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The Local Paper

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Til the TTnited Statos the march of civflization is no moro fully illustrated by nnytliing is by the mstitution of tho local paper. A few hamlots have scarcoly been callected together before some cnterprising and venturosomo young jnan establishes a paper. Very of ten this is done when at tho best bho newspapcr ■rill receive but a bare sustenanoe,. while t-he cases aro not rare in which the projector must depend for a livelihood on Boinethiufi besides the patronage he reoeives. But the viilage grows, and so does the papar, and the latter is 110 more indebteü' to the fonner for the increased it reecives than tha viilage to the paper ibr its own incrsaf(el growth. The papeï ík a rjineei- pionoer fully as deserving of encouragement and support as is tho pioneer who, with lus axiwt enters tho dewse wood, and oleara a home for himself aml Hts posttrity.. It is the local paper whioh brmg-s to the eyo f those who are desirons of trying theu lortunes ia a new aud unoccu]iied ity the aivantiigea of tho pitioular one in ivli.c i it lus boeu estublished. Itdoes ihi-i thivn it uould b done in my otli r v.-ay. And o; on y tilia, but it turouicle the ovcnts of iutjrest whioh ovcor u the noighborhood, uid Jues its i. ir, toward keeping its readers infonned eoneeming tho progresa of the outside world. As the villugo increaaea in sizo Um eplicre enlurges, bul it nevor neglects its i u) portan t work of duiug all it can for thainteresta of the people in its looality. ü Ju tiiis re.iiioct it oucupiea ;i position whicli oau "be filled by, no othar joutïisl. Nu ouisiile joumal knowa us well .is it tho wuuts ftiul neoessitíes of its commuty ; laono s.ivo it, were thcy ever so well coguiaut of tUoni, have tho space to devote to tbeir oonsideration. No paper outside of Michigan oither will or oan pay thu eamo attentiou to Miehigaa aft'airs us the leading journals in Dutroit ; neither can a paper outsido of i conir.y in tho State clo for tho poople of thtit oounty what the local paper eau. M&ny incidente are of constant oocurrence in a couuty whioh havo no particular interest exoept to, the peojjle of that coiinty, and thu looal paper is the only medium by whieu tbey can be brttis;ht to the notico of the peoplo iuterested. The local papers all through Michigan are doing a good work for tho poople. Their etïorts are deserving of appreciation and encouvagement, and they should be well sustaiued. Tlie poople ara indebted i to thom for much; surely it is not too mach for thom to ask that tho peoplo sustain thom. Indeed, they should not bo couipelled to ask this. Their support is a duty whioh should not bo ueglected, 'or every dollar which is expended in any way in their behalf will be returned tenold. One of the flrst duties of tho people is


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Michigan Argus