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tions. Men, in the nbundance of their imopinory wisdom, concluded the horBe had ton rauch 8ght, and they wished to cnrtsil it hence th origin of biind-bridles. Theso se til rammel the eres, thnt the horte is constantly compelled to strain them f.o see hU way. This over exerüon soon brings or disense. There io now beirf built in New York nnnther monster steamer for the People's Line The is 336 foet long, 40 feet breadth of bcom ond an entire widlh of 7ö feet. She s buil very wide, so as to ronder her of ns Itgh dratight as possible. She :s calculnted t( drnw but S feel 9 inches of water. She is te have n 100 inch cyünder.with au 8 feet stroke A JVeio Feature in Cattlc Shows.- At th recent Agriculltiral fa;r in Burlington, Vt Mr. L. Chase prcsenletl for premium tbre ptetty femóle children, two and a half yenr old, bom at a binh. The coinniitren oí Household Mamifuctares awardet' him $14- vvhich was voluntarily contribuied by the ok bachelors present, who soid they considerer him a legitímate object of charitv. - Cltvt Hetald. Punch saye, heonce aw & father knock hu boy down, and he thought it the inott slri fcing picture of a son doten he ever bcheld. SandtotcH hit. mí Mdn-ofWar. - A neu Schooner, called the Kamnimmoha 1ÍI, rrived at that port on Saturday from Balumore ar.d is to be converted into a mau-of-war fu the King of the Hawaiian ïslaüds. ""- Father Miller has re-commonced his lee tures ín Burlington, Vt., toking the grouncAMERICAN APPLES. ï Robert L. Pel!, Esq., of Pelham, West chester connty, has an orchard of twenlj thousand apple trees, all hearing Newtowr t Pippins. By irimming and the applicatior 1 of the beat raanures, he has brought the fruil f to unusual size nnd excellence. Tne opple; are picked and pacfced in barrels without be! rolled orjolted n carts, and so arrïve ir r the very beat order for shipment. Last yeai i they were sold n London at twenty one doli lar? a barrel, and the mcrchant to whom thej were consigned, wrote thai the nobility anr ! other people of great wealth had actuallv bought them by relail at guinea a dozen; 1 which wa some forty-five cents an uppie.- , Mr. Peil has from three to four thousand bari reis of the apples this year, whicb are soW ai fas as they arrive in market. nt six dollars ■ barrel, nnd nre all ehipped to England. It ie s quite a businefs for one of our commiasior nvrchnnts to dispope of the apples of this noble plantation. The American Apple, take it all in all, is the most valuable fruit which grows on the earth. We undervalue them becnuee they are so abundant; and even mony American Fnrmers wil! not take thetroble to live like an Énglish lord, though the trouble would be but very little.- .V. Y. Journal oj Cotnmerce. Rbv O. C. Cosistock, has received hod accepted a col] to preach in the Baptist Church, in thiH village, for the year to co:ue Colótea ter Sentincl. Florida.