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WISHARÏ'S ■PINE THEE NATUEE'S GREÁT REMEBY FOR THE THKOAT AND LUJ3ÍGS. It ia grntijTlng io rs to Inijtm the pnbllc that Br. Q. c. 'Wishnrfs Tine Tiec Tar Corfiidl, for Throat nnd Lnng Diseascs. has irained an ci.vmblb reputaíion from tho Atlantic to tïie Paciile eoast, and from thence to somc olthetirst families of Europj, not (hvousli ihoprefs alone. Int by pererms throiifrhHit the States actual Ty bencflted and cured at hts 'íirr. White lic jiibü 'ics ]css, so pftx onr reporhi", ha te aatteft eaCplj tke dcHiaud. It g.iiuï aurl hoMe fts reputnios- lirst. Not by ftopp'.r conpti, btit By fooscnírjL an .-ipsíéÜu nstnrc to throw off the unhcaUhy matter ccHccted aboit the thronl and bronchlal uibcs xvhich causes irrita i Seconií. It remóos tho oirtsc; of (wiiicft. i i co-rjhj o( tho oracoua membrane ap.ü bronohTai'inbefl, assista bhfl tuifa to act and threwoff the mihc-Jüií' sccreffons; a n rl purifles the b:ood. Third. Itisfreo fnin squlllf, lobelia, ipccic and c;úiTn, oí whirli most íhroAt ;nul lung remedien aro eomposed, whídi allay íeo:ilv' ( i i . Iv , r.iu! V.j r the etomach. It lias a soothfng effect on tho Btomach, acts on the Hvrraiid kidneys, and lym patliic and nervoas regions, thus rtaching to every part oTthe systcm, and in U Invigorating and purIfying (iftcclsit bar-, friiiucd arepntation which it most Ualdabove all athtfn ín the market. NOTICE. THE fINS TREE TAR CÖRDIAlj GitEATAMSaïCAfï DlSPSllA PÍLLS. AND WOBM SÜGAS BEOPS l"ïe:nLi nndor my ïmntedïnirtc fürccthn, tlicy sïiall r.otloopo their curative qualitits by the nse of chcap and impure aititUa, ÏÏETEY E. WISHART, PRÜHRIEÏOR Du. L. Q. C. V"ÏHh:rt's OiHfo Parlors are open on Moixliiys, Tuosdnys and WcdDosdays from 9 A. M to 5 P, M., for connltation by Dr. Wm.T. Masee. With liim a'C .is-ociatc(l two conuliii]r physlci&OS of" aclicowledgetl abililj. This oii)ortniity ia not oiToiïü by any otbcr mfctiuition ta ihe city. All letters niust l)c adilrcsscd ta L. % WÍSÍÍAJIT, M. V., Si o. 2,32 SS. SeeoiMl St., PHILADELPHIA. UÜStuS TEN REASQftSS WHY No Family sliculj fie iviixout a bot le of WlIlTTLliSHY in tie house. fSti - Ttwill rclic%'c tho worst cf B M i OU1Ï CílOíic or C h oio m MorbUS in 15 minute 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case J Dyspopsia and tnUlgo&tion ia a fe Weeks. 3 d ■ - It ís the best remcly in the world fcï 8Iclt Heaclaclie, aartiiousands can tcsiify, taken when the fir.-,t symptoms appear. ' 4th.-It is üic best Uiuretic ever put bcforf thn pTRITc; Buring those atstressing complaints, DI abe te 3 and G ra vol and ether Ur inary d iffïcultlos. 5th.- It is a most excellent FmmonnEOguo, nnd to the Yourra; Clrls. middlc aged Women, nnd at the Turn Of Life, thïs remedy is of incalculable valué. 6th. - It will remover wind from the bowcls, nnd henee a few drops in some sweetened watei' riven to a babc is better than a dozen cordials td Relieve and mako it Sleep. Contamina no atiodync. _7th. - It is a eure relief for adulta niid childrcn etfectcd with Worm a and Pin Worm 3. Xt will brínr; au-ay the worms. 8th.- Itwill cure Üie Pll&Sand Hemorr'iocilaS dimcultics. Oth- It will cure Constlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ofSummer Co mplalntand Dysentery lOth. - It will cure Sour Stomach, fit tn u I ato tho Llver to healthy oction. Relieve Henrt-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. When taken dihite the dose with fïugar and Water to a Wfne-Classfull and you. have a pleasant t p n i c ■ Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottlc. 