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Eizr . L& - Q O O RoüJ B ' ";:í ínicc, A i BIS ■ FU2 L&&L CÍATIIAttTICj or I?lui:-"i in Parvo Flxyole. O Ths novclly of modern BfecliCftl, Chemicnl aiicl !, No ne ol ■ . ■ -.i of ■- iu;vp, i .■■■■, aiiíl hulky i trbcn wjs ■ ": ; ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ fiierïï■ ' ranuie, nearcily lariror tlïnri a hinstar tiíie, that crt'i b.' reiidilj ■ ■ . : oí fcho ItlO ■ ' ' ! íaMuiioii: tastcí. ittlo Purgativo JfolIoH ropn'pcuttf, Lna raost concantrateu form, n inñQh cfttnarfic power ■ t ia any of the lar ;■ puls fmiml for .■.■r.í Bhopg, Frpm their wonderïnï ca■ nowor. in ptt ■.:,-.;. ■■. j)Hoplc V7O0 have not tried I tmpoe thaS thcy are liarU ord E, bu f. kik-Ii ïs eloé . atftU tbccaee, tTl? différent active medicinal principie of -wit" i ompogecl l '-ii ■ bo har[jljcd, on hy tho olHuvBj a to pröÖucft LV mott fionrcIilMST fliut tíioroiaf;3i, yet goutly aud kiiidly opcraUíig caí si; it;üO ÍSíTrar-'i ■ Gfared byiho propne'tor of Uie'sQ l'ellcts, fo any ehomtet who, upou o&dysla, will flird m thcm nrJidomel o otlier furma of íuorcury or uny oLhcr mi"ftra polson. j ttcízifS cntlrcty "reffotabIoTno nnrtfcmai caro íh requlred wkila aüing them. Ttiey ope rata without dístrrrbanco to tho constituí ion, üíetj orocenpation, FurJanndlcr IScadarlir, CoiuiUpnlion, Impuro Klood7 l'aiii Sai tíie Phoulrters 'JTlgl titos o'j' tho CHeMl, IHzxlHuast Soiíp llruiaíioiirj off eijo StiMnatn9 IB art: tnte Ín ruontíj, 151 19 Olla ."-íííhIí., Piiíu Jn región of-lLldiOTrKutorual Fovor, HSoaSeíl too i ing áhoui Momacli, Kuh o'' BSooíX tf Bioat], ïïlgli Color e 1 Urifcie, tftioiiabiliíy iind Olírowiy ForcTNodiw-syj tfle ■ 3Plorct)'s I2oaa.iit S'urati'vo itcllot. In cxpï.inf.iiou of thö rcrrtcöial power of my PurfatfVe Pelleta Over ho írveat avaricíy of diseaees, wih ;o8ay tlmt tliolr actiou npoai ilio anlmal.oiiomy in tini versal, nota cEasiU or ti&fcue cscapin.9 í"eis síaaia tivo 1 11 pro 83 Age doos íiot impair them; tíir coatiug nr;l be ing en cío? cd tu glass botüea firoerva their virtuea tmimpatred for any Icijgth of time, Ín any climate, t-u toad )ip.v are aíwaya frcah and reliable, -vhicli is nol tho cíi=o wlth the pilla found in the drug store?, pnt v.p in cheap wéod or pftMo-boapd boxea Recollect tl;;it for all dlBeapea whera :i Lasatiroy Altcrs tivo or PiirRfflíivo Ís iadicated, theee 1 ittlo Pelleta will givo themost perfect, catisfaction to all Avho ase them. Thoy Aro voWl fty nïl rTiíorprisí.n Drugglstfl :ií ü 5 cents n boUIc. Do not. fllla'.v any drugist to induro ron to take anything elee that Ue may pay la just as good as my Pelleta feecause he malíes a larjícr Sroíit en that vlmh ho recommends Tf your rugpist cannot Bnpply them, eudoEO L3 cents and receive thom by retnrn mail froui - E. V. Pl'JulZCH M. I , Prop'r- BUFFALÜ, N. V. VincRar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Diink, mftde ('f Voor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refnse Liquora, tfoctprecl, spiceíl, ancl sweetenetl ío please the taste, cnlled ''Toiilc:.," ' Appctizers,'" ' Restorersr &c.,,that lencl the tippjéron to (hunkenncss and n;inr but nre a true Medicine, made from the native roots and horbsof California, freo íVoni all AJcoholic St minian ts. Tliey are the Grent lílood pLiritier and a Lífe-gjying Principie, a Perfect Rer.ovator and Iiivigorator of the System, caTTying off all poísonous matter and restoring the