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Water-works Meeting

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Pursuant to order of the Connnon Council a meeting of citizens was held at the Court House, on Tuesday evening, the Hth inst, to devise means and plans for Water-Works. The meeting was organized by electing Mayor Douglass, Chainnan, and J. Q. A. Sessioxs Secretary. Pr, E. S, Smith moved that a eommittee of three be appointed to report a plaa for WaterWorks at axiother meeting. Mr. H. W. Rogors offered the following reaolution as a substitute : Jiesolved, That it is expedient for the city in ita corporate capacity, to provide as speídily as possible a supply of water for doiuestie uaes and üre pui-poses. Dr. Smith moved as an amendment that it is expedient to furnish water at least for fire purposes, which motion was lost. The resolution of Mr. Hogers was then adoptad. On motion of Mr, McBeynoJda, a committee of throe from each Ward was electpd to report a plan, as folluwn : First Ward- Christinu Mwk. Sedgwick Dean, Franklin Cate. Siruiul IfVrrf- Henry Rrftuse, John C. Schumacher, Louis Frita. Td IIVijv- A, A. Qregqry, Edward Duify, W. W. Whedon, ?WM ir'rf- W. Toble, John S. Xowland, Stephen Webeter, Fifth Wan- Patrick Donovan, L. B, Rtillogg, James Jónos, Son. Siith ir'nfrf- Israel Hall, J. Austin Scatt, Horaco Carpenter. The meeting then adjourned to Tuosday evouing, Fcbruary -Jth, tp hear the report ui the committog, S, H. DOUGLASS Olwrman. J. Q. A, SessiQXS, Secrotary. Prof, Wixciïell, late pf the Univorsity, lpft our city for his nev fleld of Ubor ftt Syraeiise, New York, on Mouday last, Jle was pi-usout at chapel exercisca on Monday inorning, and by iuvitetion of President A.SOHW, siud farewell to the students in an address brief but f uil of feeling, The Detroit Tribune ' local," sketphpu his remarke as follow; " Hfi rfafap'ed tü the uiibomidud interest whieh be feit in the Univarsity, as lie had become counected vith it ijj its carly youth, and seemed to have become so thoronghly identifled with it tlwt it Wius impostiible lor him to sever that eonnecr nectiou without the deepest regrftt, He said that he feit a particular interpst in lu.-. owi! department as almost evory speciniej! i tlii D}U#euni remiiuleil him of somp ploftstuít labor spent upon it either iu secnnng it or in its preparation. He regards the position of a professor in a XJniversity like ours as the most hujtoiïible and respousible to which man may be promoted. He has no douiiU as to the futuro prosperity, end is confident that the present Legislatura will abundantly provide for all its nuanukü ueeds. He closed by urging upon ajl the necessity of raliiug the responsibility tjuit they jvill be obligfid to assume upon pnterillg ths active niuíúis of life, and also exhorted tlici to strive iE!-))i;st)y for the acquisition of truth, whether laa-uiiested in the sacred Scriptures, iu naturu or iji acieuce. The address was listened to very aiteniyly, aj)d I'rof. Winchell leavcs with tlie best wishes of all, and with the pleasüig ussurance ttat lie )ís done a work iu the Ujiiycrsitr of wMh Ay mtiu inight be proud." Prof. WmcsXLSi eame to the XJniversity in 18Ö4, having Öfst been appointed to the ehair of Ciyil Engineering, and also that of Physics, In 18-50 lije was fcransforred to the chaïrs of Bptany, Zoology, and Gcology, iu vhich departmHit he has been a faithful tand successful laborer ever since, achiering a reputation at home and abroad as instructor, ivriter, and lecturer, which hus roflected credïi both upon himself and the XJnivcrsity. He gaes to the Presideney of tlie Syiacuse University, ,at a salary ,of $5,000 a yar, Jlogretttug to lose hifH, we B'iaii ii auoocss in his new field. The foltasring paragïaph from the Detroit 'J'ribuae of a recent