1 Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per botlle. , Whittlesey Cough Granules aje. per bottlc. ISold by all druggists and warrnntod. w WMttlosey Prop. 2Zod. to., Tolcao, 0.. T!:c Cheapest and Bost Fire Department in tlio ViOrhl. Over One Thousand Actual Fircs Put Out "TITIt IT, ASD MOEE: T1IA2P s, 000,000.00 fl'orth of PropertT Saved Fiom the Finmes. THE A B w O C [,;■; è i f g ? L l vH 11 Es s 1 1 r, 1 1 1 I EXTINGÜISH Towns that have bonght them ssy twelTe Extinguishers make a ilre aepnnmert ns tilideKt uud mure uvailaLle than a ttcam engiiie. AT.O, Tiie Balicock Seíf-Acting Fire Engine, FOE CITY, TOWN and VILLA GE USE It is moro effcctlve tlian tbc Slcr.m Ptre Eaglh becauao It is instantanconelv readj and throws powcrful8treaTnof carbonlc acid gas and water ft :iii) lensth ol time It is tiie bo-t and dieapest Fira Engine inth world.aiid cuinos witliin the SnancialabihtiesofCT errpl.Ke. It does not requlra ,111 exponsivo system of water Work, and ia uever oiit of repair. Scud lor tlieir record. B ry town !n tho State Bhoalrt hare tfirm befiirc the dry weather sets iü, and prevent conflagratlona, E. ï. BAKNUItl, ici. Agent, lis Woudward Ave., Detroit. Waiirffaetíirpr of Iron, Bra?s nnd Copper Wive, Cfoih, Wiw i;:,iliu and Fencing, Copper Weather Vanes, and Wiie 7orkeueially. 18 :; lyr BAS EECEIVED HIS FAll & WINTER STOCK Hats and Caps, IK LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FUR8, CESTS' FlaX2SHISG COODS, ETC, wnicn nv. FROPosEs to setj, at' psices WHCQ tEFY COIiirETITlON. 7 South Main St..Ann Arboi Comiflissioners' Ntttice. STATE OV MTCniGAN, Couniy of Waeiitaaaw, ss, The undereignecl, haviny boen isjwanted by tht Probate Ccrar( ■■ ' to rec i e. (Vviimino aiid iidjiist nll claiirra rfncl demanda oi all persone apiinsttlie eetnte of Williara ECoward, late of Siiicl couniy d. 'ised, -hereüj' jrivu notice tliat is raonths from dato uro all -u I by order of said Probate GourU fbr ereditors to presenl taeir claims the estkte of said deceased, and that they will I tÜ&atoreof Lulic ( 'oylo. in lije city of Aim Albor, in sni;l rnuuiv, nu Raturday, tko iit'leenth day of February, and Wöïneeday, tJ6 foartewtb day of May, next, at ten o'clock a. m. of e a eb of said days, lo reoeive, examine, and adjubt said claims. Diited, Uccember Hth, A. D. 1872. JOHN RYAX, LIKi: COYLE, 1105 l 'umiuissioneis. Ecal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waalitenw,8S. . lo tb.6 matter of thp estáte of l'liilip Eidiudeeeased. Notioe is hen by ffiven, that in pur8uan e of an order granted to tbs aatlersigned, Admiu! of the estaie of Baid tattHoa. Jttdge oj Probate ior the Couxity ol Wflshtenav, . d;t y oí Jauuury, A. ]. 1873, thcre will be sold at publiu vendue, to t highest bidder, ut the sou tb door of the Court House, in Aun Arbor, In tho County o ■ :.;iv, in said Sta ie. on Wednesday. the twntyiy of Fclira;ry, A. l. 187a, at. t?n o'elock in tbe í o ru uooii of that day fsubjeot te üi enoumbruncea liv caortg ï"r or ol berm ise exietixig at the lim of th death of sttid decensed), the following describcd reaj . to wit: Lot two, block Jour, range one cast in ', iliiam B?, layiuiv.L'a iidijHiun to tiiu cií.y vi A nu Axbör, m said Cèanty. Dated, January 2, A. D. 1S72. JOÏÏN KECK, HOa Adininisiratür. Shoriff's Sale QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coustt of Wi&m Ö 88. - By virtae of a writ of exeouttas isaned ottt oi' and undor tiio seal of the Circuit Courtforthe County of Wushtcn:iw,aiul to me directed and delive] ed against the gooda, cbattles, laude and tenementa of CTT. Fream, and foi the want of eooda and ohatt Lea to Batisfy the ssitue, I did, on tlie 1-th day of November, A. D. 1874, seize and lwy upon all the rigbt, title and interest tl 3 Georg-e "W. Fream haa in and to the follón Ing desoí ibed property, lo wit', Tho BOütheast quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the sou □ uarteT of section nuniber twenty in tho township of Lodi, Otñmty and State aforesaid, atoo all theright, title and interest the i id Gtoorgfl W. FvMZihas n and to the wheat now (ypowing trpon the above deBoribed l:nids, all of which above desoribed propeity or so midi of it aa will sntisfy tba above meationra writ of execution, I sliall espose for -salo at public anciion to the highoat bidder, at tha south door of the Court House, in the Üty of Ann Arbor, on ilio twenty flrat day of .l.umnry, A. ], 1873, at twelve o'clock M. Düiod, this 13th day of December, A. P. 172. 1404 3ÍYH0N WEÖJJ, Sheriff.


Old News
Michigan Argus