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The Toledo, Tiffin & Eastern Railway

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We wew üiown lust evening hy ,T. A. Lntebii, livspoctiug Engineor of th EenasyLvauiu Compauy, the plans and speoifloationa of the pi-oposnd Depot Buildings lor the T. T J. ïOfvd about to bc erotod by that CoiBpany on their grounds on the eust sido of Summit streeet, beiween Olive iuul Spru;e Btroeta. Tho proposed improvcinuuts cmljracu buüiliiigs tbr ofiieeSi passengei waiting rooms, ind ros tnunmt, conneoted with n passenger truck house, and a ffeight depot on the opposite side of Watei street, together involvmg tui estimated oullay l'roin L70,000 to y 100,000. The maitt building wül bo GO by 1ö feet and four storiesin height, with basement, The first or Sunmiit Hoor is entcred by n oommodioua hall, some ten feet in width, extending throurh tho building, and conneoted with a flight of stairs leading to the track-liouKO below. On the right of the entranceis tho gentlemen's waiting-rooui ; 22 1-2 by 27 1-2 feet, separated by the ticket office l'rom the ladies' room of tho same sizo in the rear portion of the building, tho latter affording a yíow of the livor and shipping. The opposite side is designod a a dining room or restaurant, and is a coiumodious aparfment 22 1-2 feet wide by 43 1-2 feet in length, backod by a pantry, kitclien and other oppurtenances. The second floor is rcaohed by an easy flight of stairs and will be sed as clerical apartments by the officers of tlio convpany. It is pierced in tho center by a hall, cvnd either side is divide.d into three officeif two of which are each 23 by 27 1-2 feet and one 15 by 23 feet. Tho third floor is of the same dimonsions and laid out in a like inanner. The nttic wül bo nscd for the water tanks supplyirig the variousapartments of the building and, for storage puiposes. The structure wül be of brick trininiod with ent stone, swrmounted by a slatcd Mansard rooi'. The basement wül bo pierced by a enrri'age-way on cithcr side of which will be baggage and expres rooms, cach 22 by 27 feet. A connecting shed one story in height, 40" by 60 feet will unite the ïnaiu building with the track house, conjniodious striiccture 70 feet in width by 300 feet in length, giving room for three tracks with corresponding roadways betwecn. On the east side of Water street a freight house 100 feet in width and 300 feot long, jierced in the center by a doublé track, will afford abundaut accommodations for the freiglit trafile of the road. The receiviug and shiijjiing fruight will be kept separate and on opposite sides of the house. At present, 18 doublé doors will afford ampio facilities for receiving and distiibuting by teams. The buildings enumerated like the niain building, will be built of brick, trimmcd with cut stone, and surniountcd with slated roofs. Immediatoly on the completion of tlie work of grading, the grounds that aro quite extensivo, having a front age of 8-10 on Summit street, 1,440 feet on the river, and an average depth of 454 feet, the foundations will bo laid, and early in the coming season we shall see completed as fine a group of buildings, for tho purpose intended, and architectural design and finish, as were ever censtructed in our city. It is the in tention of the company, as soon as their in-ercased trade will warrant it, to improve the entire Summit street front of their property, and to extend the various other buildings that aro to bc coustructod, and located with especial reference to enlargement. The work will be under thesa-psrintendence of E. Whitnian, Esq, resident engineer. The work of completing the bridge across tho river at this point is being pushed forward rapidly, and if tho weather is at all favorable, will be rcady for the passage of trains in about six ■weeks. Tnder the general management of the lately appointed Superintendent, the road bed between this city and Tiffin is being thoroughly ballastud and put into first class condition for the heavy trade that is destined to pass over it, and the road will pcobably be thrown open fór regular trade ftom the 20tH to the 2óth of the present month, and prove a most valuable outlot for our oity, ularly at this time,-


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Michigan Argus