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lililí IU JJIvi'S-Cr IIIC IJIU-T. ■ijttun.n uiu uuiiuv men, cflll and examine for yourselve?. Ciocks. Watchra ano Jewelry ropnired and warrmjtcd on short índice. Shop al his oíd stand, onposite II. Eecker's brick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. - Cash paid for oíd Gold & Silver. Aun Albor, Nov. üih, 1315. 237-1 y Heady Madc Clcthingr, AT REDUCED PR1CÈS. npiIE lurgcsi and busi ossoruneni of rendy X made clothing tver betore offercd in thia Sime, now on hand and for sale, Wbolesjle or Retail, ot (lio Cluihing Emporium of the Sub - scri'ut' rs. consistuip iil fart of Fino bri'adcl.:li'Frofk and Dreís Coat?. Tweed otid uQÍQn .timerc, satineiand Jeon F rock nuil Busim-ss Couis. Summcr Couts u great Tnriety and very r'.cup. Cnssimcrc. cl)ib, twecd and summer Pants of all s'ylts nml erices. S.itin, vt-lvet, oilk, valencia, cnshniore and MreiifMVea:e - a large6tock vi ricli und fa&li[onablfl atjlcs. Alao, an extensivo ossoriment of Kosícty, Stocks. Sfirf Hnndkercliiefs, Collnrs, Shirts, Gloves. Crnvavs. Suspenclera, Ac. &c.t olí of whi'-li will he sold luw Tor rti:i 'l'licy w.)uM rc-pecifully invite all, in want of ready mado garnienis. Co c:ill nml exnmine thcir stock before p'irch.ising elsowhpre. as il hns heen selected wiili care in the Fdstern mnrket and ru,Dufactcred i.ï the latest styiee and most durable iiianner. HALLOCK . RAYMOND. Corner of jiiiferson &. Woodward avenues. Detroit, April 4, 18-15. L;i;'-it' JDissoliition. rTiHFI Ooportnersliip heretóibre e.xisting imdcr JL the tirm and stjle of R. & J. L. Davidaoa is this diy dissolved hy inuiual consent. il. Dnvtds-ii isduly ati!boriLed to settle the dtb: and business of the rïrin. RORFRT DAVIDSON, .1. L. OAVIDSON. Ann Arbor.Oct. 30, 1840. 36-3w


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