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MICHIGAN CENTRAL BAILKOA. FATI, TI.MH TABLE. Passengertriiin&now le:ive the several stations, as foilows: GOISG "VF-S7. _ STATIONS. W Z ." . ." & S S ï 'S a S _fl_a_4 w ' M ph A. M. A. M. L'. M. P. St. 1'. K. f. K. Detroit, lcnve, 7 15 I ! ■ II ■'■' lítaUanti, 8 M 1" 47 Í 98 7 IS 9 M 11 0) A.ii Avbor, 9 10 11 05 6 OS 7 JU IJ 1' " rievter 9 40: 6 SU B 1" 10 45 r. H. P. M. AI. A.M. QQIMG EAST. . ' M II ■ f I & 1 & L 3 t: 8 P P. M. P. M. A. M. . 51. luengo, leave, i I 0 OOJ 5 30 9 00 A. H. K. ! "■ Lalamaïoo, 2 se 5 00 U 30 2 05 nokson. Í- 4 8 o! H'? 4 40 rassLake, - J ' J í.-lt-e., 1 A. ÍT. 8 61 ■ 02 n Albor 1 58 6 00 6 5 0 45 4 SI .;",;;;■ : eso - 2 i i sos 53 Vtroit, MTive. : 3 S5; 7 5!! 8 45 11 SO 6 20 0 4." Tha Atlantic and Pfloific Exprem rin betwecn ackBon and NiU on tlio Air Llne. DatcrtOct. 27.1872. NNARBOE Mineral Sprsngs House. is beantiml resort for health-Beekere is now pen, wlth ita RON, MAGNESIA,' ANO SÖLPHÜR WATERS ommodioosbulldírg heaUdbj steam, aud ltóge nd well-ventiliiteO roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all temperntnres. also Sliower, Vnpor, Morlic.itcd nd Electric Bethg are employid wltn advantaiie Id he treatmout of nll fni!6 oí chronic difeapee nd discaBes of females. Special attentloi. paid Wlth pleairt piirronndiiis-s. and siln.itcd in one f the most licaltliy and beautifulcitles In thefpnnry,it possesses attrnctions for invalide or forpleaBre-feokerssi;lilom I'cmiui . The analysLi of the Springs will bc mrnisheil n appUc&ilon. . Personi deelrioz cirrnlnrs to send to their rieniiscau procure them ut the rlticeof the l'ropneors on Ilnron street, or al the pringa. Addrc'Bs all letters of inquiry to MüEBIS HALE, M. I)., Snpt. , Ann Arüou, Micn. utiicrlandooa Tedoi, Prop'. Ann Albor, Micli. -lune, H, 1ST8. BüOKS. BOOKS. - J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW ÍÍOOK 8T0RE EXU THE " EXPBKaSOFFKE." tÖÖÉTO VOlül INTEREST AM) CALL. BOÖKS. . a . A. JPAL.SE REPORT! THAT A. JERRY HASGONEOUTOP TKADE HE STILL LIVES, AKD SAS A L ARGE AND CÚM PLETESTOCK OP HAT8 & GAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. AÏ.SO A FÜLLL LTNE OF GENTS' FURXISHING GOODS! DON'T PüRCHA&E YOUR Fall and Winter OÜTFTTS UNTIL TOU 15 South Main St., Ann Aibci 1321-l.i TAMUS McMAHON, Jl ustice of tlie Peaee, - Office in new blook, North of Court House , Money collected and promptly paid over. nísxrríANCEi agent. Tritimph, aasets, $727.903.11 Kort Missouri, " Brf5,417.l Hibernia, " 350,0U0.00 HKAL ESTÁTE. I have 8(1 acres "f land % of a mile from the city imite, ünely-located for frait or garden purpoges. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acre, wlth house and barn, anda livelj streara of water running throuyh the barn yard. 00 acres, a mile out. 1 will scll any or all the above cheap, or exchanse for city property. !374 JAMES McMAHON. qTT pack Koeps on hand a first class stock OF CIGAR5, TOBACCO, PTPES, SrITJFF And all smokers articles AT TUE OLD STAXD 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel at the sign of the BIG INJTJN IttmC VTTHITMOUE L'AKE. Haring recently refltted and ftirniflu'd the CLIFTON HOUSE! I fim now prepared to receive and entertain plea?are, fishlng and dancing partios, at (mr of the most ittnictivo, plctisaut aud healthy waterine; places in the Weet. My boatfl aro now, lario and cnminofliout;, and wcll atlfipted for the use of pieasnre seekert1. Autrlcrs will ünü a fall and complete cqaipmeiit ahvnys on band. Spcciit] attention triven to the wantf and comfort of tbose who wih to vpend a few yeeks in recreation darinff the warm Hummrr raonths . NopalnawMbe Bpared to make WHÏTMORE "-A KI', in t,ho future ftsiD the pftt, a favor i te s umin er resort. D. F. 5MITII.


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Michigan Argus