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Shaking The Fabled Red Rag In The Face

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ind evos of that infuriated buil is nothng in comparison with flaunting lbo LTniversity colors in the prosencu of the Ypsiianti tivitincl Therefore the recent ' Memorial of the Board of Rogenti " was a porfect god send, a text i'urinneh (liring of " our experjence" and wisdom, and more coctrovcrsial ground and lofty tumbling. The liundrcd thousand dollar loan, the romission of interest, tho homeopathie question, the abolition of th dorniitory system, tho negleot to estublish " college coinmons," tho aid appropriations, the new building, and the obstinate llegouts, eaoh comes ia for a share. Here it on that original loan : " The interest on these Bonds the State annually paid, and by a curious onthmetic, the inore it paid, the more " Chancellor " Tiippiin oould make out that it ovred to the University Fund. Finally, a vears ago, the Bonds feil dut?, and the State consolklatod them with its otherfundod deht, wipod them out iisregarded the University Fund, and thus relievcd the UnWersity from even the nominnl liurden which it hïwi never borne. These Bonds, including interest, can not have aggregated mueh less thaii two himdred thousand dollars to the present time. Vet, say the Regente, tho State has given but little aid to the University." It is true, the State did "annually pay " the interest on tho loaned bonds ; but it is equally true that frem tho time tho loan was made in 1838 up to and including the year ISó.'i, the Stuto holding in trust the Univorsity funds - both principal and interest - reservod annually from its paymcats to tho Univorsity tho full amount of interest on that 100,000 loan. And this tho Sentind knows or ought to. Gov. Raxsoji, in ono of his messages, advi.sed the Legislature that the principal had been nearly wiped out, but if wiped out done so by a misappropria tion of University principal which has defrauded tho interest "fund to this day, - or givcn it little or no benefit from the genorous (?) remission. And tho Auditor General in 1850 reportod it entirely paid ; but illegally paid by a transfer of the bonds eight years beforo duo to the general fund, yet]continuing to retain the interest on tho whole loan. If the SentiueVs other points are no botter than this it had better draw in its horns. ïhon thoso college dormitories and " collego cominons." Will the Smtinel, which has always opposed anyaid to tho Uuiversity, inform us where tho funds are to come from to furnish rooms for twelve Vundred students, and a boarding hall to match. The old buildings did furnish rooms for a part of the 10 or 80 students which " thronged the Univorsity halls" in the eariy years of the institution, but with tho present number the attempt to provide either domitories or eommons would bo both a failure and a blunder. Perhaps this is enough in the " red rag " line for one installment. Ix A well-remembered ante-election speech, one Öciiuylbr Colfax, then as now Viee-President of tho United Statos) assorted that he had never bought, owned, or bad given to him any number of shares of Credit Mobjlies stock, as charged in tlie Ames-McComb letter. And iuw the same Scicuyi.eb Coxfax goos jefors a Congressional coiumittee and on oath confessea tu haring aontracted with ;his same Ames for twenty. shares of Credit Mobilier stock, on which he paid down tbo sum of $500, getting eredit for !he balance, payinent to bo made a3 he niight ñnd himself in funds. He bought or contracfed for the stook at par, though ït was then worth froin 200 to 225 per cent., and besides he bonght with it - and without extra allowance - the accrued dividcnds thon standing to the credit of such shares. How does this agreo with that ante-olection speech denial ? It is time that this sanie ScnUYler Colfax also testifies that ho never received the certificates of stock contracted for ; that he never received the dividends deolared beforo or after his purchase; that finding in the course of timo that ho may have bought into a law-suit, bo pronounced tho bargain incomplete - though his evidenco makes it as complete as ever bargain could be - rescinded it without even as much as saying to Mr. Ames "by your leave," and became an honest man, nover having suspected that ho had boen oxpected to sell official influenee and votes when ho purchascd steek at par woitb 225 without tbo accrued dividends. If SciirYLEU Colfax can make the world believo that his statement is at once ingenuoiis and true, he will at tho same timo mako tho world