- CabolJ, ihe whig candidatc for congrefs is elected, to the surprise of botli part es. Thefe is a temporance lady in Lynn who won't peale to a shoeinaker, bccausc he used a punch in his business. A subscribcf of the Cross and Jotunal, in forwardinjr by letter the pay for one year, in ad vanee, says: [ wish to pay for my paper ir advance, for I never like. to read an editoí paper so toell as I do my oion. The number of studeuts now engaged ir mastering phonography at Aberdeen exceed 350. ! Kt. - The negro girl Emily, indicted fo atteinpting to take the life of C. M. C!y'; j child by poison, nas been tried and acqnitrw , -the evidence not being enough to con vict, though enough to créate strong suspi cion. The Pennsylvania ehip of tlie Line, co" oOO,í)üO - moi et han has ever been expende upon all our lakes in making harbors - and i ' requires 200,000 annually to keep her icommission. Aceordingr to the returns of the census jtist couipleted the population of tho city auc Umuship of Monroe is S 343 In 1840 the immber was 2,396 Inereoee sinre 1840 U47 The voto for Governor of Tennea6ee is official] v declared thus: Rrown, Pem. 58,269 Foster, Wliig, i6,646 Brownf8 urnj. 1,623 The pineforest of North Carolina yieldec last yrar 200,000 borrels of ppirits of turpén tioe, besifles 75,000 barrels of the raw mate rial, shipped. Joshun V. Himes, of Boston, Ihe celebra ted publisher of the "Midnight Cry,' am other Millerite papers, hos, afíer a cnreful revisión of f i is calculations, arijourned the final destruction of the world till 1317, whicfi ia to be 'íjfasitiveiy the lnet': postponement. Allegan Coijntt. - The census shows n rupul.nion thia year of S185, being a gnir since 1840 of 1402, when the nuniber wai 1783. Mackinac County. - Population 1666, ii 1840 it was 925; gain in five jears 743. Wat.nk Coiwrv. - The population is 32,287: In 1840 there were 21,173. Detroit n 1840 contained 9102: now 13,065. We mentioned on Saturdny, snys the Nev York Tribune, that the wires of the electro mngnetic telegrapli were luid on the bed o :he Kast River encased in leaden tube. Wi regrel now to nnnounce that the connectioi between the 6horeH is already severed. TIn íhip Chnrles, from Liverpool, on Saturda] atternoon brought tip the coil on the flukes o the anchor. The great weight caused thi snüor-boye to heave with a wil!, and when i begnn to wiggle and writhe near the surfnee they t!ioujjht they had caught the veritab! 8en-seroent himself. Ropes were in immedi nte demand, but before they could be use the pipes and wires uart?d and theshoresur as distant as ever they were. "Corpus Christi, (Texas,) Sept . 3, '45. 'Florida msy be the Mand of promise,' bu Texas is the lnnd of 'varmints.' In clearing tlie ground to pitch my tent 1 killed a watc moccosin; nbont 3 o'cloclc I was wakened u by thu barkWg of a dog; he had just run rattle-snake out of my neigtibor's tent, whe the rattlint and the barking árbúred me - nin ruttlee - captured. I ngoin laid down, on when day broke a yellow-necked lizdrd wa eocking his eye cunningly at me from th ridgepole of my tent. I seized my boot t despntch him, when lo! out of the boot drop ped a tarántula! fíxlmusted from fright an laliiíue, I sank bnek into a chair; but no soor er down thari I wto compelled rapidly toabar 'Ion that positiob, having been stung m th rear by a scorpion." Swearing. - The Congregational Journo raye,- 'There aio no oatha in the Cboctav tongue. When an Indian swears he ca oniy employ Ënglish expressions of profun ity." lt is stated that tho property beïonging t the different orders of