blood to a liealiltycondition, ennching it, rcfieshing and inviforating botn inind and body. Tliey are easy of adm i nis! rali on, prompt in tlieir act ion, certam in thcir results, safe and íelíable in all forma of cfisease. So Persou ca talce tlii'se I!5i te ra accorcling (rirectic-ns and remain long unweü, provided their bones are not destr&yed by mineral poison orothcr mcan, and the vital organs wasted beyoud tlie point of repair. Dysepsií or Indigestión. Headaclie, Pain Ín the Slioulders, Cotighs, Tightnesa of the Chest, Dizxiness, Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Month, Bilioos Attnclí3, Palpita! ion of the Hcart, Tnfimntnntiotiof the Lungs, Pain in the rep;ions of the Kidncvs, and a hundred other painfu! symptoms, are the offsprings of Dysiicpsia, In these complaicts. it haa no equal, and one bottle vvill prove a betrer guaran tf e of its raerita than a lenthy advertisement. Kor Fcinnlc Comilaiia,(s in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Ktters display so decided nuinfluencc that a maiked iinproveniciH is soon perceptible For Inilnnimfttory nnd Cltronic ïliicnmnl isïï and fiont, Dyspepsía or Indigestión, líilious, Remiitent and Inlermiltent Fcver., leseases of the Hiood, Liver, Ividnnys and lilarldcr, tliese Bitters have heen nio-u pucccsfiil. Sncli Diseases are eanse-d by Vitialt-d Illtmd, wiicft is generally produced by dcrangenient of the Digestive Organs. Tïiey ure a GcuUc I'nrjCraíivc nt wcll na a ToiticT posKssing altw the peculiar merit of acting as a power ful agent in relie vine Congestión or Inflammation of the Líver and Visceral Organs, and in BUioiM Di?eases. For Skin DIscnsefl, Eruptlons, Tetter, SaltRhetim, Blotches, Spot?, Pimples, Postules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kin-worms, Scald-IIcad, Sore Eyes, EryBÍpalas. Itch, Scurfí, Dñcolorations of ilie Skin, Hu mors and DiMases of llie Skin, of whatever name or nature, are litcrally dui 11 p and carried out of the system in a short time bv the use of these Bitters. One bottle Ín such cases will couviuce the most incredulous oí iheir curative effecis, Clvausc lino VlMrtíoíl I2!nort whenever yon find iis impuvilios feflratïng kRréiigh rfie skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cíennse it wuen yon find it obstructed and shtggísli 'm the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; yonr Ceel ing will lell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the lieallh of the system wUl foJklWi (jiraicfiïl ïïiOTiwniul t proclaim Viniïgar Bitters the motw.'ndciHil Iiiviguraut lli.U ever suslained the amking system. , Pin, Tape, aud oílier AVornss líirkíng in tbc system of so many tliQUtands, aio effect-nally destroyett and letnoved. Snys a distingtiished physiologist: There isfcarceiy an individual npon the face of the earth whosebody isexempt froiu the presenceof worms, It is not npou tiie healthy clcmcnts of the body that worms exist, I'-it apon the diseased humors and slimy cieposits thnt breeel these living monsters of disease. No system of HJedicine, no vermifuges, no antlielminitics, will free the system from worms like tliL5e Bitters. Mcclionlcal Il9cnscs. Persons engaged ín P.iints and MinertrlSj such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-l)eater?, and ine3, as tlicy advance Hl Wfe, will be subject to parftlyata of tlie lïowels. To guard against this take a dose of Walkek's Yinegak Bittbbs once or twice a