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WHEIÏE TO BUY BLEACHED COTTONS ! MACK fe SGHMID Hm just receWed a large stock of the BEST AND MOST POPULAR BRANDS [" New York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Nonpareils, Tuscaroras, FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lonsdale, Hïlls Semper Idem, Cabots, &c ALS'), IN BRDWI COTTOÏS! Aa wcll aa in other linea of our (?ood, e ore enablo 4 to Jio lli Larg-est and Best Assortinent In thé city, at the LOWEST PRICE8. urn Gootl tor Man.- Inflammation of all kinde, Diphthcria, Wonnds, liraises. Bnrus. Sprains, Iihcu. matlsm, Sore Tliroat. Swelltaj; of the Glands, In. Hammation of the Ktcs, Broltcn Brcast, Frost Bitca, Chilblains, Pïk-s, Boe Stinjs, and all Sores. Good for Bcnst. -Presb Wounds, Galls, Poll Evil, Sprains, Brnises. Crackeá Hcels, Hing Bonc, Wind ufllls, S]Mtvitt!T, Swcenev. Fotïnéflr, LamenePEit Saiid Cracks, ücratches, or Orease, Mangc, Üorso litcuipor. Tlii trolf tronderfiil I.inïmcnt wa öïscovered by 1I0MEK AN'ITEKSON, A.M., late Professor oT Chcmistry and Mathematica in the Clinton Liberal Institure, of Oneida Countjr, S. Y. Jn cxperincrrtiirg for the pnrposfrof making PrOTifc Acid. by nnitin the independent gascona bodies of which it i eompoMd, g residmim was left, flhich, on boing applied to bniiües and inflamed parts, by the etndcnta of the Institnte. was found to posseas the rcmarkablo pro]erty of coolinff down and carryinR off the inflanimation and eoreness fít once, mkI reetoring the part Ui smindness astl bcultb ra a few hours without paiu or irritation. Kt is not a hcattng Iinimcnt, bnt acts l)y its peculiar eperific or Chemical qualities in disoolviiï and seattering the eoreness and inflammation of tfie injnrsd rrt. By x frre applieation, the red ctrrfacL' poon hecomes r.íTOl,moist and natural, and i restored to natural hcalth. without euppuration or destructkm . Aa a Tiinimt-ut for HorM Ples&tforths cure of all the ailinrncá nareá abovcvwe chaUcngot the world to flnd its cyual. Prlee 25 & 50 cents per bottlet D. BAIISOM, SON & 00., Propr's, See notice in local column. DilCROOK'SWiNEOFTAR vk 10 YEARS fe -0FAPUDLEC TEST Hus proved jWINB T laave more mSySS&Sfc siitïiiar prepara K-::.::l-:i-: uO evvr Uivretl lie public. Tt i rfcïi fn OtM medicinal quaUllesof Tu?, ami imvqimlcd for lisoases ol' the Tliroat anJ I.tiuti's. performúm llie muist remark abie cures. Cng!íS, CoI;Is; ('Iironic Cosigbs. It eCfeefnaTiy cuto tUera afl. ! AUuum and Bi-oncliUUL ihiH ctircd so m:inv cosefl it lias been jroronnct'd a specific for fi-iese cniujilaiiits. i'or pains ín BreustT Side Back, Gravel or If iïïney Discaser Diseases of í!uv l'rinary Organs, Jamidicö 01 any Li ver Complatttty If has ri equnl. It is also a superior Tonïc, Restores fho Appetite, Strengthens the System, üestores the Wcak and Debilítate Canses tlic Food to Digcst, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, PreTentsMalarfons Feverg, Oivcs tonc to jour tíysieii. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Waslilennw. ss. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Mv.i'hillïpe. deceased. Isoticcis herebygiveu, that in pursaiueof nn oidcr grantcd to theuiilcx'sijined, admimulrntrix Qi'the ehtiite of suid deceased, Ijy the IIou Jadye of I'rbate for the C'juuty of Wushteuftw, on the i;ïth day of ,T:.nuary, A. fi. IST.t, Hiero wlD be sold ut public vendue, to the highett bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said Stute, en "N'elnesday, tlie 5tn day of March, A. V. 1873, at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon of thnt day (subject tq all encumbrances by mortRage or otherwise existing at the timo oí the doath of said deceased. nd alsi subject to the riglitof dowerof hiswidow, therin), the following describ d real estáte, to wit : All of the east half of the nurth. west qiiiirter ot ' see! ion tweuty-four, in townshipone sonth of rane tire east (eseept a strip nine chains and l'orty links in width at the north end, und nine chiuns nnd t.hiity-sevcn links in width at the aouth end cx:cnding along the west side of taid east half of aid northwest quarter), containing forly and 90-100 acias, more or less. Also, all that part of the east half of the Routhwut qunrter of said ection twenty-four, which lies east of the land in naid eeotion which wa leretofoïe set oif apd paititirned to Ellen E. l.atnn, under the decree of the Ciicuit Court for the ('oimty of Wushtenaw, in Omncrry. and north of the lands of said sclion set oif to William C. Latson, by iuid lecree.leingtwenty chnin ondsevenlylinksinlciip(h and ten chains and 26 linlts iu width, and eontaining wenty-one and 24-1 )ü acres, more or lesst all iu soi4 Í)ated, January 131h, A. D. 1873 MABGAEET McPHILLTPP, 1J0Ö Administratrix, A Rare Chance TO LET. A lnrge and modern new Grocery Stare in Buche ïlock, retro t Street. Fndoubtedly the best locition n that párt of the city for said business. A cood ürjiü cellürand new bnrn attaehcd to the premtes. be rent is $300 yearly, to be taken in groceries for my fniniiv use, Al n fine new Mest Market.all complete, joïning my block, with moierc impr. vemeuts, roArble table ;c„ largo new smoku house, larije brickci;ern and dlflr.&ew barn andflll ready for use, with thrca amily rooms above. Store rcuta for $250 yearly ; ta :i'U iu ment tor my family use. Abo a small store in my black hoaiea, rooms, Jbc, o letFOR SALE.- Three good lnrge carriape or farm rsee, one fine new rarriagp.busies, wagons, farm s toolh. Alto three gootïcown. liOOlf loquire of Z. R. P17CHW5.


Old News
Michigan Argus