clergy in Mexico amounta in value to over $100,000,000.Thero are 350OprieBt6, 1700 tnonks ond 200'RECEIPTS OF THE SIGNAL OF LIBERTY. FOR THE PRESENT WEEK. 1 Oppositc ench subscriber's name will be found ( theamount rcceived. in cash or oiherwise, wilh ihe numier and date of tho yaper to which it 1 pa-8. r Wm Beaiy, $ E Gay, 1 ,0 ) to ?5 or Oct 12, I 4i S Stanbro, J.00 to 26 or Oct 19, 184Ü O Gould (5 copie,) 4.00 to 238, or Nov 2 J84G , H :y l'.Oüw 5Sor Aptil G 18,'6 ü Cu kcndall 1,00 to 2rt7 or Oct 20 1846 L Drake 1,00 io 280 or Oct 19 18.6 L Groei 1,00 to 287 or Ooi 2 ld40 , J H Groen 1.00 to 288 or Nov 2 184f Isaioh Merriman 2.50 to 22! orJuly 18 1845 I G J W Hill 1.00 to 244 or Dec 29 1845 ■ l). Preston 1.00 to 219 or Jan 31 1846 L H Sccley 2,50 ; B Bowcrs 1,00 to2l8 or Jan 94 1846 E Martin 1 .00 to "264 or May 1G )84G , A Babcock 2,00 Hitchcóck &, Foster 1.75 to 20 or Apr 2i 146 1 W Marshall 1.00 to 08 or Apr 6 184Ü GMnrshall 1,00 to 258 or Apr 6 lb'4o A Short 1.00 to 264 or May )(i 1846 B Andrews 1,00 to 250 or Feb 7, 1846 i T Sweet 2,48 i J Woolfit 1,00to26lor May 10, 1846 J Brown 3.00 to% 203 or April 18 1815 ! B A Fay 1,00 to 244 or Dec 29. 1.5 A R(.l)inson l.(;0 to 258 or Anril 6, 1p4H R O Curtm 1.00 to 20 or Feb 7 164H A Packard 1.00 to 258 or Apr f Iè4ü C H Ba!d.viu, 1.00 to 279 or Aug 29 1846 T lluff. 1,00 io 279 or Aug 29 1846 A Olmsiead 1.00 to Íi79 or Aug 29 1846 J B Morehouee 0,16 to 248 or Jun 24 1846 S R Hacket 1 00 io 279 or Aug 29 1846 J Harris 1,00 to 289 or Wov 7 1846 T N De Long 1,00 to 244 or Dec 29 1845 fl C Wcston 1,00 to 244 or Dpc 29 I8-J5 M Gazley 1 .0J to 217 or June 25 1845 ö Rino 1.00 to 958 or Apr 6 1846 N H Chittendon 3.00 to 238 or Nov 17 1845 B Andrews 8,35 J Bnrrows 1,00 lo 283 Sept 26 1846 J Martin 0,25 to '29 or Jan 31 1846 A A ndrews 1 ,00 to 2i8 or Oct 3 1 , 1 84tf M Black ner ï.00 " S R Farnham 1,00 ■ " Ira Farrand 1,00 " ", 1.00 " " f P Bcticsworth 1,00 ;i t J Fcrgeaon 1,00 " f P Sellars 1.00 " ' A T Mincr 1,00 " A Seint 1.00 ' ♦ J Murdock, 1.00 " " " D Murdock 1,00 ' if Wm Smith 1.00 " " 1 J M Smith 1.00 " r [ S Followa 1.00 " E Wnltcr 1.00 " ' E F. Murray 1.0) " " " L Allcu 1 ,00 " ' 1 D Irish 5,'JO ' " i A King 2,0d ' } " II Roberts 1,00 4 " J Gtady 1,00 ' " '; A Pratt 1,00 1 B K Wood 1.00 to 238 oi Nov 17 184Í 8 J Poweil 2.00 to 2ë9 or Nov 7 lÖ4t j J F Rovco 1,00 ' ' VV Jackson 0.50 to 263 or May 9 I84( - D il Lockwood 1.00 lo 2ir9 or Nov 7 184( _ James irlolley 1,00 " "H Dc-nn 1.00 to 290 or Nov 1G 1S4C S Holland 1,00 to 26 or Oct 19 1846 J H Burroughs 1.00 " ' " M Case 1,00 M ' A Webber 1.00 to 2-59 or Nov 7 184C A Case 1.00 il u ' O Rrown 1.00 ' " " T WiJson J,CO " M " J Frcemau 1,00 " ' fl C Fitch 2,13 " " DBB.irs 1.00 ♦ " J Smitli 2.( 8 " ' u S Wilbur 2,00 H Gardincr 5.T0 S B Smith 7,75 II Carpen er 1,00 ro 290 or Nov 10 Ir4'. J Wooclard l,r0 ' -' '♦ C Reodwav 1,00 " " r T HazJeton 1.0) ' ' R Warner 1.0) ' " " S Mills 1,00 " " A Alling 1.(0 to 244 or Dec 29 181J J H Lovojoy 1.00 to 2s5 or Ja 5 J84( CLocke l.() ' " " J Clburn I.C0 " " " J C Denio ÍJIO " " H E Crosby 1,00 to 28tf or Oct 19 18 1( WISTAR'S BALSAMOF WILDCHERRY This excellent remcdy for Cought, Constimp ! 1 í i i A i ' lnui T} , ,iw.1ii ! .- t . . P . r ♦- i . .


Signal of Liberty
Old News