week. ññ a Preventive. liilioiiM. Ittiníí J e ut, miei Intermití ent Fcvei'!)) wliic!) are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers thiouphout tho United States, especially of the Miewssippr, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cuinlierland, Avkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pc;n)t Alabama, Mohile, Savannali, Roanoke, Jame& and many others, with their vast tributa' ríes, througfiout our entire country duftng the Summer and Antinnn and remaikably so ditfing seasons of unusual heat and drynes, are invnnably acenmpanied by extensive dërangements of ihe stomach and liver, and - other a!)dotninal viseen, Thcre are ahvayr, inore orless obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the ■tonmeh, Wni great torpor of tlie bowels, being closged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treatment, a nirgative, sxening a npwerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is do catliarlic for t!ie purpostt eqml lo Dr. J. Walkek's Vinbgak Bitters, as tliey will specdily remove the dark-colored viseïd matter wilh which the bowels ara loaded, at the same time stimulating the secre tions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functiona of the digestive orgatïs. Srrafula, or ICiji;'n Evfl, White Swehings, ifflcers, Erysrpctns, Swdicd Ncck, Gaiur, Serofoltma intlaiiHiiation, Indolent InflammaliotiK, Mercurial Affeqfions, Old Sores, Eruptions öf the Skin, Sore Eye3, etc, etc. In these, as in alt other constitutional Disease1', Wai.KRR's Vinegar BiTTnns have showu tlieir great curativo powers in iha most obstinate and intractable caseSi Dr. Wnlïter'a California Vliiegnr Bitters act on all these cases in a similar matine r. Bypurifying tle lï!od tliey remove the canse, and by resolving away tlie effsets of tlie nilammation (the tubercular deposits) the afïccted parta receive health, and a permanent euro is effected. TJc proprrilcs of Dr, Walker1 Vinegar BiTTBtts are Aperient, Diaplioretic and Carminativa, Nutritious, Laxative, Diurctic, Sedattve, Counter-IrrU tant, Sudoritïc, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxativo properties of Dn. Walkek's Vihegar Bittícrs are the best saferaard in all cases of eruptions and inalignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect tlie humors of the fauces. Tlieir Sedative properties B,1lny pajn ín the nexvoui system, stomach, and bowels either from inflammation wind, col ie, cramps, etc. Tlujir Counter-Irritant influenco extends tliroughqut tlio syslem. Tb.eir Diurelic properties act on the Kidncys, correcting and röjculating ilie flow of urine. Their Anti-BiKoua propertiesstnnuiate thüver, in the secretion of büe, and i;s discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the CUTO oí Bilious F ever, Kever and Ague, etc. Foriify the boiiy nnlnst clísense bypurifying all its fluidfl wijll ViNEGAR BlTTERS. No epidemie eau take hold of a system thus forcarmed. The liver, the stomnclt, the bowelfl, the kidneyr., and the nerves are rendered diseasc-proof by this great invigr 01a n t, ptreotioiM- Take of the Bitters 011 going to bed tnightfrom a half to ono and one-half wine-glaaaruIL Eat 'g(;od nouiisliing food, such as beef steak, matton chop, venison, roast bc;:f, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. Tliey are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. J. WALKER, Prop'r. II. H. McpONAÏ.D& CO. L)ruggista and Ga Agts., San Fruicisco, Cal., and cor. of Washington and Ghajdton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS AND DEALERS. Tl UUODÏRAR FARM nENP.T G00DYEAB, of Pharon, having asniffno-l all hispx'operty to us lor the bcnotit of hÍ8 0reditor& nu olïi r tho property lor salo in pareéis to vni piiraha es. The lanaa are flrst olasB- -none bet tor ih tho Stát#. Ovw' one tboueand aerea oí' impiovöd laii l in a body. Sersext6 bayfaig can aásuxae moxtgages toe a ]iart of i}i puixhaso ïuoney. All having cl.