believe that ho is a bigger flat tha it has heretoforo estimated hiin, and that Ames was an extreiuely generous soul (with Credit Mobilier stock which didn't belong to him). Tbis Colfax version should be "told to the marines." The Ypsilanti Sentind hears that Hastings, Barry County, has never ropudiated its railroad bonds, " but goes right on paying interest and principal, according to agreement," despite the decisión of the Supremo Court. Whereupon, the Sentind says " it is a case ot refreshing honcsty,"and then becoming enthusiastic, exclaiuis: "Allhonorjto Hastings." Not being satisfied with rejoicing it turns adviser and ad'ls, "and tho best thing Battlo Creek, and all other muliioipalities siuiilary situatedr can. do, is to. follow the example of Hastings and resume payment at once." We wait information os to whether or no tho Mayor and Common Council of Ypsilanti takos the gentío hint and makes immediato provisión for the payment of the $50,000 of bouds (and accrued interest) issued in aid of the Detroit and Hillsdalo Kailroad. The testimony of Charles H Neilson, son-in-law of Hon. James Brooks, of N. Y., in connection with and interpreted hy that of Dr. Durant - -both given before the Credit Mobilior committee - does n't place Mr. BuooKS in tho very bost light. He, Brooks, placed his son-in-law in tho Credit Mobilior, being in the habit of looking up "good things" for him, and also in the habit of furnishing tho means. This the son-in law swears. Bnooics did n't want to hold tho stock - 150 shares - in his own name, becauso he was a government director in tlie U. P. E. This Dr. Ditrant. The stock was taken at par, with largo dividends already accrued. lïï the Bepublican Senatorial eaucus, held at Lansing on Wednesday ovening. Senator Emeksos was nominated for President pro tem., tho vote gtanding : Emjerson, 16; Childs, IL Loma Napoleon', ex-Emperor of Franoe, died at Chiselhurst, England, on Thursdny, the 9th inst., nt forty-fivo minutes past ten o'eloek A. K., f rom tho offeots of a surgical operatiou í'or stone in tlic bladder. He had been reportod doing well. and his death was so suddeii as to prevent tho administra tion of the last sacrament. Charles Louis Napoleok Bonapaets was born at tho palace of tho Tuiluries, Paris, April 20, 1808, and was, therefore, nearly 65 years old. Ho was the reputed son of Louis NAroLEOis brother of NapoiiEOX I., by Hortense daug-liter of J08BPHINE. His fictlo career is so well known to tho average reader that we scarcely eed sketch it, and his death will be fiuitless of inöuencc both upon Franco and tho world. - Tho Km presa Eugenio assumes the Ecgency in behalf of her son, a farce so patent as hardly to causo a sinile, as Napoleonism, in the languago of young America, is "pTayed out," a term expreseive of not big with dignity. The Sonate got the first Wil thiough. It incroased the salaries of the Judges of the Supremo Court from 2,500 to 5,000, Tho House - remenibering tho recent refusal of their economical constituents to increase tho salaries of tho Circuit Judges - cut the Senate figures down to 4,000 and passed it. Tho Senato concurred in the amendment, and the act will probably be approved by Gov. Bagley WKtbocomo a law. - It is suggosted, howevor, that the following constitutional prohibilion will prevent tho present Judges from deiiving any benefit from the increaso : "It shall not be lawful hereafter for the Legislature to inorcase or diminish the compensation of any officer dming the term for whioh he is electcd or appoiuted." - Schedulc, Sec. 20. Is a Judge an "officer" wiifcin the meaning of tho Constitution ? The " Judicial Article " has a decided squint that way, What say tho legal doctors ? OtTE cotemporary of tho Ypsilanti Commercial reeently took a lato supper oí pork and beans, pickles and oheese, boiled eggs and greasy dough-nuts. llesult . the night-maro and a most 'orrid visión, in which he improved on the celebrated lean kine dream of Pharaoh, the University being the lean and ill-favorcci kins and the' Normal School the iat-flesJit-d and well-favored animáis wliích wero caten up by the lean-fleabeci and eannibal crew. That is tbe Commercial saw the Univorsity iu the very act of groasing and swallowing the Normal School, a feat ■which nobody else has discovered or snspected. And this while the Principal of tho Normal School is a. Kegeni of the University and might bo oxpeeteel to enter a protest that the public would understand. Bo more carcful of your diet, brother quill-driver. ii m ■■- A Hillsdale correspondent of the Free Press claims that Sonator McGoavan and Representativo