. '1 Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the thirteenth. day of January next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, m'm! the hearing of said petition, and' that tho heirs at law of aiiid deceused, and aU other ptisons interested in said estáte, are re-: quired to appear at a .session of said court, then to ba hoi'lon. at the Probate Ofiice, ia the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted": And it is fiuther orderea that snid petil ioner give notiee to the interested in aaid estáte, of the pendeney of . said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to De published in the .'. Argu$t a newspaper printed and eirculatinir in saifï county, four successjva weeks previousto said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) IIIR.AM ,T. BEA7{EK, 1M Judee of Probu'e. Estáte of William Hiscock. CTATE Oï MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ag. O At a session of the Probate Court for the County htenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tl,m. City of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the tentli diiyof December, m tiiu year one thousand eierht buudredand soventy-to. . liiram J. Beakes,, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Wilhara Hiscock , On rendinpr and liling the petition, duiy verified, of Linug Hiseuck, praying thai a eertain instrument now on file in this Court, purporting io be the last wül and testament of' saitl deceased. may be r.diiiitt'jfi - to probate, and that he may be appointed BOle Executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the sixthd.-iy of January nest, at ten o'c'.ock in the lorenoon, bc a-ssigned i'or the hearing of s.:i.l petition, and that the legaiees, derieeeg and hetrg ui law of said deceased, and all other persons interestéd in Baid estáte, are required to appear at aid Court, then to be holden, at the Prgbats Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and' ghow cause, if any there be, why thepsayei of thia petitioner si-.ould not be granted: Au.! i" is further ■ Ordered, that snid petitioner give notiee to the persona ■ interested in s;tid estáte, of the pendeney oí" said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in tih& Michifian'Argw, a. r printed nnd circula! ítiít in said County,. weeks previou tusaid tlay of hearing. (A trae copy.) HIBA M J. B KA K i;s, 140-4 Judae of Probate. Estáte of Mary E. Shïglêy. STATEOS' MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At SBBasion of tlic Probate Court for the. County of Wa-hteraw, holden at the Probate office. In the. city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesaay; the eleventh day of December, in the year one tiïonsand eight urea mu ïevfutv-iw. l'resent, ílirain J. Beakcs, Judge of Probate. In thé matter of the estáte of Mary E Shiglcy. deceased. Augustus Shigley, Executor of the Iaat will Dil testament of said deceased, comes intu Court and representa tbat he is uow prepared ko renderhis lina] account :i such Executor. 7%erenpoii it is Ordered, that Êlunday, thesixth day of Janaary, uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Ik; aasigned for examimnji and allow inííáuch accoiuit, and that the legateea, devisees, . and hcirsnt huv ol said deceaseg, and all other persons intereeted iu said estáte, aro reqtiired to appear at a sesaion of said Ccurt, then to be holden hC the Probate OlHce. n the Cilyof Aun Arbor iuaidCoui:ty.and show canse if auy there bei win thr xai;l tccpigni shoald not bc ui o wed : And it is fdrtfiw ordered, that said Executor ive noties - to the persons inte rested In said estáte, of the pendi'ncv of said account, and the hearinir thereof, by canamg a copy ofthis order to be pnblished in tli Mkhigrm Argus,& newspaper printed and circuí at ii g in saidCounty, three successive weeks previous to said day of bdarlne. CA trno copy.J ÍURAM J. IiEAKES, 1404 fadseof I"robate. Estitö of Bordine Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of At a sessiop of the Probate Conrtfoi" the County Of Washtenawj bolden at the Probate Oilice, in the City oí Aun Albor, on Th'irsda.v. the flfth day (i Decembor, in the yeat une thonsund eight hnii'lrcu :u:i t i-vemv-tvfo. Present. lliram J.ikikes Judgeof Probate In the mattarofthe Kiatcol llarrict E. Bordine, Levi Bordine, acd Luvina Bortïii.e, aaiuajl. ODrtiadlDzandtlIlng the pctitioii.duly vcrifled, of Asa M. D&rUne, Guardian, prayinjí that ho maybtï licenoed to sell ccrt.ain real estáte belonging to said minors. ' Thcrenpon lt is ordered that Monday, the slxth (Lay of January next, at ten o'ctock in the forenoón.beasaignea for the hearing of said petition, and that the next ''t kin ol snid minors and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, ftre required 'O appear at a session ol said Ciuirt, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbov,;uHl showcause, lfany there be.wlij thp prayer of the petitioner should not he granted : - And ii tfuriher ordered, that said petitioner give notice to tbe personn Interested in said eetate, ot the pendencyofsaidpetition.and theheariu!.' thereof. hy cau&ingacopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circnlating in said Countv. tliree succcsivc weeks previona to said day of hearing HIRAM .1. BEAKES, Atme copy. Judaeof Probate. MM Estatü of Henry McPhillips. t;TATK 01'' MICniOAN, county of Waslitcnaw, si. i At a Bession of the Probate Court for tbe county nf Washteoaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tha city of Ann Arbor, on Wfldneaday, the etorentn day of Deóember, in ihe year oue thousand eight hundred and st enty-two. Preeent, Hirum J. Beakes, Jodge of Probate. In the matter oí the estale of Henry licPhillips, deoeaaed. On readins and fllins the petition, dnly verifled, of Margaret MothiUips, Adnuniatratrix, prayiuB that ab niay be lioeneed t rcll the real estáte -wlid-eof said deoeaaed died seized. Tliereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the thirteenth day f Ja mi ny next, at ten o'olock m the f ore-. noon, be agaigned {oí the hearing of said petition. anJ that the beirs at laiv of said deceased, and uil othei persons intereated in auid eatate, are requiredto appeai um of aaid Court, then to !■ holden, at the . i City of -nn Arbor, and show cuuse, if any there be, why tl prayer oi the petitiont shoñld not be granted : And it is fnrthei ordered, tkat said pel iöoner aive notice to the persons interest! d in te, of the pemlfiiey ol' said petition, and tha ising a copy of this order to be ! H the Michigan Argüí, ■■ newspapcv printed and cixoulating in siiid county, tour snecessive weeka "fl ÍWj.BEAKBS, 1404 Jndire of Probate. Estato of Seth Smilh. ST VTF Oi' l I ounty of Washicnaw, s. I y ;:iv,-i!. tliat l.y an order ut the ProbateCourtfor the County of Washtcnaw, made on tl ecleventh day of December, A. D. 1875, hx inonlha from öint date wero allowed l'or creditors to present their otaims against the estáte of Beth smitb, [ste Of said couni I, and that all creditors of red to present theii claims to j-.,,' ProK-iteCüiirt, at the Prol ia the City of Vnn"Arbor, foi ex imination nnd allowance, pn pr berore the elsventh day of June next, and thnt snch Oaims wül be heard before said Probate ( ourt, on ;.' ri.i.v theefeMhdayof March, and on rdnesl'.'v 'l ,V,.lr.vl.„ihdayoi .lunenrxt, ut ten O'olock U, the forenoon of eaeh of thoae day. l, Ann Arbor, "-emlw UtbA.P.,. 1404w4 JudgaofProbat.


Old News
Michigan Argus