-um. tfheaaia 9o#4yCöT wro retiucsted to present lii.'in to Ihe issip-nces. Uated, September 26th, 1872. R. S. PMÏTIÏ. ■V. n. CALKIN": 13&3 JOÖ. McKAHON. ryilE FIBST NEW OSOSS IST ZYL-A-IiKlCX', A 'f FlñSLEY LEWIS3 THE Finest, iJargest and Most Completo Stock of Fine (Joods for Liulïcs, Misses and Cliildrai, at FINLEY and LEWIS' Bnrt's Fine Calf Boots at Finley & Lew is, and at NO OTHEE Flaco iu Town. The Bost Kip mul Stoga Boots in Towit at FINLEY & LEWIS'. The Ilest Boys' Boots. atFOLEY & LEWÍS'. The Stock wliicli Is onphtfor CASH cn Ie solcl at botter prices tbau thosc bought ON ïlME. Finley & Lewis BUY FOR OA8H I nnd can seil Midlr goddb ut FAIIII'KICFS. J8S8tt. g B. GIDLEY, Eoccessor to COLGHOVE SOS. il? I ÖRLGGIST AND OIIST IN COOK'S NEW IIOTEL, No. 12 E. HÏÏR0R STEEET, DEALER IM DKlilS, MEDICINES, Sl'RGKAL nSTBüaEXTS, PIRE VIÍSS IX Í.KjrGRS, CFOR MEDICAL rüEPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Gooils, Perluinery, PAINTS, OSI.S, VAKfVÍSIIES, GL.ASS AMf FUTTY, PDYSICIASS' PBESCBIPTÍOSS CnrefaKj compouocled at cJ1 hoiir.i. I PB0P0?E KOT TO BE ITKEEESOID EY ANY FIEM IN THE CITY WïIOFURNISH AS GCOD AN AKTICLE. E. B. GÏIÏ.KV. lgflTtf IS NOW BEADY F08 TI1E FALL TRADE Having ReceiToda Lnrge Stock of GOODS, 1NCLUDIK6 OLOTES, CA.SS1MERE8, VEsriNGS, &e, of the BEST STYLES and ÖUALITIIS, WHICH HE W1LL mikm V T ACTUBE on terms to suit; Also a.full line of READY-MADE GLOTHING È.X9 Gents' FURNISHING Goods. ALSO LADIES1 AND GKNTS' MOEOCCO SATCHELS No.21 Sonth Main Street,- EastSldes CALL AND SEE THEM. WTtlLsAM WJICKIII, Ann rbo-, Oc'.abcr-iat, iSTr.MOTHERSÏ MOTHEESÜ MOTHSES ! ! i Dont fail to procuro MUS. VÏNSJUOWS SOOÏIIINO SYKIP TOK DHILBliK XEI3ÏHINB. Tliia vainille pneparatSoa has been ued with NBVEK-FAILINS STOekSa VU XHOU=ANffi ït not "iil'y relieves thíchilil from pnin. l':t, inviror-itos the stomaeh and bowel, correcta .iculty, aio gives tono andenergyto the wliolc systein. Itwu also instantly reiiovo Oripingin tlic Uowels and Wind t'olic. We'believs it the BEST and SUREST REWBD' IN TUE WOliLI), in uil cases of DYSBSTBRf VNI) WARRHtBA IN CUILUKKN, wlictlur srliu" from teethtog ut anv othor case. Depend upou itiuollicrs, it will give rest toyont selves, aud Kelicf and Health to Your Inrants. Be snro and cali for " Krs. Wiuslow's Soothing SyrHp." Havloa the facsimile of "CURTÍS & PFRKI.s-í' on the outHide wrapper. yold by Druggists throiiLliont tho worW. ly -[ST O T I C E ! Thoflubscrihcrs hnqe at their coramnnd, as a general thlng, from fly fiandred to flve tlioiiüand dollar to toan on fint una fn-st clnss mortgage tltaate in the County of Wnshtciiaw - time from tliree to flvsveara. ivrms liberal Otlice oppopito ttiePost Oftlca. anti at 0. Á. T.eitcr & Co. '8 !rug Store, lio. 1 Qrest ry lïlock. Our Abbtract Booksufe poated up to da"e. AnnArbor. Ma)S0, 1S72. j iiaovw.boot, ROOT & LEITEK. ms.A.tmra. laTOtl 1


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