Shaw are holding seats in the Legislataro contrary to the provisions of tko Constitution : tho former having boen Prosecuting Attorney of Branch County, and the other Judge of Probate of Eaton County, at the date of their election. We havo littlo doubt that the Free Press correspondent is correct ; kut what of it.. The Legislaturo bas ropeated precedent for permitting a violation of tho Cónstitution in this way As long ago as 1855 the sent of AU3TIN Blaiu in the House was conte6ted on tho giouud referied to, but the House held - as a Honse may hold when therc is no review of its decisions - that Blair's term of Prosecuting Attorney having expired before the meeting of the Legislatura " void ' votes wore good. IIüSSEY, of Calhoun, was in tho same leaky boat at the 6amj session, but kept his soat on the samo fa?lacious reasoning. Ex-Kepresentative Clarke testifbs before tho Caldwell investigating committee'that according to Caldwell"s own confession bis election cost him $75,000. A Senatorial term las-ts six years, the salary being $5,000 a year or $30,000 for the full term - exclusivo of mileage and " stealings in." The "stealiftgs in " include Credit Mobilier stock, etc., placed by Oakes Ames and others of the same ilk " wherever it could do most good.' In Caldwell case, being after the Credi; Mobilier bad been thoroughly plucked, i; meant rnilroad or Indian reservatioi land grabs. But the Senate will hisitate long before comicting and expellinsj Caldwell, for fcar that meting the sano justico impartially and generally miglt leave that once honorable body withoit a quorum. TnE Demoeracy of New Ilampshire held a State Convention on the 8th irut. The attendance was large, with an orident determination to " go in and wil." On the first ballot Hon James A. Wïstojí was nominated for Governor, recáving 498 of tho 518 rotes polled, a unanimity which certainly testifies his eminent fitness and popularity. IfclillY CoLoifY was nominated for EailroadCommissioner. A large number of bilis has been introduced into either branch of the Legislature and been referred to tho appropiiate committess. The mero notfce of these bilis in the daily journal gires no dennite idea of their provisions, but sof ar we conclndo there is nothing grinding of local or even of general importancr. - E'very m-ember seems anxious, howeverr to rnako his mark in amendiuj the newly compilecl laws. In the House- at Lansing - on Wednesday, Speaker Croswell lerpetrated a good joke on the Commitfco on Military affairs, by referring thertfo "a bill to prevent persons from promoting or conducting fights between animáis or fowls, or from raising or training them for that purpose." In the United States Sonato on Tmsday tho Finance Committee reported against the right of the Secretary of tio Treasury to issue United States notes n lieu of the $44,000,000 retirod and caiceled under the act of April 28th, 18ü. This report brands the ante-election nissue as illegal. A Copy of tho Brooklyn Eagle comes addressed to " Editor Pond," eontaining a marked copy of Tüeodore Tilton's card concerning the " Woodhull-BoecbeiTilton scandal." Our comment is this: Tueodore should either have " possossed bis soul in pati"ico " h. littlo longer or written a different card. It is Tery like a confesión of judgmeut so f ar as he is concefi lx ïiiii Missouri Legislatura, on WediiBSday, Col, J. V. BoaY, was elocted United States Senator for the full term of six years froru Iho 4th of March next. We don't know inuch about Col. Büüy, uut wo get a grain of consolation fiom it, and that is in the fact that that marplot Gen. PB ANK BlAli'. has leavu to roitre to private lifc. - In Pennsylvania, Senator CaMEROX lias been ro-eleeted, and in New York, Senator CoXKLIXG. Uov. OöLESKV h;is leen elfloted to succeod Senator ThumBULI af Illinois ; a chango to be regretted. In Arkausas balloting coramenoed in joint convention on Wodnesday. In Louisiana the Kellogg Legislaturo has clected cx-Gov. Pixciibacic for the full term, and Jüiiït Eay for tho vacancy. The People's Legislaturo lias elected Gren. O. Ii. MoMillax for the vacancy, and corauionced balloting on Wednesday for tho full term man. lx the Supremo Court of Nebraska, on tho 15th inst., railroad aid bonds issued by counties and precinots were held void: which moans unconstitutional. Louisiaxa indulges in the costly luxury of two Governors, two sets of State ofiicers, and two Xiegislatures. The financial condition of the Stato must bo excellent if it can endure euch a strain. The trial of Tweed is progressing.


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