date, will show hour "The Babcock" u.orks in actual service,: About l.:30 o'cloek, Satuniay moraing, special policemaii James Hogan disc-oyered amoke and ñames proceeding fïöni the lasement of Hugo llill's nillinery establishment on "Woodward Avenue. As üie basement was ñlled witii old boxes, weod and otlier inüaminable jnaterial, .and .ou the ftoors abov-e wre ,rieli ,ad uluuble goods, thcpc was ie time to be last. Ue j&kbxxIïately -efï'eeted an fntrance by breaking in a window, and taking a Babcock Fire Extinguisher which the business fimis in .tilat block luid purchased for him, rutJifcd Icwn stairs with it through the clejise swoke and in two minutes icceoded in extinguishiug the James which by that time liad made considerable headway, ani thus prevented wliat would othojwise ias'e been a scjvous Q(iaïtiagratk'w And the following irom the Frce Viess of the 8th inst., how the street "masheen" does the business by way K)f experituent; Promptly at live o'clocktaat levening the Babcock tiie eugine galloped on to the Campus ,Kartius to jsiikc the trial jid-vertised. A fraifct thell 12xJCAud áxteen feet high hail Wii erected of dry luoiber, and ,the ifilld tvith bot :n.:)i barrels containing siai,vígs. Several bairtls xf kerosene had bwu sprinklcd over the interior, ! and wbsa tiis uitch was applied the whole ' side W:aê.quitJdy,aa tire. ï'heengine waited until the flüBies veovjïbreajiiagut on all aides, and in seven r eight seconds had fCkeadened the fire ■O that one pail jneïre f water would have en. i tirely subdued it The boxes were the jked up, and this t(fc! the engiue w.aitié ntil the buildiug was one olid sheet ,ef ■tiame. In less ' than "ttoirty seconds afttsf the jjijjes -were opeued, the üames were out, ejfoopt in spots here and there. The trial iwsulted in substantiatiug ,all ! that had boen -claiined for the nly about twenty-fivc gallonS'Of water -:ere used in both tnak, 'or about as much as a steamer would throw ya ïthree econds. Three or f our thousand spectators wem in attendance. The Misses Claek's SoboMi- Sektt-jSixth Exajiikatiox.- On Friday., the 24th inst., there will be a review of Jessons pursued during the term, to which the frveoiás ,of the pupils are invited to fee prosejit from 10 o'clek a. m. to 12 jt, and fani 2 .o!clock p, m. to 5. The studies have been RojuJing, fenmauship, Spelling, Defining.of 'Worus, Practical aud Meatl Arithmetie, Oeography, Astronomy, Natural Philosaphy, Ancient History, Eepublic of America, rhy-sical Geograiihy, MusivClass iu General Knowleag and ATylhol'ogy, Maeï H. Cuckk, Principal. Ann Arbor, January, 1873. After a week cf vacation, school will be again resunicá SLtui(líij% February 3, Ï873, írtien we shall be glad to adniit all desiring to make up any deficieucy in education by taking any specia.j bronch of study as well as prejiosing a legular course. 'JTbe Qcerland Monthhj for January lias a table of contenta peeuliarly its own. Among its papers are: Isles of the Amazona, .part - conclusión, by Joaquín Miller ; The G host of Kuinmelsbuj-g, by J. X. Ver Mehr, D. 1)., au unusually good ghost atary,; A Journey in a Junk, by Therese Yelverton ; The Colorado Desert, by J. P. Whitoey, M. I). ; Brave Strs. Iyle, bjr Sarah B. Cooper ; The City ,at the Golden (iato, by Henryliobison; Ultrawa, iv. - Whample'sWays, by Eugene Authwise. The "Etc." and Curreut Literature Departments are well filled. The number begins a new year and volume - the tenth. S4 a year. Joux H. Caiímajty & Co., San I'iftncisoe. At the annual meeting of the Potter Zouaves, j held on Mouday evening, January 13th, 1873, . the following officers were elected for the .ensuing yeac. Captain - "vT arren E. "Waiker. First tJeiit. - Thomas D. I5ailey„ Sccond Lieut. - George W. HilL


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