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Gov. Baldwin's Message

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Üovernor Baldwin's retmng message is a complete md sutiafaotory review of the State and its institutions during tho past four yearsHe eatimates that the rooeiots tor 18 ó and 1874, as compared with expoaditures, will leave a cash balaneoin the Treasury, Sept. 30, 1874, of $528,685 85 ; the estimatcs being made upon the basis of the aggregate State tax of ono mili on the dollar. The commercial credit of tho btate stands so hich that but a smaynno-aat of bonds not maturd eau bo purohasod by the State Troasiirer. A Tory large quantity of publio lands has been diaposed of durinr the paat four yers, and at the recent ruto of sale but little will bc loft t the close of 1876. Ho recommends n increase in the priee of swninp lands iti murket to $2.50 per aero.. Duriiw? the past two years 599 miles of awatnp land rond and ditches havo been oonstructed, ttnd during the past four years, 821 miles, of whieh 783 milos were iu the Lowor Península. The KducatiotiDl Trust Fund, iticluding balance du frota purchasers, aiuounts to ',968,27'2.34; and should the remaining Primary School lands be sold ut the pre3oat valuaticu, it would aild to thig fund, $1 803,135 36. He rocoramonds priatious lor tne Jonni douw! tv mo mount of $15,900 per snnum ; and for the Agricultural College the sum of $15,000 for 1873 and $13,000 for 1874. The Agricultural Trust Fund now amounts to 1154,793 07, of whieh nearly one half has beeu paid into tho State Troasury. He recommends an appropriutipn of 25,000 for the State University to complete new buildings, and $115,000 to cover deñciences, and a State tax of one-tweutieth of a uiill on tho dollar to meet its requirements, whieh would amount to $31,500 per year. For tho Institution for , tho Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, aa appropriatiou of $80,500 is recomraended, of which $70,000 are for curreut expenses. For tho Asylum for Insane he recommends an inoreauo of salaries and the appropriations asked for ; and also saya it would be wise economy and sound polioy for tho appointment of a Board to select a sito for another asylum, as the number of insane persons in the State is doublé the accommodations which eau be furnished at Kalamazoo. He recominends that tho sum of $58,000 be appropriated for the State Public School for tho years 1878 and 1874. The corumitments to the Reform School have decreased 20 por cent., whilo the population kas increased 50 per cent. - He recommends that the sum of $30,000 per annura bo appropriated tor its support, and f9,000 for other improvements. For the State Prieon he recommonds an appropriation of $80,000 to raako. nceded improvements in the erection of new buildings, for warming tho structure and providing a chapel. He reviews at leiigth the report of the Commissioa for Penal, Pauper, and Eeformatory Inatitutions, and inakce several important recommendations. Ho recomraends an approprmtion oí $2,500 per annum for tho next five yeurs j for the State Library. The Stato Capitol has been commenced ' with. commendable energy, and thus far ' less than $29,000 havo been expended. Apppropriations aro recommeiuicd for printing the Territorial Iaw3. Tho late adverse voto of the Stata upon tho inereaee of the salaries of Circuit Judges is oommented on severely, aa it deservee. A general law is roeommended for tho incorporation of villages. The General Govflrnnient ia improving the St, Mary's tfalls Ship Canal, and the enlargement will coat $1,500,000, of which ■ $800,000 havo been expended. On the lat of January, 1869, Michigan bad 1,199 miles of railwuy. Sinoa that time 1,808 miles have been completed - an increase of 150 per cent. in four years. The oost of tho roads completed during this time has been $54,000,000, and 457 miles have receivod benefit from land grants. Other mattgrs of importance ara adverted upon and judicious recommondations made. Govornor Baldwin retires, at tho closo of four years of arduous and faithful Exccutive duty, with tho regard and esteem of the best citizens of both partieF, wlio profoundly appreciate his sorvices in placing the financial condition of the Htate in a far botter position than evra


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